It seems that these vitality will not belong to her in this life.

A thought flashed through Fan Yiyi's heart sadly.

She envied these energetic people and envied these energetic people, but she could only be a sick seedling forever, like the moss in that corner, only worthy of hiding in the dark to fend for themselves.

"Yiyi... Yiyi?" Fan called Fan Yiyi twice, Fan Yiyi woke up like a dream, reached out and shook Liang Bai, "I'm Fan Yiyi, and Geng is twins. "

"I didn't expect that the four of us are so destined to be twins." Liang Bai said humorously, "It's a pity that we stayed at the Fan family for a short time, otherwise we could get to know each other better."

Liang Hei's face was flushed with heat, "Gentle, can I add your WeChat? When you have time, come to M country to play... There are still quite a lot of interesting places in M ​​country."

Ruan Su saw that the two brothers were obviously interested in the sisters, so she walked up to Bo Xingzhi and sat down.

The man handed her the water in his hand, "Drink some water."

"It's obviously not spring yet, but why do you think this person's heart starts to move?" Ruan Su hooked her lips into a smile, and there was a charming smile at the end of her eyes.

Bo Xingzhi glanced at the four people not far away, "Young man, it's normal to be restless."

He suddenly turned his eyes deep and leaned closer to Ruan Su's ear, "I'm also agitated."

Ruan Su glared at him, reached out and pushed his handsome face aside, "Fuck you."

Bo Xingzhi let out a low laugh, his voice low and sweet, with a hint of indescribable ambiguity, "It's late at night, why don't we go back to rest?"

Ruan Su gritted her teeth and pursed her red lips slightly, "It's only nine o'clock now."

Where is it late at night?

"So I need to wash and sleep." There was a smile in the man's deep eyes, "I've been busy recently, I haven't had a good rest at all, and I haven't had a chance to have a good time..."

Before he finished speaking, a small hand with a delicate fragrance covered his mouth, "Don't say it, go back."

Ruan Su stood up with anger in her eyes, and let go of her hand by the way.

Bo Xingzhi took her hand and asked softly, "What's the matter? Why are you covering me and not letting me speak? I just wanted to talk, but I didn't have a chance to get close to you. What do you think I'm going to say?"

Ruan Su's pretty face was slightly tense, **** it, this man was doing her routine.

She thought that he didn't have a good relationship with her if he wanted to say...

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

If she didn't leave, she really couldn't help but want to slap him on his handsome face.

Bo Xingzhi let out a low laugh again, took her hand and walked out.

Song Yan just came back from the phone call, and when he saw the two of them, he suddenly stopped, "Are you going to go back to rest?"

"En." Bo Xingzhi nodded, "How has Song Jingyao been recently?"

Song Yan grinned and mentioned his son's eyes brightening, "It's good, it's winter vacation now. Let me take him and Qiqi to a movie after we go back in a few days."

"Jingyao has adapted quite quickly." Ruan Su sighed.

"Having a child at home feels quite lively, and I almost always speak to him." Song Yan talked about the child, as if he wanted to tell the world that he had a child. "Qiqi just took him to pick strawberries in the strawberry garden today. He picked several kilograms of strawberries and put them in the refrigerator for us to eat together when we go back."

"Okay!" Ruan Su laughed again, and could clearly feel the happiness of Song Yan's family of three.

This was not seen in the previous Jian Qiqi.

While chatting, the three returned to the guest room building where they lived as if they were walking. As soon as they stepped into the first floor, they saw Fan Lian sitting on the sofa.

Fan Lian immediately stood up from the sofa when she saw them coming back, "Miss Ruan, Young Master Bo, when will that boss come tomorrow? Do you need me to send someone to pick him up at the airport, or..."

"No." Ruan Su interrupted what he had not finished, "No need to answer."

Fan Lian looked at her in shock, "Isn't it really necessary? Would that make us seem too insincere?"

Ruan Su glanced at him, "It's really not necessary, it's all my own, so don't be so polite."

"Oh... that's fine." Fan Lian was a little uneasy. Can Ruan Su really invite any ski masters?

Or let people run over by themselves...

Does it seem a little sluggish?

But he didn't dare to keep asking questions, and he didn't dare to be too disobedient with Ruan Su's words.

"Go back and rest." Ruan Su patted him on the shoulder, "See you tomorrow."

"Good night." Fan Lian didn't dare to stop too much, and turned to leave.

Only then did Bo Xingzhi look at her with dark eyes, and his voice was also faint, "Where is that boss? Who is it?"

Ruan Su glanced at him, "I still need to ask this question? You won't know tomorrow."

Bo Xingzhi always had a hunch, he didn't know if it was right...

