Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 913: Why can't I match him?

Fan Wen looked at Father Fan with a smile, "I predicted before that this Miss Ruan is a great opportunity for our Fan family. I didn't expect it to be the case."

"Elder Wen, you are really a god. So many gold and silver treasures have solved the urgent needs of our Fan family. Miss Ruan and Young Master Bo saved Lian'er's life this time, and I don't know how to thank them. All right."

Father Fan's chest swelled, filled with emotion.

"What's so difficult about this?" Fan Wen narrowed his old eyes slightly, "Our Fan family doesn't have much of anything, just a lot of medicine."

"That's right." Fan's father nodded and said yes. "Tomorrow, I will ask Lian'er to take out some rare pills that we have just researched a while ago and give them to Miss Ruan. She should like it."

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the east was white with fish belly.

A new day has come again.

And because of the arrival of a helicopter in the early morning, everyone in the Fan family was awake, and they are busy now.

Especially in the kitchen, it was very busy. Almost all the kitchens of the Fan family were gathered here in the banquet hall.

The housekeeper kept exhorting, "Today's luncheon is for Miss Ruan. Do you know who gave it to the Wumancao we usually use? It's Miss Ruan!"

"This Australian lobster must be done well."

"And this king crab, abalone, all have to maintain the most delicious taste, don't mess with me."

"Young Master Bo is picky about his taste. You must take care of his taste. Do you know who he is? Miss Ruan's husband, distinguished guest! We got so much gold and silver jewelry this time, which was given by Young Master Bo."

"Would you like to raise your salary? If you want, just work hard. Those jewels are exchanged for money, and the patriarch said that everyone has a share."

One of the cooks couldn't listen anymore, so she poked her ears, "Housekeeper, don't you stay here with Rosso, okay? It hurts my ears."

"Can we not know that Miss Ruan is the great benefactor of our Fan family? Really!"

The housekeeper glared at her, "I'm not afraid that you won't pay attention to it? We people are soft-spoken, and we can't help Miss Ruan..."

"Okay, okay, go out quickly. We will definitely do it well." The chef waved his hand, "Don't worry."

The kitchen was in full swing, and Father Fan and the main elders and members of the family were not idle either.

Father Fan took out a box about the size of a suitcase and opened it, showing the contents to everyone, "I'm going to give these...and these...all to Young Master Bo and Miss Ruan, what do you think? "

"Patriarch, isn't this a bit small?" An elder touched his chin lightly, "We can only take out this medicine, why not pack another box?"

"Yes, yes, the fifth elder is right. A box does not show sincerity."

"Yes, let's pack some more, can't we just do it again?"

The crowd began to join in.

Father Fan looked at them with satisfaction, "Your suggestion is good, then I will obey the majority and pack another box."

The medicine in the Blood Medicine Valley is not an ordinary medicine, and it is hard for anyone outside to find it.

Now, boxes and boxes are ready to be given to Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi. If outsiders see it, they will be shocked.

Soon it was noon.

The servants brought the delicious food prepared by the kitchen to the table one after another, as well as all kinds of delicious pastries, and all the drinks and beverages were ready.

Seeing that ten tables of dazzling dishes were prepared in the banquet hall, Father Fan nodded with satisfaction.

"The kitchen is doing well today, all the cooks and maids have all raised their salaries."

"Thank you, Patriarch." The butler glanced at the chef in a happy mood, seeing what I said was right!

"Okay, let's get Lian'er and Young Master Bo to get up and come over to the luncheon." Fan's father instructed the housekeeper, "The future of our Fan family is given by Miss Ruan and Young Master Bo, so we must be respectful, you know? "

"Don't worry." The housekeeper took the order and went out.

Ruan Su set an alarm for 11:30, and she got up after the alarm rang.

After washing, I changed into a clean and refreshing clothes. Fortunately, I brought clothes with me when I came out.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her slender figure, sat beside the bed and waved at her, his eyes full of doting, "Come here."

Ruan Su walked over while slapping the skin care products on her face, "What's wrong?"

Bo Xingzhi stretched out his long arms and wrapped her tightly in his arms, his thick chest was attached to her delicate body through a thin cloth, she took advantage of the situation to sit on Bo Xingzhi's lap, two jade arms wrapped around the man's The neck and the end of the eyes are charming, "What?"

The man took a deep sniff, "It smells good."

"It's the fragrance of skin care products." Ruan Su's eyebrows twitched, her red lips pulled out a smile, and she hugged him even tighter.

An ambiguous aura suddenly filled the room, Bo Xingzhi tightened his iron arms, "I really don't want to let you go."

Just like this, they have been hugging each other and never parting.

At this moment, Song Yan's voice came from the door, "Master, Madam, are you up?"

Ruan Su responded, "Special assistant Song, we'll be here soon."

She pushed Bo Xingzhi, "Let's go, it's time to eat, I'm hungry."

