After a while, Ruan Su withdrew his hand, "The injury is not serious. It is estimated that it will be healed in two days."

She looked at the dark night outside again, "Why don't we go out first and rest in this cave tonight. Let's grill the snake meat."

She said that she took out the silver needle and tried the snake meat, "It's not poisonous."

So everyone came over to divide the big snake, and then set up a fire and started roasting it.

The snake meat squeaked and there was a faint aroma in the air.

Ruan Su didn't care about how to roast the snake meat, she was digging snake guts there with all her heart.

"Snake gallbladder can be used as medicine, and it is a good medicinal material. Especially this kind of large snake that has been around for nearly a hundred years. It is estimated that its size is not small." Ruan Su said while digging out the snake gallbladder. fishy smell.

After digging it out, she took it to the fire and roasted it.

"Why bake it? I heard that snake gallbladder is good medicine, boss, why don't you just eat it?" Liang Hei looked at Ruan Su curiously.

"Fresh snake gallbladder is generally stored for about two days at room temperature. If it has an odor, it will be broken and ineffective." Ruan Su said while roasting the snake gallbladder, "So if you want to store it for a longer time, you must first Dry it."

"Can I eat it after it's dried?" Liang Bai asked again, "Now that his brother is injured, can he eat it directly?"

"When I took it out, the air was already in contact with bacteria, so it had to be sterilized after drying." Ruan Su said and continued to bake, "Bake it first, and wait for us later. You can take it as medicine after you go back and deal with it.”

"If the snake gallbladder is eaten raw or not treated with bacteria, there will be side effects, and it is likely to be poisoned." Bo Xingzhi handed a piece of roasted snake meat to Ruan Su, "Try how it tastes."

Ruan Su smiled at him, her eyelashes were thick and drooping, making him feel the urge to touch him.

He raised his hand and touched it, and Ruan Su was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

There was a fluffy touch on his fingertips, and Bo Xingzhi retracted his finger, "It seems that something is stuck on it, so I saw it wrong."

Ruan Su did not suspect him, took a bite of the snake meat, "The meat is fresh and tender, and it's very good."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at his fingers, the corners of his lips rippled, and his deep black eyes were stained with a smile, "As long as you like it."

"Oh, the most important thing is to kiss your husband and bake it." Liang Hei couldn't help but tease.

Ruan Su squinted at him, her eyes slightly dark, "Poor! Is it itchy?"

Liang Hei quickly shrank his head, "Don't dare."

He quickly changed the subject and said nonchalantly, "Ah! This snake meat is so fresh!"

Ruan Su continued to roast the snake gallbladder, and Zizi Lala's voice could be heard endlessly.

Bo Xingzhi couldn't bear that she kept holding a stick and worked hard, "Let me do it."

He took the stick with the snake gallbladder in her hand and started to roast it slowly.

After everyone ate the snake meat, it was very late.

Song Yan looked at the time, "Unconsciously, it's already ten thirty in the middle of the night."

Lin Qi covered his chest and took the medicine again. He took two sips of water. "When I was in the city, I thought 10:30 was nothing, but in this wilderness, the atmosphere of this night is extraordinarily good."

"So we've been tired all day, everyone, let's rest early on the spot." Bo Xingzhi said to everyone while roasting the guts of the snake, "Everyone takes turns working at night, two hours at a time."

"Okay." Song Yan agreed, and then lay down.

Others also agreed.

Soon, there was a burst of snoring in the cave.

It was only at this time that Ruan Su quietly relieved his exhaustion and snuggled into Bo Xingzhi's generous arms.

Bo Xingzhi lowered his eyes to look at her delicate brows, pouted the slightly tired woman beside him, and lightly pecked her forehead with his thin lips. "Go to sleep for a while."

"I want to accompany you." Ruan Su's eyes were slightly curved like a crescent moon, and under the firelight, there was a faint light, which was facing the man's burning eyes.

The big palm hugged the woman in his arms tenderly, as if he was afraid that she would run away, his usually indifferent face was filled with endless tenderness, and his voice also had a hint of pampering, "Dear, go to sleep. I feel bad for you to stay up all night. "

Ruan Su yawned delicately, leaned in his arms, and fell asleep unconsciously.

Looking at her head little by little, the man couldn't help but fill his eyes with tenderness.

"Go to sleep first."

In the end, Ruan Su was no match for sleepiness and fell asleep.

Seeing the peaceful sleeping face next to her made Bo Xingzhi smile knowingly, her soft hair was stuck on her small face, her red lips were slightly open and she breathed evenly, which made the man couldn't help but feel a little worried.

But he only had a ripple on the corner of his lips, he took off his coat and covered the woman and hugged her gently, letting her lean against his arms comfortably.

