Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 929: You are so coquettish!

Su Xing knew in her heart that she didn't say anything, and it was not bad to let the child have a good expectation in her heart.

The fear is to disappoint the child.

She took her son's hand and walked forward, and just a few steps away, her mobile phone WeChat rang.

She took out her mobile phone and opened WeChat in confusion, and saw the message sent by Ruan Su, "Bo Xingzhi and I went to the Middle East on a business trip over the weekend, just to spend the day with Jinghuai. Does he want to go to the playground?"

Su Xing stared at the news in disbelief.

Is Ruan Su really coming?

Want to take your son to the playground?

She was a little dizzy. "Miss Ruan, a joke from the child, you don't have to travel so hard..."

"You can't let the children down. Since you have promised, you will naturally make a promise." Ruan Su quickly replied to Su Xing, "Bo Xingzhi and I have already booked a ticket."

Su Xing excitedly typed on the keyboard of the phone, "Okay then. Jinghuai must be very happy, thank you."

She held up the phone in front of Su Jinghuai, "Look, Miss Ruan said she will come to visit you on the weekend."

The sister just now walked over and looked at the phone in astonishment, "Oh, our Miss Ruan is such a good person, I admire it."

Su Jinghuai grinned happily, "Great. I want to pick flowers for her."

In fact, Ruan Su did need to travel when he came to the Middle East. Since he came, it was understandable to turn around to see the children.

Bo Xingzhi was sitting beside her at the moment, "Li Yanbei and Ji Youyou invited us to the Middle East to participate in the Fire Jump Festival? I remember that the Fire Jump Festival is a very important festival in their local area, but almost every year the people make fireworks and fireworks. Firecrackers will cause certain casualties."

Ruan Su sent him the flight ticket information he booked.

"The tickets are booked. The annual fire jump festival is held in the early hours of the morning, and people say goodbye to the old and welcome the new by jumping on various fires. I think it is quite meaningful. Since they have sent an invitation to us, let's go there. Otherwise, it seems too disrespectful."

"Everything is up to my wife." Bo Xingzhi raised his arms and hugged her, holding her tightly in his arms.

"Let's go, it's time for me to go back." Ruan Su stood up and glanced at the sky outside the window. The twilight was all around, and it was almost dark.

Bo Xingzhi stared at her possessively, "Let's go again? You always do this, you leave after you're done."

It seems that he has no sympathy for him.

He was always very confident about him.

Not at all worried that he'll be empathetic.

The moment Ruan Su got up, he felt a little depressed.

Ruan Su looked at him with this resentful look again, and couldn't help laughing. She held the man's face in her hands, "Did your eldest uncle come recently? So your mood is not stable?"

Bo Xingzhi glanced at her, "I'm a man, do you think I'm like your women, and I'll come to auntie regularly... what?"

However, Xiao Su took the initiative to hold his face, and he still felt good.

The corners of his lips rose slightly, "Wife, I'll give you a very nice gift, okay? I think you'll like it."

Ruan Su looked at him suspiciously, "What gift?"

How can there be a bad intuition?

Then she saw Bo Xingzhi took out a courier from the cabinet, and there was no open courier.

"When did you buy things online?" She blinked, her long eyelashes covered with a faint silhouette.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her and smiled meaningfully, "Open it and see for yourself."

She didn't suspect him, so she started to unpack the courier.

However... when she opened the package in front of the man and picked up the contents of the box to see clearly, something suddenly exploded in her mind.

What she was holding in her hand turned out to be a whole set of emotions. Fun sleep. skirt!

The lace headband also has silk. There are all kinds of socks, and this turned out to be a complete set.

Even the fabrics together are... hard to cover.

She looked at Bo Xingzhi in shock, her face flushed quickly, "You... how did you... when did you buy it?"

It is rare to see Xiao Su, who has always been pampered and humiliated, still have such a thin skin.

Bo Xingzhi reached out and hooked her slender waist, hooking her into his arms and holding her tightly, "Why don't we try it now, okay?"

After he finished speaking, he went to take a shower as fast as possible, and when he came out, he saw Ruan Su huddled under the quilt with a head exposed, which looked extraordinarily cute and moving.

He has a feeling of breaking the blind box.

He couldn't help but stepped forward and reached out to lift the quilt excitedly, but when he saw that she was not wearing it, the man was blindfolded, "Why didn't you change it?"

Ruan Su glanced at him with the look of a dog man, "You have to wash this clothes, right? Or you can wash it later, and I'll come back tomorrow when it's dry."

Bo Xingzhi showed a trace of loss in his heart, but soon he picked up the pajamas and rushed to the bathroom to wash clothes.

Ruan Su: "..."

The picture of Young Master Bo kissing the pajamas with his own hands is a bit too hot, and she doesn't dare to watch it at all.

The man stood in the bathroom and looked up at her from time to time, his eyes were gentle and indulgent, and there was a trace of red fruit swaying in flames.

