Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 921: It will be all right! Guaranteed!

She never thought that half of her tragic life was because of her twin sisters.

She could have been very healthy and happy, but for Fan Qing's sake, she was dragged into a sick and weak body, and could only shrink in a dark place like moss in a dark corner, while her sister Fan Qing could be alive and kicking.

Her tears rolled down like broken beads, "Don't you think it's too cruel to me?"

Fan Yiyi's heart was full of sadness and grievance, "How can you treat me like this? When I was first born, I didn't know anything, didn't know anything, have you asked me for my opinion? How can you be so cruel? Decided to take my life away."

Mrs. Fan Er walked up to her in mourning and wanted to reach out to hug her, but was pushed away by Fan Yiyi, "Don't come here."

Seeing her daughter's resistance, Mrs. Fan Er felt extremely sad and worried.

"Yiyi, I had no choice but to do it at the time. Think about it, the palms of your hands and the back of your hands are full of flesh, how could I watch her die. Can you just watch it die? ? Can you do it?"

"But why do I have to sacrifice my health? Can't I change it another way?" Fan Yiyi still couldn't accept this cruel fact.

Not only Fan Yiyi couldn't accept it, but Fan Qing was also very shocked. She lowered her head and constantly inspected her body. She could have all this today, all because she stole Yiyi's health?

How can it be like this?

"Why is it like this?"

She shook her head in disbelief, "How could this be? Yiyi, I don't know anything, I really don't know anything. If I sacrificed you for my health, I would rather not have this health."

She grabbed Fan Yiyi's hand, "Yiyi, you believe me... We are the closest people in the world, I didn't lie to you."

"It's useless, it's useless." Fan Yiyi shook off her hand, "I got all the happiness of the whole family in exchange for me. No wonder my parents always have a special preference for me. It turned out to be because of guilt. I see clearly..."

"If you blame it, blame me. It was because I was not good at learning skills back then, so I didn't use the formation technique proficiently. That's why you have sequelae and become weak and sick." Fan Wen said to Fan Yiyi in pain. Apologize, "My elder did not do well, Yiyi, I caused you to suffer so much for so many years."

Ruan Su put her arms around her chest, and raised her eyebrows after watching it for a while, "Did you let me come here just to show me your **** confession?"

Mrs. Fan wiped away the tears on her face, looked at Fan Wen and Ruan Su in confusion, "Elder Wen, did you invite Miss Ruan to come here..."

Fan Wen then sighed, "Miss Ruan, I can see that you and Niu Dao Ren should have had contact. So I want to ask you if you can help me find the descendant of Niu Dao Ren, presumably that descendant should be Can you help us or help Yiyi."

Ruan Su raised her eyes and glanced at him lazily, her expression light and a little careless.

"Isn't it just a life-changing formation that hasn't been changed? It just happened that I learned it some time ago, and I will try it."

" Try it?" Mrs. Fan glared at her with her mouth open, "Miss Ruan, no, this is absolutely impossible. This is not skiing, if you slip and fall, it is your own business. .But this is the life of my two daughters! In case you don't do it well, both of my daughters will be on the spot..."

She didn't dare to think about it, it was too scary.

She burst into tears, "I originally had a sick daughter and it was already very painful. If I hurt my two daughters again, I would go crazy, and I would definitely not be able to live."

Fan Yiyi smiled bitterly, "Anyway, I'm already like this, how bad can it be? The big deal is death. It's better than living in pain like this. Miss Ruan... I'm willing to let you give it a try. ."

"Yiyi!" Mrs. Fan Er screamed in pain, "No! Don't make fun of your own life, in case..."

"Twenty years ago, you weren't afraid of what would happen, but now you are? Don't you think it's ridiculous for you to say something like this?" Fan Yiyi glanced at Mrs. Fan Er with a cold expression.

Seeing Mrs. Fan Er's heart froze, she has never seen her daughter look like unfamiliar, so indifferent... Her heart hurts like being stabbed by a steel needle.

She wailed and cried bitterly, "Yiyi, you are resenting your mother, right? You are hating me..."

"Don't hate your mother, can you? Mom is forced to do so. Mom has never suffered you for so many years. No matter what happens, you are the first..."

Fan Yiyi sneered, "That's because you owe me. You feel guilty."

"Yiyi..." Mrs. Fan Er burst into tears and covered her aching chest.

