Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 912: I really didn't expect it!

"People are dead." Bo Xingzhi kicked the pirate, "Don't think about it too much, just focus on what's in front of you."

Ruan Su nodded, and everyone continued to look for books.

Try to find useful clues from these boxes of memorization.

Song Yan and the twin brothers waited until it was night to get the plane over. Together, they moved all the treasures onto the plane. By the time everything was over, it was already bright.

Everyone was exhausted and panting. Fortunately, the helicopter had a lot of space and was not that small.

"It's really not easy to be able to leave smoothly." Fan Lian couldn't help sighing while sitting in the helicopter and watching the rising plane.

Ruan Su's beautiful eyes fell on him, "Send you back first."

"Okay, Miss Ruan." Fan Lian nodded, "Thank you for this trip."

It was completely safe now. After Fan Lian took out his mobile phone and charged it for a while, he sent a message to Father Fan, the current head of the Fan family, about what happened in the cave.

"You return safely. You must thank Miss Ruan and Young Master Bo, and hold a banquet for your father at home." Fan's father quickly replied to Fan Lian.

Fan Lian said to Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su with a look of anticipation after seeing it, "Young Master Bo, Miss Ruan, my dad was very moved, and he specially held a family dinner at home to thank you. Appreciate your face."

Ruan Su's eyes fell on Bo Xingzhi, who nodded at her, and she said, "Since Patriarch Fan is so enthusiastic, we should be respectful rather than obedient."

They need to go to Fan's house to rest for a while, they are too tired these days.

In particular, Lin Qi needs to take good care of his injuries. After the snake gallbladder arrives at Fan's house, it can come in handy to treat Lin Qi's illness.

"It's great!" Fan Lian exclaimed excitedly, "You haven't been to our house for a long time, Miss Ruan, our family has developed a new type of medicine this year, and I'll give you some, all of which are good for the body. beneficial."

The plane flew smoothly at an altitude of 30,000 feet.

Everyone was drowsy, and some were so tired that they fell asleep.

But Bo Xingzhi never slept, and Ruan Su crooked on his shoulder and fell asleep.

He and Song Yan have been flying the plane alternately, otherwise it would be too tiring, and one would be overwhelmed by strength.

Suddenly, the plane experienced a violent turbulence.

Almost everyone who was sleeping soundly was woken up. The twin brothers rubbed their eyes and looked at the dark sky outside the window with confusion, "What happened? What happened?"

Uncle Fan coughed several times, "Have you encountered airflow?"

Fan Lian also stood up and looked out the window, "Is there wind or rain? Or is it thunder?"

Ruan Su narrowed his eyes slightly, and woke up almost in a second, "Don't be impatient, Song Tesuke, what happened?"

Song Yan's eyes turned a little red, "Several planes appeared just in front of our plane, constantly trying to cut off our flight path. I... I was just dodging."

He was afraid of bumping into each other suddenly.

Bo Xingzhi sternly walked towards the driver's seat, "It's my turn."

At the same time, Ruan Su and his twin brothers have already started preparing weapons. "The visitor is not good, everyone get down on the ground carefully. If the other party has weapons..."

Before she could finish her words, the plane opposite was a burst of machine gun fire!

Bullets fell like crazy on their helicopters.

"Get down!"

Ruan Su shouted, almost everyone fell down immediately, and the helicopter was in a panic for a while.

"Open the cabin door!" Ruan Su called to the twin brothers.

Liang Hei and Liang Bai immediately climbed to the cabin door, and at the same time Bo Xingzhi also turned on the open button of the cabin door.

After the cabin door was opened, Ruan Su immediately set up an anti-aircraft gun, aiming it at the opposite helicopter!

The anti-aircraft gun's rear setback was extremely powerful, but she held it back and endured it abruptly.

The cannon fired with a loud bang, and the plane on the opposite side rolled several times in the air with black smoke and began to fall.

The people on the plane screamed in fright, and immediately opened the parachute to escape, and those who were too late could only die.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and aimed at another plane, and the killer on the helicopter aimed at the plane driven by Bo Xingzhi like crazy.

Liang Hei and Liang Bai are not vegetarians either. The two brothers held guns at the killer and shot him in the head!

The killer fell from the plane.

As soon as he falls, someone new will take his place.

Ruan Su sneered and blasted again.

Bo Xingzhi inadvertently glanced back and saw a slender woman standing at the door of the cabin, just like the female patron saint from Gu Xiwa, her blue silk was lifted by the hunter night wind, which was amazingly beautiful!

Fan Lian and the others also looked at this scene in astonishment. Who would have thought that such a slender woman would be carrying an anti-aircraft gun for nothing?

The bombardment went out, and the plane on the opposite side wanted to avoid it, but couldn't dodge it at all.

