Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 910: There is no moral bottom line in front of money

The space in this cave is very large, especially the space near the sculpture is very large, about a hundred square meters, like a large living room.

However, there are not many flat grounds in this space, there are many strange rocks protruding, and there are many steep stones of different heights.

There are even a lot of upside-down stalactites, with different images and various postures.

Listening carefully, there is still the gurgling sound of water in the cave, which makes people feel dazed.

Ruan Su looked at the sound of water, and saw a small stream slowly flowing into the depths of the cave.

She turned her attention to the gold sculpture again. The sculpture weighed several hundred kilograms at least. She also knocked on it just now. The sculpture is not hollow, but solid gold.

How much manpower and material time will it take to create such a solid gold sculpture.

And whether in terms of craftsmanship or texture, this sculpture is superior.

She is playing carving herself, and she naturally knows that it is from the hands of master craftsmen.

It seems that the so-called Princess Li back then was really favored by Prince Li.

Ruan Su thought of the information he had found, "Prince Li is brave and good at fighting, but he does not have three wives and four concubines. He has been very protective of Princess Li throughout his life. The two have three sons and one daughter. The historical records are so recorded, but I don't know about the Queen of Li's family. Where are people now."

"No matter where it is, this sculpture can't be regarded as the Li family, but should be handed over to the state." Bo Xingzhi hooked his lips, "You don't need to worry about serious things, let's see what this cave has. What a miraculous thing."

Ruan Su nodded, "Do you have any new discoveries?"

Everyone shook their heads, "No, there is nothing here except this sculpture."

"There is still a road ahead, why don't we go inside?" Fan Lian suggested in a low voice.

"Okay, let's go." Ruan Su agreed, "Maybe the puppet medicine you want to find is in it."

So the group continued to move forward, the interior area was larger, and the number of stalactites was also greater.

If this place is developed into a tourist attraction, these stalactites alone will be a major attraction.

The roads in the cave became more and more rugged and difficult to walk, and some paths were even narrow enough that only one person could squeeze through.

And there are more and more mountain springs, ticking on the ground, the ground is getting more and more wet, and there are more and more small streams.

Some moss grew in the corner of the cave, but there were no other animals.

The more they went inside, the more they heard clattering.

One of Fan Lian's attendants couldn't help shouting, "It's a waterfall."

Everyone saw that at the end of the cave was a circular exit covered by a crashing waterfall, which perfectly isolated the cave from the outside.

Under the impact of this powerful waterfall, no living thing can rush in.

"This waterfall is wide and big, and the water flows rapidly, which covers the entrance of the cave very well. Most people can't get in, and animals can't get in. No wonder it's quite safe this way." Ruan Su walked to the entrance of the cave and looked at the flying She didn't care when a few drops of water splashed on her body from the waterfall that was 3,000 feet straight down.

She turned to look at the people behind her, "They say there is a treasure, but I don't know if it's true. Let's look for it. If you can find something, it will be great. If you can't find it, it doesn't matter. There is that sculpture. It’s not like going home empty-handed after all.”

Bo Xingzhi's deep black eyes looked at her, and after watching for a while, he said, "Xiao Su is right, everyone split up and look around. If you find any important clues, you must report them in time."

"Master, come and see!" Suddenly, Song Yan exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Bo Xingzhi strode towards Song Yan, and the others were also attracted by Song Yan.

After a while, everyone gathered around Song Yan.

"This is..." Ruan Su looked at the iron boxes hidden behind a pile of stalactites in front of them. These boxes were stacked on top of each other. The boxes were covered with cyan moss. moss.

Some boxes have been rusted and rotten, and some are even tattered, and the things in the boxes are scattered on the ground.

When the flashlights of several people hit these things on the ground, they were all shocked.

"It turned out to be gold, and there are so many jewels!" Fan Lian couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

There is no light here, if there is light... I'm afraid it will be a piece of paper drunk and dazzling.

There are also many gold-shaped utensils, which are particularly delicate.

A lot of silver and gold coins piled up on the ground piece by piece.

"There are hundreds of these boxes, so many piles here... No one has ever found them." Ruan Su squatted down and picked up a string of pearl necklaces to play with. Not only the necklaces, but also a lot of jadeite Jade, whichever one takes out is a precious treasure.

