Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 926: Past and Present? interesting!

"Xiao Su, why do I think this Princess Li looks a bit like you?" Ye Yanli looked suspiciously at Ruan Su and then looked at the TV, where the life of Princess Li was still introduced on the screen.

The host's voice is still clearly in the ears.

"The discovery of Princess Li's portrait is a very valuable event in terms of history and culture. It is embarrassing in this long history. She has a prominent position in politics, circles, and literature. As a princess, she is in charge of the inner court and the outer court. Government decree and proclamation, participating in government affairs. He once suggested expanding the library and adding bachelor's degrees. During this period, he presided over the elegant style, and produced poetry and prose on behalf of the imperial court. He repeatedly advised women to improve their social status and government status. It was the earliest feminist rights in history. One of the sportsmen."

Ruan Su looked at the portrait of Princess Li with great interest, and couldn't help but smile lightly on her red lips.

"Don't say, this Princess Li even does things very similar to mine."

"Maybe it's your previous life!" Ye Yanli jokingly continued, "But no matter what, we cannot deny that Princess Li is an outstanding woman. She is also a woman of great significance in history. It is said that during her reign, Princess Li was an outstanding woman. , Li Guo's folk customs are open, and the status of women is also very high, and many women wear men's clothes to the streets, and go out to work just like men."

Ruan Su took a sip of the water in front of him, "What about King Li?"

She didn't know much about the history of country M, and Princess Li was also a word that came into her eyes recently when she searched for the other party's treasure.

"King Li heard that he is disabled, and is known as a military advisor in a wheelchair. Although his legs are crippled, he uses his troops like a god. He is a great military genius. He has conquered countless territories for the country of Li, and even defeated the Tubo fans nine times. People." Ye Yanli had studied history when he was studying, and had learned the part of King Li.

"Why don't you make it ten times?" Ruan Su became more and more interesting, "Isn't it possible that after the ninth time, those people will not dare to commit crimes?"

Ye Yanli excitedly told Ruan Su what he had seen from the wild history.

"No, after the ninth time when King Li defeated the Fanren, his whereabouts were unknown. At that time, Princess Li, who was pregnant, was in command and led the three armies. After many difficulties and dangers, he rescued King Li who was trapped in the enemy's camp. It was also that time, Concubine Li directly destroyed Fanzi's old nest, burned their food and grass, and killed their coach!"

"Then this Princess Li seems to be very strong in martial arts, did the fans beg for peace?" Ruan Su couldn't help laughing, her eyes flickered slightly, like a broken diamond, "Don't say Princess Li, if someone dares to bully Bo Xingzhi and you, I will definitely do better than Princess Li."

"Oh, these are all what I saw in the wild history. I can't count them, I don't know if they're true or not." Ye Yanli laughed, "But... I still admire her. Women don't allow men."

"She succeeded in arousing my interest, and I went to the Internet to check information about her. I'll go back to my room first." Ruan Su said, then got up from the sofa and went upstairs.

After returning to the room, she couldn't wait to open her laptop and started to check Princess Li's life.

It was also true that they found out about the story that Ye Yanli had told about Princess Li in command.

She couldn't help but think of the portrait of Princess Li in her mind again. She was really a legendary woman.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help calling Lin Qi, "Have all the things in the box been sorted out?"

"Don't worry, boss. We've got everything done, you can come and check it anytime." Lin Qi was sitting in Bo Xingzhi's villa drinking with Song Yan, "I ordered takeout with Song Tesuke and poured two more glasses of wine. Would you like to come over for two drinks?"

"No, I'll be there tomorrow." Ruan Su said and hung up the phone.

The Internet is full of news such as "the portrait of Princess Li was born" and "the cultural relics of Princess Li", and almost everyone is circulating and discussing.

Even immediately, some employers saw the business opportunity and wanted to make a film and television drama about Princess Li.

As soon as the news came out, it was immediately fried.

"Really? Who wrote the script?"

"Is it Master Su?"

"Master Su, who wrote the screenplay, wrote "Idols Like Picking Up Trash" and "Fake Money Is a Real Rich" before. Wow, these two movies are super awesome."

"Don't you know? Master Su is Ruan Su? The wife of the president's young master!"

"By the way, do any of you think that Princess Li and Ruan Su look a bit similar? Do you think this person has a past life?"

"One person's blood book Ruan Su plays the role of Princess Li, and Ruan Su writes the script!"

"Then Ruan Su will be a producer and a director again, and he will finish the job all by himself."

In the evening, Ruan Su went downstairs for dinner. As soon as she walked into the restaurant, she saw Li Zhuoyan smilingly looking at her, "Sister, do you want to act in a movie? Do you like to be an actor?"

Ruan Su glanced at her inexplicably, raised her hand and tapped her forehead, "What are you thinking about? I don't know how to act."

