Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 907: The moment of nine deaths

After a while, Bo Xingzhi frowned slightly, and he found that the temperature inside this stone room was very high.

I just stayed here for about five or six minutes, and there was a fine layer of sweat on my forehead.

"It's hot in here."

"I'm sweating." Lin Qi also wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's like he's cooking a fire."

Ruan Suda measured the ancient-looking stone room and found that there was a stone table and a chair in the center of the stone room. There were several books on the table, and what was even more shocking was that there was a white bone on the chair. .

Liang Hei and Liang Bai's attention was always on the night pearl, and they didn't notice that there was a white bone here. The chair smashed to the ground together.

"This white bone doesn't look like a human, but an animal, a wolf or a fox, or maybe a dog." Ruan Su looked at the broken bone and picked up a bone After observing for a while, "But... it's very strange that there is an animal locked in this kind of cave. Why?"

"No, this bone is poisonous." Ruan Su put the black part of the bone under the flashlight, "Look, the black seam of the bone means that the animal is poisoned. It should be... an animal under experiment?"

Lin Qi found a lot of bottles and jars in the corner of the stone room. "Boss, come and see."

Ruan Su dropped her bones and walked over, squatted down and looked at the bottles and jars, "This should be the place where an experimental boss once stayed."

She picked up one of the bottles, it said "sodium", she picked up another bottle, "magnesium"...

"I don't know what this big guy is going to study."

She thought for a moment, "It should be the boss in the abandoned research institute you explored last time. This is the second place he stayed. I think it should be the same boss."

"Xiao Su is right. The Fenghua Palace is also a clue left by this boss." Bo Xingzhi thought of the Fenghua Palace, so he said again, "Could this be the Fenghua Palace?"

Ruan Su shook his head, "No. We haven't found Fenghua Palace yet, but it's definitely not here."

They turned around in this stone room again, but found no valuable clues.

Liang Hei and Liang Bai were still reluctant to bear this night pearl, "Boss, why don't... let's take this night pearl back."

"Make sure there is no poison first." Ruan Su took out a silver needle that he carried with him and handed it to Liang Hei, "Go and try."

"Uh-how to try?" Liang Hei was stunned.

"Drop a drop of your blood on it and see if it turns black." Ruan Su raised her eyebrows.

Liang Hei's face darkened, "Boss... No way... It's like recognizing relatives by dripping blood in ancient times."

"If you want this bead, you are not willing to pay for a drop of blood. Then don't ask for it." Ruan Su said that he was about to take back the silver needle.

Liang Hei hurriedly grabbed it, "Just drop it."

He stabbed the silver needle to the pulp of his index finger, and a drop of blood slowly dripped onto the night pearl.


Everyone was shocked, only to see that the west wall of the stone room was directly opened, and the whistling mountain wind whistled from inside, blowing away all the hot air in the stone room.

"My mother! This...this is too weird."

Liang Hei was so frightened that he picked up the night pearl and stuffed it into his backpack.

This drop of blood turned out to be the mechanism to open the stone chamber.

This is too perverted!

"If that big guy wants to open the mechanism every time, doesn't he have to drop a drop of blood? Then how much blood he has to have is not enough." Liang Bai couldn't help sighing.

"You don't have to use your own blood." Ruan Su replied and glanced at Bo Xingzhi beside him, "Go?"

Bo Xingzhi nodded, "Go in and have a look."

Since it's here, there's no reason to turn around and go back.

At this moment, there was a sudden hissing sound behind the newly opened stone wall.

An unpleasant fishy wind was blown into the stone room.

A few minutes later, a terrifying snake head protruded into the stone chamber.

"My mother! What kind of monster is this? Why is this snake head so big? It's as big as mine!" Liang Hei stared at the snake head in shock.

Just as he was talking, the snake had already entered the stone room. It was a giant snake as thick as a human head, and its body was covered with hard black scales. Under the light of the flashlight, the scales looked luminous, with a pair of oily green triangular eyes. There was a gloomy light, as if there was a good meal in front of it.

"Fight the snake and hit seven inches!" Ruan Su's face turned cold, and her red lips slightly parted, "If this snake is not killed, I'm afraid we won't be able to get out. Husband, the two of us attack the key point of it, Liang Hei Liang Bai. Attacking its snake tail, Song Yan and Lin Qi seduce its attention, we must be quick and accurate, it is not worth it to spend energy with it."

At this moment, as the ground trembled slightly, they saw the big red boa constrictor rushing towards them.

Ruan Su flashed, dodging the python's attack.

