Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 922: It's so cheap for him!

The twin sisters opened their eyes at the same time.

Fan Yiyi lowered her head and looked at her hands. She watched for a while before she lifted her feet and walked out of the formation.

Fan Geng walked out with her, "Yiyi, do you feel any discomfort? How do you feel about yourself now?"

Fan Yiyi shook her head gently, she didn't know whether she was good or bad now.

She couldn't judge.

"I don't know. I don't think my chest hurts that much, and my body seems to be a little more relaxed. I don't know if this means it's getting better?"

Ruan Su lifted her eyelids and looked at the twin sisters, and said casually, "Your body has been ill for 20 years, and it is impossible to recover within a few minutes. It will take some time to recuperate, and it is estimated that it is almost the same. It should be normal. People are no different."

"How long was that? How long was it?" Mrs. Fan Er was so excited that she saw the only life-saving straw. "Miss Ruan, can you tell me the time? Let me have hope."

"At least three months, as many as six months. Her body should recover. If there is any error, please contact me at any time." Ruan Su said in a light voice, "So, you don't have to worry or worry. The formation is very effective. , and the formation was also very successful.”

Tears welled up in Mrs. Fan's eyes, "Thank you, thank you, you are really our great benefactor."

She cried bitterly, "God has eyes! We finally met a great nobleman, and both of my daughters were saved!"

"Thank you, Miss Ruan." Fan Yiyi thought that she would recover in the future, that she would run and jump like a normal person, get married and have children, or go out to work.

Everything is possible, and she feels full of longing and anticipation in her heart.

"Plop!" Fan gently knelt down in front of Ruan Su, "bang bang bang" knocked his head three times at Ruan Su, "I have nothing in return, I am willing to follow Miss Ruan, and I have to be a cow and a horse. Repay Miss Ruan's kindness."

"I don't want to accept anyone easily." Ruan Su laughed lowly, raised her eyebrows and looked at Fan Qingqing, "There are so many people who want to follow me, what is there for you to let me take you in?"

"I..." Fan Geng was choked, she couldn't lift her shoulders or lift her hands, her education was only a bachelor's degree, and her specialties were not outstanding... After a while, she embarrassedly said, "I can draw, I still I can play the piano, I...I..."

She doesn't seem to have anything in particular that she can handle.

"I can draw, I can play the piano, I can do all these things, what do I want you to do?" Ruan Su looked at her calmly, with a hint of indifference on her face.

Fan Yiyi bit her red lips, and knelt down in front of Ruan Su, kneeling there with Fan Geng, "Miss Ruan, all the children of our Fan family have been practicing medicine since childhood. Although they are not as good as their elder brother Fan Lian, they are also worse. Not much."

"Medicine..." Ruan Su glanced at the two of them, "Let's go to the Middle East then."

"Middle East? No!" As soon as Mrs. Fan heard that Ruan Su was going to send her two daughters to the Middle East, she became very emotional. "That place is very poor. How could you go to that kind of place and suffer in such a pampered place since you were a child?"

She stared at Ruan Su again and shouted, "My daughter wants to be by your side, not to go to the Middle East to suffer! Miss Ruan, if you want to keep them, just keep them, and you don't need to torture them like that if you don't want to. I have only two precious daughters...Miss Ruan, you have pity on my heart as a mother..."

Ruan Su was a little annoyed when she heard her screaming, "They want to follow me, and I have the final say on where to go. The female prime minister of the Middle East, Ji Youyou, is my friend, and the Middle East Women's and Children's Protection Association. It was founded by me. Since the two of them are good at medicine and don’t want to continue to be idle young ladies, then I will provide them with a platform to shine, can’t I?”

"Go, let's go!" Fan knelt gently on the ground and kowtowed to Ruan Su again, "I don't want to be like before, shopping for bags, shopping, drinking tea with the little sisters, this kind of life It doesn't make sense. Miss Ruan can help the Fan family regardless of the gains and losses, not for the sake of the Fan family, I also want to be a person like Miss Ruan."

Fan Yiyi also nodded heavily, "I have a lot of resentment towards the Fan family and mother in my heart, but now... I suddenly don't hate it anymore. I want to help more people with Qing Qing with our medical skills."

"Aren't you afraid of hardship when you go to the Middle East?" Ruan Su looked up and down the thin-skinned and tender sisters. "Don't call for bitterness and want to come back."

The two sisters looked at each other and said in unison, "No."

Ruan Su hooked her lips, "Okay, I will ask the twin brothers to send you two to the Middle East to find Su Xing, and she will arrange for you."

When they heard that the twin brothers were going to send them off, both sisters blushed, and the twin brothers' sunny and handsome faces appeared in their heads at the same time.

Mrs. Fan Er was very distressed, but to no avail.