"Look." Li Zhuoyan directly opened the social platform and clicked on a hot topic on the search.

She handed the phone to Ruan Su, and Ruan Su saw the words on it and read it out softly, "One person wrote in blood asking Ruan Su to play Princess Li?"

Netizens are very enthusiastic, and some people even took her photos to PS and put them in ancient costumes, not to mention... It really has the charm of a classical beauty.

She would be amused by these enthusiastic netizens, "What are these people thinking? I am not an actor, nor am I a singer."

Li Zhuoyan smiled slyly, looking at her with bright eyes, "But sister, I also think you and Princess Li look alike. There are still people on the Internet who have started to write your fanfiction, what is "Prince Li in the past life in love with me" ",Hahaha!"

"What's the mess?" Ruan Su tapped her on the head again, "Look at these rude people."

"It's pretty." Li Zhuoyan tilted her head with a smile.

When Ruan Su sat down, she saw Song Jiayan and Ye Yanli also come to sit. Song Jiayan also kept smiling while holding her mobile phone, "Xiao Su, do you want to consider acting on TV?"

Ruan Su was speechless.

She has been busy with Puppet Jing, and has not watched the carnival of those netizens on the Internet.

I didn't expect that even the pregnant woman Song Jiayan would know about it.

"Auntie, don't make fun of me. I'm not a star, nor an actor." Ruan Su really couldn't do anything about these people, and even joked about her.

"Okay, okay, let's eat quickly." Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye also came over, "But if Xiao Su is acting, I will be the first to turn on the TV to increase your ratings."

"Someone also sent me a video of netizens supporting you in writing Princess Li's script." When Mr. Ye was free, he would use short video platforms such as Moushou and Moushou to pass the time. "Xiao Su, do you want to write one?"

"I don't know much about history, and I don't know much about Princess Li..." Ruan Su realized that she had not written scripts or made movies or TV dramas since the fake daughter's movie.

Just as she was thinking so, WeChat rang.

She picked up her phone and saw that it was sent by Yan Yidao.

"Miss Ruan, there is a new film and television project looking for us to work together. Are you interested?"

She couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "These investors are moving on the wind, isn't that the one from Princess Li?"

Yan Yidao was very surprised, "How do you know? Did you see the hot search?"

"My whole family knows it. May I know?" Ruan Su said helplessly, "This matter needs to be considered."

"I think it's okay, can we meet tomorrow? Let's talk face to face." Yan Yidao highly praised Ruan Su's ability to write scripts.

Since working with Ruan Su, he doesn't like scripts written by other people at all.

Ruan Su touched his forehead, "I may be very busy recently, and I don't have time to write the script."

"It doesn't matter, we can talk about it first. It doesn't matter if the project is approved or not. If you really have inspiration, it will be good at that time." Yan Yidao did not put a lot of pressure on Ruan Su, "and, I personally think you should interested."

Ruan Su thinks she is not very interested.

After chatting a few more words with Yan Yidao, she began to eat.

"Yidao wants to cooperate with me to shoot Princess Li. The investor must have asked him to come to me."

"The main reason is that Princess Li is too hot these days, and she is a very famous woman in history." Old Madam Ye took a sip of soup, "I think back then, my old woman also went to the battlefield. It's been so many years since this dazzling eye. already."

"Grandma, you are also a heroine who doesn't allow men." Li Zhuoyan said sweetly.

"It's your sweet mouth." Old Madam Ye blamed her, but she was very happy.

Early the next morning, Ruan Su went to Bo Xingzhi's villa.

In the study, the books with a quaint atmosphere were neatly arranged in rows, which they brought back from Princess Li's treasure.

She picked up a copy at random, but found that it turned out to be Princess Li's manuscript.

It records many methods and opinions of Princess Li in water control, as well as many methods of digging and constructing drainage systems.

This Princess Li looked like an engineering student.

However, she flipped through another book and found that it was the poems and some articles written by Princess Li.

"It's interesting. She can be literate and rational, and she can be martial arts? In ancient times, she was considered to be an outstanding woman out of ten thousand miles." Ruan Su shook his head and put the book down.

She read several books in a row, all of them were ancient books, and there were no modern books, especially those related to puppet medicine and puppet crystal.

Is it... not?

She felt a little lost.

She picked up another book, which was an ancient book on medicine, and it also recorded some ancient methods of treating diseases and seeking medicine.

One of them made her stunned, "Open a knife to get an arrow. Princess Li once used the technique of incision and suture to treat a wounded soldier. No one has ever used this method, and only Princess Li is the only one."

This Princess Li really didn't travel through the past? Ruan Su was shocked by this "knife and arrow". This is the surgical thinking that modern talents have!

Notice: On the second day of the Lunar New Year, an extra chapter of the New Year's episode will be updated, and it will be written by Princess Li~~~~

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