Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 909: What's the deal with that big guy?

"Let's go." Ruan Su looked down at the slippery ground under her feet, "Don't waste any more time."

So, the group walked towards the cave.

After walking a distance of about a few hundred meters, suddenly there was an unusually tragic sound of fighting in front of him.

Bo Xingzhi's face changed slightly, "How could there be other people in such a place?"

Everyone was immediately in a state of high tension and moved forward more cautiously.

Then they heard a commotion, getting closer and closer to the sound of fighting.

"There is Princess Li's treasure here, you guys, even come to grab it!"

"Kill them all! The treasure is ours."

"Quick, kill!"

The hoarse voice kept coming.

Ruan Su Ningmei looked at the two groups of guys in front of them who were fighting together, "They said there is a treasure here."

"Could this be the Fenghua Palace? Could it be that the Fenghua Palace used to be the place where the so-called princess lived?" Bo Xingzhi narrowed his eyes and looked forward, the stench of learning wafted in the cave.

There have been countless casualties on the ground, and it seems that both men and horses have been injured.

"Let them fight first, let's wait. It's best to wait until nightfall before moving." Ruan Su looked around, they were hiding behind a cliff in the cave, and the two parties would not notice them at all.

As long as they don't make any noise.

"That's right. Let's take a moment to see who will win in the end." Bo Xingzhi nodded, so everyone stared at the fight ahead, wanting to know who would win and who would lose.

Suddenly, Ruan Su saw two familiar faces in the midst of the fighting crowd, and she whispered, "Fan Lian? Damn it! Why is he in such a place?"

"Fan Lian? It's... that young master from Blood Medicine Valley?" Bo Xingzhi had an impression of Fan Lian. At that time, when he was inextricably linked, the Blood Medicine Valley also came to help.

Ruan Su said angrily, "It seems that we can't stand by and watch, let's go!"

When the words fell, she rushed out like a flying swallow.

Fan Lian had no martial arts skills. Seeing that a killer's knife was about to slash him, he was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes, but the pain he imagined didn't come, only a bang.

After being stunned for a while, he opened his eyes and saw a slender figure standing in front of him, kicking the killer several meters away.


The heroine who fell from the sky saved her?

Fan Lian excitedly grabbed Uncle Fan's hand and stood up, but at this moment, Ruan Su turned around and wiped a killer's neck directly, and blood splashed onto Fan Lian's face.

"Ah!" He screamed in shock.

He raised his hand to touch the warm blood on his face, almost dumbfounded.

Uncle Fan finally saw Ruan Su's face clearly and was shocked, "Miss Ruan? Why are you here?"

Ruan Su swept the embarrassed master and servant, "Hurry away!"

Fan Lian hurriedly wiped the blood from his face, and called out moved, "Miss Ruan, Miss Ruan, are you here to save me?"

Bo Xingzhi carried a killer and threw it out, "Being passionate."

It was only at this moment that Fan Lian discovered that Bo Xingzhi and the others had joined the battle.

"Young Master Bo? Are you here too? You..."

The corners of his mouth twitched, "Isn't he here to find Princess Li's treasure?"

"No." Song Yan replied, stabbing a killer's arm with a dagger, "Don't get in the way here."

"Oh, oh, okay." Fan Lian and Uncle Fan hurriedly supported each other and escaped the battle, hiding to the side.

At this time, Ruan Su, the others and the people brought by Fan Lian were still fighting with each other in an extremely tragic manner.

Almost all of them are in high tension, always shrouded in fear, and always on the verge of death.

Especially the guys on the other side, they didn't understand where five or six helpers suddenly came out, and all of them were masters, seeing that they had the upper hand just now.

As a result, after these few people joined the battle, most of their people were killed and injured.

The blood wafted thicker and thicker in the air, and their losses were extremely heavy, which made everyone in the team extremely fearful, afraid that the terrifying couple Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su would break their necks in the next second.

"There's a treasure in front of you! Everyone must not back down! Kill them, and the treasure is ours!"

The black-clothed man at the head shouted with the knife in his hand and rushed towards Ruan Su.

He wants to kill this woman first, just a woman!

What's so scary?

"Kill this woman!" he cried, holding his long sword.

So a sharp knife stabbed Ruan Su. If it really stabbed her, it would be terrible, and she would be stabbed into a hornet's nest.

Ruan Su sneered and swept his legs, kicking several killers in a row.

Bo Xingzhi jumped down directly and rushed in front of the killers. With his actions, almost an entire row of killers died instantly.

