Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 924: This is thousands of years ago!

The slender fingers picked up the phone and looked at it, and found that it was an unfamiliar number.

She didn't answer and was about to put the phone away, but the number didn't give up and called again.

She felt helpless and had to pick it up, "Hello."

"Miss Ruan." Su Xing's familiar voice came, and Ruan Su was stunned, but she didn't expect it to be her. "Su Xing?"

"It's me, Liang Hei and Liang Bai have already delivered the two Miss Fan, and I have made arrangements, so naturally I need to report to you." Su Xing's smiling voice came.

"Thank you for your hard work." Ruan Su didn't expect it to be Su Xing, "Is this your new phone number?"

"Well, it didn't take long for me to change. Miss Ruan..." Su Xing hesitated for a while, her voice a little embarrassed, "Miss Ruan, I have a... unsolicited request, I don't know if I should say it or not."

Ruan Su took a bite of mushrooms, "What's wrong?"

Su Xing became more and more embarrassed, "Jinghuai misses you a lot recently, Miss Ruan... When can you come and see him when you have time?"

"I see. I'll go when I'm free. How's Jinghuai doing?" Ruan Su thought of Su Xing's child, Su Jinghuai, who was good-looking and smart.

"Aunt Ruan Su." Jinghuai's milky voice came from the phone, "I... can I make a video with you?"

Ruan Su glanced at everyone at the table, "One of my little friends wants to make a video with me, don't you mind?"

"We don't have so many rules at the dinner table, how can we break the hearts of children?" Old Mrs. Ye now fantasizes about the birth of her grandchildren every day, so she also has a happy heart for other children.

The old man Ye also smiled, "The old woman said it well, you can fight!"

Looking at the kind faces of the two old men, Ruan Su smiled and said to Su Jinghuai, "Auntie is now switching to WeChat video. Hang up the phone first."

"Okay." Su Jinghuai answered crisply and hung up the phone.

Ruan Su was about to poke the video, but Su Xing's number had already played the video. She pressed the answer button and saw the little guy who was just over two years old sitting at the other end of the video.

Unconsciously, two years have passed, and Su Jinghuai is more than two years old.

Ruan Su sighed with emotion, "Jinghuai, have you had dinner? Have you been obedient to Mommy recently?"

"I have something to eat, and I have learned to use a spoon." Su Jinghuai answered with a straight face.

"Why does this child answer so well?" Old Madam Ye looked over in surprise and saw a beautiful little boy, "Oh, he looks really handsome."

"Hello, grandma." Su Jinghuai greeted Mrs. Ye when she saw her, and called someone directly.

"My mouth is so sweet, it's so cute." Old lady Ye said to the servant with a smile, "Pack up some king crabs and the inside of the car to send to this child. Xiao Su, what is the address of this child? "

Ruan Su didn't expect Madam Ye to be so enthusiastic, "I'll send it to you later."

Su Xing quickly declined when she heard the words, "The old lady doesn't need to send it. Although we are in the Middle East, the climate is not as comfortable as home, but there is nothing missing here. Miss Ruan offers me a very high salary..."

"Ouch, this is a little bit of my intention." Old Madam Ye looked at Su Xing with a smile. The woman in the video looked like she was in her early thirties, but she was almost forty years old.

Mrs. Ye heard Ruan Su mentioned something about Su Xing and felt sympathy for her.

Fortunately, there is a child by my side, who is also a miserable person.

After chatting with Su Jinghuai for a while, they hung up the video call.

In Ruan Su's mind, Di Tian's seemingly flawless face appeared again. That face was very handsome, but it was a little awkward.

It seems to have a plastic feel? Seems a little swollen? Where exactly is the problem?

Why do I think of Ditian for no reason when I see Su Jinghuai?

Ruan Su felt a little weird, and this feeling was indescribably weird.

She was thinking to herself when she heard the voice of WeChat message again. She looked down at WeChat and found that it was sent by Jian Qiqi.

A photo of Song Yan and her taking Song Jingyao's children out to eat hot pot.

The family of three looked very warm.

She smiled and shook her head, patted the dazzling dishes on the table and sent them to Jian Qiqi, "I'm having lunch."

"Wow! It's so rich, I won't bother you anymore. We also eat hot pot." After Jane Qiqi returned, she disappeared.

Only then did Ruan Su put down the phone, "Song Tesuke is back, Qiqi is very happy. It feels really good to be reunited as a family."

Mrs. Ye also smiled and said, "That's not true. The most important thing for a family to be together is health and safety. As for the rest, they are external things."

