Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 914: What appeals to you?

"You can get it, I don't know what kind of brother you are?" Fan Lian smiled very flatly. "You're just an eldest lady with a temper. If you don't have any troubles every day, you just buy and buy like crazy. Which man can stand you? Don't go and harm Song Tesuke."

"You!" Fan gently rolled his eyes with anger, "You're still not my brother? You're going too far!"

"Don't waste your time here, I'm going to chat with Miss Ruan!" Fan Lian gave her a push and walked directly towards the main table.

"Oops!" Fan stomped his feet straight behind him in anger.

"Gentle, come here! What are you whispering to your brother there?" Mrs. Fan Er gently waved at Fan, "You like the original lobster the most."

Fan Qing had no choice but to walk towards his mother. "Mom... can I go to the main table to make a toast later?"

Mrs. Fan Er was stunned for a moment, glanced at her daughter's unwilling expression, and immediately became more vigilant, "Gentle, Miss Ruan and Bo Shao are not ordinary people, you must not be self-defeating and abruptly offend the distinguished guests. Your uncle will be to blame."

"Mom, how can you talk about me like that? I'm your daughter." Fan Qing became angrier the more she thought about it, "My brother said about me, and you said about me too."

Mrs. Fan Er suddenly became angry, her tone involuntarily increased, "gently, you are no longer a child, why are you so ignorant? Don't you look at the occasion today? Toast? Is it your turn to come? That's you too. Uncles' business. No matter how you arrange it, you can't arrange it for your junior."

"But..." Fan Gently glanced at Song Yan's straight back again, if she didn't contact him today, where would she find him in the future?

She fell in love with such an excellent man at a glance, no... She must find a way to create opportunities for herself.

Mrs. Fan Er thought that her daughter had listened to her words, so she eased her expression and gave Fan a light meal, "Come on, our Fan family is today because of Miss Ruan, if it weren't for her, she would have no man If the grass is brought back, our Fan family's stubborn disease can't be cured."

"Whether it's Miss Ruan or Young Master Bo, we all have to be grateful. Do you know that?" Mrs. Fan Er took La Fan's light hand again, "Be obedient, don't cause trouble for Mom."

Fan Qing felt a pang of anger in his heart, but he couldn't let it out.

On the main table, Fan Lian had already taken his seat, "I'm sorry I'm late. I'll punish myself for a cup."

After he finished speaking, he picked up the glass and took a swig.

I almost coughed out.

He sat down and said to Ruan Su with a dog-legged look on his face, "Miss Ruan, try this fish maw chicken, it's very nourishing. Let me serve it for you."

As he said that, he took a small bowl and prepared to help Ruan Susheng. Bo Xingzhi raised his hand to stop him, "No need, I'll just come."

Fan Lian had no choice but to pass the small wrist in his hand to Bo Xingzhi, and saw that the man with sharp bones was holding the delicate bone china bowl, holding a small bowl of fish maw chicken, and placing it in front of Ruan Su. "Wife, have a taste."

Father Fan laughed, "Young Master Bo and Miss Ruan are really in love."

Fan Wen sat next to Fan Lian, touched his chin, and looked at Ruan Su with a hint of doubt.

Ruan Su also noticed his strange eyes and said involuntarily, "Elder Wen, do you have any questions for me?"

"Miss Ruan, forgive me for taking the liberty." Fan Wen hesitated for a while before speaking, "I used to have a very good Taoist, and I calculated that he was already in the dust. He must have found a very ideal successor... I just I feel it in Miss Ruan..."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly heard a loud bang!

Everyone's eyes were suddenly attracted by the abnormal sound, and they couldn't help but look towards the source of the sound.

And Fan Wen's words were interrupted.

He looked a little annoyed and saw that Fan Qingqing knocked over a chair for some reason, and the plate of braised prawns that was very close to her also fell to the ground.

Mrs. Fan Er glared at her daughter with a very ugly face, and asked her in a low voice, "Why are you so careless?"

Fan Qing stood there with a stiff face in embarrassment, wishing he could find a crack to burrow in.

She didn't do it on purpose, she just kept staring at the man, so... she accidentally fell off the chair, and the chair was knocked over, and she also dropped the prawn... …

So embarrassing.

"I warned you early on that today is an important occasion." Mrs. Fan Er's face turned green with anger, it was a shame! "Why don't you hurry up and pack up and change into new clothes?"

"Oh, good." Fan Qing hurriedly left with his head down.

There was an embarrassed smile on Mrs. Fan's face, "I made everyone laugh. I usually have trouble with my hands and feet, but I still can't get rid of this stinky problem today."