When it was Song Yan's turn to be on duty at night, he slowly opened his eyes from exhaustion and saw such a warm scene.

He quietly walked to the fire beside Bo Xingzhi and sat down, "Master, go and rest for a while."

Bo Xingzhi nodded, and hugged Ruan Su to the side of the stone, and the two fell asleep snuggling.

When morning came, it was still dark inside the cave.

But everyone woke up on time at seven in the morning, and it seemed so difficult to pass the night safely.

After eating some simple breakfasts, everyone was ready to walk over the stone wall where the big snake came over last night to see what would be there.

The dizzy head made Lin Qi frown, and his face was pale.

He struggled to get up from the stone he was leaning on, his limp body falling forward as if there were no bones.

A pair of hands immediately caught him, "Brother, how are you?"

Liang Hei's voice made Lin Qi a little dazed, "I'm a little dizzy."

Ruan Su came over to help him check, "The sequelae of yesterday's injury need to rest. Everyone's progress is slower today. Otherwise, your injury will worsen."

"Boss, don't worry about me. I can." Lin Qi said immediately when he heard it.

Ruan Su shook his head, "Your life is more important."

The group went out of the cave and continued to walk forward, and they saw a forest, and after passing through the forest, it was a cliff.

On the cliff is the dried-up waterfall, which looks quite scary.

Ruan Su's slightly tilted head made the snow-white neck outline a charming arc. She looked down and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Thin Xingzhi's big palm lightly rubbed the fluffy hair, so soft to the touch that the man narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes happily.

"Don't make trouble." Ruan Su squinted at the man who likes to do things. She is observing the terrain! What is this man touching!

The equipment on their bodies is very complete. In addition to the weapons, there are some rock climbing devices in the backpacks, such as fast hanging rock nails.

Ruan Su and the others also brought a respirator, just in case they accidentally fell off the cliff and fell into the surging sea below, this respirator could still function to maintain life.

Of course, this probability is quite small.

Soon, everyone will be ready.

"There is no road ahead again, we can only climb down the cliff." Bo Xingzhi quickly glanced at everyone, and a low voice came, "If there is no problem, we can act."

"no problem."

"Set off!"

So, Bo Xingzhi clenched the climbing rope and the downhill lock, strode forward, and walked straight to the high cliff.

And Ruan Su has been following him and clenched the climbing rope.

The few people behind him also followed closely, without fear.

At this time, Bo Xingzhi had already walked to the edge of the cliff, and then he stepped back with his feet, and his entire body jumped out of the cliff and jumped straight down.

With a swoosh, it disappeared from everyone's eyes and rushed straight down.

Bo Xingzhi, who flew out of the cliff, faced the hot and humid sea breeze and looked at the blue sea below.

After rapidly descending more than ten meters, he immediately grasped the deceleration buckle of the mountaineering rope in his hand, and let the buckle fasten the rope tightly to increase the friction.

Otherwise, the descending speed is too fast, and the human body cannot bear it.

And just after he jumped down, Ruan Su jumped down, as well as Song Yan, Lin Qi and others.

Everyone flew up like a few happy birds.

At this time, Bo Xingzhi had quickly adjusted his posture, and his legs were on the mountain wall.

Soon, several of them were getting farther and farther from the higher cliff, getting closer and closer to the bottom cliff.

At this time, Ruan Su had also slid down following him, and the very accurate foothold was next to Bo Xingzhi.

Song Yan and the others also slowly slid down the cliff.

They rested for a while beside the cliff and waited until everyone was there.

Only then did Bo Xingzhi open the lock of the climbing rope again, "There are still 30 to 40 meters from the hole below, everyone be careful."

He had already observed it when he landed here, and found that there was a cave below.

"Let's slip down this cliff slowly. No one knows what's going on in that cave. We don't know if there is any danger in it. We must be careful!"

When he was about to reach the entrance of the cave, Bo Xingzhi paused for a while, "I'll enter the cave first, observe the situation inside, and come in after listening to my news."

After speaking, he pushed his legs on the mountain wall again and was sliding down. Just as he was leaning against the entrance of the cave, he quickly stretched out a hand, and then like a falcon, he grabbed a protruding stone on the mountain wall, and immediately put the Some loose stones were pulled down and thrown into the cave, and there was a screeching sound.

After there was no abnormal sound, he jumped into the swing.

After entering, he immediately raised his voice, "Come in!"

Because the cave was so empty, there was a very obvious echo.

So everyone swung into the cave one after another, and when they stepped in, they couldn't help but start looking around.

"This cave is damp and dark, everyone be careful." Ruan Su said, glancing at the damp ground.

"Don't get lost. Generally, damp caves are very likely to have water sources in them. If they are washed away..." Bo Xingzhi didn't say any more, everyone understood.

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