Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 923: I'll go right now!

"I'll go back to Ye's house first, I may not know what's going on in the house." Ruan Su thought that he would leave without saying goodbye, and the Ye's house would be turned upside down.

"Then let's go." After Bo Xingzhi took her hand, he turned to Song Yan and Lin Qidao, "I'll leave it to you here, Xiao Su and I will go back first."

"Don't worry, young master."

"Don't worry, Mr. Bo, we will take care of it."

After the two responded, they instructed everyone to put everything in the storage room.

Bo Xingzhi personally drove Ruan Su to the door of Ye's house. Although it was only ten days, he seemed to have left for a long time.

Ruan Su unbuckled her seat belt and was about to get out of the car, but the man's lips suddenly pressed over her, and the hot breath instantly wrapped her. She was stunned for a moment, then raised her watery eyes to look at the man for a moment, and the next second, he Cover her soft lips.

It seemed like a century had passed before the man let go of her reluctantly.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became ambiguous and hot.

"I really don't want to be separated from you."

Bo Xingzhi held her smooth little face with big palms, and stared at her with a pair of black eyes, "Remember to call me."

"Got it. Haven't you been inseparable with me these ten days?" Ruan Su's red lips were slightly swollen by his kiss, like blooming petals.

Seeing that the fire on the tip of Bo Xingzhi's heart couldn't help rushing high, he let out a long sigh, "Go down quickly."

Otherwise, he would really take her back to the villa and love her because he was reluctant.

"Okay." Ruan Su knew what he meant, smiled and opened the door to leave.

Watching her slender figure gradually disappear from sight, Bo Xingzhi turned the car around.

Inside the Ye family villa, Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye were sitting there watching TV.

"Nowadays TV shows are getting more and more ugly and boring."

Mrs. Ye kept changing the channel with the remote control, and was upset, "None of them look good."

"Oops, old lady, you made me dazzled by changing the channel." Mr. Ye grabbed the remote control, "Let me choose, what do you want to see?"

"I want to watch something funny. That "Saturday Fastest" isn't funny or humorous at all. A group of people are embarrassed to death, and the host is embarrassed too." Madam Ye said angrily, "How can there be such a stronghold in the past? It’s good-looking, but it’s still a good base camp. I just like the original old shows.”

"It's alright, don't complain so much, you have so many opinions when watching a show." Mr. Ye switched the TV to the Tomato Channel, which happened to be playing "Happy Comedian", "Is this alright? It's not that you have the fat man you like. Teng and Shouli."

"Okay, let's take a look." Mrs. Ye took a strawberry, "This strawberry is so delicious, big and sweet, I really want to keep it for Xiao Su."

"What do you leave me?"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from the door of the living room, with a touch of coolness in the familiar.

Old Madam Ye thought she had heard it wrong, and subconsciously looked over and saw Ruan Suzheng standing there.

She was startled, and the strawberry in her hand almost rolled to the ground.

"Xiao Su? Is it true? Are you back?"

The old man Ye couldn't help but look at Ruan Su, "It's really Xiao Su back."

He happily closed his mouth and walked towards Ruan Su quickly, looking at her up and down, "Xiao Su, how are you? Have you suffered outside? The outside can't compare to the inside of the house, why did you go out?"

The few upstairs heard the lively voices downstairs, and they all walked out of their rooms. When Li Zhuoyan saw Ruan Su coming back, she flew downstairs like a bird and rushed towards Ruan Su. "Sister, are you back? Great! You look thin."

"Yeah, Xiao Su, did you suffer outside? Why did your child leave so suddenly, I was worried at home!"

As Mrs. Ye said, she took Ruan Su's hand and sat on the sofa, "Sit down quickly and let grandma take a good look."

Ye Yanli supported Song Jiayan and walked over cautiously, "Xiao Su, you don't know that you've been away for so many days, but you've made everyone anxious."

"Didn't I come back now?" Ruan Su felt the warmth from the whole family, and this warm feeling made her feel like a warm spring sun in her heart.

She directly opened the handbag she had been carrying, and took out several exquisite gift boxes from it, "I went to the jungle this time and brought back some gadgets for everyone."

Saying that, she first gave Mr. Ye a box, "This is for Grandpa."

Another one for Mrs. Ye, "This is from my grandmother."

The rest were given to Ye Yanli, Song Jiayan, and Li Zhuoyan respectively.

Several people opened the boxes almost at the same time, and when they saw the contents of their respective boxes, their eyes widened in shock.

"Xiao Su... Is this pair of chess pieces the best Hetian jade?" Mr. Ye didn't expect that what he found was a pair of chess pieces. He touched one of the white pieces, and his warm hand told him that it must be good jade.

