Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 901: Slap your face, turn your head and ask the teacher!

"What about the security guard? Who let you in? This is our Ye family!" Ye Anili shouted angrily, "You people broke in without your master's permission. This is a private house! I can submit it to you. Lawyer's letter!"

A female reporter who was ironing wool rolls said in a weird manner, "Who wouldn't threaten?"

She is Xu Xiangxiang's cousin, and she has always been jealous that Xu Xiangxiang can marry a wealthy family like the Ye family.

It's fine now. Seeing Xu Xiangxiang's life and death, the Xu family ran over to make trouble again.

She just wanted to watch the excitement. After all, the secrets of reporting the rich are usually very popular, and her performance will definitely be recorded.

So she greeted a few colleagues and ran over to do something. When they came in, she called Xu Xiangxiang's cousin, and the security let him go.

"That's right, you Ye family can't take human lives just because they have money!"

"Record it and send it out!"

"Exposure to them!"

"too disgusting!"

"Let all netizens all over the country look at the ugly faces of their giants."

These reporters shot the Ye family with long guns and short cannons. They were crazy like criticizing them.

Ye Yanli was so angry that he couldn't wait to slap all these people out.

After a while, the butler also rushed over with a few security guards, and a group of people suddenly became a mess.

And Xu Xiangxiang's cousin, Wool Roll, had already photographed the scene of Ye Yanli's angrily berating them just now, and immediately sent it out, with a very alarmist copy.

[The young master of the rich Ye family rushes to death, and the sad end of a rural girl who married to the Ye family]

[How did the rural pregnant women be treated to death in Ye's family]

[I want to go to the hospital to give birth in the countryside, but Ye’s family prevents me from giving birth on the spot]

These appalling topics immediately attracted the attention of many netizens.

These idle netizens began to reply in various ways, and the enthusiasm was quickly fired.

The Ye Family also instantly became the cusp of the storm, becoming a target of public criticism.

After all, the general public is still a lot of ordinary people, and the most unseen thing for ordinary people is that their group is harmed.

They have a strong sense of substitution, and many female netizens have substituted themselves into Xu Xiangxiang's body, all kinds of voices for Xu Xiangxiang.

One by one, they turned into righteous men and condemned the Ye Family.

Especially the kind of male keyboard guys, they think it is these rich people who robbed them of their resources, whether it is the marriage market or the job market, it is because these wealthy people have robbed them of everything.

They are desperately taking the rhythm, desperately shouting there.

It was as if Xu Xiangxiang was their second parent who was desperately defended by them.

The Ye family's affairs are directly on the top of the hot search.

This heat can be said to be unprecedented.

Cousin Wool rolls did not expect that the news she made would be so popular, and her social account also swished her fans, and the speed of her fandom was simply overwhelming.

Seeing her colleagues fighting with the security of the Ye family, she quickly took a few more clips and uploaded them to the Internet.

"I'm Xu Xiangxiang's cousin, and I want to speak for her: Let's see, everyone in the Ye family is so rampant and so arrogant."

"My cousin has lived a life that is not as good as a pig and a dog since she married to the Ye family. Now she has given birth but she still can't get good treatment. She can't be sent to the hospital for delivery. Is my cousin unworthy? It’s so painful and sad for me to give birth in this kind of simple delivery room."

"Pray for my cousin in the countryside to get through the difficulties, and hope she can be rescued back."

"The Ye family said on the surface that they did not choose to keep their children, but now the child has been born! The poor child is waiting to be fed, but has lost his mother."

The remarks she made carried a part of the sense of guidance, as if Xu Xiangxiang had no way to save him.

After netizens saw these things she posted, the flames of anger reached its climax.

Many netizens have @ 了 a lot of IDs related to women's protection units, and directly @ 了医院, @了警局.

Among them is a professor-level female doctor in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, whose name is Yan Xi, who will continue to pay attention to the development of this matter in the future.

She was so angry that she directly contacted some people she knew from these units, "We are going to Ye's house now, and we must save this poor rural girl."

"Professor Yan, we all listen to you, this girl is too pitiful. The Ye family is also too much, everyone is equal, why? Is the life of a rural girl not life?"

A women’s club was furious, “We usually protect these girls. We can’t just sit idly by when we encounter this kind of thing. Let’s set off now.”

"Yes, I'll call some friends in the police station again. We are so many and powerful." Yan Xi hung up the phone as he said, and called someone from the police station he knew.

