Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 927: Partner count me? Funny~!

She was reading this medical book with relish when Bo Xingzhi called, "What are you doing?"

"Read a book in your villa." Ruan Su casually flipped open another book. This book was about architecture, such as the construction of ancient palaces.

Although it is said to be the method of a hundred works of art a thousand years ago, it is also applicable to modern times, because the principles are almost the same.

In particular, many of the ancient buildings are still preserved. For example, the mansion of Prince Li is said to be a tourist attraction.

The Zichen Palace in the capital is also a well-preserved ancient palace, which is the result of the efforts of major architects in ancient times.

"Why are you talking to me absent-mindedly?" Bo Xingzhi couldn't help asking, feeling her careless tone.

"Oh, I was fascinated by the book just now. This book is very interesting." Ruan Su couldn't help being amused by his complaining tone. "It's about architecture. Do you understand this?"

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows, "What's so difficult about architecture?"

"Yo, it sounds like a certain man is an expert in this area?" Ruan Su knew from his disapproving tone that this man should be an expert.

"I won't tell you." Bo Xingzhi didn't talk about the topic, but said to her, "Look out the window."

"What's so beautiful outside the window?" Ruan Su put down the book in his hand, yawned, and walked to the window.

The man's voice continued to ring in his ears, with a hint of delusional provocation, "Did you see it?"

Ruan Su looked out the window in disbelief, frowning slightly, "What are you... playing?"

It turned out to be a huge hot air balloon outside, the outer skin was colorful, and a roaring bonfire was lit in the center of the hot air balloon basket.

And Bo Xingzhi was standing in the center of the hot air balloon and was shaking the phone in his hand towards her.

Ruan Su: "..."

Under Bo Xingzhi's control, the hot air balloon gradually flew to the window of the villa, and the man stretched out his hand towards her by the window, "Come up quickly."

Ruan Su hung up the phone and was pulled into the hot air balloon by the man, and the balloon slowly began to rise.

She stood on the edge of the hot air balloon basket and looked into the distance. The sky was blue with white clouds. It was a rare good weather in winter.

What she didn't expect was that Bo Xingzhi even put an exquisite small dining table inside the hot air balloon.

On the small table are steaks, red wine, and salads.

"I wonder if I have the honor to invite Miss Ruan to have lunch together?" The man wore a navy blue plush coat, the delicate buttons gleamed in the sun, and there was an air of nobility on his face.

He is good-looking, and his figure is a natural hanger. He looks good in everything.

Ruan Su looked down at the down jacket he had hurriedly wrapped again, "You should have told me earlier. My down jacket doesn't quite match your coat."

"The hot air balloon floats in the air, and the weather will be cooler. I can rest assured if you wear a down jacket. Otherwise, if you catch a cold, it will be my sin." Bo Xingzhi sat there and carefully cut the steak, "This steak is freshly fried. Yes, it's still hot."

Ruan Su sat on the hot air balloon and looked at Bo Xingzhi with a smile, "Okay."

I have to say, she is in a very good mood now.

Breathing fresh air, with blue sky and white clouds above her head, she has never been in a hot air balloon, this is the first time.

The breeze caressed and lifted her blue silk with the coolness of winter.

Thin Xingzhi put up an iron frame to tie the surrounding gauze curtains, and the hot air balloon became a world of its own.

"This can somewhat block the wind, and it won't be so cold."

Ruan Su did not expect him to be so careful and considerate. "It's okay, I'm wearing thick clothes."

The man had already moved the cut steak in front of her and looked at her with a smile, "How about a taste."

Ruan Su's rosy face was particularly attractive, with a smile on the corners of her eyes and brows. She picked up a fork and put a piece of sliced ​​beef into her mouth, and her expression became a little strange as soon as she tasted it.

Bo Xingzhi's eyes showed a hint of inquiry, "How is it? Is it delicious?"

"This steak... tastes weird." Ruan Su looked down at the steak in front of him, the heat was right, the color was right, it looked fine... and black pepper was also put, but it still tasted strange, light, very light.

"Uh—" After Bo Xingzhi took a sip, a hint of embarrassment appeared on Jun's face. He had never fried steak, and he was limited to cooking porridge, noodles, or fried rice with eggs.

This is the end result after frying it several times in the morning.

Only now did he realize... he seemed to have forgotten to marinate, so he just fried it with butter.

So the taste is so bland.

Ruan Su looked at him suspiciously, "Could it be that you made this steak yourself?"

Bo Xingzhi quickly denied it, "How is that possible? Haha - no wonder the president always likes to ask you for a meal, because the cooks in the presidential palace are too rubbish."

I'm so ruthless that I even scold myself!

