Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 902: Awkwardly cut out a building

"People are saved."

Ruan Su said lightly, she was wearing a sterile surgical gown with blood still on the gloves, shocking!

Yan Xi stared at her in shock, exclaiming, "How is it possible?"

Ruan Su slowly took off the sterile gloves from his hands and accurately threw them into the trash can in the corner. Then he lifted his eyelids and glanced at Yan Xi, "Anything is possible with me."

She was domineering and disgusting, and Yan Xi was dumbfounded and could hardly speak.

It took a while for her to react, and exclaimed angrily, "You are so young, why can you be saved? Life is a matter of life, you don't make jokes here. Get out of here!"

Ruan Su's eyebrows narrowed slightly, "I never make a joke."

Who is this middle-aged woman? Why are you here? It's emotional as soon as he speaks...

Yan Xi originally thought that she could become the savior and the hero who rescued Xu Xiangxiang. Then she could take the opportunity to become famous and accept interviews. Her status in the industry once again improved...

But now it's all shattered.

No, she doesn't allow it to burst.

She rushed into the delivery room like crazy, and the nurse and the obstetrician and gynecologist had just finished finishing work. The mother Xu Xiangxiang breathed smoothly and was still in a coma.

She hurried over to check Xu Xiangxiang's condition, but found that both her blood pressure and all aspects of her body functions had returned to normal...

Except that the body is somewhat weak.

How did this young woman do it?

why? I must be too impatient to check the error! Yan Xi began to check again.

Not only her, but several other medical experts also came to the delivery room and checked Xu Xiangxiang's body with Yan Xi.

The results are all normal!

Normal blood pressure, normal heartbeat!

Normal breathing and normal pulse!

Everything is normal!

how is this possible?

"There are no advanced equipment, and no blood transfusion equipment."

"Maternal hemorrhage actually snatched a life from the **** of death under such simple conditions?"

"It's almost unheard of, it's appalling."

"Look at it, the child was born by C-section!"

"This wound is stitched perfectly! Perfect than the standard."

These medical experts were all observing the situation of the parturient Xu Xiangxiang in shock, and they kept exclaiming in their mouths.

The reporters who were outside and Xu Xiangxiang's family were also stunned.

Everyone felt incredible.

Xu Yandan's mouth was almost unable to close in surprise, and it took a long time before she muttered to herself, "I... my sister is really alive? Is it okay?"

Those doctors looked incredible at Ruan Su, such a young doctor?

Finally, an old professor with gray hair walked up to Ruan Su, "Child...what's your name? Which hospital is it from?"

"My name is Ruan Su, a doctor in the Department of Hematology, General Hospital." Ruan Su has a light look, "Dare you ask any suggestions?"

"I don't dare to teach you, your stitching technique is very good, especially I want to know, can you explain to us how you can quickly remove the child by caesarean section, and then be able to rescue the mother in the case of heavy bleeding? "

The old professor helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose, as if he was a student humbly asking for advice.

"If the bleeding caused by weak uterine contraction cannot be stopped effectively, no amount of blood plasma and red blood cell transfusion will help. The conditions in our delivery room are very simple, so the most important thing to do is to stop bleeding." Ruan Su did not keep silent, "I Several key points on her body were sealed with acupuncture to minimize bleeding. The wounds of the caesarean section were sutured as quickly as possible."

The old professor was even more shocked after hearing her words. "Acupuncture? Do you know Chinese medicine?"

"Slightly understand the fur." ​​Ruan Su didn't speak any more, she was a little tired.

It is not a joke to rescue a pregnant woman with hemorrhage, especially not because of hemorrhage caused by cesarean section.

But because of bleeding caused by weak uterine contractions, increased contractions are the most rapid and effective way to stop bleeding. So after taking out the child at a very fast speed, she took out the placenta, cleaned up the residue, and finally sutured the wound quickly.

After doing all this, massage the uterus, use uterine contraction agent and a series of measures.

In the end, if it didn't work, she was ready to perform a hysterectomy to save Xu Xiangxiang's life, but fortunately... Xu Xiangxiang's life was saved before that step.

When the old professor was discussing with Ruan Su, a younger doctor suddenly exclaimed, "I remember who you are! You are the first person in surgery at the First Hospital of H Empire City, aren't you? I saw your lecture on the forum! You also created a very impressive medical forum! Share a lot of medical information and it’s free."

He suddenly realized, "Doctor Ruan, hello, hello! I never thought that one day I would be able to communicate with you face to face."

When the young doctor said this, the others were shocked again.

The first person in surgery... I heard that the surgery was done perfectly.