"Jian Qiqi is also suffering, and the child's biological parents don't know who it is. The Jian family used to **** her blood." Old Master Ye sighed, "Fortunately, I adopted Jing Yao to accompany her, Otherwise, she would be too pitiful."

"She has no intention of looking for her biological parents anymore. What does it matter if she doesn't know? As long as she lives well now, it's fine." Ruan Su said, and gave Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye a meal respectively.

"Fortunately, Song Yan is not a strange husband's family, and Mrs. Song treats her well." Mrs. Ye sighed again and continued to eat.

Li Zhuoyan silently listened to everyone chatting there, and suddenly felt that it was very difficult for everyone to live.

"Ouch!" Song Jiayan whispered, covering her stomach.

Everyone was startled and looked at her in unison.

Ye Yanli held her hand nervously, "Wife, what's wrong? Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

Song Jiayan blushed, "Baby kicked me hard just now..."

"Haha—" Ye Yanli couldn't help but chuckle when she looked at her shy look, "Baby is so rude, I started kicking you."

"Oh, stop talking. It's very embarrassing." Song Jiayan gently tugged at his sleeve, "Hurry up and eat."

Ruan Su thought while eating, not knowing what happened to Bo Xingzhi.

Did the president make things difficult for him?

Inside the Presidential Palace at this time.


"Mr President!"

The assistant ran all the way to the president's office, as intense as participating in a 100-meter sprint.

The president looked up at him and frowned, "What are you yelling for? What happened?"

This assistant is usually very stable, why is it so ignorant today.

"Master... Master is back!" the assistant said breathlessly, "Young Master Bo is back."

"Azhi is back?" The president was stunned for a moment, then stood up abruptly, "Where is this unworthy son? Let him come and see me!"

"What? As soon as I came back, I wanted to ask my teacher for guilt?"

The man's low and magnetic voice sounded from the door, and the president's eyes stared at Bo Xingzhi fiercely, wishing to stare at a hole in him.

"You still know how to come back? Don't come back at all! Don't recognize me as a dad!"

He shouted aggressively at the thin line.

Bo Xingzhi raised his handsome eyebrows lightly, and his long and narrow eyes were full of light mockery, "It seems that he has a lot of temperament, so...isn't there any need for these things?"

"What? What can you give me?" The president sneered, his expression suddenly became awkward, but his tone softened a bit, "Don't think that if you bring me a gift, I won't care about your sneaking out. "

This stinky boy has some conscience.

Know to bring him a little gift when he comes back.

He suddenly felt a little more comfortable.

Bo Xingzhi gave a high five, and immediately several men walked in with five boxes of things.

After placing the five boxes side by side in front of the President, they trained to stand behind the boxes.

The president looked at the five boxes in confusion, "What's in it? This box looks very old!"

The tin boxes are very worn, and some have moss crawling on them.

What good could this be?

He was suddenly a little disappointed, staring and shouting, "Are you kidding me? Make a bunch of broken boxes and say it's a gift for me. You kid is too much."

"If you don't open it, you won't want it? Then you won't regret it later." Bo Xingzhi gave him a light look, and gestured to order his men to carry the boxes away.

The president looked at him suspiciously, "Is it really a good thing?"

"Forget it. My daughter-in-law wants it!" Bo Xingzhi commanded his subordinates expressionlessly, "Take it away."

"Don't, don't, open, open all these boxes, I want to see what treasures are inside." The president's curiosity was immediately hooked.

Bo Xingzhi's men began to pry the boxes, and box after box was opened.

The president was shocked!

He looked at the five boxes in front of him in disbelief.

He's not blind, not blind at all.

He picked up a porcelain bottle, "This... is this bottle a cultural relic?"

At first glance, this craft is not modern, and the workmanship is so exquisite that it is even more art than art.

He put down the porcelain vase and picked up another bronze ware, which was very well preserved and clean.

These five boxes are full, and almost every one of them has a sense of age, with a quaint atmosphere.

This is the real thing!

This is definitely not a fake!

Although he doesn't understand cultural relics very well, it is obvious that these things are real.

This quaint atmosphere is not found in modern things.

He picked up another crystal clear jade bowl and looked at the light, "It's too delicate. It's too moist. How can there be such a beautiful thing?"

Bo Xingzhi lowered his eyebrows and glanced at him, "These are cultural relics from a thousand years ago, which Xiao Su and I got by accident. We didn't want to swallow them, so we decided to donate them to the museum for everyone to study and study. This kind of cultural relics It has the significance of the times and the value of research. It would be too wasteful if it was just kept at home.”

The president looked at him in shock. He did not expect that Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi would think so.

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