Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 930: Something happened! Life and death line!

The big palm that grabbed her small hand tightened suddenly, "Not only for seven years, but for the next seventy years, we will be together too."

"I'll be an old lady by then." Ruan Su's beautiful eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at him brightly, "I'll be old and ugly."

"The old lady is also the most beautiful old lady." Bo Xingzhi hooked his lips, his long and narrow eyes full of tenderness, "I will be an old man by then, and we will become partners."

"The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you..." Just at this moment, the radio broadcast on the car played this song.

The host's voice also faintly came out along with the broadcast, "This was a very popular song, and now it's for everyone."

The melody of music sounded again, floating in the carriage.

"Collect every little bit of laughter along the way, and save it for later sitting in a rocking chair to chat slowly..."

Ruan Su couldn't help humming along, "The most romantic thing I can think of is to grow old with you slowly, until we are too old to go anywhere, and you still regard me as a treasure in your hand..."

Her voice was cold, but there was something special about her singing.

Pleasant to listen to, quite memorable voice.

"You can be a singer." Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes showed warmth, "Otherwise it would be too wasteful."

"They are all pushing me to be an actor, and you want me to be a singer." Ruan Su laughed, "You all arranged me clearly."

Bo Xingzhi couldn't help but laugh, "It's all up to you, you can do whatever you want. As long as I'm here, I'll make you live comfortably."

The car stopped smoothly at the gate of Ye Family Manor.

Bo Xingzhi couldn't help but hold Ruan Su's head and put her close to him. The man's hot breath fell on her ear.

"Go back!" The man's voice was hoarse, with a hint of reluctance.

"Okay." Ruan Su nodded, "Good night."

Watching Ruan Su's back disappear into the huge manor, the man drove away, leaving only a trail of exhaust in the dark night.


in the apartment.

The dim yellow wall lamp shone with a faint halo, and Song Yan sat under the lamp to check the flight.

Jian Qiqi put on her pajamas and walked over, "Are you going on a business trip with the boss and the young master again?"

"Well, my wife has booked a ticket and sent it to me. I'm checking the flight information related to the ticket information. It will be smoother when I make a record."

Song Yan has always been a very careful and appropriate person.

"Jingyao will miss you." Jian Qiqi sat next to him and glanced at the notebook, "You have been traveling all the time recently, and your home is empty."

"Didn't your parents also move to the capital city of M? When you are free, you can often get together with them." Song Yan grabbed her hands, "It is unavoidable to travel on business."

"It's winter vacation now. During the day, my parents are almost always taking Jingyao. I'm quite free and I can work." Jian Qiqi helped Ruan Su manage the entire finance department, so he was usually too busy.

Unfortunately, she doesn't travel very often.

"The destination this time is the Middle East." Song Yan hesitated and said, "How about you and Jingyao also go to play? This time is to participate in the Fire Jump Festival. Jingyao was in the Middle East for a long time before, I I was afraid that he would be emotional and remember those bad memories in the past."

"Speaking of before, have you opened the suitcase left by his biological parents?" Jian Qiqi suddenly thought of this matter, "Ever since Jingyao came back with us, I haven't seen where that suitcase is."

"Oh, I got it in the glove box at the time, I'll go get it now." Song Yan stood up and walked towards the study.

This is a three-bedroom apartment with one living room, one bedroom for the child, one bedroom for their husband and wife, and the other is a study room. There is a sundry cabinet in the study room, and the sundries at home are usually thrown into it.

Song Yan rummaged for a while before finding the worn-out suitcase. The suitcase was dark blue with cartoon characters printed on it, making it a bit cute.

He dragged the suitcase out, but found a password on it.

"I have a password, but I don't know if Jingyao knows what it is."

"It's so late now, and the child went to bed early."

Jian Qiqi came over and sat directly on the floor and began to look up and down the suitcase, "It doesn't matter, I can crack it."

How can you do it without being by Ruan Su's side?

She found a knife and a thin wire, and opened the suitcase in a few minutes.

They originally thought that Jingtian really put some of Song Jingyao's clothes and toys in the suitcase, but they didn't expect it to be a tightly packed box.

Jian Qiqi opened the box and contained only a drawing and a tablet.

"I remember those killers were asking where Jing Tianzhen's things were at that time." Jian Qiqi picked up the blueprint and looked up and down, "Could it be that these are what they want?"

Song Yan pressed the tablet's power button, "It's out of power. I'll try charging it."

After charging the tablet, he took the blueprint and said, "This seems to be an architectural drawing. What kind of building is this? It looks very spacious."

