The Ye must be the Ye family...

Xu Nuodan suddenly widened his eyes.

It was they who bought these prisoners and told them to beat themselves.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt pain all over his body, as if he saw the endless **** swaying in front of his eyes.

In fact, if he didn't know, someone else beat him.

Bo Xingzhi got out of the car and walked towards the main house where Ruan Su and Mrs. Ye's family lived. He was wearing a navy blue double-breasted cashmere coat with thin snow flakes falling on his shoulders. Like a messenger who came out of a fairyland.

As soon as he came to the door of the hall, he stopped and patted the snow on his shoulder, and the phone rang.

Song Yan's voice came from inside, "Young master, I have already confessed in the prison as you ordered."

"Very good. It's hard work." Bo Xingzhi hung up the phone briefly and walked towards the house.

As soon as he raised his head, he met Ye Yanli's eyes. He heard the man's voice, so he got up and came over to take a look.

"Azhi, come in quickly." Ye Yanli looked at the snow particles on his shoulder and said in surprise, "Is it snowing outside?"

Bo Xingzhi nodded lightly, "Well, not long after it fell, it was still Xiaoxue."

"It's the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, and the New Year is coming soon." Ye Yanli greeted Bo Xingzhi and poured him a cup of hot tea, "Come here and warm up."

The old lady Ye walked out of the room when she heard the movement, "Azhi is here?"

"There is floor heating in this room, and it feels warm as soon as you come in." Bo Xingzhi sat on the sofa and held a cup of hot tea. He really liked coming to Ye's house, and the atmosphere of Ye's house was as warm as the floor heating in this room.

The old lady Ye smiled and instructed the housekeeper, "Go and tell Xiao Su to go downstairs for dinner. This child has been tired all day, and he fell asleep as soon as he returned to the room."

"I saw it all on the Internet." Bo Xingzhi's eyes darkened, "This kind of troublemaker should be called out as soon as they come in."

The Ye family is just too kind, that's why they gradually lost their wolf nature and gradually declined.

Compared with the Ling family's Jing family, the Ye family is becoming less and less.

"It's not that Xu Xiangxiang was taken into account, but her mother's family was kicked out when her life and death were unknown. It's not very good to be caught." Ye Yanli sighed, "Today is really a chaos. Fortunately, Xiao Su is very good, and she was taken from the It was rescued by the **** of death."

After hearing Ruan Su's name, Bo Xingzhi's eyes suddenly became warm. His Xiao Su... is of course the best.

While speaking, Ruan Su rubbed her eyes and walked downstairs, "Is dinner ready?"

"Just waiting for you, let's go, let's wash our hands and eat." Mrs. Ye got up from the sofa and walked towards the restaurant.

Then everyone came to the restaurant together and took their seats.

As soon as he sat down, he heard Ye Yanli's cell phone ringing, and it was Ye Mingzhao who called.

"Uncle, is Xiao Su there? Xiang Xiang wakes up."

"Ming Zhao, isn't the private doctor there? What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Ye Yanli was a little disgusted by being called by Ye Ming during dinner.

Ma Baonan really has no backbone at all, and he has to rely on others to be OK in everything.

"Xiang Xiang woke up, said the wound hurts a little..." Ye Mingzhao heard that Ye Yanli's tone was not very good, and he was a little cowardly. "So I want to ask Xiao Su... is there any way to relieve the pain."

"For such a simple matter, you can just ask your private doctor." Ye Yanli felt that he was simply making a fuss.

Is it worth asking Xiao Su for such a trivial matter?

Ruan Su took Ye Yanli's phone, "Any reaction other than pain?"

When Ye Mingzhao heard Ruan Su's voice, there was a hint of surprise in his voice, "She's a little hungry, can I eat anything?"

"You can't eat it. You can only drink a little liquid food after the stomach is smooth." Ruan Su said in a light voice, "The personal doctor is also very professional. If you have any questions, you can consult her and the nurse. If there are no major problems, you don't need to ask me specifically."

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore. Thank you." Ye Mingzhao hung up the phone quickly.

Ruan Su returned the phone to Ye Yanli and continued to bow his head to eat, but when he bowed his head, he saw that the plate in front of him was piled up like a hill.

She glanced at Bo Xingzhi a little helplessly, "The dishes you gave me? Too many..."

"It's been a busy day, how can you do it if you don't eat well?" Bo Xingzhi's thin lips curled slightly, "eat this shrimp."

He carefully peeled another shrimp and gave it to Ruan Su.

While talking, he went to pick up another hairy crab, and gave all the crab roe inside to Ruan Su.

The snow outside the window is getting bigger and bigger, much bigger than when Bo Xingzhi came. Snowflakes drift from the sky piece by piece, like elves wandering in the dark night, giving the world a vast expanse of white.

