Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 916: Not only married, but also have a son!

Uncle Fan's face was still full of worry, and it was as if a big rock had been pressed against his chest.

"Are our Fan family really going to be bullied by that Ditian this time? If he really took advantage of him this time, then a large batch of goods, even if we have the gold coins sent by the young couple this time. , it is estimated that it will take a long time to recuperate before recovering."

"Forget it, we don't have a better candidate now. We can only follow Miss Ruan's arrangement and wait for the big guy to come." Fan father comforted his brothers a few words, then lowered his head and turned back to his own. residence.

He was also sad in his heart, but what if he was sad?

In terms of the ability to fight, their Fan family is far inferior to God.

In places like the red light district, the strong eat the weak.

If the Fan family really can't survive this catastrophe, he can only resign himself to fate.

The entire Fan family was immersed in sorrow, but one person was eager to go to the guest room building where Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su temporarily lived.

"Yiyi, do you think I look good in this dress?" Fan gently gestured a pink dress on himself, and before Fan Yiyi could answer her, she said again, "Oh, it's so cold, Wouldn't it be inappropriate to wear pink? Would you like to change to a calmer color? Gray?"

Fan Yiyi frowned and coughed before raising his eyes to look at her, "Gentle, what are you wearing at night? It's like going on a date."

Fan lightly blushed, and her moist eyes flashed a hint of shyness, "Then what... I want to go out for a walk, can't I?"

During the day, she asked the servants to find out that after dinner, special assistant Song and Ruan Su would go to the fitness building together, and she also wanted to try their luck.

Fitness building... Then you should dress casually!

Setting up a fitness goddess is simply perfect.

Thinking of this, she immediately dropped the clothes in her hand and went to pick out the sportswear in the closet.

Seeing that she was wearing a white sports suit and a pair of sneakers, Fan Yiyi frowned and looked at her suspiciously, "Gentle, are you crazy? Are you going to run at night?"

"I ate a little too much for dinner. I want to go to Xiaoxiao." Fan said softly and was about to run out, but Fan Yiyi stopped her, "It's not right, you have something to hide from me."

"Oh, no more!" Fan Qing's expression became a little stiff, "How go with me?"

"Cut! I don't want to go out to exercise. I can't exercise with my broken body." Fan Yiyi coughed several times, "Go on your own."

Fan Qing looked at her coughing, thoughtfully, and after hesitating for a while, she said, "Our family is a family of medicine, and the medicine prepared by the Blood Medicine Valley is worth a thousand dollars, but it has never been able to cure you. Yiyi, I heard that Miss Ruan is also a genius doctor, why don't you ask her to take a look at it for you?"

Fan Yiyi smiled bitterly, "Forget it."

She had long given up any hope of being cured.

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, you have to give it a try. What if it can really be cured?" Fan Qing couldn't help but walk over to the hanger and put a down jacket on her, "Let's go. Let's find her."

She originally thought of going to the fitness building to meet by chance alone, and it would be a little embarrassing. Now if she went to Ruan Su for medical treatment, then it would be a matter of course!

She thought happily in her heart, if she can really manage Yiyi at that time, she will often have the opportunity to get along with the male god, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Fan Yiyi couldn't resist Fan Qingqing at all, so she had to follow her out of the room.

The yard in winter is cold and clear, and a crescent moon hangs in the sky, revealing a faint cold.

Fan's house has a whole building full of fitness equipment, all kinds of fitness activities and sports equipment.

Usually, everyone in the Fan family would come here to exercise in their spare time.

After dinner, when they had nothing to do, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi brought Song Yan and the others to the gym to exercise.

Several people were playing tennis, and when they were playing in full swing, a pair of beautiful girls suddenly appeared on the tennis court where they were.

Liang Hei blinked and said with a little doubt, "She is also a twin?"

Liang Bai shook the racket and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "She? Who is it?"

Liang Hei pointed to the girl who had just walked in, "Look, those sisters are also twins."

Liang Bai was stunned when he saw it, "It's true."

One of the two girls was wearing a white sportswear, with a slender and slender figure, while the other girl was covering a thick down jacket, and her face was not very good.

Fan glanced at Song Yan who was sitting next to the tennis court and drinking water with his head raised. The man was tall and straight, and his temperament was so right that the deer slammed into her chest.

It took a while to walk up to Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi embarrassedly and shyly, "Miss Ruan, I'm Fan Qingyi, this is my twin sister Fan Yiyi. We are Fan Lian's cousin."

Ruan Su stopped playing tennis and looked at her lightly, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Fan gently looked at Ruan Su who was only wearing a tennis suit in front of him, his heart skipped a beat.


How can there be such a beautiful woman?