The python turned around and stared at the nearest Bo Xingzhi with green eyes.

Bo Xingzhi couldn't help frowning as he looked at the fierce-looking giant python.

"Hey—" The **** python opened its **** mouth and rushed towards Bo Xingzhi.

At the same time, it threw off the black tail and swept straight towards Song Yan and others.

This big python is very strange and powerful. Such a flick of the tail almost hit Song Yan's arm. If it does hit, it is estimated that his arm will be useless.

For a while, several people attacked the big python at the same time, and the ground trembled slightly because of their struggle.

Ruan Su's eyes were sharp, and he stared at the black python in front of him. In terms of strength, they couldn't compare to this snake at all.

This snake was also extremely smart, and soon it locked its sight on Lin Qi, the weakest among them.

Lin Qi could only dodge left and right in embarrassment, "This snake is too smart. If you know you're not easy to mess with, he just beat me up."

"Be careful!"

As Ruan Su spoke, he took out the dagger he was carrying, and then glanced at Bo Xingzhi not far away.

The man also drew his dagger.

The tacit nods to each other are almost instantaneous!

The two daggers shot out at the same time, stabbing the python in the eye.

The **** python roared in pain, frantically swung its tail, and slapped it with the strongest force.

At this moment, the corners of Bo Xingzhi's lips were slightly raised, and his figure suddenly flashed, and he avoided the attack of the big snake at a high speed. Then he pulled out the dagger above the big snake's eyes and stabbed it directly on the tail of the big snake, and slashed a knife on it. .

Blood spurted out of the snake's wound instantly.

The gushing blood spilled on the ground, and the severe pain made the black python twitch all over. Seeing this, Bo Xingzhi immediately pulled back with the dagger in his hand.

Sure enough, the big python began to go mad, slamming the surrounding stone walls frantically, and the whole cave began to tremble.

Lin Qi and Song Yan quickly stood by Bo Xingzhi's side, avoiding the mad snake far away.

The manic big snake couldn't stop at all. It was injured and was constantly squandering its physical strength because of the pain.

"We'll go up to solve it when the pain is exhausted." Ruan Su said coldly, staring at the crazy body of the big snake.

After about half an hour of madness, the big snake finally calmed down.

Just when Ruan Su wanted to rush over to solve it completely, the big snake felt her approach, and suddenly raised its head suddenly, extremely angry. , was still full of momentum.

The **** snake kept swinging its tail and slapped Ruan Su frantically, but Ruan Su could only flexibly avoid it.

joke! If you are slapped by it, you will not die or be disabled.

This big snake was fierce and aggressive, and it kept attacking Ruan Su.

Others saw it and joined the fray again.

At this moment, the crazy big snake suddenly slammed its powerful snake tail, slapped Lin Qi's chest hard, and smashed him heavily on the nearby mountain wall.

"Push—" Lin Qi violently spat out a mouthful of blood, and he could barely stand up in pain.

"Grass! This snake is too fierce! Brother, how are you?" Liang Hei rushed over to help him up from the ground, Lin Qi shook his head, "I'm too weak."

He took out some medicines from his backpack and swallowed them. These medicines were prepared by Ruan Su before leaving.

Didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

"You rest here for a while, and I'll help the boss and them." After Liang Hei finished speaking, he charged towards the big snake with his dagger.

The big snake fought fiercely with the crowd, but had no intention of retreating.

At this time, Ruan Su slashed a knife on the back of the python with his dexterous posture.

Bo Xingzhi followed suit and stabbed it again.

Seeing that the big snake was writhing in pain again, Song Yan hurriedly slashed at it with a dagger.

Blood continued to pour out along the snake's wound, and the scene was shocking.

The big snake gradually became exhausted, and everyone took advantage of the victory to pursue, not even making several knife marks on the big snake.

Every knife is powerful.

At this moment, there is a puff!

Bo Xingzhi's tall and straight body jumped up, jumped directly onto the back of the big snake, and stabbed at its vital spot!

The big snake collapsed and let out a stern roar, struggled for a moment and finally lost its voice unwillingly.

"It's dead." Liang Bai breathed a sigh of relief, then slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

I have to admit, this **** snake is really powerful.

"If it wasn't for the eldest eldest and young master Bo, I'm afraid we alone would have become the belly of the big snake." Liang Hei also sat beside him with lingering fears.

Ruan Su walked to Lin Qi and sat down, "How are you? Where did you get hit just now?"

"My chest, it's okay, there's nothing serious. I just took the medicine." Lin Qi stretched out his hand to her, and Ruan Su immediately began to help him feel his pulse.

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