"I don't know." Jian Qiqi couldn't understand, "I think the boss should tell them about this."

"Master understands architecture, I'll go find him early tomorrow morning." Song Yan nodded.

Just then, with a "ding!" sound, the tablet turned on after charging.

Song Yan grabbed the tablet and saw that a power-on password was set on the screen, "There is a password."

Jian Qiqi bit her lip and said, "Try Jing Yao's birthday."

Since Jing Tianzhen left the suitcase to them, it should be Jing Yao's birthday.

"Good idea." Song Yan entered Song Jingyao's date of birth, and it entered the tablet very smoothly.

At first glance, there is no difference between the tablet and other tablets. It is equipped with a film and television APP, a chat APP, and a social platform APP.

Song Yan clicked on several software, but found nothing strange.

"There's nothing special about it!"

"She hid the tablet here, there must be something. Let's look for it." Jian Qiqi took the tablet and watched it repeatedly, "I can't see it! Let's take a look at its folders and albums."

She clicked on the folder, and there were only a few ordinary online novels in TXT format.

The album is also very ordinary, almost all photos and videos of Song Jingyao when he was a child.

"Forget it, don't look for it. Send the blueprints and the tablet to the wife and young master tomorrow, maybe they can see the way!" Song Yan put away the tablet, folded the blueprint and put it back into the box .

"Go to sleep, it's late at night." Jian Qiqi yawned and stood up from the floor, and just got up, the man hugged her tightly, "So... why don't we stay in the study? Try Give it a try?"

Jian Qiqi was stunned, her face flushed immediately, " are too evil."

The man's handsome face was close to her, and there was a hint of interest in his eyebrows, "The child is also asleep, and the dead of night is not disturbed."

As he said that, he pressed the petite little girl into his arms, grabbed her waist and carried her directly to the desk.

Her slender legs pressed against her, "Don't be afraid..."

Night smudges.

The faint blue sky is dotted with countless little stars, and in a blink of an eye, the bright moon is like a silver boat sailing in the deep blue sea.

At this time, the apartment was hot and full of passion. After a long time, everything was calm.


It was raining lightly in the early morning, and the rustling sound of rain kept beating on the windows.

Song Jingyao slowly opened his eyes and heard the sound of rain, he quickly got up from the bed and opened the curtains, only to see the rain outside.

"It's raining. Dad doesn't know if he'll be going to work today."

Thinking so, he rushed out of the room. Jian Qiqi was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Seeing that the child was awake, he smiled softly at him, "Jingyao, awake? Come wash up and have breakfast."

"Mom, where's my dad?" Song Jingyao looked around and found no sign of Song Yan, and was a little disappointed.

"Your dad went to work, what's the matter?" Jian Qiqi wiped her hands and walked over to squat in front of him, looking at him, "Didn't dad come back to have dinner with you last night?"

"'s raining outside today, I thought he wouldn't go to work!" Song Jingyao's eyes suddenly dimmed, he liked being with Song Yan very much, it was a different feeling when he was with his mother .

"Then I'll call him and ask him to come back from get off work early to accompany you. Okay?" Jian Qiqi patted his head with a smile, then took out his mobile phone and called Song Yan, "Husband, come back from get off work early, Jingyao wants to eat at night... Jingyao, what do you want to eat at night? Let Dad invite you to eat."

"Then I want to eat a big meal, I want to eat king crab, I want to eat—" Before Song Jingyao finished speaking to the phone, he heard a loud "bang!" from the opposite side.

Jian Qiqi and he were both startled, Jian Qiqi couldn't help but grabbed the phone and shouted, "Song Yan, what happened?"

Song Yan's consciousness was a little fuzzy, and he only felt a splitting headache. He barely supported the last trace of consciousness and said, "Someone hit me! I...I'm in Nie Tailu..."

Jian Qiqi's heart suddenly froze, and her head exploded with a buzzing sound, "Wait for me, I'll go over immediately!"

She grabbed the down jacket on the hanger and put it on Song Jingyao. She also threw a piece of clothes on herself, and hurriedly changed her shoes, pulled Song Jingyao, and ran towards the garage.

Song Jingyao's face turned pale with fright, "Mom, will my dad die?"

"Did my dad have a car accident?"

"Mom... If I don't call, my dad will be fine..."

Jian Qiqi first stuffed Song Jingyao into the car's safety seat, then went to the driver's seat and started the car while calling the ambulance, "Hey, 123? There was a car accident on Nie Tai Road, my husband's The car... Yes, I beg you to hurry over and get medical treatment, I will go right now... Thank you, thank you..."

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