Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 911: It was out of breath!

Fan Lian stood up from the ground and happened to see the box that Ruan Su had just opened.

He didn't care to answer Ruan Su's words, and rushed over excitedly, "Medicine! This box is medicine!"

Ruan Su also looked down at the box at his feet, and saw that there were boxes full of medicines in bottles and jars, but the shape of the bottles and jars did not look ancient, but more modern.

She picked up one of the bottles, and the text on it was also modern, "Thionofloxacin?"

"Silane, zinc phosphide, aluminum phosphide?"

"It's obvious that someone has come to this treasure before, and then hid these chemicals here." Ruan Su was puzzled, "There are people in this world who see these treasures without being tempted, and then leave? They also hid things here... …”


"I want to see if there is any puppet medicine I'm looking for." Fan Lian said, and began to look for it for a while.

Uncle Fan walked up to Ruan Su and said in a low voice, "Don't mind, the young master wants to find this medicine too much. We accidentally found the clue of Fenghua Palace in a diary of the Fan family, which records that the puppet medicine Its functions and characteristics, if it is used on people, it will become a puppet and be used by the drugged person."

"So serious?" Ruan Su frowned and looked at Uncle Fan, "Did you bring the diary? Can you let me take a look?"

Uncle Fan immediately touched the mezzanine of his backpack with trembling hands, and took out the diary with trembling hands.

"It's this diary. It's been hidden in our Fan family's secret pavilion for many years. We only discovered this shocking secret when we unintentionally cleaned up the secret pavilion some time ago."

Ruan Su slowly opened the diary, and found that the handwriting in this diary was also very scribbled, and it was very similar to the handwriting on the book that Lin Qi gave her at the beginning.

After turning several pages, she could conclude that the two diaries were indeed written by the same person.

She kept flipping through the diary, trying to find new clues from it.

She waited until she turned to the last page and found nothing useful.

She had to secretly return the diary to Uncle Fan, "This diary must not fall into the wrong hands. After all, it contains a huge secret."

Uncle Fan quickly agreed, "Miss Ruan, don't worry. We won't spread it out."

At this moment, they suddenly heard Fan Lian's surprised voice, "I found it! It must be it!"

When he called this, everyone felt like they were surrounding him, only to see Fan Lian carefully taking out a small bottle. The small bottle was all purple and looked crystal clear.

"How can you be sure that this bottle is a puppet medicine?" Lin Qi looked at Fan Lian who was excited and puzzled and asked.

"It was recorded in the diary that the puppet medicine was contained in a small purple bottle. I rummaged through the box and finally found this purple bottle." Fan Lian opened the bottle excitedly, and a faint fragrance overflowed along the mouth of the bottle.

He took a deep breath, "It smells good."

In the next second, he only felt himself dizzy.

He almost lost his footing, but fortunately, Uncle Fan, who was closest to him, supported him, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Fan Lian shook his head, "My head is so dizzy..."

Ruan Su grabbed the bottle cap and quickly closed the purple bottle, "The powder in this bottle cannot be easily opened, otherwise what if you lose your mind?"

She thought of the puppet crystal she hid in the Ye family, which was similar to this puppet medicine.

It seems that it was made by the big guy who kept the diary.

"If this kind of thing spreads out, it will be more terrifying than vinegar fire." Bo Xingzhi frowned at the small bottle in front of him, "We should destroy it immediately."

"But... I think it's very valuable for research." Fan Lian had regained his clarity at this time, "It wouldn't be a pity to destroy this hard-to-find medicine? What's more, if it were anywhere else in the world There are also hidden things, if we are found by people with intentions, we have no countermeasures, isn't it even more terrible?"

Ruan Su narrowed her apricot eyes slightly, "I think Fan Lian is right. We should study it and find a way to deal with it. Otherwise, if these things are produced in large quantities...and spread out, it will endanger the whole world."

"Then Fan Lian, you must protect this bottle of medicine and bring it to the Blood Medicine Valley for detailed study." Seeing that Ruan Su agreed, Bo Xingzhi didn't say any more objections.

Ruan Su looked at the box again. There were a lot of chemicals in the box.

She looked at the other boxes containing the classics. Since the boss has medicines hidden here, does it mean that the boss has books?

When she thought of this possibility, she was inexplicably excited.

