Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 928: It's just a joke!

Ruan Su had a feeling that he was being driven by a duck on the shelves.

She flipped through some materials of Princess Li, "I also have these materials, which are more complete than yours."

She also has many real records of Princess Li's deeds, which are kept in the study of Bo Xingzhi's villa.

No one should know Princess Li better than her now.


It is not impossible for Princess Li to set up a project.

She can also write this script to restore the history of that year.

The investment in ancient costume dramas is generally more expensive than modern dramas. It takes a lot of money just to serve the Tao, especially those ancient costumes must not be said, and ancient film and television cities, whether or not A new shooting base needs to be set up.

These must all be taken into consideration.

Ruan Su thought for a moment and said, "Films with the background of ancient times rarely have a high box office. Except for martial arts movies in the 1990s, there are almost no popular costume movies in recent years. On the contrary, in the TV circle, ancient puppets have always been very popular. Popular, including Xianxia."

Yan Yidao originally thought that Ruan Su would continue to make movies, but she didn't expect her to know so much about the current subject matter, "Then you mean, we want to make TV series? Adding some difficulty, they pay more attention to the performance of details. They will also tell the life of Princess Li in more detail."

"No, I want to make a movie. I will make Princess Li pregnant to save King Li." Ruan Su hooked her lips, her eyes sparkling with interest, "If the box office is good, you can continue to do TV projects. Make a movie to test the water first."

"Making a movie?" Yan Yidao looked at her in surprise, "Are you sure?"

Ruan Su closed the documents and returned to Yan Yidao, smiled and said, "Let's try it first. I didn't want to take on this project, and I didn't want to write the script. Because I've been busy recently, but... Seeing that many people are I think it's not a bad thing to take pictures of Princess Li's deeds and let everyone learn. A woman like her should not be buried in the long river of history, but should be discovered and passed on forever."

Yan Yidao saw that Ruan Su's attitude was a little loose, so he thought that he still had another important responsibility, he hesitated and finally spoke.

"Everyone is not only optimistic about it, but everyone is also optimistic about your role as Princess Li. It's just your true character, Miss Ruan."

Ruan Su rushed to him with a helpless look, "Director Yan, what's the matter with you? Don't these people just pay you 900 million? I can do it too. You come over and be a lobbyist and be so competent. I'm not a professional. The actor, how can I act well?"

Yan Yidao had already made a draft in his heart, "But... you and Princess Li look alike. Not only do you look alike, but you also act alike, and both have talents."

"Don't mention this again, I won't be in it." Ruan Su shook his head and refused very simply, "The movie can be made and the script can be written, but I will act... The possibility is zero. These people are really, just ridiculous. !"

As she said that, she stood up, "Let's be here today. After I write the script, I will build the scene according to my script. There are also arrangements for the way of service and transformation. At that time, these things will require you and the deputy. The director will handle it. The selection of actors will be temporarily slowed down, and we do not seek the biggest celebrity, but only seek actors with acting skills that fit the character."

Nowadays, the film and television market is a mixed bag, especially when the traffic is in vogue. As a result, many project film and television dramas are only for the purpose of cutting fans' money, and there is no quality to speak of.

Gradually, the atmosphere in the circle was swayed by this crooked wind, which was embarrassing.

Seeing Ruan Su's slender back disappearing into the cafe, Yan Yidao had no choice but to stand up and start sending messages in the investor group.

"Good news, bad news. Which one do you want to hear?"

Li Yanbei: "Listen first."

Song Jiayan: "It's still bad."

Ji Youyou: "I support my husband, listen well."

Jiang Xinyu: "Okay."

Jiang Xinfeng: "Okay."

Song Jiayan: "Hehe - I'm Aunt Ruan Su. Do you want me to kiss her? Do you still want me to persuade her?"

Since there is bad news, there must be some places where Ruan Su was not persuaded by Yan Yidao.

Yan Yidao had to say at the same time, "Miss Ruan promised to write the script and make a movie, but she didn't agree to play the role of Princess Li. She said that you are making a fool of yourself."

Everyone: "..."

Ji Youyou: "Sure enough, you, @宋家燕, said that you need to persuade her. This important task is left to you."

Xie Jinyan: "Oh, it seems that Yanyan didn't work hard enough! @李智燕You have to lobby too."

Jiang Xinyu: "You live with the eldest brother. You can get the moon first when you are near the water tower. Hurry up and go."

Ruan Su didn't know that these people especially wanted to see her play Princess Li in ancient costumes. These people's expectations were so high that it was indescribable.

These people formed a small gang, racking their brains to convince her.

So, she just stepped into Ye's house from outside.

