Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 925: deceive who? When he was a three year old kid!

That's a bit of a big deal!

How to send so many treasures and so many cultural relics to the museum?

The unselfishness surprised the president.

"You really want to donate?"

Bo Xingzhi nodded lightly, his cold eyebrows looked very cold, but the words he said made people feel warm.

"In our hands, it's just idle play, but putting it in the museum can allow countless later people to study and research. This should be considered a meaningful thing."

"Humph! This must be some kind of trick by that sly girl? You want me to admit that she is my daughter-in-law! It's beautiful, I can take things, and the daughter-in-law needs to be observed again." Standing in front of the boxes with both hands, he paced back and forth a few steps.

The corners of Bo Xingzhi's lips twitched, and sure enough... this middle-aged man was as confident and narcissistic as ever.

He didn't want to look at the president for a minute, "I'll go back first."

The president got angry when he heard that he was leaving, staring at him angrily, chattering in his mouth.

"Hey, why are you going back? You're leaving as soon as you go back? Do you know that I've been so busy these days that I handle official business until midnight every night..."

"So why are you the president, and I'm not?" Bo Xingzhi's lips curled slightly, "Don't I still have a good big brother? You can definitely ask him to help you, he is so capable and excellent, and won your heart. "

"You!" The president was going to be mad at him. "You stinky boy, you are mad at me as soon as you come back, you can't say nice things!"

"I think it sounds very good. I praised your son as well as you." Bo Xingzhi ignored him and left.

"Don't come back when you're gone, why are you mad at me when you come back!" the president yelled angrily.

As soon as Bo Xingzhi left the President's Office, he met Shang Lingxiao, a man in a suit and leather shoes, looking imposing.

"Brother, are you back?"

Bo Xingzhi just looked at him lightly, without talking.

Then I heard Shang Lingxiao continue to say to himself, "Why are you so self-willed? You are an adult and you still play the trick of saying goodbye. My father is very angry. He is old. manage?"

Speaking to Bo Xingzhi with the tone of a big brother, Bo Xingzhi felt as disgusting as swallowing two pounds of flies.

What are his qualifications?

Really consider yourself a good thing.

Bo Xingzhi smiled, his smile was as cold as the wind, "He is full of energy and has a great body. But does the eldest brother particularly expect him to have three strengths and two weaknesses? Outsiders don't know and think you're cursing him!"

Shang Lingxiao's chest suddenly suffocated, and he opened his mouth so angry that he was speechless. How the **** did this thin guy talk?

Even said he cursed the president.

If this word reaches the president's ears, and if he is added to it, he will not be able to wash it out even if he jumps into the Yellow River?

"Borrowed, good brother."

Bo Xingzhi said and passed Shang Lingxiao.

Shang Lingxiao narrowed his eyes and looked at his back, bit his back molars, and the secretary behind him whispered, "Shang Shao, this Bo Shao is clearly misinterpreting your meaning on purpose."

"Ha-" Shang Lingxiao sneered and walked directly towards the president's office.

Over the past ten days, he has diligently shared the president's worries and took the initiative to undertake many official duties. He believes that Bo Xingzhi's secret departure has left a very bad shadow in the president's heart.

Over time, as long as he works harder, he will definitely be able to shake Bo Xingzhi's position in the president's heart.

Just now he stabbed himself with words, clearly because he was in a bad mood after being reprimanded by the president.

Thinking of this, Shang Lingxiao no longer cares about Bo Xingzhi's misunderstanding.

However, when he stepped into the office of the President, he was shocked!

He suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the boxes in the center of the President's Office in disbelief.

The box is very old, it can be seen that it is a few years old.

Several bodyguards are sealing the boxes and are very busy.

But he still saw what was in the box, it a cultural relic? It can no longer be described as antiques, those things are priceless works of art!

How can there be so many treasures here for the president?

He was surprised when he heard the President's happy voice, "Come and see, this is sent by A Zhi and Xiao Su. They went out for such a trip, but they were very rewarding, and they brought me back such a big surprise. ."

Shang Lingxiao almost stopped his heart from anger.

Thin line?

Ruan Su?

The artifacts they brought back?

These two people! **** it.

Where did you get so many cultural relics, and they even brought them back to the president.

He was speechless and couldn't say a word.

"Oh, I'm going to send them to the museum for the archaeologists to study, and then release them for everyone to visit and study." The president took a porcelain and handed it to Shang Lingxiao. "Look, isn't this very delicate?"

Shang Lingxiao forced a smile with a stiff face, and moved his eyes from the china to the president, "Father, this is indeed very delicate, and it looks like a good thing. I don't know which dynasty it belongs to."