He and Song Yan went back to their respective bedrooms. As soon as the man entered the door, the man pressed Ruan Su into his arms, and Jun's face was pressed down, "Really don't tell me?"

The woman's face was slightly red, with a faint cloudy glow, and her breath was filled with a refreshing breath unique to men, which made her heart beat faster.

"I'm going to take a shower."

"Together..." The man pecked her lips lightly, and he picked her up and walked towards the bathroom...

In the middle of the night, the whistling northeast wind began to blow, and snowflakes fell sporadically. By the early morning, the snow had already fallen in a thick layer.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness between heaven and earth, and almost all of it was shrouded in a silver-white world of ice and snow.

Ruan Su went out the door wrapped in a thick down jacket, while Thin Xingzhi wore a black cashmere coat. The man was tall and sturdy, and he looked like a knight from the Middle Ages when he was with her from a distance. A strong sense of security.

When walking to the main building, he ran into Fan Wen. He was wearing a thick down jacket with bread and looked very bloated.

"Miss Ruan, Young Master Bo, early."

Ruan Su looked at him and couldn't help but think of Fan Yiyi, hesitated for a while, but still didn't ask.

"Elder Wen, early."

Bo Xingzhi nodded at him as a greeting.

Several people then walked towards the main building together.

A servant has cleared a path and can barely walk forward, the snow is really too big.

There was a lot of thick snow on the ground, and there was a crunching sound when you stepped on it.

In the main building at this time, Fan's father was frowning. He was so worried that he hardly fell asleep last night, and he woke up after two or three hours of sleep.

Now after eating breakfast, I feel even more anxious and indescribable.

As restless as a headless fly.

The rest of the Fan family also came to the main building early, and almost everyone sat on the sofa and sighed from time to time.

Mrs. Fan Er couldn't stand the atmosphere and whispered to Fan, "Why don't you go and make your uncle a cup of tea, so that he won't be so upset."

Fan lightly pursed his red lips, "I don't want it. What if he's in a bad mood and angers me again?"

"When did your uncle lose his temper?" Mrs. Fan glared at her.

While the mother and daughter were talking, they heard footsteps.

Ruan Su and Bo Xing stopped, followed by their twin brothers and Song Yan.

Lin Qi's health was not very good, so he didn't come out from the cold weather.

"Miss Ruan, Young Master Bo!" Fan's father saw the two and hurried over to greet them, his eyes widened in anticipation, "Is that big guy here? We have to go to the competition venue."

"Well, she's at the venue. Let's go." Unlike Father Fan's excitement, Ruan Su's face was calm and calm, as if he didn't pay attention to the anxiety of the Fan family.

"The boss is at the venue?" Father Fan looked at her in disbelief.

Ruan Su nodded, "Don't delay any longer, don't you want to play? We have to go back after the game!"

"Okay, we'll go out right away." Father Fan didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately greeted the people of the Fan family and headed for the competition venue.

Because the cleaning workers sprinkled a lot of industrial snowmelt on the road outside, the road outside did not appear difficult to walk.

They drove for more than an hour and finally arrived at a very professional ski competition venue.

Sliding down the semi-cylindrical **** and doing five or six actions in a U-shaped field not only tests the athlete's creativity, but also tests the athlete's ability to adjust.

"In the past competitions, very few athletes were able to complete 1080-degree difficult movements, and there were less than ten people in the world..." Fan Lian stood beside Ruan Su and explained the difficulty of the competition to her. "So, Miss Ruan, where is that boss?"

Ruan Su glanced at him, then looked at the white ski resort.

"I'm going to change clothes."

"Change clothes? Why are you changing clothes?" Fan Lian looked at her back blankly, "You look good today!"

Bo Xingzhi's eyes dimmed, as he expected.

About five or six minutes later, Ruan Su changed into a very professional ski competition suit. She had a delicate figure, and even wearing a ski suit could not hide her perfect figure.

Seeing Ruan Su like this, almost everyone in the Fan family was shocked.

Fan's father was almost afraid to look at her, "Miss Ruan, if you don't want to help us, I can understand. But it's a bit too much for you to play by yourself...isn't it too much? What are you kidding? This game is about our whole. The fate of the Fan family..."

His eyes were red with anger, if it wasn't for Ruan Su being the benefactor of his Fan family, he really wanted to go crazy on the spot.

He seemed to be trying his best to suppress the monstrous anger in his heart, "You are so ridiculous!"

Fan Lian also rushed to Ruan Su incoherently, "Miss Ruan...don't be like this, you won't tell me, you're going to play, right? There's no big boss coming."

Uncle Fan was even more angry, and he said nothing directly, "You have been deceiving us, saying that the boss came to the competition venue, it is completely fake. If our Fan family is this time... Can you take full responsibility?"

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