Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 900: How come reporters come in here?

At this time, the delivery room was in chaos. The obstetrician and gynecologist who came to deliver the baby was from a nearby hospital, not a doctor from a very well-known hospital.

I have seen heavy bleeding, but it is really difficult to deal with such heavy bleeding in a place where the facilities are not in the hospital and the simple facilities.

She is also getting older, in her forties, and she doesn't want to be insecure at the end of the festival.

So she urged the little nurse, "Is the ambulance called? Stop the bleeding, and quickly find a way to stop her bleeding."

The little nurse was about to cry anxiously, "You can't think of a way, how can I think of a way?"

At this moment, a young woman rushed in from the outside. The young woman was wearing a sterile surgical gown and sterile gloves on her hands. She seemed to have been disinfected, and was walking towards them quickly.

The doctor looked at Ruan Su who was wearing a blue medical mask in shock, with dissatisfaction in his tone, "Who are you? This is the delivery room, why are you coming in?"

"I am a doctor in the Department of Hematology, a general doctor, and my surname is Ruan." Ruan Su simply replied, and then began to check Xu Xiangxiang's condition, "She is bleeding heavily, and it is very likely that both the adult and the child will not be able to keep it, and the situation is very critical. The pregnant woman can’t use her strength now, so we will take out the baby directly by the operation.”

"But... how do you operate in the case of heavy bleeding?" The obstetrics and gynecology doctors were even more shocked, closing their mouths from ear to ear, "You are in the haematology department, it doesn't mean that you can do it in the obstetrics and gynecology department! This Doctor Ruan, you Don't act rashly, this is human life!"

The little nurse is even more anxious. She has just finished her internship for half a year, and she has just been working in the workplace for a short time.

This time, the other senior nurses in the visiting department didn't want to come, so they pushed it to her.

She had never experienced such a big battle, her eyes were red like blood, and tears flowed out, "If something happens, am I a murderer? Will my career be accounted for? Here it is."

"Shut up! Don't make a noise!" Ruan Su heard them crooked and didn't play here, their ears hurt, "Now listen to my instructions."

For some reason, the two subconsciously closed their mouths and began to obey Ruan Su's instructions.

At this time, the ambulance was roaring from a distance.

About ten minutes later, with a sound of "Wow!", a loud baby's cry came from the delivery room.

The people who had been guarding outside couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Ye said excitedly, "Thank God, thank God, it was finally born."

Ye Mingzhao stared at the door of the room nervously, "I don't know how Xiang Xiang is going..."

While they were discussing, the door of the delivery room was opened, and the little nurse walked out holding a little baby wrapped in a blanket, “It’s a daughter. I’ll take her to take a bath. where?"

"Please come with me, here." The housekeeper hurried over and took the little nurse to wash the baby.

Hearing that she was indeed a daughter, Ye Mingzhao's mother's face suddenly became a little ugly, "I'm losing money, what's the use of coming?"

"Mom, anyway, she is also my daughter. Can you not say such nasty things in front of me. Xiang Xiang is still in doubt about his life or death, but you care about the gender of the child, aren't you also a female? "Ye Mingzhao yelled at his mother irritably.

Ye Mingzhao's mother Liu Ying pouted and said nothing.

She was originally a patriarch, and she liked boys. Before Ye Mingzhao was pregnant, two girls were aborted and Ye Mingzhao was born in the third child.

The little nurse returned quickly with the cleaned baby and handed the baby to Ye Mingzhao.

Mrs. Ye also came to see the child, "This child has beautiful features, and his eyes are still double eyelids. He will definitely be beautiful in the future."

"Which one of our Ye family children is ugly?" Song Jiayan also teased the children, "They look really nice."

Ye Mingzhao felt very emotional in his heart, with mixed flavors for a time.

The feeling of being upgraded to a father is unspeakable.

Except for Liu Ying, without looking at the child, she asked the nurse slowly, "How is my daughter-in-law?"

"It's being rescued! I fainted." The little nurse walked toward the delivery room again after speaking.

As soon as she entered, several big men rushed into this small courtyard and went into the living room aggressively.

"Ye Mingzhao! Come out for me!"

The leading man looked like a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, with a stick in his hand, and he hit Ye Mingzhao with a stick.

Ye Ming summoned the child in his arms and dodged, but he still ate a few sticks.

The pain made him grin, "Xu Yandan, what are you doing!"

"I hit you, let you bully my elder sister! Where is my elder sister now?" Xu Yandan scolded and beat him several times.

In the end, Ye Yanli couldn't see it and threw the stick that had robbed him on the ground. He twisted his neck and stared at everyone in the Ye family as unconvinced as a screwed cock.

