Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 906: Husband and wife leave home

"I didn't expect to be able to watch such a beautiful sunrise with you in this life." Bo Xingzhi opened his eyes when he heard her voice, his long eyelashes covered his eyelids, which looked as perfect as an oil painting.

Ruan Su turned his head just to see how handsome he looked in the sun, and his heart skipped a beat, "Me too."

"Boss, you asked us to come here to see you sprinkle dog food, right?" Liang Hei suddenly felt that his single dog had been abused.

Another single dog, Liang Bai, was also a little bit stuffed, "Can you show it like this... Take care of us single nobles?"

"What are you poor in the early morning? Is it itchy after being with Jiang Xinyu for a long time?" Ruan Su glared at the twin brothers, "Hurry up, get breakfast, I'm hungry."

The twin brothers immediately went to the refrigerator to get the ingredients, "How about sandwiches and ham? Oh, we can only do this kind of simple stuff."

"One more cup of soy milk?"

They brought a lot of fast food, the picture is convenient and can fill the stomach.

Ruan Su ignored them and went to wash herself.

She took clean clothes from her luggage and changed them on the way. When she came out after washing up, Bo Xingzhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

She wore a set of sports clothes that were easy to move, and a pair of hiking shoes on her feet, which made her neat and slender.

The hair that was cut short when I was with Li Zhuoyan has now grown a lot and is tied into a high ponytail. If you didn't know, you would have thought that she was a high school student who ran out of which school. She is refreshing, charming, and very youthful. .

"It looks good." Bo Xingzhi took her by the hand and handed her a cup of soaked soy milk, "And sandwiches, the conditions here are poor, so be accommodating."

Ruan Su gave him a bright smile, "I asked you to come, I should be the one who said these words."

After eating breakfast, Song Yan flew the plane and landed on a relatively low mountain.

This makes it easier for them to go down the mountain.

So everyone left the plane with some dry food and water in their backpacks and started to their destination.

"The terrain here is complicated, there are wild beasts, and there are some insects and ants, so you must be careful." Bo Xingzhi held Ruan Su's hand and told the people behind him, "You must not be reckless."

Ruan Su added two more sentences, "Also, try to control your curiosity, there are many attractive things in the forest that you look good, and the attractive things are likely to kill you. So you must be careful, you can't I lost my life because of curiosity."


Then everyone stepped into the jungle together.

The sun is gradually rising, the weather is getting hotter and dry, and the dense forest is dense and unpleasant.

After walking for about an hour, they were extremely tired and found a place to rest under the shade of a tree.

"It's too hot."

"Why is this place so hot and not ventilated."

"Yeah! Feeling suffocated."

Liang Hei and Liang Bai complained one after another.

Song Yan opened a bottle of water and gave it to Bo Xingzhi, "Master, drink some water."

When he was about to give Ruan Su a bottle, Bo Xingzhi handed his water to Ruan Su, "Let's drink a bottle, save a little."

The other three also took out water and compressed biscuits they brought to replenish their hunger.

"The ruins of Fenghua Palace should be in this dense forest. According to the instructions of the compass, we will go all the way to the south." Ruan Su looked at the map and the compass in his hand.

"Let's go after five minutes of rest." Bo Xingzhi wiped the sweat on his forehead, the weather was really hot.

He was wearing a camouflage uniform like the other men, looking tall and long-legged, sturdy.

On the feet are a pair of military boots that are convenient for walking.

Ruan Su raised his eyes and saw his face exuding abstinence hormones all over his body, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little, enchanting!

Run out in broad daylight to hook people.


The moment they got up, Bo Xingzhi's ears moved when he heard hissing sounds coming from a tree not far away.

He turned his head subconsciously and saw a venomous snake as thick as a fist rushing towards Lin Qi, who was closest to it, with its mouth open.

"Be careful!"

He raised his hand and picked up a stone and threw it at the poisonous snake, smashing the head of the poisonous snake accurately, and his brain burst!

The viper's head was directly knocked to the ground.

You can see how much effort he put into it!

It's no joke that this unnamed venomous snake was bitten like that.

Lin Qi looked at the madly twisted body of the poisonous snake on the ground in shock, and took a step back in fright, "My God! What a thick and long snake!"

This snake is at least one meter long!

"In this kind of forest, this kind of poisonous snake is not the most powerful, so everyone must be vigilant." Ruan Su glanced at the poisonous snake on the ground, "It is a sand hydrangea, and it will die within a few minutes after biting it. "

Lin Qi quickly looked at Bo Xingzhi gratefully, "Thank you for saving your life, Young Master Bo."

