Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 918: It's perfect! Slap in the face!

Fan gently pulled his father, Uncle Fan, "Dad, how are you talking? I think Miss Ruan should be sure?"

"You're young, you don't understand." Uncle Fan pushed his daughter behind him, and his tone became more and more irritable, "Miss Ruan, you are too playful! My elder brother believes in you so much, yet you play tricks on our Fan family."

"It's really too much!" Uncle Fan was also very angry, "How can you ignore our Fan family like this? Even if you don't help, it's better than playing with us, right?"

"How can our boss play tricks on you?" Liang Hei listened to the unspeakable words of the Fan family, and couldn't help but want to argue for Ruan Su, "If it weren't for our boss, would you have so much money?"

"It's you who is too much? I don't know how to be grateful." Liang Bai looked at the Fan family coldly and felt that it was not worth it for Ruan Su.

Ruan Su stopped the twin brothers who wanted to continue arguing with the Fan family, "Some things have to be seen with their own eyes before others believe."

She glanced at everyone in the Fan family coldly, "I never do anything I'm not sure about."

"Oh! It's not for you to brag!" Uncle Fan said angrily, "What if you lose? If you lose, are you helping our Fan family pay back so many losses?"

Fan Lian couldn't listen any longer. Thinking of Ruan Su's usual devotion to him and the Fan family, he suddenly felt that he should choose to trust Ruan Su.

"Second uncle, Miss Ruan has done her best to our Fan family and is a great benefactor of our Fan family. How can you talk to her like this? I believe Miss Ruan will win."

Fan's father sighed helplessly, "Don't talk about it. Miss Ruan is our benefactor no matter what, how can we retaliate? If she really wins, it will be our happiness. If she really loses It doesn't matter, anyway...we have no chance of winning."

He still didn't believe that Ruan Su would win.

Just as they were booing and sighing here, a few black cars slowly drove over and finally parked in the parking lot of the ski competition venue.

More than a dozen men in black came down from the car, each of them strong and tall, and at first glance, they were not easy to mess with.

The last car door was opened, and a man in a ski suit slowly got out of the car.

The handsome face was cold, as if it was three points colder than the ski resort in the snow.

When he saw Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, a very attractive couple, his pupils suddenly tightened, Ruan Su? Thin line?

It's really a narrow road for enemies!

He never imagined that he would meet this couple that he hated deeply under such circumstances!

Every time he took a step, he thought of the child who died tragically in Ouyang Xing's womb before he was born.

There is also Ouyang Xing, who died tragically without knowing his whereabouts.

His wife and son were separated, and he was finally imprisoned. Fortunately, he escaped from prison.

Now that I live a life that is neither a ghost nor a ghost, it is all thanks to this couple!

God has eyes and gave him a chance to meet them again. He must take revenge!

There was blood in his eyes, and monstrous hatred surged in his chest.

But he restrained himself. There were people from the Fan family at the scene, and he needed an excellent time to do it!

However, when he saw the ski suit on Ruan Su's body, he couldn't help hooking his lips. It seemed... this woman who likes to be brave is going to compete with him.

Then don't blame him for being rude!

Thinking of this, he felt inexplicably happy.

He walked in front of the Fan family, glanced down at everyone in the Fan family, and finally fell on Fan's father, "Patriarch Fan, it seems that you have invited foreign aid?"

Seeing his high-spirited attitude, Father Fan's chest hurts with anger, obviously he owes them money to the Fan family, and if he doesn't give it, it's enough to cause trouble for the Fan family.

How can there be such a shameless person in this world.

"Mr. Ditian, of course I want to hire a foreign aid. After all, as we all know, our Fan family are a group of weak people, and we are not good at any sports. Unlike you, the competition chooses you. good at."

Hearing the sarcasm in Father Fan's words, Di Tian was not angry, but instead laughed, "Then... let's start the game."

There was a sigh of hatred in his chest, he didn't even look at Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, he was afraid that he would just take a look and want to immediately draw a gun and shoot the two of them in the head.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi looked at each other, it was the first time they saw this Ditian.

But she didn't know why Ruan Su felt a sense of familiarity in her heart, but she was sure that she didn't know him 100%.

"I think he's a little familiar."

Bo Xingzhi also narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly, "But I have never seen him before, and his voice sounds very unfamiliar. Who is this Ditian?"

"You feel familiar too?" Ruan Su pursed her lips slightly, "That's weird..."

