Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 903: Brothers, give it to me!

Almost everyone was shocked by this scene.

Yan Xi looked at Xu Xiang scolding her mother, who was a bitch, "This...this is too scary."

She was born in a scholarly family, attended a prestigious school since she was a child, and worked in a good hospital when she grew up. The people around her were all knowledgeable and educated, and she had never seen such a shrew.

These people present clearly have nothing, this Xu Xiangxiang's mother can yell at letting them go and bullying them.

The appearance that they are poor and they are reasonable, they are weak and they are reasonable, really makes Yan Xi a lot of insights.

"Cry with her and make trouble with her. Let's all go away." Mrs. Ye glanced at Xu Xiangxiang's mother wearily. "Thank you to the professors and experts today, as well as comrades from the Women's Association and police comrades. ,You have worked hard."

As she said, a servant came over immediately, brought a lot of milk tea, and sent them to everyone one by one, "This is a little milk tea. If you are tired, you will try it. It is the leaf tea of ​​the Ye family chain brand. "

"Thank you old lady."

"The old lady is interested."

After receiving the milk tea, these people left one after another.

The last person who left was Yan Xi. She walked to Ruan Su in embarrassment and pulled down her old face, "I'm sorry, it's all the consequences of not knowing the truth. I apologize to you. I hope we can have a chance to work together in the future. After all, it is a hospital, there will always be a chance."

She didn't want to be grudges against a colleague who was such a big deal of her own.

Ruan Su didn't take what she had done to heart, she just wanted to take a break now, "I'm a little tired, there will be some time later."

"Okay, I'll go right away, there will be a period of time later." The more Yan Xi thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. As she walked out, she ordered a bunch of flowers and a fruit basket on the takeaway platform.

Think of it as paying for your own impulse, and apologize to the Ye Family.

When she went out, she saw several experts and professors and comrades from the Women's Association waiting for her.

Yan Xi's face became shorter and more embarrassed, "Then what...I was too impulsive...and it caused everyone to be beaten...or else, I will invite everyone to dinner tonight."

"No, it's not for nothing to be able to see a doctor like Ruan Su."

"Our imperial medical community is able to have such an outstanding young generation, we are lucky!"

"I think I am teaching her Chinese medicine, I don't know if she wants it or not!"

"Old Dong, how do I feel that her Chinese medicine is not only about fur, but modestly speaking! Maybe she is better than you."

"How is that possible?"

Ever since... these big names in the medical field started to discuss each other.

Yan Xi quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everyone is not a cautious type.


The Ye family who had been making noisy all day finally calmed down.

Ye Mingzhao's child fell asleep after drinking the milk powder, and was put in a baby bed by the servant, sleeping soundly.

The thick **** atmosphere in this courtyard has not dissipated, and the servants are cleaning the scene.

The obstetrics and gynecology doctors and nurses invited from the nearby hospital were also preparing to leave. Before leaving, the doctor said with emotion, "Dr. Ruan, today’s surgical rescue has taught me a lesson. I have learned a lot from it. . Thank you! I will never forget it."

"You are polite, you are also very good." Ruan Su said lightly.

The doctor has never seen a doctor like Ruan Su, whether it is her caesarean section operation, or the technique of suture, including the treatment of weak contractions, they are all too good.

And in the process of processing, Ruan Su will continue to popularize some knowledge that she has never heard of.

This has benefited her a lot.

Later, for a long time, she became the best gynecologist in their hospital.

And she never forgets that day's rescue, she knows that that day changed her. She originally thought she was in her forties and could retire in a few years.

Never thought, but because Ruan Su ushered in the second spring of his career...

Until later, she began to take an intern, and she always passed on the knowledge she learned from Ruan Su that day to every one of her students.

She hopes not only to pass on this knowledge, but also to pass on medical ethics.

After sending away the doctor and nurse, Ruan Su sat on the sofa to rest.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Ye Mingzhao, and then at Liu Ying, "It would be better to ask the sister-in-law to take care of her and the children. The monthly household money paid by the Ye family is not even too high for the sister-in-law."

Liu Ying knew Ruan Su’s ability, so she didn’t dare to take a stand, and she hurriedly agreed, “Thanks to Miss, you saved Xiang Xiang today, otherwise... the children have no children, and the adults don’t have adults..."

"You don't have to say much about these kind words. The baby needs a professional confinement wife to bring her when she was born. She is in good health and only needs to feed the milk powder on time." Ruan Su thought for a while and said, "Xu Xiangxiang's situation requires Observe, I will stay here tonight and stay with her."