"Azhi said it was more than a thousand years ago, and I don't know exactly when it was." The president was still overjoyed and showed him happily, "In short, it's a good thing. Hahaha!"

So... Bo Xingzhi didn't get scolded at all? Also praised? Look at these babes making the president happy.

Shang Lingxiao instantly felt that his hard work for so many days was in vain, and he was no match for the dead things that Bo Xingzhi brought back.


So pissed!

"It's so full of five boxes!" The president took Shang Lingxiao's arm and said, "Do you think you like it? Do you want to pick a few to play? There are many here anyway, even if you send them to the museum, you don't have to send them all. Finish."

Shang Lingxiao only felt that the president's words were humiliating him, that he could bring back so many cultural relics without Bo Xingzhi's ability.

He resisted the anger that was churning in his chest, and tried his best to say in a calm voice, "No need, these cultural relics are wasted in my hands. It would be best to dedicate them to museums."

"Oh, why are you so sentimental?" The president smiled and patted his shoulder before asking, "What's the matter? Are you looking for me?"

Shang Lingxiao was stuck in his chest in one breath, unable to go up or down.

So annoying!

After a while he said, "You sent me here."

The president just woke up like a dream, "Oh, oh, I remembered, it's like this. There was one thing you needed to do, but since Ah Zhi is back, I'll leave it to him. You've been working hard recently. Now, you always stay up late with me, what can you do if your body is exhausted? I'll give you two days off, so you can rest well."

"Thank you, father." Shang Lingxiao never thought that the president would treat him like this.

If there is anything, Zhong Wuyan is always busy, and Xia welcomes the spring when there is nothing wrong.

He is now the tragic Zhong Wuyan, and Bo Xingzhi is the hateful Xia Yingchun.

"Okay, go back and rest." The president wrote him a fake note and handed it to him. "I can see your recent efforts. Both are my sons. The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh. Ah Zhi is really going too far this time. I have already scolded him well."

scold? hehe--

Who are you lying to! When I was a three year old kid? Shang Lingxiao sneered inwardly.

But he didn't say anything, just suppressed his emotions, "I can finally rest for two days, and I have to consider whether to drive by myself."

"Go go." The president waved at him.

As soon as Shang Lingxiao went out, he smashed the fake strip in his hand into a ball, and threw it into the trash can with gloomy eyes.


Simply ridiculous!

Three days later, as soon as a piece of news was released, it went straight to the hot search and turned on the screen tyrant mode.

#things used by Princess Li before her death#

#Thousands of cultural relics preserved to this day#

#Blue and white porcelain warm jade bowl#

#Golden phoenix#


Almost all of them are photos of the cultural relics brought back by Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, as well as detailed introductions related to them.

And it is accompanied by some interview videos of historians and archaeologists.

"This is an item used by Princess Li thousands of years ago. Princess Li was deeply loved by King Li during her lifetime. These items are also exquisite and beautiful. And the most important thing is that they are extremely well preserved. Many of us in future generations have It's a joke, saying that Princess Li may be a woman from the past."

"Because she flourished agriculture, water conservancy, and did many, many great deeds in Li State at that time. She was not only Princess Li, but also the only female prime minister of Li State at that time, on par with King Li in court. She joined forces with King Li. He has done a lot of things that benefit the country and the people."

"She is a legendary woman."

The experts tirelessly introduced the history of Princess Li, including the origin of these cultural relics.

Ruan Su sat in Ye's living room and watched with relish.

In the past few days, whether it is on TV or the Internet, almost all the reports of these cultural relics are overwhelming.

"Xiao Su, are these the things you gave to the museum?" Ye Yanli came back from the outside with a cool feeling.

Ruan Su shifted his gaze from the TV to him, and was stunned when he saw the thin snow on his shoulders, "Is it snowing outside again?"

"That's not it. We have a lot of rain and snow here in winter." Ye Yanli patted the snowflakes on his body, "It's too cold today."

He sat next to Ruan Su curiously, "These cultural relics are really beautiful."

"The beauty of a legendary woman like Princess Li must be online." Ruan Su smiled and watched TV again.

She was stunned until a portrait left over from ancient times was displayed on the TV.

Ye Yanli was also stunned.

Then I heard the host's voice on the TV constantly ringing, "This is the only portrait of Princess Li preserved in the royal family at that time. It can be seen that although it is a long time ago, we can still see that Princess Li's facial features are exquisite and beautiful. A rare classic beauty."

The painting was yellow and old, but Princess Li's face was clearly recognizable.

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