It’s hard to eat and sleep in the wild, and now I can finally eat a warm meal, and I feel a little hard-won.

Bo Xingzhi reluctantly let go of her, and the two stood up.

The man's big palm firmly held her small hand, "Okay."

When he opened the door of the room, he saw Song Yan wearing a silver-gray suit standing outside the door. Next to him were Lin Qi and his twin brothers.

Everyone changed into clean clothes, and did not wear the dirty clothes they had been in the field a few days ago.

"Fan's family has a banquet building, which is where banquets are usually held." Song Yan looked at Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su with a smile, "Let's go directly to the banquet building."

"Well, let's go then." Bo Xingzhi nodded.

Liang Hei rubbed his stomach and cried, "I'm so hungry that my chest is on my back, and I've lost weight after sleeping for so long."

"Wait a minute to eat more, so you don't feel wronged with your mouth." Liang Bai tapped him on the head.

When I went downstairs, I saw that in the hall on the first floor, the housekeeper was respectfully bringing a few servants and waiting for them.

Seeing a few people coming downstairs, the housekeeper immediately greeted them with a smile on his face, "Young Master Bo, Miss Ruan, please come with me."

"Trouble uncle butler." Ruan Su smiled at him, but didn't underestimate him as a housekeeper.

The housekeeper took everyone to the lobby on the first floor of the banquet building. The entire banquet building was like a star-rated hotel.

On the first floor is the hall, where some auspicious objects are placed to attract wealth and treasure.

"The banquet is on the second floor, please come with me." The housekeeper then led the way in front, and took everyone directly to the stairs.

As soon as he stepped on the stairs, Fan Lian ran over panting, "Miss Ruan, Young Master Bo... Wait for me!"

The housekeeper also stopped, "Master, today is a banquet specially to thank Young Master Bo and Miss Ruan, why are you dressed like this?"

Fan Lian was stunned, "What happened to me?"

As a result, he was dumbfounded when he lowered his head and shouted, "My mother, why am I wearing pajamas."

After calling, he turned and ran like a whirlwind.

The housekeeper shook his head helplessly, "Let the two of you laugh."

Soon everyone came to the second floor and heard their footsteps.

Under the leadership of Fan's father, all the fans of the Fan family who were hurrying around came around.

Some people have seen Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su, and more have never seen the couple.

Almost all of them looked over with wide-eyed eyes, and saw a pair of handsome men and women walking over accompanied by the housekeeper.

The man is tall and straight, noble and cold, and he looks extravagant in a hand-made black suit. His perfect facial features can be called God's most outstanding darling.

The woman wore a white V-neck knitted sweater with a skirt underneath and a khaki windbreaker wrapped around it.

Everyone in the Fan family was shocked. They didn't expect the couple to be so young! Yet so extraordinary!

Fan's father rubbed his hands nervously, "Young Master Bo, Miss Ruan, please come in. Hanshe has prepared a banquet, and I hope everyone will not dislike it."

Bo Xingzhi's thin lips parted slightly, and his deep eyes swept across the Fan family, "Patriarch Fan is too polite."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, since everyone is here, everyone should take their seats." Patriarch Fan hurriedly greeted everyone to sit down.

There were a lot of Fan's family, and ten tables were filled quickly.

The position of the main table was naturally for Patriarch Fan, Fan Wen, and important family members such as Fan Lian to accompany Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su.

When Fan Lian came back, he had already changed into a silver-gray suit, and to show his grandeur, he also wore a dark red bow tie.

As soon as he hurried upstairs, he was dragged to the corner by a slender arm. Fan's soft voice sounded in his ear, "Brother."

"What are you doing?" Fan Lian frowned and glared at his cousin Fan Qing, "I'm going to be late, and I have to accompany Young Master Bo and Miss Ruan to dinner!"

"Brother...that's Young Master Bo? He looks so good-looking." Fan Qing glanced curiously at the position of the main table.

Fan Lian looked at her impatiently, "Fan Qingqing, don't have any crooked thoughts. Young Master Bo and Miss Ruan are our benefactors. If you do something you shouldn't do, I can't forgive you."

"Oh, where did you go?" Fan gently pouted, and her gaze finally landed on Song Yan, "I just wanted to ask... Who is he?"

"Who?" Fan Lian followed her gaze and saw Song Yan sitting with her twin brother, "You mean him? It's Young Master Bo's special assistant, very powerful."

"Brother, why don't you...can you give me an introduction?" Fan Qing's eyes flashed with a hint of obsession, this man just happened to grow on her aesthetics everywhere.

Look at that figure, look at that appearance, it is simply perfect.

"Come on, you're not worthy of others at all." Fan Lian shook his head like a rattle.

Fan Geng was instantly annoyed by him, "I'm the young lady of the Fan family, why am I not worthy of him?"

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