"No thanks." Bo Xingzhi's voice was cold and low, "Everyone must be careful when starting out."

After such an episode, everyone moved forward more cautiously, and no one dared to take it lightly.

There are various trees in the forest, and Ruan Su found a few familiar fruit trees with his rich knowledge of wild survival.

"It turned out to be an apple and a peach tree!"

"Boss, you are really amazing." After Liang Hei and Liang Bai finished speaking, they quickly climbed up the tree to pick the fruit.

After a while, I took off a backpack.

The two climbed down from the tree again, just like the monkeys of neatness.

"It's all right. With these fruits, we will feel much better in the future."

Lin Qi was also very happy, and also picked some and put them in his backpack.

In the evening, the group of them walked through a forest and came to the edge of an extremely steep cliff. Below the cliff was an abyss that could not be seen at a glance, surrounded by clouds and mist. Song Yan threw a stone down for about a few minutes. Only then did a faint echo be heard.

This means that there is no road ahead, and if you want to continue, you must detour.

Ruan Su narrowed his eyes slightly and looked down.

Before she could figure out what to do, she heard Bo Xingzhi say, "You stay here first, and I'll take Song Yan down to check it out."

With that said, he grabbed the plant vines on the edge of the cliff and slowly slid down the steep mountain wall.

Ruan Su was startled, "Don't be impulsive."

However, Bo Xingzhi and Song Yan had already slid along the vines to a position of about ten meters. They continued to slide down, and soon they slid to a position of about a hundred meters.

I saw there was a huge stone protruding from the mountain wall.

As soon as Bo Xingzhi exerted force, his body jumped down from a position about two meters away from the stone, and landed firmly on the stone.

He and Song Yan just fell down, but there was a rustling sound above their heads, and it turned out that Ruan Su and Lin Qi also fell down.

Lin Qi wanted to grab a small tree on a mountain wall and jump onto a big rock, but who knew that the branch just grabbed it broke, and he fell directly.

The twin brothers were startled, and one person with quick eyes and quick hands grabbed Lin Qi's arm and dragged him up from the air.

Lin Qi was shocked, "Fortunately, you guys are quick."

"The brothers who have been around for many years must have a tacit understanding." Liang Hei patted him with a smile, "Brother, don't be a fool anymore, don't think that you can sit back and relax when the boss is with you."

Lin Qi took a few steps back and smiled awkwardly. "Be sure to pay attention next time, who made my martial arts inferior to yours!"

"There's a cave here." Ruan Su looked ahead, stretched out slender fingers to straighten the messy hair in front of her forehead, and pointed to the direction in front of her.

Several men also turned to look over, and sure enough, the protrusion of this stone was the entrance to a cave.

"Let's go in and have a look, maybe there will be some unexpected discoveries inside." Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand and headed out of the cave.

Along the way, Lin Qi and the others turned on their flashlights, illuminating the way forward.

This cave is dark and dark, and there is only a twisty road leading to nowhere.

With the light of the flashlight, several people walked in this quiet passage for about half an hour, and finally came to a thick stone gate.

Bo Xingzhi took a few steps forward and observed the surroundings, "This should be an entrance or an exit. Let's find out if there is any agency nearby, or something like the key to open the door."

Ruan Su also nodded, "That's right, let's look for it, maybe we can find a way to open the door."

Song Yan patted the stone gate in front of him hard, and then moved his gaze to the mountain wall next to the stone gate.

Bo Xingzhi was also observing the stone gate. When he wanted to get close to touch the mountain wall, he accidentally stepped on a loose stone brick on the ground.

He stepped on it several times in a row, and found that the stone brick was indeed loose.

He squatted down and lifted the brick directly. As soon as it was lifted, everyone suddenly heard a crunching sound, and then the stone door in front of him was slowly opened.

"Go, go in and have a look."

Bo Xingzhi's warm palm took Ruan Su's hand and stepped in.

Several people followed behind.

As soon as they entered, everyone found that this was a stone room. The stone room was filled with a faint warm yellow light, and that light turned out to be a huge luminous pearl.

"I've only seen this kind of special effects in TV dramas!" Liang Hei couldn't help but exclaimed. "There really is such a big night pearl in this world."

Liang Bai was also full of admiration, "Yes! It's amazing!"

While talking, the two brothers were about to get Ye Mingzhu, but Ruan Su stopped them, "Be careful. I don't know how many years this Ye Mingzhu has been here, and I don't know if it has been contaminated with any poison or the like."

"Xiao Su is right. Let's take a look first and see if there is anything suspicious about this stone room." Bo Xingzhi said while looking at the stone room with sharp eyes.

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