"Don't think too much, just concentrate on the game." Bo Xingzhi held her hand and let out a sigh of heat, "Don't be nervous. I believe you are the best."

He looked at her tenderly and indulgently, "I didn't expect my wife to be able to ski, it really opened my eyes."

Well... in fact, he has long been surprised by it in his heart.

The wife has too many vests to count.

Song Yan also looked at Ruan Su with a numb expression when she came over in a ski suit. Miss Ruan was too fierce, and the character of the vest boss couldn't fall.

I just don't know if Miss Ruan's vest will be as fierce as the previous vests, and I will wait and see.

U-shaped skiing is a sport that is both beautiful and dangerous.

The five referees invited by Ditian also all came to the competition venue and sat on the viewing seats with professional electronic scoreboards behind them.

The atmosphere at the scene was depressing and serious.

This is obviously an amateur private game, but it was made by Ditian as if it was a very grand professional competition in a certain games.

Among the five referees, the one sitting in the middle is an internationally renowned professional referee who is very proficient in skiing competitions.

He held the microphone and stood up and started to introduce, "The competition is divided into four rounds, and each round has to complete six actions. After the four rounds are over, the average score is scored, and then the final score is obtained. Who has the highest score? , whoever wins."

Di Tian glanced at Ruan Su provocatively, "Miss, you might as well rest for a while, and then learn from my actions."

Ruan Su's eyes were as cold as she was looking forward. She stood there quietly and her voice was light, "Please go first."

The people in the Fan family were not as calm as her, and the crowd began to be restless.

"Can she do it?"

"Who knows! It's annoying."

"If she wasn't the benefactor of the Fan family, I would really want to scold her."

"Di Tian heard that the skiing event is very good!"

"You all shut up, don't interfere with Miss Ruan's competition." Fan Lian couldn't help but defend Ruan Su, he just believed Ruan Su with all his heart. His benefactor would never lie to him!

"Brother, I'm a little worried." Fan gently moved to Fan Lian's side and grabbed his arm, "I'm so nervous!"

"Be nervous, she will definitely win." For some reason, Fan Lian believed in Ruan Su for some reason.

At this time, Di Tian had already entered the arena, and he began to perform difficult movements.

What swivel, what connection, what hundreds of degrees.

His movements are so standard that he can hardly pick out any faults.

For four rounds in a row, he finished all the movements.

Seeing that Ditian's level is so high, the Fan family's heart is even more sad and sad.

It seems that the Fan family is out of play and loses.

The average score of Ditian also reached a high score of 9 points.

The man walked back from the competition venue and passed Ruan Su, he smiled provocatively and proudly, "I got 9 points, don't cry when you don't get this high score for a while."

Ruan Su looked at him calmly, "I will never have that day."

After she finished speaking, she directly entered the field of competition.

After the referee said "start", she began to complete the movements in an orderly manner. The first was the difficult 900-degree swivel and 720-degree turn!

When she finished this action gorgeously and safely, the whole scene was silent.

Everyone stared at her in shock!

"Did I make a mistake... She actually did such a difficult move."

However, Ruan Su then completed 540 degrees and 360 degrees, and all her movements even dropped the skis!

This is simply impossible behavior!

Even the referee stood up in shock, "She actually dropped the ski? Only one person in the history of all competitions has done it! That genius ski girl!"

"How is it possible? I've been a referee for so many years, this is the first time I've seen it!"

A referee with glasses took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and quickly continued to stare, "My God! She has already started the second round!"

"How can she land so steady!"

"The height she flies is also very impressive!"

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

Di Tian looked at Ruan Su in the arena with a gloomy face. He did not expect this woman to be so fierce.

He was able to throw off the sled and race only on the basis of his physical instincts.

This is rare in the history of ski racing.

It is said that only one talented girl ever achieved this level.


damn it!

Why is this woman's completion of all movements better than her own, the height of the air is more impressive than her, and the landing is more solid than herself.

There were no mistakes, it was perfect.

Soon Ruan Su started the third round of movements, which still included six movements. The overall difficulty was improved compared to the first two rounds, but she still completed it perfectly.

By the time of the fourth round, Ruan Su focused on stability. The six movements had a good height in the air, and there were no mistakes. He did a complete set of stability.

The referees couldn't help standing up and applauding her, full of praise, "It's great! It's perfect!"

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