During the luncheon, Ruan Su was sitting at the main table. She just looked at Ruan Su from a distance and thought it was beautiful, but when she looked at it from such a close distance, she found that Ruan Su was so beautiful that her heart stopped and her breath was suffocating.

The skin is so white that you can hardly see any pores, and the facial features are exquisite without any flaws, especially when those beautiful eyes look over, they seem to be able to see everything.

Fan Qing only felt the pressure doubled, and after swallowing his saliva, he said in a trembling voice, "I... Yiyi, Yiyi's health is not very well, you... can you help her take a look?"

Damn, she doesn't know how to speak.

With this hesitant appearance, wouldn't Miss Ruan think she was a stammer? Fan Qing couldn't help wailing in his heart.

Ruan Su threw the racket to Song Yan, "Song Special Assistant, come here."

Song Yan reached out to take the racket she threw, and continued to fight with Bo Xingzhi.

Fan Qing's eyes couldn't help but float towards him, so handsome!

The action of catching the racket is so cool!

Only then did Ruan Su walk to the edge of the court with the two sisters. She glanced at Fan Qingqing and then at Fan Yiyi, "Fan's family is a family of medicine, and she is still weak now, so she probably was brought out of her mother's womb. Sick. The Fan family is helpless and can only support them at ordinary times."

She sensed the aura of the formation on the girl's body.

It stands to reason that Fan Wen is in charge of the Fan family, so there shouldn't be anyone else.

So this formation is a bit intriguing.

Fan Yiyi didn't have any hope at first, but now hearing Ruan Su say this, she suddenly looked at her with admiration.

"You're right. I'm a disease that came out of my mother's womb. So my bones have always been weak. Now I still take a lot of medicines to maintain my body every day, but it doesn't work. I'm just breathing a sigh of relief."

Ruan Su had already begun to investigate the formation on her body, and after a while, she was stunned.

This turned out to be... a life-threatening formation.

And the person who took Fan Yiyi's life was none other than her twin sister, Fan Qing?

This is too...she felt something was wrong when the sisters first came over.

Fan Qing's magnetic field is obviously extremely strong, while Fan Yiyi's is a bit ridiculously weak.

A pair of sisters are alive and kicking, and the other is weak.

Anyone who sees this stark contrast will be saddened.

Fan Yiyi's body and bones cannot be cured by medicine at all, unless the formation is lifted.

But she couldn't rashly tell the sisters about these things.

Clearly the sisters were kept in the dark.

Ruan Su took Fan Yiyi's pulse, "It's not easy to cure, your Fan family has already used the best medicine to replenish your body, so it can only be like this."

Fan Yiyi took back her hand with a wry smile, and said to Fan who was a little disappointed, "I just said it, it can't be cured."

Fan Qing was a little sad, "Then it seems that Miss Ruan has no choice."

At this moment, Song Yan and Bo Xingzhi had finished playing tennis and sat down to rest. Song Yan handed a bottle of water to Bo Xingzhi, "Master, drink water."

Fan Qing couldn't help but glance at him when he heard his voice, and summoned up his courage to walk up to him, "Song Tesuke... can... can you add a WeChat? I think you are playing tennis well, tomorrow Can you teach me?"

Song Yan didn't expect that someone at Fan's house would strike up a conversation with him. He was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I don't have WeChat. I'm sorry."

As he spoke, he touched the ring on the ring finger of his right hand, and said to Bo Xingzhi casually, "Master, I'll call my wife, and I don't know if my son is asleep."

wife? son?

Fan Qing's eyes widened in shock, only to feel that the darkness in front of him almost passed out.

He was married and had children?


Seeing Song Yan's back hurriedly walking out, Ruan Su couldn't help laughing. "Miss Fan, do you like our special assistant Song?"

Fan Qing dared to admit, "No, no. I just watched him play well."

But her guilty and broken look directly betrayed her inner thoughts.

Ruan Su hooked her red lips and pointed to the twin brothers not far away, "Song Tesuke is married, but there are two single dogs there, do you want to bring them home?"

As soon as Liang Hei heard that he had been named, he quickly strode over and said to Fan Qing, "Miss Fan, hello, let me introduce myself formally. My name is Liang Hei, and this is my brother Liang Bai."

Originally, Fan Qing felt that he was a little sad, but when he heard the funny names of the twin brothers, he laughed out loud.

"I remember you, you bumped my nose yesterday. You... your names are so perfunctory! Why is it so funny."

Liang Hei touched his nose, "It's easy to remember."

Liang Bai secretly tutted twice in his heart, it was obvious that his brother had taken a fancy to Fan Qingqing!

Then I had to go and say hello to Fan Yiyi.

"Hello, my name is Liang Bai."

Fan Yiyi raised her pale face and looked at Liang Bai and then at Liang Hei. The twin brothers looked energetic and sunny.

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