The twin brothers casually pried open an iron box closest to them, and with a bang, the box was opened.

It contained the jewelry of ancient women inlaid with many gems, as well as some gold products, including some rare ancient porcelain and the like.

Everyone began to open the boxes one after another. Some boxes contained documents that were very well preserved, as well as some unique cultural books of the era.

Others are weapons, swords, or bows and things like that.

Anything here is extremely collectible and artistic.

Fan Lian swallowed, "There are really treasures, shouldn't these things be antiques? Is this Princess Li's funeral?"

Not to mention the treasures in these boxes, just the golden sculpture of Princess Li outside is worth a lot of money.

Not to mention these gold and silver treasures that are enough to drive everyone crazy. Even if Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi were rich, they were shocked when all the silver and gold jewelry of Chi Guoguo were piled up in front of them.

Fortunately, the two of them had good concentration and quickly woke up.

Song Yan and Lin Qi had already taken out two miner's lamps at this time, and hung the miner's lamp on a relatively high stalactite at the top of the cave, but in an instant!

Under the illumination of the light, it was instantly golden and it was hard to open your eyes.

Gems of various colors, matched with gold and silver, reflect a beautiful and dazzling light.

"It's really beautiful."

"It's beautiful here."

"Too crazy."

Everyone can't help but start to admire this beautiful cave.

"The Fenghua Palace is indeed well-deserved, and Princess Li's favor was not groundless." Ruan Suda measured everything here, which was really admirable.

"Boss, how much is this worth?" Liang Hei swallowed, "Are we going to get rich?"

Although the salary of following Ruan Su is naturally very high, but... who doesn't love money?

Liang Bai was also a little disbelieving, "There are so many gold and silver treasures, which can't be spent in a few lifetimes."

Not to mention those antiques, if you take out any one, it will shock the world.

Fan Lian carefully glanced at Ruan Su, and then at Bo Xingzhi, " can rest assured, I, our Blood Medicine Valley will be divided into a box..."

Life is important, he doesn't have the ability to share so many treasures with Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi.

Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su looked at each other, and the woman nodded at him, her red lips slightly parted, "Antiques are donated to museums, and we can't keep them to their true meaning. We should let historians study and discover them. The past civilization history, this is the value that antiques should exist."

Bo Xingzhi continued her words and said, "As for the statue of Princess Li, since it is a memorial to her from Lord Li, we should not destroy the last wishes of our predecessors. We will take away these jewels and gold, as well as all these books. "

"As for the Valley of Blood Medicine." Ruan Su looked at Fan Lian, "I will give you one third of the gold, do you agree?"

"" Fan Lian stammered and looked at Ruan Su, a little incoherent. He didn't expect Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi to be so generous, and even planned to give them one-third.

There are a few treasures with a hundred and ten chests, of which gold accounts for at least sixty or seventy chests... If you give them one-third, doesn't that mean there will be at least twenty chests?

dizzy dizzy!

Uncle Fan was also very shocked, no one was unmoved in the face of so many treasures.

But...the brothers they brought were very few, and it was impossible to compete with Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi.

So he didn't even think about robbing these belongings, his life was at stake!

"Well, Blood Medicine Valley came to look for that puppet medicine, and it is with the compassion of all living beings. We can give you this gold to sponsor you, can't we?" Ruan Su raised an eyebrow, "Besides, Blood Medicine Valley and There is some friendship between our husband and wife. I will not kill you for money. "

"Wow!" Fan Lian couldn't control his emotions any longer, and slammed into Ruan Su's arms and cried, "Miss Ruan, you are really the reborn parents of our Blood Medicine Valley. How could I, Fan Lian, be so lucky? to you."

Bo Xingzhi raised his hand and grabbed Fan Lian's collar with a handsome face. He mentioned him aside, "Calm down."

In the next time, everyone began to work together.

Song Yan and his twin brothers flew a plane to meet them.

They opened the box and sorted the contents of the box.

Fan Lian didn't give up and continued to search for the puppet medicine he wanted, but after searching several boxes, there was nothing in it.

He was a little discouraged, sat down on the ground, and sighed, "I'm going crazy! Is there really no medicine here? Is our news wrong?"

"Where did you get the news about Fenghua Palace?" Ruan Su opened a box and asked Fan Lian suspiciously, "And those killers, who are they?"

She is now worried that other people will come...

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