"If you dare to kill my sister, I will kill your whole family! Don't even want to live!"

Old lady Ye looked at Xu Niaodan, Xu Xiangxiang’s younger brother, who was like a rascal, and her face suddenly sank. Is this your cellar?"

She has always been gentle, and at this moment she was really annoyed by Xu Xiangxiang's family of people, "My granddaughter is still rescuing your sister in it, it's okay for you to beat my grandson first. Why did our Ye family treat your Xu family? You guys? Such a rascal!"

Xu Yandan came here prepared today, aiming at the posture of swindling money, thinking in his heart that if something really happened, he would swindle Ye Family a sum of money.

Ye Yanli looked at Ye Yandan coldly, "Mingzhao has nothing to say to your sister, what you want to give, be compliant. It is too much for you to bring so many people here to make trouble."

Ye Yandan smiled wretchedly and disgustingly, "Good to my sister? Then give me the money, give me one million, and I will leave now."

"Ah, my girl!" Suddenly, a cry sounded from the gate of the small courtyard, and then a middle-aged woman ran in wearing a large floral padded jacket, and fell into a seat with her thighs patted as soon as she entered the door. On the ground, crying. "You Ye Family really have no conscience! Now they have harmed my girl!"

"My poor girl! How come she is gone when she is so young!"

"You Ye family killed my girl, I must seek justice for her!"

Mother Xu cried with her nose and tears, as if her daughter was gone now.

The old lady Ye saw this poppi rogue making trouble in the Ye family like this, and she was trembling with anger and her chest hurt.

"I said, Xu Xiangxiang is being rescued, and my granddaughter is saving her! Can you stop making trouble!"

"What is your granddaughter? You said it was rescued? Maybe you are hurting her!" Xu's mother didn't make sense at all, staring at her eyes like bullseye, "I don't care, you will be bullied by the Ye family. People, to bully a pregnant woman, we must give our family an explanation."

"That's right, my mother was right, it can't be over if you don't pay five million." Xu Yandan immediately agreed. As soon as he spoke, the relatives he had brought with him started to swear.

"Why treat our girl like this."

"Do we deserve to be looked down upon by you when we are poor?"

"Losing money."

"Compensate five million!"

"No one can live without money today!"

Ye Mianli had never dealt with such an unreasonable person in her life.

No matter how you explain it or how you say it, they just won't listen.

Must go to the irrational place.

After all, I just want money.

The Ye family is really a cash cow.

Ye Mingzhao hugged the child in his arms, softly coaxing from time to time, and the newly-born baby fell to the ground, crying.

But no one from the Xu family came over to see what the child looked like, whether the child was healthy or not.

Ye Mingzhao only felt sorrow in his heart.

This is Xu Xiangxiang's family, and this is his in-laws.

Why is he so blind and find such a family?

"Housekeeper, blast them out!" Ye Yanli couldn't bear it, and with a headache, he ordered the housekeeper to find a few servants in the house to blast them out.

The housekeeper was also impatient, "Go, go and get out of here quickly. What kind of character do you really think you are? Still running over to the Ye family to make trouble?"

"Do you really think that your daughters have gold rims? Ordinary people who dare to offend the Ye Family? There are a hundred things that the Ye Family wants you to die."

"Ah! Assault! Assault!" Xu Mu directly fell on the ground and kept rolling, rolling around and constantly yelling in her mouth, "Someone has hit someone!"

"Forget about killing me, plan me today, just to accompany my daughter in the underworld!"

Ye Yanli was simply refreshed with three views, he had never seen such a rascal person.

He was dumbfounded.

He looked at Mrs. Ye helplessly, "Mom, what should I do now?"

Mrs. Ye also had a headache, "What else can we do? We can't beat them, let alone Xiang Xiang is still being rescued, looking at Xiang Xiang's face..."

She hadn't finished her words, and there was another sound of jumbled footsteps.

I saw a few reporters carrying long guns and short cannons suddenly rushed into this small courtyard and went straight to the living room.

"Your Ye family has no life? You don't send the mother to the hospital, but you set up a delivery room privately. Regardless of the mother's character, how can your family do such a thing?"

"What do you think? Can you tell us? Is it because this daughter-in-law came from the countryside, so you look down on her life?"

"The Ye family is so rich, but they are not willing to send their mothers to the doctor. It's horrible."

"Is the mother giving birth now? Is it a boy or a girl? What about the mother?"

These reporters asked all the questions in a row, and they directly stunned everyone in the Ye family.

How come reporters come in here?

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