It was obvious that no one would listen to her opinion at all.

In the end, she could only cry and say, "I... I'll pack your bags for you."

When the few people left the lounge, the sky was getting dark.

Ruan Su glanced at the sky outside the window, and went straight back to the guest room where she and Bo Xingzhi lived.

As night fell, the twin sisters and twin brothers set out on their way to the airport, their destination in the Middle East.

Watching them leave, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi also directly boarded the helicopter.

The helicopter circled over Fan's house and drove away directly.

Fan Lian reluctantly stared at the shadow of the plane leaving, "I don't know when I will see Miss Ruan next time."

"I really didn't expect that Qing Qing and Yiyi would choose to follow Miss Ruan." Fan's father was very emotional, "This is also her good fortune."

Fan Wen chuckled, "Miss Ruan is kind-hearted and wise, and her sisters will be blessed in the future."

Ruan Sulu's formation has basically allowed Fan Wen to conclude one thing, that she is 100% the true disciple of Niu Daoren.

Daoist Niu is really good at finding such an excellent successor.

On the helicopter, Bo Xingzhi unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to Ruan Su, "Drink some water."

She took the water and took a sip, "I don't know if Liang Hei and the others got on the plane."

"It should be up." Lin Qi replied with a smile, "I didn't expect the boss to be more attractive, and the two sisters actually joined us."

In the past few days, he ate that snake gall, and his body recovered very quickly.

Now that he has basically recovered his physical strength, he still faintly feels better than before.

Sure enough, there are rumors that snake gallbladder is a good supplement.

Ruan Su smiled and didn't speak again, she was a little tired at the moment. After staying at Fan's house for another day, there were a lot of things to solve, especially when she used the formation method, she was the most tired.

"What are you going to do when you go back?" Bo Xingzhi saw that she was a little tired, and reached out to massage her temples slowly, "Would you like to sleep for a while at night?"

Ruan Su nodded, leaned into his arms and closed his eyes.

The pressure of the man's massage was neither too light nor too heavy, which made her feel very comfortable.

Before she knew it, she became sleepy, and when the sleepiness hit, she leaned into Bo Xingzhi's arms and fell asleep.

The sound of her even breathing came from her ears, and the man withdrew his massaged hands, hugged her into his arms, and closed his eyes.

Although she didn't know what she did to sister Fan Qingqing at Fan's house during the day, seeing how loyal the sisters were, Bo Xingzhi couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

But when he thought that the object was Ruan Su, he was relieved again.

His wife is the most powerful, and it is not difficult to accept two girls as subordinates.

He lowered his eyes and looked at Ruan Su's peaceful sleeping face, and his heart was filled with satisfaction.

The cabin without the twin brothers looked a little deserted, and Lin Qi sat there alone watching TV and playing with his mobile phone.

Song Yan was driving the plane in front, flying in the night sky.

Bo Xingzhi also closed his eyes and rested.

Time passed little by little, and before you knew it, the sky was getting brighter, and Song Yan had been flying the plane for a long time.

Bo Xingzhi put Ruan Su on the seat, and then went to change shifts with Song Yan.

"It's four o'clock in the morning, let me take a break, you go to rest."

Bo Xingzhi patted Song Yan on the shoulder.

Song Yan rubbed his sour eyes, "I'm not tired, young master."

"Be obedient!" Bo Xingzhi lowered his tone, and Song Yan got up.

After the two exchanged, Bo Xingzhi started to fly the plane, looking at the bright sky ahead, he narrowed his long and narrow eyes slightly.

As soon as Song Yan took his seat, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already eight o'clock in the morning, and the plane landed on the roof of Bo Xingzhi's own private villa in the country M.

Ruan Su stretched and got off the plane and took a breath of fresh air.

"The air in this country M is really not as fresh as the air in the mountains."

"But this is where people live, and the forest is not a place for people to stay at all." Lin Qi smiled and began to move things down.

Bo Xingzhi's subordinates had been waiting here for a long time for their return, and when they saw everyone got off the plane, they immediately came over to say hello.

"Move things quickly, there are a lot of these things." Song Yan greeted everyone to move those boxes, and he also moved a box himself.

Many people are powerful, but in just over ten minutes, the dozens of boxes on the plane were all unloaded and transferred to the storage room of the villa.

Except for a box of antique artifacts that are to be handed over to the museum, almost all the rest will be left behind.

"I've been away for so long recently, I have to go back to the Presidential Palace first." Bo Xingzhi kissed Ruan Su's forehead, "Otherwise, the old man doesn't know why he is so angry."

"When you bring these things, he can't get angry." Ruan Su pointed to the cultural relics in the box, "It's too late for him to be happy."

There was a smile on the corner of Bo Xingzhi's lips, "It's cheaper for him."

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