Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 920: Can this disease be cured? Change your life!

"The talented girl Ruan once won a gold medal in the XGAME competition all over the world. This is also the first time an Asian player has won the XGAME championship."

"At that time, this gold medal was a sensation all over the world!"

"But since then, the talented girl Ruan has disappeared! She has left detailed information on skiing skills. Now training teams in many countries are training players according to her skills information."

"My God! Even Di Tian is practicing according to her data."

The referees expressed their admiration for Ruan Su every word and every word, and they were as excited as they saw some big star's little fans.

These referees are obviously the most powerful and professional referees in the world, but in front of Ruan Su, they feel that they are just rubbish.

Not worth mentioning at all.

Compared with their excited appearance, Ruan Su's expressionless face looked very cold, she stroked her forehead with a headache, she knew...

It took a while for her to speak, "I've retired for many years, and this time it's only for the Fan family's sake, so...Thank you for your love."

"Ruan, can you sign my name for me?"

"Ruan, can I take a photo with you? Leave a souvenir, okay?"

These referees were still very excited and excited, and did not appear embarrassed because of Ruan Su's indifference.

In the end, Ruan Su really saw that their enthusiasm was unabated, so she reluctantly agreed to take a few photos with them.

Everyone in the Fan family watched in shock at the scene where she was surrounded by several referees.

"It turned out to be... that world champion?"

"I had the impression a few years ago...that he was the first person in the world to throw away a sled race."

"I didn't expect that she turned out to be a big boss among real bosses."

Fan's father rubbed his hands and didn't know how to express his gratitude and guilt to Ruan Su.

He was silent for a while before pulling his face down and saying, "Miss Ruan, I misunderstood you before, I'm sorry."

Ruan Su just glanced at him lightly, "Your Fan family gave me a lot of precious medicines and many nourishing items, all of which are precious and valuable. Since I have accepted your gifts, I will do something for you. It's what it should be."

Not to mention skiing, it's just a little effort.

For her, it was nothing.

"The only thing our Fan family can get is this little medicine." Fan's father sighed deeply. Although the game was won and the money was due, his mood was not as relaxed as he imagined. "Miss Ruan, if anything happens in the future, our Fan family will do our best."

"Patriarch Fan, you are too polite." Ruan Su's expression was still indifferent, "It's not too early, we have to go back."

"It's better to have lunch... Let us give you a ride." Fan's father said quickly, "The food at home is still richer than the food on the road."

Ruan Su did not insist any longer, so after discussing with Bo Xingzhi, he went back to Fan's house for lunch.

Fan's chefs are really good.

Because it was a farewell banquet, Fan Yiyi also came over to eat together. She sat beside Fan Qingqing and coughed a few times from time to time.

Mrs. Fan Er gave her a bowl of chicken soup distressedly, "It's freezing cold today, so you won't be here in the banquet hall, why did you come out?"

"Sometimes it's boring to be alone, so I just want to join in the fun." Fan Yiyi drank a few sips of chicken soup and suddenly felt a lot warmer.

"Mom, Miss Ruan helped Yiyi with the diagnosis and treatment, but she can't do anything about it." Fan Geng mentioned this and became depressed, "It's obviously twins, why am I jumping around and Yiyi is like this every day? It's really unfair."

Hearing her words, Mrs. Fan Er's face was obviously a little stiff, and she glared at her, "How can there be anything perfect in this world?"

Fan Geng was glared and even more depressed, "But look at that pair of Liang Hei and Liang Bai, they are twins, how can they be so good!"

"What do you know? Can your situation with Yiyi be compared to others?" Mrs. Fan Er was so angry that she could not wait to cover her mouth and tell her to stop talking, "If it wasn't to save you back then, could Yiyi be like this? ?"

"What do you mean by saving me?" Fan Qing's eyes widened in shock, "Mom, speak clearly."

Fan Yiyi just glanced at Mrs. Fan Er and said nothing. She took another sip of the chicken soup, as if not surprised at all.

Mrs. Fan Er threw down her chopsticks in annoyance, "Can you still make people eat well? Why is there so much nonsense?"

"Mom..." Fan Qing was so angry that his beautiful eyes were almost burning, "If you don't speak clearly, you really won't be able to eat. If you can't, I'll ask my dad."

Saying that, she walked towards the main table with her head hot.

As he walked, he said loudly, "Dad, what secrets did Yiyi and I hide from me when we were born? Why did my mother say that Yiyi was sick to save me?"

Fan Qingqing was originally an impulsive and innocent temperament, but now he was irritated by Mrs. Fan's hesitant words, so she didn't care at all.

