Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 919: You can see genius in your lifetime!

Looking at Ruan Su's full 10 points on the scoreboard of the competition, the weather almost collapsed, and the skiing he had always been proud of was defeated by the woman Ruan Su.

His eyes were red with anger, and he clenched his fists, "I'm not convinced! I'm going to play another round!"

Seeing that Di Tian is still ambitious like a defeated rooster, Ruan Su sneered, "Yes! The fifth round determines life and death!"

Just as everyone in the Fan family was about to cheer, they heard that Ruan Su responded to Ditian's invitation to fight again.

Fan's father was a little worried, "Miss Ruan, you must be careful, don't let him come up with any conspiracy to harm you."

Uncle Fan also took a careful look at Bo Xingzhi's face. The man stood beside the woman expressionlessly, unable to see any emotion.

He was a little regretful at the moment, more embarrassed and hurt.

Ruan Su's performance just now was like smashing the faces of everyone in the Fan family silently.

At this moment, he can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in.

He shook his hands a few times and finally walked to Ruan Su, apologizing to her very sincerely, "I'm sorry, Miss Ruan, I was abrupt just now, and I was too impatient, so I said some ugly words that hurt you. You It doesn't matter how you humiliate me or abuse me."

"Miss Ruan, but you should not participate in this fifth round. This Ditian has many tricks and is not a good person..."

Liang Hei pouted and glanced at him, "Speaking like you are a good person, you clearly said harsh words to my boss just now. Where did you go with your harsh words?"

Ruan Su lazily raised her eyes and glanced at Liang Hei, who immediately fell silent and did not speak any further.

Liang Bai tugged at him, lowered his voice and said, "Are you crazy? This is Fan Qing's father, dear father!"

As a twin brother, Liang Bai knows Liang Hei's thoughts the most, and it is clear that his brother has a crush on Fan Qingqing and wants to chase others.

It's better now, choking with people's father in public.


Fan Qing didn't care about Liang Hei's attitude, and she felt ashamed for what her father had done before, "Miss Ruan, I apologize to you for my father. I'm sorry, don't worry about it, he only speaks when he is impatient. No matter what, he has always been outspoken and has no other intentions."

The rest of the Fan family also felt that their faces were short, but they didn't expect Ruan Su to be a big boss and a master.

Now their faces are swollen and swollen one by one.

All bowed their heads in embarrassment at the moment, and no one dared to talk nonsense again and again.

Ruan Su didn't take the attitudes of these people to heart, she looked at Fan Qing with red lips, and then glanced at Fan Lian who was also looking at her worriedly, "It's just a skiing competition, what's there to be afraid of? of?"

It's just a ski race!

It's so easy to speak!

The big guy seems to be as relaxed and natural as talking about eating and drinking!

The boss is indeed the boss!

Everyone could only stare wide-eyed at Ruan Su walking towards the arena, while Di Tian was already standing there, staring at Ruan Su with the expression of an indignant provocateur.

He couldn't believe he couldn't win a woman.

No need for skis? She can, and so can he.

"You or me first?" Ruan Su walked in front of him and said expressionlessly.

She is like a proud plum blossoming alone in this icy world, so beautiful that it is impossible to ignore.

There was a strong hatred in Ditian's eyes, but he was forced to suppress it, and his voice carried a bit of bitter hatred, "You come first."

Ruan Su raised her eyebrows, this man is very hostile! why? I have no grudges with him. Today is the first time I see him, but Ruan Su can always feel a trace of hostility from him.

She is very sensitive and doesn't think she feels wrong.

But no matter what, she couldn't lose this game.

She raised her eyebrows and didn't speak any more, just left the stage.

This time, she still has a complete set of six moves, and the overall difficulty is a little more difficult than the four rounds she competed in before.

Just like flying in the snow, she landed extremely solidly, whether it was the angle of rotation or the flight, she did it perfectly.

After she was done, she went straight out of the arena.

Ditian has been staring at her figure with cold eyes, seeing that she left the field after landing steadily, Ditian suppressed the hatred in his heart and also left the field to start the game.

He has never tried to drop the ski, but this time he has to drop it, he can't lose to a woman, especially this woman is Ruan Su!

When he just dropped the ski, he made a move with precision, and his confidence surged when he did that.

The referees outside the court were also shocked, "God, Mr. Ditian can do it too!"

"He's really good!"

When everyone was shocked, Di Tian started to do the second move, but when he took off to hit the difficult move, his entire body was like a falling Dapeng, slamming towards the ski resort ground.

With a sound of "Bang!", he fell heavily to the ground. He tried to stand up, but there was a sharp pain in his legs. He found that he couldn't exert any strength at all.