After the fight, she felt that there were not enough people, and she was not strong enough to face the Ye family, so she called and invited all the big colleagues she knew in the medical field.

So this group of people arrived at the agreed place and set off for the Ye family mightily.

But in just over ten minutes, they arrived at the door of Ye Manor.

People from the police station directly took out their certificates, "The police station, please cooperate with our official duties and open the door."

The security had no choice but to open the door to cooperate.

"Please take us to the place where Ms. Xu Xiangxiang is now. We are here to save her." Yan Xi looked coldly at the security guard with a look of contempt. "These behind me are all experts in the medical field. Big boss."

The security guards did not dare to neglect it, especially the police.

So he immediately took Yan Xi and the group toward the courtyard where Ye Mingzhao lived.

The Ye family was in a mess, and from a distance, I heard the noises, screams, and squabbles... endlessly.

Both Song Jiayan and Mrs. Ye were guarded by Ye Yanli, lest they might be injured by these thug-like reporters and the relatives of the Xu family brought by Xu Yidan.

Ye Mingzhao had long been fighting with Xu Niaodan, and the child in his arms was held by Liu Ying.

Accompanied by the crying of the children, and the noise of these people, it is simply unsightly.

When Yan Xi brought this group of people to this courtyard, what he saw was such a shocking picture.

The sense of mission and the savior complex in her was immediately aroused impassioned.

She dashed forward and yelled, "Quiet everyone!"

The people who were fighting suddenly stopped and looked at her with a puzzled look.

Yan Xi straightened her chest and said loudly, "I am one of the most prestigious obstetricians and gynecologists in the country, Ye Yanli, you are too bad, your Ye family treats pregnant women like this. Now I want to go in. Treat the lying-in woman."

The woman from the Women's Association behind her also said, "That is, how can your Ye family be left alone? You have also done things that forced the mother to die. Today we are here to uphold justice for this poor woman. "

Several other doctors echoed, "It is our bounden duty to be doctors to save lives."

"Can't watch the lives of living people being killed by the Ye Family."

Ye Yanli trembled as he looked at these people, "It's not what you think, you have misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? How could the misunderstanding be possible? The facts are in front of you." Yan Xi raised his chin high and said, looking at Xu Wudan who was stuck in front of the delivery room. Xiang Xiang. I am an expert, and I am much better than the doctor inside."

Xu Yandan tilted her mouth and wiped the blood from the corners of her lips. He showed her rascal appearance to the fullest. "You said you are an expert? How old are you?"

Because of Yan Xi's high reputation, almost no one has ever dared to talk to her so vulgarly, and she was choked to speak.

She could only stare at Xu Niaodan angrily, "You, who are you? How can you talk like that?"

Xu Yandan pouted her mouth, like a rotten apricot, "Who do you care about me? I tell you, it is my sister who gave birth to the child. Today, no matter who I come, the Ye family will have to give me five million. ! Otherwise this thing is endless!"

Yan Xi looked at him in shock, "I am the one who wants to save your sister. If I go in one minute late, she might have an accident!"

"Cut! Who believes your nonsense?" Xu Yandan snorted coldly, and sat down on the ground with contempt in his eyes. He looked at a few people in police uniforms, "Oh, the Ye family killed someone, I'm dizzy now. , My whole body hurts everywhere, you guys who are the police have not arrested the Ye family members!"

Not only Yan Xi was shocked, but the police were also shocked.

This is too rascal, right?

I have never seen such a rascal in my life.

Yan Xi had initially dismissed the Ye family, thinking that they were just like what was said on the Internet, they are the rich and the people who care about their lives, and they are trash that treats human lives as paper.

But now...

She wondered if she was blind or her brain was blinded by lard.

She was very ugly and said to the policeman she brought over, "Trouble a few colleagues to drag him away, and he is still playing rogue here. I can't believe that he is the younger brother of a pregnant woman. !"

Ye Yanli said in an angry voice, "There are too many things you can't believe! The Internet is all taken out of context, and all kinds of slanders and slanders against our Ye family! You people even come to ask the teacher!"

What are these experts coming to mess with? Obviously they are some intellectuals who have read books, but they are also blindfolded, which is simply ridiculous.

After being stunned by Ye Yanli for a few words, Yan Xi's face suddenly became a little unsightly.

But she didn't say anything. After Ye Yandan was torn apart by the police, she was about to push the door and enter.

The door of the delivery room was suddenly opened, and a tall and slender figure came out from inside.

The woman's cold eyes glanced at the chaotic scene and spoke slowly.

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