Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 915: not far from extinction

Bo Xingzhi frowned slightly, and there was a hint of seriousness on his stern face, "I have heard of this Ditian, he is a ruthless person."

"He seems to have suddenly emerged from the red light district in the past two years. I have never heard of him before. I don't know how to gain momentum and make waves." Fan's father sighed heavily, and a hint of helplessness flashed on his face. Worrying, their Fan family couldn't fight against this Ditian, and Ditian sent people over to get medicine again and again, so he had to give it.

But it was not very comfortable for him.

After all, Di Tian is not a good person.

But if you don't give it, you are afraid of bringing disaster to the family.

Although the Blood Medicine Valley looks very mysterious in the eyes of outsiders, and there are many good and magical medicines, the people of the Blood Medicine Valley are not good at force, and the force value is relatively weak, which is also a fatal flaw of their family.

Although many children of Fan Lian's generation have been practicing martial arts since childhood, they are still far behind those desperados brought by Ditian.

Ruan Su looked at Fan's worried look, put down his chopsticks and took a sip of red wine, "As long as he doesn't come to harm the Blood Medicine Valley, you don't have to worry too much."

At present, it seems that Ditian is just coming to the Blood Medicine Valley to ask for medicine.

Who are those medicines sold to? It's all about money anyway.

Fan's father's face was full of sadness, "Two months ago, Di Tian personally came to ask Blood Medicine Valley to provide a batch of the latest wound medicines, and the price was extremely low. I couldn't ignore the lives of my clan, so I agreed. But... When picking up the goods, Ditian only gave 50% of the funds, and the remaining 50% has not been paid yet. It's okay to not pay, just yesterday, he even brazenly called Called to order another batch."

"It's too much to pay for so many medicines!" Uncle Fan scolded angrily, "I really didn't take our Blood Medicine Valley seriously."

"Yeah, Miss Ruan, Young Master Bo, I hope you can call the shots for us! We can only rely on you two in the Blood Medicine Valley." Fan's eyes turned red as he spoke, "It's because I'm not capable, I can't bless you. my people."

"But..." Ruan Su didn't mean to provoke such right and wrong.

What's more, that Ditian and her have never met, and there seems to be no grudge between them.

"Miss Ruan, Young Master Bo, you don't need to work hard." Father Fan saw that Ruan Su had misunderstood, and quickly explained, "It's like this."

"When they called yesterday, I was very angry. I wanted to chase the last payment, but Ditian put forward the condition that if our Fan family's people compete with his Ditian people and win the game, the payment will be 100%. It's a lot of money to settle. If we lose, we won't be able to pay for the goods, and his new orders will be sent to him at half price."

Fan's father became angrier the more he talked, "It is clear that the payment for the goods should be settled, but he put forward such embarrassing conditions. It's just too much deceiving."

"Competition?" Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes glanced at Father Fan and then at Ruan Su.

Looking at each other, Ruan Su's pretty face was thoughtful, "I don't know what kind of game?"

"For the weak scholars in our Fan family, it was a competition that was as difficult as going to the sky." Fan's eyes were full of melancholy, "Skiing competition."

"Skiing?" Ruan Su's eyes flashed with surprise, "Skiing shouldn't be difficult, right?"

"Miss Ruan, you don't know, his requirements are extremely harsh, freestyle U-shaped skiing venue, and five expert ski judges will score. This... This is as terrible as any games. Our family How can these people win? I heard that Di Tian himself is very fond of golf and skiing... Now it's winter again..."

Father Fan became angrier the more he talked, and suddenly lost his appetite for the delicious food on this large table.

He put down his chopsticks, feeling indescribably uncomfortable, as disgusting as swallowing ten kilograms of flies.

"I also inquired, and wanted to invite a master to help the game, but the master rejected me as soon as they heard that the opponent was Ditian." Fan said sadly, "Miss Ruan, Young Master Bo, someone you know. Duo, I don't know if you have any connections in this area, and do you know any masters in this area. This ski master... It's really hard to find."

Bo Xingzhi didn't expect that he was just looking for a skiing expert. He thought he would let Ruan Su and him go and fight with Di Tian desperately...

"I'm just looking for a skiing expert. Patriarch Fan doesn't need to be so worried. Don't be so afraid. Di Tian is a tough guy. He knows that you are not good at this, so he proposed this relatively unpopular and professional competition."

Hearing Bo Xingzhi's words, Fan's father grabbed the wine glass and poured a glass of white wine down his belly, "He's too outrageous and shameless. It's so hard for us to get our money back!"