"You really didn't do it yourself?" Ruan Su was amused by his words.

"It's not really." Bo Xingzhi would never admit that he did it. It seemed that he had to practice hard.

Be sure to cook her a hearty meal in the future.

After all... for so many years, Ruan Su has always cooked for him...

Although the taste of the steak was not good, Ruan Su still ate a few pieces to save face.

I ate a little salad with it. Fortunately, the salad tasted okay.

"I hope the chef's skills can improve in the future."

She took out two napkins and wiped the corners of her lips gracefully, without breaking the thin line of lies.

This man wants to save face, he just refuses to admit that he made the steak.

If any cook cooks such a nasty thing, it is estimated that the president will fire him in minutes. How can he tolerate him messing around in the presidential palace?

With the hot air balloon slowly fluttering high in the sky, Bo Xingzhi couldn't help holding her into his arms, "Wife, thank you, for staying by my side at all times."

In the blue sky, a few white clouds slowly drifted above their heads, and at their feet there were mountains stacked with peaks, which looked extraordinarily beautiful in the sun.

The endless mountains and forests in the distance stretch forward endlessly.

In the drifting hot air balloon, thin lips covered down.

In the rare world of two people, the hot air balloon seems to be in a small world separated from each other.

It took a long time for the man to let go of her.

Ruan Su was leaning softly in the man's arms, her beautiful eyes stared at the man's eyes tightly, and Bo Xingzhi suddenly felt a pain when she saw it.

"Xiao Su, we seldom take contraceptive measures, why have you been unable to conceive a baby? How can Mei Silkworm get rid of its influence on your body?"

Ruan Su was stunned, she never thought that Bo Xingzhi would press her at this moment.

The blue sky and white clouds drifted by.

The hot air balloon also floated to the other side of the valley.

Her eyes dodged a little, and it took a while before she said, "I don't know either."

She really doesn't know.

"Does it exist forever, we will never have our own baby?" Bo Xingzhi held her shoulders, and there was a trace of sadness in his ink eyes.

He dreams of having a baby, a baby that belongs to him and Ruan Su.

"In the future... There will always be a way in the future. Maybe, maybe the big guy who made the puppet medicine can have this kind of ability." Ruan Su didn't know who else in this world would be better than that big guy. She sighed to herself.

Bo Xingzhi's eyes suddenly lit up, "Whether it's in the sky or in the ground, I must find him and let him help you."

"But... we don't even know who he is or where he is." Ruan Su sighed, "It's too ethereal. If you really want a baby, we'll adopt one, like Song Tesuke and Qiqi. Just as good."

"If I adopt one, I'd rather we just live in a world of two." Bo Xingzhi kissed her forehead, "Don't be too stressful. It's not necessary to have a baby."

The hot air balloon floated slowly in the sky.

After about half an hour, he finally flew back to the villa under Bo Xingzhi's operation.

Ruan Su didn't change her clothes, she wrapped her down jacket and went to the coffee shop she made an appointment with Yan Yidao.

The cafe is very quiet, and the melodious music is gently floating in the sky.

Because it was a working day, there were very few customers inside.

Yan Yidao arrived early, and was sitting by the window looking at some materials.

The door of the cafe was pushed, and the wind chimes hanging on the door made a ding-dong sound. He looked up and saw a tall and slender woman wrapped in a white down jacket walking in.

"Miss Ruan."

He stood up and waved to Ruan Su, "Here."

After seeing him, Ruan Su nodded and walked over quickly, sitting directly opposite him.

"What? Are you interested in taking pictures of Princess Li?"

"Princess Li's life is full of legends. Even in modern times, her abilities are very legendary and admirable." Yan Yidao smiled and pushed the information in front of him to Ruan Su, "This is some of Princess Li's. Relevant information, as well as some accounting for the capital investment of the project. You can take a look."

"Investors...there are so many?" Ruan Su grabbed the information and just turned to the first page and saw the list of investors, including the amount each of them was expected to invest. "900 million? A TV series that you want to make big? It includes Li Yanbei? And Ji Youyou? Not only that, but also Xie Jinyan? What are these people... doing behind my back?"

She really didn't expect that Xie Jinyan would also take a shot, not only that, but also the Song family, several brothers of Song Jiayan also participated in the investment, and Jiang Xinyu...

"These people are really against the sky, are they trying to plot against me together?" Ruan Su angrily threw the investment table to the banquet.

"No, Miss Ruan. There are other investors! Look at this Xuechen...he's a movie king! And Jiang Xinfeng, they also participated in the investment. They are now fighting over who will play Prince Li..."

Yan Yidao couldn't help laughing, "So, everyone is very optimistic about Princess Li's drama. Look, is it a movie or a TV show?"

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