Blood continued to spurt down the killers' necks.

The scene was bloody.

It was already an hour later when they were all wiped out by Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi.

About a dozen people who Fan Lian brought over were killed and injured, and only a few were left.

He hugged his clan with tears in his arms and cried, "Brother Wang! Brother Li! Ah! You all died here, how can I tell your family when I go back!"

"Young Master, don't be sad anymore." Uncle Fan knelt down beside him, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes. "No one wants this kind of thing to happen."

Ruan Su was covered in blood, and she was helping everyone deal with the wounds.

Except for Song Yan and Bo Xingzhi who were not injured, almost everyone had skin trauma to varying degrees.

"Fortunately, we have a complete range of medicines in our backpack." Lin Qi was already injured, but he also killed a few killers. He was so tired that he sat on the ground panting and couldn't get up.

Fan Lian and Uncle Fan also began to help everyone heal their injuries.

It didn't take long for all the wounds of the wounded to be bandaged.

Only then did Ruan Su look at Fan Lian seriously, "How can there be treasures in such a place? Are you here to find treasures?"

Fan Lian sighed and wiped the wet tears on his face, "We're not here to find treasure, we're here to find a medicine, I heard that taking this medicine will make people lose their minds and eventually become Someone else's puppet. Our family has always played an important role in the medical world, so my father sent me to find this medicine. If this medicine were to end up in the wrong hands...the consequences would be unimaginable."

"Can people lose their minds and become puppets?" Ruan Su was stunned. She thought of the purple crystal that Lin Qi gave her. Could it be... the puppet crystal recorded in the diary before?

Her heart was pounding and it took a while to calm down.

"Yes, this medicine is very scary. I heard that it was buried in the Fenghua Palace." Fan Lian said sadly, "But I didn't expect that there would be killers in such a remote place, and they still came to find the treasure. Yes. We have no interest in treasure at all. They kill people without saying a word."

The more he said, the redder his eyes became. "We brought over twenty or thirty brothers, all of whom have martial arts skills from our family. But I didn't expect...the other party would be so cruel."

"Fortunately, you arrived in time to save us, otherwise... it is estimated that the young master and I will be here today. No one will know that we are dead." Uncle Fan said with red eyes, and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. , "Miss Ruan, Young Master Bo, thank you for your life-saving grace. You... the kindness you gave to our family is really something that we will never forget in our Blood Medicine Valley for several lifetimes."

Last time, Ruan Su gave Wumancao to Blood Medicine Valley.

Saved them again this time.

"These words don't need to be said, everyone is their own." Ruan Su said and helped the two who were slumped on the ground. "People still have to look forward. You can't be immersed in sadness all the time."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at the killers on the ground, "This cave is very humid, it will be very cold at night, and if you are not careful, you will contract arthritis. So everyone, hurry up."

"These people don't know who they are."

Song Yan checked several killers, but couldn't see their origins.

"Let's leave them alone, let's hurry. Let's go." Ruan Su looked at the twin brothers Liang Hei and Liang Bai again, "Can we still go? If not, you are seriously injured and wait for us to come back here."

"Okay, let's go." Liang Hei said quickly, what a joke, if any treasure hunters come again, they can't resist.

Still safer with the boss.

Fan Lian picked up her broken emotions and followed Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi forward.

They walked about three or four hundred meters, and after turning a few corners, everyone finally stopped.

The twin brothers widened their eyes in ecstasy.

"My mother! I've never seen such a big golden statue in my life!"

"This is... too beautiful, isn't it?"

I saw a life-size golden statue standing seven or eight meters away from them. Facing the direction of the hole, under the illumination of the flashlight, it exudes a golden light, which is very dazzling.

Almost all eyes are drawn to this statue.

"Could this be the statue of Princess Li?" Fan Lian was also looking at the statue, "Look at it wearing ancient clothes, hair accessories of ancient people."

"Maybe yes." Ruan Su reached out and touched the statue, then tapped again, "It should be made of pure gold. This statue is invaluable."

"Is there really any treasure here? Is it her funeral? Or what?" Fan Lian curiously circled around the statue.

Others were also looking at the cave with their flashlights.

"I didn't see the coffin." Bo Xingzhi said lightly, "I didn't see the puppet medicine you were looking for."

"Is this the Fenghua Palace?" Ruan Su also began to look around. She wanted to know what was in the Fenghua Palace and what was the relationship with the boss.

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