Ruan Su's face was hot, "Then what, I'll go back first."

"I've washed it." He said, wringing out the pajamas in his hand, and drying them on the balcony.

He also pulled the curtains on the balcony, not wanting outsiders to see the tempting pajamas drying on the balcony.

Turning around, the man stretched out his iron arms and hugged her into his arms. As early as when she came to say that Li Yanbei and Ji Youyou invited their husband and wife to the Fire Jumping Festival, he wanted to hug her.

Endured until now, he has no intention of letting her go. He tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away, "I really want to go back."

Bo Xingzhi held her pretty face with deep eyes, "Wife, you are so good-looking, you can never get tired of watching it no matter how you look at it. You are even prettier than the stars on TV."

Ruan Su's mouth twitched, "I know I'm good-looking, but...why are you so greasy? You're so smooth."

She wanted to say very much, "Gao Leng Bo Shao, your personality has collapsed."

Until Bo Xingzhi kissed her red lips affectionately, the ambiguous breath instantly rose in the air.

As a result, at this moment, Bo Xingzhi's cell phone rang, and the man grabbed it impatiently to see that it was the president who called.

He sneered and shut down.

However, what he didn't expect was that the president called Ruan Su's mobile phone.

Ruan Su glanced at him helplessly, "Can you take it?"

Bo Xingzhi stared angrily at the caller ID, "Go!"

He took the phone and pressed the answer button, "What?"

The president looked annoyed, "You kid, do you still have my dad in your eyes?"

"Can you change the word? Don't keep saying this, your ears are tired of hearing it." Bo Xingzhi said coldly, with impatience in his tone, "If I have something to say, I will hang up."

"The Fire Jump Festival in the Middle East is about to start. You represent the Cabinet to attend their Fire Jump Festival." The president also received an invitation from the Middle East, but he naturally couldn't go.

If he went to participate in a small jumping fire festival in person, it would be a loss of identity.

Bo Xingzhi felt his scalp go numb, "Okay, I'll go."

But the president was still there chattering, "Although the Middle East is small, there are a lot of people. Their Fire Jumping Festival is very grand, and it is also a very important festival for their country..."

Bo Xingzhi wanted to stop his mouth when he heard it, "I see!"

With a snap, he hung up the phone.

The world is suddenly clean.

Bo Xingzhi's voice was seductively hoarse, "Wife..."

Ruan Su likes to see his eyes full of affection when he is in love.

Time passed little by little.

It was late at night when Ruan Su woke up again.

She turned on her phone and checked the time, and found that it was ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

She switched to WeChat and saw that Ye Yanli had sent her a message asking her if she was going to eat dinner or not.

There are also photos of dinner sent by Song Jiayan.

The family waited for her for a long time before starting.

She suddenly felt a little guilty, and quickly replied to Ye Yanli, "I have something to do in the evening, I will go back now."

"Is grandma asleep?"

Ye Yanli quickly returned to her, "I fell asleep, thinking that you have something to do."

Ruan Su's body sourly supported her body and sat up, the thin blanket on her body slowly slipped off.

She rubbed her sore waist and found that Bo Xingzhi was sitting on the sofa in the bedroom with his laptop in his arms.


Isn't he tired?

The man slowly raised his eyes to look at her at this time, "Are you awake? Are you hungry?"

His eyes are deep and charming, his voice is full of magnetic elegance, and the dim yellow wall lamp sprinkles on his shoulders, which seems blurred and unreal.

"I'm not hungry." Ruan Su shook her head and went to the bathroom to clean herself up. After a while, she dressed up and walked out, "I have to go back."

Bo Xingzhi frowned, "We are husband and wife, this should be your home."

"But the Ye family is also my family!" Ruan Su walked over and sat beside him, wrapping his arms around his neck, "Besides, now you are the president's young master, and you usually live in the presidential palace."

Her voice was soft and soft, which was different from the usual coldness. Bo Xingzhi felt soft in his heart.

The man grabbed the jacket and threw it on his body, "Let's go, I'll take it off for you."

Ruan Suqiao gave him a lively smile, "Thank you husband."

Ba Ha directly kissed his cheek.

Bo Xingzhi raised his hand and scratched her nose, "Let's go."

You are acting like a spoiled child, what can I do with you?

The car drove out slowly in the dark. The weather was sunny these days, but not as cold as the previous days.

"It's spring, and after a while, the coat and down jacket can be taken off." Ruan Su glanced at the scenery outside the car window and said this coldly.

"When the weather warms up, you can go out for an outing." Bo Xingzhi held the steering wheel with one hand and her small hand with the other, "We have been together for so many years."

"The seven-year itch is about to begin in spring." Ruan Su smiled at him, "Jinghuai is two years old. We have been together for four years, divorced, and we will be together for three years."

There was also emotion on Bo Xingzhijun's face.

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