"Xiao Su...You had surgery during the day, how can you stay with me at night?" Old lady Ye felt a little distressed when she heard that her granddaughter was going to serve Xu Xiangxiang. Her granddaughter is the well-known daughter of the Ye family, so what is Xu Xiangxiang's family?

It's not worth her own hands.

"Yeah, Xiao Su, I will invite a private doctor and nurse to come over to watch the night later. You don't need to accompany the night, you are too tired." Ye Yanli disagreed, "What can I do if my body is broken?"

Ruan Su had to agree to their arrangement, "Okay. I'll go back to rest."

The old lady nodded, her eyes were complicated and she said to Ye Mingzhao, "Mingzhao, you are thirty years old and you will become a father in the future. You must be the pillar of the family. If Xiao Su is not here today, we are all Stay with you here. How do you deal with today?"

Ye Mingzhao lowered his head in shame, "It's because I'm usually too useless..."

"You will be wise after everything. Don't be too honest in the future. Turn your mind around and think more." The old lady Ye didn't say anything nasty, "Has the marriage certificate been issued?"

"Not yet. Xiang Xiang said that the child will do it after the full moon." Ye Mingzhao was very speechless. "At that time, a paternity test will be done to apply for the household registration..."

"Then do it and follow the rules." The old lady Ye was very tired, "Let's all go back, don't stay here. A Li, you can contact your private doctor as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, mother." Ye Yanli answered and called the private doctor. After hanging up the phone, he said to Ruan Su, "The private doctor said he will be there in half an hour."

Ruan Su sat on the sofa and didn't want to get up, "Then I will wait for him to come and I will go back. Uncle and aunt will go back first."

"Well, Xiao Su, what would you like to eat tonight?" Ye Yanli asked concerned, "Is it sweet and sour pork ribs or?"

"Anything is fine, just do whatever you want." Ruan Su took out his mobile phone and found that there were several missed calls, as well as many WeChat messages and SMS messages.

Her eyes flashed, mostly from Bo Xingzhi.

Song Yan, Jian Qiqi and other people also called.

She didn't reply one by one. After picking up some important replies, she beat Bo Xingzhi.

"How is it?" The man's deep and magnetic voice came with a trace of anxiety. "Has the matter been dealt with?"

Ruan Su nodded, "It's all done, nothing. It's just a little tired."

"Then I will accompany you in the past? By the way, tidy up the rascal?" Bo Xingzhi's eyes darkened when he thought of Xu Xiangxiang's younger brother, Xu Niaodan.

"No, what do you care about so much with him?" Ruan Su suddenly became happy, and his fatigue was much more relaxed. "Come over for dinner tonight?"

"Okay, I miss you." Bo Xingzhi agreed in a gentle voice, "You don't need to cook by yourself today. Are you so hard and your shoulders are sore? Do you want me to rub it for you?"

"Wait for you to come over, I'll hang up first because I'm a little tired." Ruan Su didn't chat with him anymore, because he guessed that the private doctor was about to come.

Sure enough, just after she hung up the phone for about five minutes, the private doctor brought a nurse to the hospital.

After Ruan Su met with him, he exhorted a few more words before leaving the courtyard to go back.


Inside the detention center.

There are more than a dozen prisoners living in a dark and damp cell, all of whom are unruffled, looking big and rough, with extremely unfriendly expressions.

Xu Yandan's hands and feet were entangled in chains, and he was pushed in by the prison guards. He staggered and almost fell.

Before standing up straight and taking a look at the surrounding environment, several men gathered around.

"It's you? Want to scam five million?"

"Tsk tsk! You have the courage!"

"You didn't scam you five million, but we collected five million and asked to entertain you well!"

The man in the lead gave an order, "Brothers, come on!"

As a result, a group of men rushed towards Xu Yandan. He didn't even figure out what happened, just a violent beating.

Beating him with a bruised nose and swollen face, he struggled and cried, "Don't hit, don't hit!"

"Police, save me!"


"It's useless to call for help. Who told you to provoke someone you shouldn't provoke?" The man in the lead took a bite of him. "From now on, I will fight each morning and evening. It depends on your memory."

Xu Yandan screamed in pain, but no matter how he begged for mercy, these people didn't let him go.

He didn't stop until he was dying.

"Don't die, drag him to the prison doctor for treatment. The wound will heal tomorrow and continue to fight." The man in the lead ordered the younger brothers.


So the big guy lifted him up together and applied to go to the prison doctor.

"You must not die... I have no grudges with you... Why do you want to treat me this way?" Xu Yandan stared at the ceiling with a pair of godless eyes, her weak voice like hairspring.

"You better remember who you offended and what you did." The man in the lead smiled wickedly, "So... don't ask us."

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