"Well, it should have been around a thousand years ago." Ruan Su said with a calm expression, "If the quality is good, I will give it to you to play."

"Thousand... thousand years ago? Isn't that an antique?" Old Master Ye was shocked! Looking at the chess piece in his hand, he almost threw it out.

"These are all things from a thousand years ago." Ruan Su looked at everyone with a smile, "So they should be considered antiques."

What a joke, she and Bo Xingzhi discovered the treasure together. Why should all of it be given to the president? Of course, she must bring some to her family to play with.

"My comb... I look like it's made of pure gold, it... is it also an antique?" Li Zhuoyan looked at the gold comb in her hand and felt a little hot, "Then I don't want to keep it in a place where others can't find it. Where did you go? Otherwise...what if the thief misses you?"

"I'm a pair of jade pendants with children and mothers, and the shape is very beautiful. Xiao Su... What does this mean?" Song Jiayan looked at the pair of jade pendants in her hands curiously, one large and one small are very delicate.

"You wear the big one, and the baby will wear it later." Ruan Su smiled and looked at her, "You just put it away."

Ye Yanli swallowed, because he found that the gift in his hand seemed to be some kind of jade tube brush and Qingtian stone paperweight.

This thing is invaluable to take out, so Xiao Su gave it to him so casually.

It should be said...the gifts of these people are very precious.

Especially the string of emerald and emerald beads of old lady Ye, you can tell that the beads are not ordinary.

"After a thousand years, they are still very well preserved, so...the quality can stand the test, you can play with it at will." Ruan Su said lightly, "It's not just some gadgets, and it's not worth any money, So don't be surprised."

Even the Ye family has a lot of money and has never seen such a gift.

Mrs. Ye looked at her worriedly, "Xiao Su, are you going to rob the tomb these days? That's against the law."

"Or did you go and stole the museum? If it's true, you should send these gifts back quickly." Mrs. Ye was also worried.

"No." Ruan Su was really amused by their reaction, "Don't worry, the president has a big box there! All of them are to be handed over to the museum."

"So you really went to rob the tomb?" Mrs. Ye became even more impatient. "That's not a serious matter. It's very unlucky. Hurry up and take a shower to get rid of miscellaneous qi."

Ruan Su felt warm again, knowing that everyone in the Ye family was worried about her.

"Grandma, I really didn't. These are what I got by chance when Bo Xingzhi and I went out. We thought it was very valuable for research, so I picked a few less valuable ones and brought them back for everyone to play with. As for the real ones, they were all taken by him. When I go back, I will give it to the museum, no matter what, it is a cultural heritage, and it is worth studying and studying for future generations.”

"That's good." Mrs. Ye breathed a sigh of relief, "We can't do those rude things."

"We all like and are very happy with these gifts. Xiao Su, thank you." Mr. Ye said with emotion, "As long as you are safe and healthy, we have nothing else to ask for. Just come back safely. best gift."

"Yeah, sister, you haven't been home for a few days, so I'm worried about you." Li Zhuoyan hugged Ruan Su's arm and put her head on her shoulder, "Although I know you're very powerful, I can't help it. want to worry."

"Maybe... that's how the family feels." Ruan Su reached out and scratched her little nose, "Okay, I'm a little tired just now. I have to go back to my room to take a shower. You all should rest too."

"Are you hungry? It's almost noon, what do you want to eat? I'll let the kitchen prepare." Mrs. Ye said quickly.

"It's fine to eat anything, I'll take a shower first." Ruan Su was not a picky eater, she turned around and went upstairs.

After Ruan Su took a bath, she lay on the bed and rested for a while, and fell asleep unconsciously.

It's been really hard work these days.

She was sleeping soundly when she heard a knock on the door. She slowly opened her eyes and sat up, when she heard Li Zhuoyan's voice coming from the door, "Sister, it's time for lunch."

"Okay, I'll go down immediately." Ruan Su returned to her senses for a while before getting out of bed to wash. After a few minutes, she cleaned up and went downstairs to the restaurant in a home clothes.

The Ye family had already sat next to the meal, leaving a space for Ruan Su. She walked over to sit down and saw that the table was full of dazzling delicacies.

"So rich."

"You're back, of course we have to have a reunion dinner." Mrs. Ye gave her some vegetables with a smile, "You're not at home, the house is much deserted."

"Sister, eat vegetables." Li Zhuoyan also gave Ruan Su a prawn. Her eyes were shining, and her body recovered after being discharged from the hospital. During this period of time, her complexion was obviously much better.

"Thank you, I can do it myself, you don't have to keep serving me vegetables." Ruan Su smiled, she was about to pick up the chopsticks when the phone rang.

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