Called a surgical genius!

She is like this... now in the Department of Hematology at the General Hospital?

Yan Xi is also in the general hospital now. After all, the general hospital is the best hospital in the capital city of M.

She looked a little embarrassed, and only felt that her face was hot and uncomfortable as if she had been slapped several times by being humiliated and slapped.

There was a stiff smile on her face, "Doctor Ruan, I didn't expect us to be colleagues. This hospital is so big that many colleagues don’t know each other, hehe——hehe——"

Embarrassingly, he almost pulled out an entire Yejia Manor with his toes.

Ruan Su did not respond to her embarrassment. She did not make any unnecessary greetings, but went straight to Xu Xiangxiang’s family and looked at the bunch of rogue men and women, she couldn’t help but smile. , "Now that people are rescued, don't you thank me? Or do you... let you down? Five million flew?"

Xu Yandan's face blushed and blue, and the feeling of being seen through Ruan Su made him very irritated, "My sister is the best alive, what is five million not five million, that is for revenge!"

He coveted looking at Ruan Su's beautiful face, but he didn't dare to desecrate her.

Such a beautiful woman... Only a big family like the Ye family can raise it, right?

If he can get him back as a wife, he will make a lot of money.

He was completely unaware that he was eating swan meat with toads.

"Then since your sister is safe now, you guys are not going out?" Ruan Su glanced at the reporters, especially the headed wool rolls, "Is it enough for recording? Isn't the popularity on the Internet earning enough?"

The wool roll was a little shocked by Ruan Su's aura. She swallowed her saliva and boldly refuted, "I am a reporter, and it is my duty to report the facts."

"That's okay, now immediately send out the news of Xu Xiangxiang's salvation! If you don't send it out, you are against your professional ethics and I'm sorry for your professionalism." Ruan Su's red lips made a ripple, "Fa!"

Before the wool roll had posted so many slanderous, distorted and distorted videos, how could he dare to post the news that Xu Xiangxiang was rescued?

Isn't that slap your own face, smash your own job?

Woollen's hand holding the phone trembled, but she couldn't send it out.

She looked at Xu Xiangxiang's mother as if for help, but the other party ignored her.

"Without her posting, our official platform has already released the truth."

At this moment, a clear male middleman sounded, and saw that it was the police friend that Yan Xi had brought over. He walked up to the wool roll and said word by word, "I have just recorded the small video of me. It was passed to the bureau, and our official platform clarified the facts for Ye Family just a minute ago."

He held his mobile phone in front of Wool Roll, and Wool Roll stared in astonishment when he saw the news from the dazzling "Peace Capital" on the screen of the phone:

"Xu Xiangxiang, the rural daughter-in-law of the Ye family, has been successfully treated by Ruan Su and is out of danger. Xu Xiangxiang's family has been comforted, but because of the huge amount of extortion by Xu Niaodan for 5 million yuan, the detention conditions have been met. The results are as follows: Xu Wudan was immediately detained on the spot for the crime of fraud and extortion and sentenced to more than three years in prison.

The reporters at the scene of the disturbance did not report the facts, causing extremely bad social effects and extremely poor results. They were sentenced to more than half a year’s imprisonment for the crime of obstructing public safety. "


Is she going to jail?

She was so scared that she threw the phone to the police, "No, I don't want to go to jail! I'm just reporting, why did I commit a crime?"

"All your reports are taken out of context and distorted the facts. And they have also caused very bad public opinion directions in society. Shouldn't you be responsible for this?"

After the police had finished speaking, he waved his hand directly, and several colleagues behind him swarmed up and uniformed all the reporters such as Xu Yandan and Wool Roll, "take away!"

"No, save me!"

When Xu Yandan saw that the police were really acting, she began to call Ye Ming, "Brother-in-law, save me, brother-in-law--I don't want to go to jail!"

"Mom, mom, I don't want to go to jail, I didn't do anything!"

Ye Mingzhao didn't even look at him when he thought of his hateful rascal, and went straight to make milk powder for the child.

When Xu Xiangxiang's mother saw her son being arrested, she was so frightened that she hurriedly begged old lady Ye, "My old lady! You can't go to jail because she is so young! Who would dare to marry him after she was in jail!"

The old lady Ye was very cold, "I'm sorry, I thought we were enemies when you came here! So...I can't control this matter."

"Oh my God!" Xu Xiangxiang's mother heard that the Ye family didn't care, she sat down on the floor with anger, snot and tears patted her thighs and cried, "Is this still in-laws? They are so heartless. righteous!"

"This is to let the Xu family go to a dead end!"

"Bulling our rural people!"

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