She simply sat next to a box of books and began to read them one by one.

If it is an ancient version, she will immediately throw it aside. What she needs to look for is a modern version of the book, which is naturally very different from the previous book and the modern book.

"Now that Song Yan and the others haven't sent the plane over, let's look for it first, and see if we can find the modern version of the books for me, and classify them. Ancient ones belong to one category, and modern ones belong to one category."

Ruan Su then said to Fan Lian and Lin Qi, "I think since the owner of the diary has medicine, there may be books."

"That's right, let's all look for it together. It won't be long before we find it." Lin Qi naturally agreed with the boss's opinion.

So, everyone began to look for modern versions of books.

For a while, the cave was in full swing.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps outside.

Everyone who was looking for the book stopped and held their breath.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi motioned for everyone to hide behind the stalactite, everyone quietly put down the book in their hands, and hid very lightly.

Fan Lian still didn't forget to put the bottle of puppet medicine into his backpack and followed Ruan Su.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi looked at each other, and both quietly pulled out the daggers they carried.

Song Yan and his twin brothers went out to fly, and it was impossible to return so soon.

So... these people are definitely not Song Yan or the three of them.

Soon, the footsteps got closer and closer, and finally stopped in front of the pile of gold and silver treasures, a hoarse voice was excited and excited, "Hahaha! Great, these treasures of Princess Li are ours!"

"Brother! What do we do now? Move them away?" A dog-legged voice sounded,

The raspy said excitedly, "That's for sure, move, move now!"

However, at the moment he turned around, there was a "pushing red"!

A knife stabbed his chest fiercely, he covered his chest in shock and took a few steps back, staring at the dog-legged little brother just now in disbelief, " dare to kill I?"

The dog-legged voice became abnormally cold at this time, "I've long disliked you, now it's alright, the treasure is mine."

" go to me and kill this traitor!" The hoarse voice tried to command his other younger brothers.

But the other younger brothers looked indifferent, "I didn't want you to be the boss for a long time, haven't you woken up yet?"

"Come on, let's move quickly."

So, these people are ready to move up.

"These people are all rabble. I don't know how they can find it here." Bo Xingzhi said in a low voice, "I can't let them move things away."

Ruan Su nodded, and the two gave a high-five in tacit understanding. The next second, like two martial arts masters, they rose into the air and hit the backs of those people.

They were caught off guard and were attacked by the two of them, and they were shocked.

And the man with the hoarse voice before had fallen to the ground unwillingly, dying, and suddenly saw someone come out to kill these traitors, he immediately widened his eyes, "Kill it well!"

These people immediately dropped the gold in their hands, pulled out their weapons and shot at Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su. They were holding guns!

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi dodged vigorously, and then walked among these men.

Several people were killed soon, but there were many of them, about twenty, and they were pirate gangs from the nearby waters.

Seeing that his people were about to disappear, the dog-legged man quickly wanted to escape, but Ruan Su vacated several times, caught up with him and kicked him in front of Bo Xingzhi.

"Ah! It hurts!" He screamed, lying on the ground screaming.

"Tell me, how did you know about Princess Li's treasure?" Ruan Su stepped on his back and said coldly.

"We... we are pirates, and there is a legend among us pirates that it is Princess Li's treasure in Fenghua Palace." The man spoke with difficulty, and blood continued to overflow from the corners of his lips.

Bo Xingzhi stared at him sharply, "Who first spread this legend?"

I always feel that the treasure legend is not groundless.

"Yes... the first one I heard about was our boss... I don't know who he heard from." The dog answered with difficulty.

Ruan Su heard the words and immediately walked towards the pirate who was stabbed with a knife, "Say, who did you listen to?"

"I...I...I'll tell you for the sake of avenging me. I heard from another pirate gang that they kidnapped a powerful man in the red light district, and the man spat it out. , he... he seems to be a member of the Shengya family... this is the secret of their family..."

"Shengya Family?" Ruan Su frowned. It sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it for a while.

"It's a big family in the red light district." Bo Xingzhi said indifferently, "It's in the diamond jewelry business, with business all over the world, and it's one of the best jewelers."

"How did the Shengya family know about this place?" Ruan Su was puzzled, and when he was about to continue his questioning, he found that the pirate's head was twisted and his eyes turned and he was out of breath.

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