Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 899: Maternal bleeding?

Kim Nam Hyuk’s indifferent attitude made Kim Aimi’s heart more and more unbalanced, but she did not dare to be so exposed. After all, there is a sharp contrast between Ruan Su. If she is really driven out of the Jin family, then she will Nothing.

She can't leave.

Thinking of this, she patiently played the role of a well-behaved and filial daughter.

"Daddy, do you want to drink water? May I pour a glass of water for you?"

"No, Aimi, come here." Kim Nam Hyuk waved to Kim Aimi, "Sit here."

Wouldn't you want to talk to me about the things that made me go? Jin Aimi started to feel anxious, "Daddy, what's the matter?"

Kim Nam Hyuk looked at her weakly, and after a long silence, the man slowly said, "I have something to say to you. Cough—cough—"

He started to cough violently, and Jin Aimi quickly patted his back to comfort him, "Daddy, don't speak slowly."

"" Kim Nam Hyuk just said, at this moment, two figures rushed in like a whirlwind, "Mr. Kim, how are you? I heard that you are very sick."

"Mr. King, are you feeling better now?"

Jin Aimi suddenly stared at the two sisters of Ouyang's family who suddenly broke into the ward.

For the first time, she felt that these two women appeared in time.

Sure enough, as she expected, Kim Nam Hyuk was suddenly interrupted and was very unhappy, even though she was weak, but her eyes still fell sharply on the two sisters, Ouyang Mei and Ouyang Wushuang who rushed in.

There was a hint of majestic oppression in the voice, "Who asked you to come?"

Ouyang Mei Xuanran looked at him weepingly, "Sir, although we say we are staying at Jin's house, we are still related to each other. You are sick with such a big incident, it has long been heard from home, especially The butler also asked the servant to make soup..."

As she said, she opened the lunch box in her hand, and the aroma of millet porridge suddenly floated out, "You can drink it while it is hot."

In fact, when the butler was about to come to deliver the porridge, the sisters Ouyang just returned to Jin's home from get off work and went to meet each other.

As soon as Ouyang Mei inquired, she immediately intercepted the butler's lunch box and came to deliver the meal in person, wanting to take the opportunity to refresh her sense of existence.

"There are also some light side dishes here, which I usually like to eat." Ouyang Wushuang also opened the lunch box containing the side dishes that he was holding in his hand, and took out a little warm layer cake.

But seeing those two sisters' heavily make-up faces, Kim Nam Hyuk really didn't have any appetite.

"Thank you, there is nothing wrong with me, you should go back first."

"Sir, why not let our sisters stay and take care of you? Let Ms. Jin and Mr. Chi Hyuk go back first. Everyone takes turns to take care of you so that you won’t be too tired." Ouyang Mei stared straight at her charming eyes. Kim Nam-hyuk said, "Especially Mr. Chi-hyuk is a big man, how can we women be careful!"

Ouyang Wushuang also echoed, "Ms. Jin is usually pampered and will not take care of others at all."

"Our sisters have lived a life under the fence since they were children. Taking care of others is naturally a matter of course. It can be said that they are very good at it." Ouyang Mei said that she brought a bowl of millet porridge and brought it to Jin Nanhe's bed. Ouyang Wushuang said Very eye-catching, he helped Kim Nam-hyuk sit up, and used a pillow to cushion his back.

Ouyang Mei carefully blew the millet porridge, and then said, "Sir, can you tell if it is hot or not."

Kim Nam Hyuk was a little disgusted, but also a little headache.

He reached out to take the bowl and took a sip, "It's okay."

Jin Aimi looked at the two sisters in a shocked look, it was almost...brightly applying eye drops to her in front of daddy. She was so angry that she could not take care of others!

It's too cheeky.

She was a little unconvinced, "You are still outsiders. It is always not good for outsiders to take care of my daddy. You come to our house as a guest, otherwise...then it will be too embarrassing to say that we have not taken good care of the guests. ."

This Chi Guoguo showed that he is the sovereignty of the mistress of the family.

After seeing the embarrassing expressions of the sisters Ouyang, Jin Aimi immediately felt much better.

All the humiliation she had in Ruan Su's place was transferred to the sisters Ouyang, which gave her an inexplicable pleasure.

Kim Nam-hyuk glanced at Kim Aimi approvingly, and then he spoke to the sisters, "Aimi said well, you are guests. There is no reason for the guests to take care of the patients. You should go back quickly."

The words have been said for this kind of sake, and if you forcefully create an opportunity to stay, you will be too ignorant to praise, and may even annoy the two men of the Jin family.

Ouyang Mei did not act very unhappy, but smiled charmingly, and looked at Kim Nam Hyuk with a charming smile, "Thank you, Mr., for taking care of us, then we will go back first."

"Then... Daddy, I'll go back first." Jin Aimi said immediately after hearing the words, "I will visit you again tomorrow."