When Uncle Fan heard his daughter's impulsive shouting, he was so angry that he gave his wife a hard look, "Gentle, can we talk about this after dinner? You go and have a good meal first."

Fan Qing was very angry at the moment, she didn't want to take the blame for sacrificing herself in order to save her.

She bit her red lips and stomped her feet angrily, "Uncle, my dad and my mom won't tell me, you should tell me."

Fan's father also had nothing to do with this niece. Miss Jiao didn't talk about her temper, and she was impulsive and easy to cause trouble.

In front of so many people, especially in front of Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, it's really out of place to talk about this kind of housework.

He could only talk to the muddy, "gentle, listen to your father's words and hurry up and have a good meal."

"You're all hiding from me and Yiyi, aren't you? If I don't figure this out today, no one wants to eat!" Fan was so angry that he almost pulled up his chair and sat beside the main table. The position of Fan's father.

Ruan Su could probably guess what it was. It was obvious that Fan Yiyi had been put on a formation, and this formation happened to be borrowing his own destiny, and the object of the borrowing was clearly Fan Qing.

This is really interesting.

Fan Wen never thought that a secret that had been buried for so many years would be exposed by Fan Qing so aggressively today that he had to ask the truth.

This guy broke the casserole and asked to the end, and it really made people unable to take her.

"Gentle, come with me, and Yiyi, come too." Fan Wen stood up from his seat and waved to the two girls. "Let's go, don't disturb everyone's meal, I'll tell you what's going on."

"Elder Wen!" Mrs. Fan Er also stood up and stopped him with a flustered face, "Don't be impulsive, lightly young and ignorant,"

"After so many years, it's time to tell them the truth." Fan Wen said and walked outside the banquet hall.

As soon as Fan Qing heard someone was going to tell her the truth, she immediately pulled Fan Yiyi.

"I just don't want Yiyi to suffer so much. She's been sick for so many years. I don't want to watch her get sick again."

After she finished speaking, she took Fan Yiyi to catch up with Fan Wen's back.

Fan Wen walked for a while and then turned around, "Miss Ruan, can you come too?"

Ruan Su put down the chopsticks in his hand, "Okay. I also want to know if Miss Yiyi's illness can be cured."

Bo Xingzhi took her hand, "What does this have to do with you?"

Ruan Su held the man's dry and warm palm instead, her apricot eyes flashing slightly, "It may take my help to solve it, wait for my news."

Inside the lounge of the banquet hall.

Mrs. Fan Er's eyes were slightly red and she was sobbing softly, "Gentle, Yiyi, it's my mother who can't help you two sisters. When I gave birth to you two years ago, I had a difficult labor and I almost died of breath, how could I just watch my child. When you were born, you left before you could see the world? So..."

"So you went everywhere to find a way to save Fan Qingqing, but there was no medicine at the time, so you finally asked for Elder Wen, right?" Ruan Su took her words and said, "Elder Wen is still very young, and there are some differences between them. The method taught by outsiders. He can count, and he can be regarded as a master."

Mrs. Fan Er looked at Ruan Su in shock, "You... how do you know?"

Ruan Su looked very indifferent, "I guess."

Mrs. Fan Er couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth. She guessed it so accurately, so why not let people live?

Fan Qing didn't quite understand it, and neither did Fan Yiyi.

The two sisters looked at each other, and Fan Yiyi asked in a low voice, "Then what method did Elder Wen use to save Qing Qing? Why did he say that I saved Qing Qing... I don't quite understand."

A trace of guilt and pain appeared on Fan Wen's face, "Yiyi, I have been sorry for you for so many years. Back then, I was young and vigorous, thinking that I would see through some secrets and have some skills to save the world and save everyone. I used a formation technique I had never used before and put it on her body."

"Formation?" Although Fan Yiyi was in poor health, the education she deserved never failed. She also believed in some fortune-telling techniques, but... Array? Sounds so weird.

"Yes, the life-changing method, I exchanged half of your destiny for Qing Qing. I was not skilled in using it at the time. Originally, it would only make your luck not so good, and it would only damage your luck." Fan Wen said more and more. Sad, the more I said, the more painful, "But I didn't expect that in the end, it was your body that was hurt. You can't afford to be sick, and there is no possibility of getting better. Whenever I see you dragging your sick body and trying to live, my My heart is full of self-blame, pain, guilt and anxiety..."

"I changed my life... So... Qing Qing was originally going to leave this world, and it was I who saved her. After giving her half of my life, I left a sequelae. This sequela is... I'm sick?" Fan Yiyi's eyes were red, and some were unacceptable.

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