He lay on the ground in embarrassment, staring at Ruan Su who was standing outside the arena unwillingly like a weak chicken.


Why can this woman do it, but he can't?

He was filled with resentment and unwillingness.

He gritted his teeth in humiliation and tried to get up and play again, but he couldn't!

Not at all!

Some of his men hurried over to help him up, and he pushed them away angrily, "Get out, get out!"

"Sir... how are you? You are injured and must be treated."

"Sir, let's take you to the car and take you to the hospital first."

The subordinates looked at Di Tian who was mad and worried, and couldn't help but persuade.

Ditian's eyes were blood red, like bloodshot, "I'll let you all get out! I want to compete!"

Ruan Su looked at him from a distance, and after a while, he said quietly, "Di Tian, ​​you lost. According to the bet, you should settle the payment to the Fan family."

Di Tian raised his head sharply and locked Ruan Su with his red eyes, "Who said I lost? I didn't lose! Why do you say I lost?"

"Your almost crippled legs represent everything." Ruan Su sneered, "I advise you to fulfill the agreement as soon as possible, otherwise... you will lose more than just your legs."

"You woman has always been the best at tricks and tricks. Who knows if you did some tricks on the field to harm me. I didn't lose!" Di Tian still stubbornly yelled at Ruan Su to be a rogue, but he didn't want to give Fan Jia a knot. Clearance payment, that is not a small sum.

"Always?" Ruan Su noticed Di Tian's words sensitively, her expression condensed slightly, "Do you know me?"

Di Tian was secretly shocked, this woman is not an ordinary woman, she is Ruan Su!

He couldn't show his flaws until he had completed the great cause of revenge. He immediately turned his eyes away, with a bit of savage expression on his face, "Who doesn't know the names of your couple, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi?"

Ruan Su didn't think about Ditian's attitude towards her, she didn't forget the real purpose of today's game.

"No matter what, I advise you to settle the payment immediately, otherwise, your legs will definitely be disabled for life. This place is at least an hour away from the city, and your legs will be ill within this hour. Severe deterioration, most likely to result in lifelong disability. So... I am the only doctor present."

"You! Damn it!" Di Tian never imagined that he would come up with a game that wanted to overwhelm the Fan family, but in the end, Ruan Su gave him a complete overturn, and he still stole the chicken and lost the rice.

"Sir, why don't you just listen to her and let her help with the treatment." Seeing this tense situation, his subordinates quickly discouraged him. "If you become disabled, what will you do?"

"It's terrible not to be able to walk on your legs. You can't live with your body, sir."

Listening to the words of his subordinates, Di Tian was even more irritable and angry in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. "Transfer, transfer money to the Fan family immediately."

The subordinates did not dare to continue to neglect, and quickly transferred the account to the Fan family, "Patriarch Fan, this is the transfer record."

Father Fan glanced at the transfer record, and before he spoke, the financial staff of the Fan family had already called and exclaimed excitedly, "Patriarch, that's great! Ditian has settled the payment!"

Father Fan nodded in relief, "We have already received the payment."

He looked at Ruan Su gratefully again, "Thank you, Miss Ruan, it's all because of your dedication."

"It's just a small matter." Ruan Su said and walked towards Ditian. She squatted down and touched the man's hands and knees, and then touched his swollen calf.

"The initial diagnosis is that the kneecap is severely damaged, and it is likely to be broken." Ruan Suda measured Di Tianjunmei's face, "I will help you fix the injured legs with a splint first, which can slow down the deterioration of the condition, so you should go to the hospital for surgery immediately. The legs can be rescued."

Saying that, she instructed Di Tian's men to disassemble and smash the skis into strips.

After she was done, she fixed the thin boards with ropes to Di Tian's legs, and said to Father Fan, "Bring out the wound medicine that the Fan family always carries with you."

Although Father Fan was reluctant, he still took out the medicine and handed it to Ruan Su.

She opened the wound medicine and took out two pills to feed Ditian, "This medicine is good for your health."

After doing all this, she taught Ditian's subordinates how to carry him the best way. After carrying Ditian into the car, the subordinates immediately drove towards the hospital.

The five judges couldn't help but come to Ruan Su, and the head judge said excitedly, "May I ask if you are Ruan, the skiing genius girl who shocked the world at the age of sixteen?"

Ruan Su smiled lightly, looking beautiful and unparalleled, "The era of talented girls has come to an end, and girls will grow up one day."

She neither admitted nor denied it.

But the referees were as excited as winning the lottery, "It's you! It must be you! My God! I can see Ruan in my lifetime!"

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