With that, she grabbed the bag and left the ward with the two sisters of Ouyang's family.

After coming out, she quietly let out a long sigh, and couldn't give Daddy a chance to let him say something to drive herself away.

I really walked witty.

Seeing her hurriedly leaving from the back, Kim Nam Hyuk sighed heavily, and he didn't have any appetite to eat.

Finally, I barely drank a little millet porridge to warm my stomach.

"Brother, what do you want to do about Kim Aimi?" Jin Chi Hyuk now hates Kim Aimi in his heart, especially in the comparison of Ruan Su's peers, Kim Aimi is so hard to describe.

It's a pity... Ruan Su doesn't touch anyone in the Jin family.

Otherwise, you have to recognize what you say...being a goddaughter or something.

"Forget it, this child may have been stimulated recently. It is probably because of emotional trauma. After all, Bo Xingzhi does not accept her. She has a wife!" Kim Nam Hyuk felt a little bit distressed when she mentioned this incident. "If she had Ruan Half of Su is excellent, and half of it saves me worry."

"Brother...Xiaosu is my apprentice. I know her character very well. How recognize a goddaughter?" The more Jin Chi-hyuk thinks about it, the more he thinks this idea is feasible.

Let Jin Aimi also have a long memory and a long heart. Don't always do things that stupid X can do.

Let her have a sense of crisis, which may also help her growth.

There is room for improvement only when there is comparison.

"Xiaosu is very good, but she recognizes a goddaughter, will she feel uncomfortable in her heart?" After all, she is her adopted daughter who has been raised for so many years. Although she is not her own, she has disappointed him recently. , But... after all, there are still some feelings.

Kim Nam Hyuk hesitated.

"You think about my suggestion. Anyway, I like Xiaosu very much." Jin Chi-hyuk smiled, "It's just that she never puts me in her eyes. Am I still very young? I'm very personable, thinking There are too many women who want to marry me. Otherwise, I will recognize her. But we are now mentors and apprentices... She is definitely not willing to be my daughter."

"Hey!" Kim Nam Hyuk sighed again. Recently, he was in a bad mood and health. I always feel that everything is not pleasing to the eye, "If this is the case, I will think about it. I am afraid that Xiao Su will not want to recognize me! After all, her grandma and uncle treat her very well."

"One more level of relationship, one more backing. Although Xiaosu is wise, I am not sure if she will agree." Jin Chi Hyuk also thought of Ruan Su's stubborn and cold face. This girl... really makes people like it. Tight.

At this time, the heroine Ruan Suze in question has already left the hospital, and she is rushing to Ye's house.

Ye Mingzhao's wife didn't know why she was going to give birth. It was said that she was pregnant with Liujia. If she was born, she would have almost one month before her due date. Is this a premature birth?

When she arrived at Ye's house, the obstetrics and gynecology doctor at the hospital near Ye's house was ready to help Ye Mingzhao's wife deliver the baby.

"Ah! It hurts!"

"It hurts!"

The screams of Xu Xiangxiang's heart-piercing screams kept coming out of the delivery room.

The mother and son Ye Mingzhao were standing outside the delivery room in a hurry. When the old lady Ye came in, they saw the sweat on Ye Mingzhao's fat face because of tension.

"How could it be premature?" As soon as she walked in, she looked at the mother and son in confusion, "Didn't you say that the due date is only next month?"

"Today she had a quarrel with my mother and walked too hastily, and she slipped and fell..." Ye Mingzhao didn't dare to conceal the ins and outs of the matter.

"A pregnant woman, why is she so angry every day?" Old lady Ye sighed helplessly, "Wait and see when it will be born."

After she said that, she felt a little unsafe, "You are true, how did you call the doctor home? The ambulance should be taken directly to the hospital! It was originally a premature birth. What if there is a three-year long and two short-term? We can afford it. This responsibility?"

I always feel that the mother and son always lack consideration in doing things.

I was so worried.

"She bleeds a lot at the time, and I didn't let me touch her. I can only call the doctor over." Ye Mingzhao said depressedly, "It's also my first time to be a father. I don't know so many things."

"He doesn't know, and you don't know?" Old lady Ye glanced at Ye Mingzhao's mother again, "Really!"

While talking, Ruan Su had already returned, and with her were Ye Lingzhi and Ye Xinyun three sisters.

Several other relatives of the Ye family also rushed over.

After all, premature delivery is not a trivial matter.

If there is something good or bad, it is a matter of two lives.

"How is the situation now?" Ruan Su asked as soon as he went in and grabbed a young nurse who ran out of the delivery room. The young nurse was sweating profusely, "No, the pregnant woman is bleeding... I'm going to call now. The hospital told them to send an ambulance quickly."

"Heavy bleeding?" Ruan Su was stunned when she heard the words, she quickly took off her coat and put on the sterile surgical gown prepared by Mrs. Ye and rushed in.

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