"I also want to ask Miss Ruan to think of a way." Fan Qing did not pay any attention to his mother, but walked up to Ruan Su with a serious expression.

"If Miss Ruan really has a way, I hope I can help Yiyi live a normal life, even if it means sacrificing me. My happiness is based on Yiyi's pain, so I would rather not have this happiness."

"Are you two crazy? One or two are going to die. If she is good at skiing, can she be a master? If she can be a master, I will be a master!" Mrs. Fan Er was angry and anxious , and distressed. "Miss Ruan, please, don't hurt my two daughters, okay? They are young and impulsive..."

"If you don't want me to take action, then I won't help." Ruan Su looked at her lightly, "After all, my clients don't believe me, what should I do?"

Fan Wen was in a hurry. This Ruan Su was obviously related to Daoist Niu. If she could also form formations, she might be...

He quickly stopped Mrs. Fan Er, "Don't talk too much, if she can really save the two children, it will be better than Yiyi's current appearance."

"Elder Wen, the two children are ignorant, why are you?" Mrs. Fan Er looked at Fan Wen in shock, "Is she really okay?"

"You can shut up." Fan Wen pushed her aside, and then said to Ruan Su, "Miss Ruan, you can take action, no matter what the consequences are, I will bear the consequences."

"I think Mrs. Fan Er doesn't trust me, so I'll let it go." Ruan Su's lips curled into a smile, "I don't want to go back and get scared and have a heart attack, etc., and your Fan family will trouble me. ."

"No, no." Fan Wen determined that Ruan Su would definitely be able to do it, so he quickly made up his mind, "I believe in you, and the two children also believe in you, so you can do it."

"That's fine. Since you've talked about this, I'll try it." Ruan Su said as he stretched out his right hand and began to draw a formation towards the void.

She seemed to have drawn a pattern, which was very complicated and looked like an ancient totem.

The others couldn't understand it at all, except Fan Wen, who turned pale in shock, with consternation written on his face, "This is... this is from Daoist Niu..."

Ruan Su didn't do it for very long. In about five minutes, she completely drew the formation.

After the formation was drawn, she asked the sisters to stand in the center of the formation.

"I will continue to cast the formation, you can just close your eyes."

As she spoke, she began to draw a formation to Fan Yiyi, and after she finished drawing, she gently drew a formation to Fan.

"This is... a symbiosis formation." Fan Wen stared at Ruan Su in disbelief, "I didn't expect to see such a profound formation in my lifetime."

Mrs. Fan Er knew that no matter how much she cried at this moment, it would be useless. She wiped her tears and walked to Fan Wen's side.

Fan Wen immediately explained, "The final result of the formation I used before was to exchange Yiyi's life for a part of Qing... and the formation used by Miss Ruan is to let Yiyi and Qingqing coexist with each other, and both prosperity and loss will be lost. ."

"Symbiosis? That means that if Yiyi lives well, Yiyi will also live well? If Yiyi is sick, Yiyi will also be sick? They were twins originally, and they will be more connected by blood in the future? Is that what you mean?" Fan Er The wife's tone was very urgent, "Am I understanding right?"

Fan Wen nodded heavily, "Yes, that's what it means. So in the future, Yiyi doesn't have to worry about getting sick anymore, because she will become the same as Qing Qing."

"Really?" Mrs. Fan Er felt like she was in a dream. "Really? Will it really become like that? If it's true, that would be great."

"My two children... life is really hard. If Yiyi can recover in the future, I will die~!"

She was still there crying a few times.

Fan Wen was upset, "Shut up, don't disturb Miss Ruan."

Ruan Su is working **** the formation operation.

Although on the surface it seems that she is just drawing an array, drawing and drawing.

In fact, her physical strength and ability were severely depleted, and fine beads of sweat gradually ooze out from her forehead.

About ten minutes later, she finally stopped all movements, walked slowly to the sofa and sat down.

Mrs. Fan Er nervously looked at the two daughters who were standing in the center of the formation. The two daughters kept their eyes closed and did not move.

Her heartbeat almost stopped, her eyes were fixed on her daughter, and her voice was trembling, "Miss Ruan, they... will they be unable to wake up?"

Her tears fell suddenly, "Don't have any trouble!"

"Can you hold your breath? Can you stop talking nonsense?" Fan Wen said irritably, "It's definitely going to be alright."

Ruan Su sat lazily on the sofa, took a sip of water, and said lightly, "Open your eyes."

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