"It's inconvenient to drive when there is snow at night, so don't go back tonight." Ruan Su glanced at the snowflakes flying outside the window and then at the man beside her.

The man's eyes flickered slightly, and his deep eyes looked at her with an inexplicable flame, and his voice couldn't help but become hoarse, "Okay, I will listen to you."

Ruan Su glanced at him, suddenly her voice became so sexy?

After dinner, everyone dispersed.

Ye Yanli helped Song Jiayan back to her room to rest. Today, she was too tired to follow her.

My legs are swollen and I can barely exert any strength when I walk.

Seeing that Mrs. Ye was calling her family unfortunate, she married this woman Xu Xiangxiang. It was really a mess here.

But no matter how you say it, people can't drive them out just after giving birth.

It would be too unconscionable to drive a pregnant woman out.

Especially today's turmoil on the Internet has caused so much public opinion.

Fortunately, it was a happy ending.

Mr. Ye originally went out to fish and play chess with the old guys. After seeing the news on the Internet, he rushed home in a hurry. When he came back, everyone had already dispersed.

Even so, he was still annoyed.

"This Ming Zhao is too useless. If it weren't for him being too useless, how could these people go to Ye's house to spread wildness."

"Forget it, don't talk about it. Fortunately, it has been resolved, otherwise, our Ye family would really be a mess in the imperial capital." Old Madam Ye shook her head and took off her shoes as she went to bed. "Okay, go to bed early."

"Angry!" Old man Ye was still angry, so angry that he couldn't sleep.

Inside the upstairs bedroom.

Ruan Su was sitting on the bed. She had just taken a shower, and she was soaked with water vapor.

Her hair was still dripping wet, so Bo Xingzhi came over with a dry towel and wiped her head while saying, "When are you going to leave?"

"Have you finished the matter at hand?" Her beautiful eyes fell on the man's warm and dry palm, and her long eyelashes blinked, "Will the president let him go?"

"Let's leave secretly." Bo Xingzhi's eyes were filled with a faint smile, "I'm mad at him."

"Okay, you can decide." Ruan Su didn't comment on this matter. "If it's OK, we'll leave early tomorrow morning."

"Okay. I'll ask Song Yan to bring a plane to pick us up." Bo Xingzhi dropped the towel and took a hairdryer to help her dry her hair.

When he thought that in the future, he could get along with her all the time, and he felt a little inexplicable joy and excitement in his heart.

Obviously in the past, it was the most common thing to be with her morning and night.

It's so difficult now...

He couldn't help but laugh at himself.

After drying his hair, the man put the hairdryer back in place, "I'm going to take a shower."

As he said that, he took his long legs against the sky and walked towards the bathroom, and soon there was a sound of running water in the bathroom.

Ruan Su wrapped herself in the quilt, and closed her eyes unknowingly.

When Bo Xingzhi came out, he found that the person on the bed was already asleep.

He shook his head helplessly, then looked down at himself and felt that he was already here... He could only go back to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Fortunately...there is a floor in the house, would really catch a cold.

Early the next morning, the Ye family exploded the pot.

"Mom, Mom!" Ye Yanli rushed into the bedroom of Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye like crazy, "It's not good!"

Mrs. Ye glared at her son angrily, "What are you doing? You are almost forty early in the morning, why are you still so frizzy, can't you learn from Xiao Su?"

"Mom! It's Xiao Su, it's Xiao Su!" Ye Yanli handed a note to Mrs. Ye, "Look at it!"

"What's this?" Old Mrs. Ye took off the reading glasses on the bedside table and put them on. After reading the writing on it, she instantly lost sleep, "Xiao Su ran away from home?"

"She left with Azhi!" Ye Yanli said worriedly, "I don't know why their husband and wife left the M country or the imperial capital."

Mr. Ye was also in a hurry and grabbed the note, "What exactly is written on it?"

I saw only a short line of handwriting on it: "Grandpa and grandma, see the letter. Bo Xingzhi and I are going to leave M country for a while, don't worry, come back soon. Ruan Suliu."

"Where are they going? It's still mysterious." Mrs. Ye's eyes blushed.

The old man Ye quickly comforted her, "Old lady, don't worry. I don't think Xiao Su is that kind of rash person. She must have something she doesn't want us to know, maybe she doesn't want us to worry. Especially Ah Zhi, he is a man. , with high martial arts, they will definitely be fine."

"Mom, don't worry... Xiao Su will come back when she wants to come back." Ye Yanli also muttered to comfort old lady Ye.

"Hey, does this child think our family is too restrictive? Or what?" Old lady Ye couldn't help but fall into self-doubt.

"Grandma, grandpa, are you awake?" Li Zhuoyan's voice came from the door.

"Wake up, come in." Mrs. Ye responded, and Li Zhuoyan pushed the door open. "My sister left a message to me on WeChat, saying that she was going to go away, and she might not come back after a while..."

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