Such is the sadness of living in a red light district.

"When is the competition?" Ruan Su didn't think it was that difficult, after all, it was just skiing.

"It's just tomorrow. So please be sure to help us, if you know the masters in this field..." Father Fan raised his glass to Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su, "I'll give you a toast first. "

Ruan Su couldn't help but said, "Don't worry. I know a big guy in this area, and she will definitely come."

Fan Lian was startled and stared at Ruan Su with wide eyes, "Miss Ruan, is it true? Do you really know such an awesome boss who can save our family?"

Ruan Su nodded, "Well, don't worry."

Isn't that just skiing? What's so hard about it?

Fan Lian was still shocked, he couldn't help but say what he had learned, "U-shaped skiing ground is no joke, U-shaped field skills competitions are held in a U-shaped snow groove, the length of which is 150 to 150 feet long. 170 meters, 19 to 22 meters wide, 6.7 meters deep groove, 17 to 18 degrees slope. This is a very difficult playing field, and it is also very difficult to perform..."

"And Ditian invited five professional judges, who will give the overall performance score according to height, swivel, skill, difficulty factor, etc. The full score is 100 points, and the average score is the final score. Contestants can perform 2 times and take the The higher score determines the ranking."

"Young Master Fan, you're too nervous." Ruan Su looked at him calmly, her voice was light but with a hint of involuntary trust, "It's not skiing, there's nothing difficult."

There is nothing difficult!

Everyone was shocked again!

In their eyes, it is as difficult as reaching the sky, okay?

The third uncle of the Fan family was about to cry, "Miss Ruan, this skiing is really difficult, especially difficult, especially the U-shaped course is even more difficult... If you can't help, we will ask more... …”

The second uncle of the Fan family couldn't help but say, "Miss Ruan, this is a major event that concerns the survival of our blood medicine valley. The batch of medicines ordered by Ditian is very valuable. If we can't get the payment back, our Fan family will die. Not too far."

Ruan Su didn't take the impatience of everyone in the Fan family to heart, and she laughed very easily.

"We originally left at the end of today's luncheon. But since Patriarch Fan opened his mouth, let's stay here for one more day."

"Since my wife said so, then we will disturb the Fan's house for one more day." Bo Xingzhi held Ruan Su's hand without objection, "Can your boss come tomorrow?"

"En." Ruan Su nodded and said again in a very indifferent tone, "It's just skiing, a trivial matter."

a piece of cake……

These four words are obviously very light, but they sound like a big bell in the ears of everyone in the Fan family.

She said a trifle!

Did they hear it right?

Fan's father is still decent. He suppressed the shock in his heart and chose to trust Ruan Su, "Since Miss Ruan said so, it must be certain. Everyone eats food, and this dish will be cold."

When he said this, although everyone didn't believe it in their hearts, it was hard to say anything else.

After all, they can't find masters in skiing either. This is not an ice skating competition, this is skiing!

I heard that Ditian is a professional ski master, hey!

I don't know what will happen tomorrow.

Fan Bingbing, who was sitting on the other table, also heard the discussion on the main table, and couldn't help whispering to his mother, Mrs. Fan Er, "Mom, then Miss Ruan must be bragging."

"Don't talk nonsense, you know? Miss Ruan is the benefactor of our Fan family. Didn't you see that your uncle chose to believe her?" Mrs. Fan hurriedly warned her in a low voice when she heard that her daughter wanted to be crooked again.

Fan Qing rolled his eyes reluctantly, "I just said it casually... Do you need to be so scared?"

"The trouble comes from the mouth." Mrs. Fan pinched her, "We are the second house, and your uncle is the patriarch. Why do our Fan family get along well? It's not because each house has self-knowledge."

Many big families are fighting very seriously, but almost everyone in the Fan family is obsessed with medicine, so they don't pay much attention to those who seize power and gain profits.

What they value most is medical attainment.

"It's alright, alright, I understand." Fan gently wiped the corners of his lips impatiently, "It's really long-winded."

Mrs. Fan Er didn't speak anymore, but glanced at Ruan Su from a distance, so young, so beautiful, and so capable, it's really enviable!

The luncheon finally ended after half an hour, and everyone left.

Fan's father sent Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi to the building where they lived.

"If you need anything, just say it, and don't be polite to me."

"No, it's well arranged." Ruan Su smiled.

Fan's father said a few more polite words to them and left the Fan family in a mighty manner.

Uncle Fan couldn't help but said, "Brother, do you really believe that Ruan Su will find some big guy?"

Father Fan looked at him faintly, "Do I have any other options?"

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