"I don't think it's light that I fell just now, as long as she's okay." Fan's father made a round of rounds, then looked at Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi again, "The child is young and ignorant, I hope you don't mind. ."

"We would also like to thank you for your hospitality. The Fan family is so lively and the atmosphere is good. It's an enviable big family." Ruan Su smiled and said a few polite words.

But Fan Wen's previous topic was interrupted, and he sighed helplessly.

Let's ask again later.

Intuition told him that Ruan Su and Niu Daoren should have some origins.

Fan Geng walked outside with a face of shame and anger. She walked in a hurry and didn't look at the road at all.

As a result, she walked to the corner with a "bang" and bumped into a thick wall. She covered her sore nose and raised her head and wailed, "It hurts!"

Liang Hei was startled, "Miss, are you all right? I didn't mean to."

Fan raised her eyes lightly and met a pair of black and white eyes. Only then did she realize that she had hit the man's chest. She had lost her temper in front of the man she liked, and she was very ashamed, angry, and annoyed. Now that she bumped into someone again, she was even more angry.

"How do you walk? Can you have some eyes?"

Liang Hei looked at her red eyes like a bunny, and her heart skipped half a beat from her delicate and weak appearance.

Girls...are they all so delicate?

The woman he has been in contact with the most is Ruan Su, but the a god-like existence. He also knows that other women can't compare with the boss, but this girl is too delicate, right?

As if he could break her with just a little force.

Seeing his heart soften, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If you really hurt, hit me."

Fan Qing didn't expect this man to have such a good temper. The tall man bent over and lowered his head to apologize continuously.

She was instantly happy, "Forget it, I don't care about you."

After speaking, she hurried to the building where she lived to change her clothes.

As soon as she went back, she saw Fan Yiyi basking in the sun in the chaise longue. She saw Fan Yiyi coughing heavily, and then she said, "Gentle, why are you back?"

"Oh, look at me, there are oil stains all over my body, how can I meet people?" Fan said lightly and hurriedly went upstairs to change his clothes.

She changed into a water-pink dress with a long beige coat over it. She looked tall and slender. She looked sweet and cute, which made her look even more delicate.

She hurried downstairs again to leave.

Before leaving, he walked over to Fan Qingqing and held her hand, "Yiyi, do you want to go with me?"

"Forget it, I'm not in good health, so I won't make everyone uncomfortable." Fan Yiyi coughed twice as she spoke.

"Alright then, I'll go." Fan said lightly and ran away, his back like a rabbit.

Fan Yiyi looked at her back sadly and closed her eyes.

Obviously they are twins and they look exactly the same, why is he the weaker one who has been dealing with medicine jars for many years.

God it's really unfair sometimes.

When Fan Qingqing returned to the banquet, everyone was chatting enthusiastically.

Mrs. Fan Er was chatting with Mrs. Fan San beside her two daughters, "Yiyi is steady and steady, but her body is too weak. Our Fan family is a family of medicine, but we can't see the disease that came out of her mother's womb. Really. I'm worried to death."

"Yiyi has been weak since she was a child, so she can't do anything about it!" Mrs. Fan San said that the children in the family were also worried, "Seeing that the skin monkey in my family has not come back yet, why do you have to go around."

"The child is getting older, I can't help my mother!" Mrs. Fan swept the corner of her eyes when Fan Qing came back, and immediately called her, "Hurry up and sit down to eat, don't do anything else, do you hear me?"

Fan looked at the main table lightly, and saw the second table next to the main table, sitting firmly on the man who hurt her just now, hey—that's not right! How come there are two?

The same thick eyebrows and big eyes!

Are they twins too?

Liang Hei and Liang Bai wear exactly the same clothes, look exactly the same, and even have the same hairstyle!

"Gentle, gentle?" Mrs. Fan San called her several times, "Why doesn't Yiyi come?"

Fan was gently dragged by his mother before he snapped back to his senses, "Uh, third aunt, Yiyi thinks it's noisy here."

"What are you looking at? What attracts you there?" Mrs. Fan glared angrily at her.

Fan curled his lips slightly, but he was thinking in his heart that these two twin brothers had never met before, and their eyes were very strange.

Are they Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi?

On the main table, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi were chatting with Fan's father, and they were talking about the recent situation in the red light district.

"The head of the district doesn't know what's wrong. He strictly investigates the management of the vinegar fire. The gang of people brought by Ditian really do not do good things." Fan's father sighed. "This Ditian is ruthless, but he is not a master to be provoked."

Fan Wen also said, "The Emperor, Sky, Green Army he did is simply disgusting and dead. The red light district was not very peaceful, and he made it even more smoky."

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