Song Jiayan and Li Zhuoyan walked out of their respective rooms tacitly, and...they were still wearing ancient costumes.

Both are beauties, Li Zhuoyan is a little girly, Song Jiayan is beautiful, one red and one green, a girl and a young woman, and a potbellied young woman.

The two walked in front of Ruan Su in ancient costumes and stepped in small steps, and they also blessed her body and performed an action that was only possible in ancient times.

"Xiao Su, look... Isn't this ancient costume particularly good-looking?" Song Jiayan half covered her face with a fan in hand, and looked at Ruan Su with beautiful eyes.

Before Ruan Su opened her mouth, she saw Li Zhuoyan jumping and rushing towards her, she lifted up her skirt and turned around in front of her, "Sister, the costume is so beautiful! Look how beautiful I am! My aunt and I have agreed to go tomorrow. Take pictures of costumes. Do you want to go too? Leave a souvenir."

Ruan Su woke up from the shock, looked at the two up and down, and had to admit it.

They look very beautiful in ancient costumes, very beautiful.

However, she was not interested.

"It's beautiful. You're so busy writing the script that you don't have time to go with the two of you. Go ahead." Ruan Su is so smart, you can see what they're thinking by looking at them.

In particular, the Song family and the Xie family both participated in investment projects, and they knew with their toes that they deliberately dressed up like this to make her submit.



She's not really an actress, she can't act.

What were these people thinking?

She went straight upstairs and brought back a few books from Bo Xingzhi today, and she wanted to read it at night.

Seeing her indifferent and boring appearance, Song Jiayan and Li Zhuoyan were dumbfounded.

"Xiao Su...she doesn't seem to be interested. Are we still taking pictures of us?"

"Let's shoot... I think I look good in ancient costumes." Li Zhuoyan murmured back.

Song Jiayan took her mobile phone and said directly in the group, "Failure is over. She is unmoved."

"Think of another way..." Song Ci replied to her. "She has always been on hot searches and her popularity is very high. If the news of her participation in the show is released, no matter how well she acts, the traffic will flow in properly. This business is profitable and harmless!"

He is a businessman, and he naturally knows the ability of this project to attract money, otherwise he will not actively invest.

Yan Yi made a serious statement, "Miss Ruan doesn't want to make a junk movie with traffic as the king, she wants to make a quality movie with a good reputation and box office. So...Song Shao, your thinking needs to be adjusted."

They were discussing the project of Princess Li in full swing here.

At this time, in the Middle East, in the Maternal and Child Protection Association.

Su Xing stared at the twin sisters in front of her with a serious face.

"I know that you are usually pampered at home, and you are the eldest daughter. But after you come here, you must obey my arrangements. Whatever I ask you to do, you obey, don't ask me any conditions, and don't give any excuses. Just obey and do it well.”

"Since you have decided to follow Miss Ruan, let go of your daughter-in-law's air, and do your assigned work seriously."

"If you don't perform well, I will ask Miss Ruan to send you back."

Fan lightly bit his red lips and said in a low voice, "Got it."

Fan Yiyi didn't expect that the two sisters got up late in the morning, and they were ten minutes late to be treated so severely by Su Xing.

"If you know it's wrong, go back and give me a good job now. You not only shoulder the heavy responsibility of teaching the children, but also treat all the children and patients in the association who have headaches and fever. Don't be lazy for me." Su Xing said and turned around. go.

A sister from an association quietly came over, "Are you being too strict?"

Su Xing's voice was light, "Don't be strict with them today, let them develop the habit of being lazy, and they will make a big mistake in the future."

"Mummy!" Su Jinghuai ran over with a bunch of flowers in her hand, "Look at my newly picked flowers and give them to you."

"Jinghuai, are you so good?" Su Xing squatted down and touched her son's head gently, "Where did you pick it from?"

"Backyard!" Su Jinghuai smiled brightly, her face flushed red. "When Aunt Ruan comes, I will also pick flowers for her."

Su Xing smiled and did not speak any more, when she heard her sister say, "Miss Ruan may not be able to come over in the near future. After all, she is too busy. Especially with the efforts of Prime Minister Ji Youyou, we women in the Middle East The status has improved a lot. I don't think... there is nothing important, she is afraid that she will not come. "

Su Jinghuai looked at Su Xing with disappointment after hearing it, "Mummy, is what this aunt said true?"

Su Xing couldn't bear to disappoint her son, she kissed his forehead, "No. Aunt Ruan promised you that she would come, and she will definitely come."

In fact, she also knew in her heart that what this sister said was the truth.

How could a busy person like Ruan Su come? It's just to coax children.

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