"Boss, you rest for a while, let's come!" Liang Hei and Liang Bai came directly to Ruan Su's side. The backlash of this anti-aircraft gun is not something that ordinary people can easily bear.

Especially Ruan Su has endured it twice. If he comes back a few times, the arm will not be needed, and it will be useless.

Ruan Su's arm was indeed a little numb. She stepped back and glanced at Fan Lian and the others who were lying on the ground shivering.

And Bo Xingzhi was driving the helicopter constantly to avoid the shooting of the opposite helicopter. If he was really hit, then the entire plane would crash, and these treasures would also be lost.

When they arrived, the bamboo basket was empty.

Too bad.

Therefore, relying on his superb driving skills, he kept evading, and he couldn't let everyone's efforts go to waste.

Seeing that the anti-aircraft guns were also set up on the opposite side, and they were about to shoot at them, Qianjun fired one shot!

The twin brothers blasted the cannon directly, and the two cannons met in mid-air!

Explode directly with a bang!

"Perfect!" The brothers clapped excitedly.


"This cannon must blow up the last plane!"

Ruan Su let out a long sigh, why did these people chase here?

Is it also a member of the Shengya family?

Her mind was thinking fast, but she couldn't come up with a result.

When all the killers were killed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fan Lian looked at the anti-aircraft gun in shock. Miss Ruan was really fierce, and she even had this kind of weapon.

Fortunately... Fortunately, the couple, Xueyigu and Bo Xingzhi, are not enemies.

Otherwise, you will surely die miserably.

The sky was calm again, and the plane continued to move forward smoothly.

Everyone was frightened and began to look for food from the refrigerator.

"After doing this, I'm hungry." Liang Hei brought out some instant noodles and vacuum-packed roast chicken, and distributed them to everyone one by one. "Come and eat quickly."

"I'm almost eating right now, and I'll be sure to treat everyone with delicacies from the mountains and seas when I'm at home." Fan Lian said undecidedly, "Fortunately, Bo Shao has a high flying skill, and you all have a good time playing with guns. It saved our lives again. Otherwise, , we really don't know how we died."

"Why are you saying these polite words?" Liang Bai patted Fan Lian on the shoulder, tore off a chicken leg and took a big bite, "We're all used to this scene, why haven't we seen it with our boss?"

"That's not it." Lin Qi pulled a chicken wing, "Our boss is very powerful!"

"What are you blowing? Hurry up and eat." Ruan Su glanced at them, and they quickly opened the topic with a smile.

The old aura is too strong, they dare not make trouble.

When it was almost dawn, the plane finally arrived at Fanjia Castle.

The whole castle was brightly lit, obviously to welcome Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su.

When Father Fan heard the news that the plane had landed on the roof of the tallest villa, he immediately rushed over with people, and held Bo Xingzhi's hand excitedly and excitedly, "Young Master Bo, thank you very much, you and Miss Ruan saved my son's life again, and I am really willing to be a cow or a horse."

"There's no need to say these words." Bo Xingzhi glanced at him lightly and pulled back his hand, and said to Fan Lian, "Young Master Fan, take your things down."

Fan Lian nodded like a chick pecking at rice, "Dad, let someone carry things quickly, we have quite a few."

"Something?" Father Fan's eyes widened in shock! He thought that with Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su there, their Fan family wouldn't be able to share anything... I didn't expect that their husband and wife would even share things with their Fan family?

He quickly instructed a few of the Fan family's children to carry things, and when he saw the boxes of gold coins that were carried out, he burst into tears.

"My mother... Young Master Bo, Miss Ruan... You are the reborn parents of our Fan family..."

"Unexpectedly, we were given so much..."

The Fan family is not very wealthy because of the reason for researching drugs.

With so many gold coins exchanged for US dollars, it will be a huge sum of money, and it will allow the Fan family to do a lot of research.

Not only can it solve the urgent needs of the Fan family, but it can also make the Fan family more prosperous.

"What's this?" Ruan Su smiled lightly, "Patriarch Fan, we are very tired, can we rest for a while?"

"Okay, the guest room is ready." Fan's father immediately instructed the housekeeper, "Hurry up and take everyone to rest, and ask everyone to get up and attend the banquet during the luncheon."

"Young Master Bo, Miss Ruan, please come with me." The housekeeper immediately led them towards the bottom of the rooftop.

So the group came to a villa one after another and went back to their arranged rooms to rest.

Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su quickly finished washing up. They haven't touched the bed for a few days. Now they are lying on the soft big bed and falling asleep.

The same goes for others, tired bodies and minds that need plenty of sleep to satisfy.

The gold jewelry that the Fan family had been allocated was placed in the Tianbao Building, and Father Fan sighed with emotion. "I didn't expect it..."

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