Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 931: It doesn't matter if he hates me

After hanging up, she looked at Song Jingyao through the rearview mirror and comforted him firmly, "Jingyao, it has nothing to do with you. This is an accident. Your father will be fine."

Song Jingyao held back his tears, and the red tears in his eyes swirled inside but didn't fall down.

Otherwise, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

hate myself forever.

Jian Qiqi turned the steering wheel with one hand and drove the car out of the garage. At the same time, she called Ruan Su and told her about Song Yan's car accident. By the way, she also talked about the luggage and tablet.

"So, I have a bad hunch that those killers must have found Jingyao and us. At that time, one of those killers seemed to have escaped."

After Ruan Su received the call from Jian Qiqi, she was eating breakfast and couldn't help but feel nervous, "I'll rush over right now."

Seeing Ruan Su stand up, Mrs. Ye asked worriedly, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Something happened to Tesuke Song, I have to go." She grabbed a carton of milk and went out, "Maybe come back later in the evening."

"Oh, how could someone as good as Song Tesuke get into a car accident?" Old Madam Ye's brows jumped, "This person doesn't know if something is wrong."

"Mom, don't worry too much. Xiao Su and A Zhi will definitely come over. We can visit him when we settle down later." Song Jiayan felt soothed to Mrs. Ye.

Old Madam Ye was still in a bad mood, "This person is good, how can you say that if you have a car accident, you will suddenly have a car accident."

Ruan Su walked to the entrance, took the coat and put it on her body and then took the car keys. After she left the door, there was no chatter from the Ye family, so she drove straight towards Nie Tailu like crazy.

She found a relatively remote path with very few traffic lights. Jian Qiqi was still on the road when she arrived quickly.

The scene of the accident was very tragic. Song Yan's car was slammed into the green belt by a large truck.

The police have surrounded the scene. Nie Tai Road is not a busy road, but it is very prone to traffic accidents because there is a three-way intersection and no traffic lights are set up.

And it's a blind spot for big trucks.

Ruan Su parked the car on the side of the road, rushed out of the car and ran towards the scene of the accident, smelling a burning smell in the distance, a black SUV was hit beyond recognition, and the front of the big truck was pulled up tightly. Tightly connected together.

Song Yan was stuck in the driver's seat and several policemen were sawing the door, trying to save him.

He was covered in blood, and his face was also bloody, so he could hardly tell his original face.

At this moment, Jian Qiqi rushed over with Song Jingyao. When she saw Song Yan's **** legs being lifted out, she subconsciously covered Song Jingyao's eyes, "Don't look... "

Tears welled up in her eyes, "Husband..."

Ruan Su walked over and looked at Song Yan, who was breathing more and less, and immediately found that he had fainted. Several medical staff jumped down from the ambulance and carried Song Yan onto the ambulance with a stretcher.

Bo Xingzhi also brought a few brothers over to negotiate with the police to deal with the scene of the accident.

The two just glanced at each other from a distance, and Ruan Su took Jian Qiqi, Song Jingyao's mother and son to the ambulance.

The ambulance whistled away from the scene of the accident, while Bo Xingzhi stared coldly at the driver of the truck. The driver was a thin middle-aged man. The man was also slightly injured. No matter how the police interrogated him, he was bitten to death. One sentence, "I'm sleepy, I'm really sleepy, I didn't notice his car."

"I don't want to have a car accident either. It's really an accident. I drove the car all night last night. I just came back from out of town."

"Check the license plate number of your car to know all your routes, including the big data GPS positioning of your mobile phone number. Do you think the current technology is fake?" The police officer said coldly, "Be honest, tell the truth."

The driver still shook his head desperately, "Everything I said is the truth, what else can I say?"

As he spoke, he yawned, "I'm so sleepy, and I don't want to bump into someone."

Bo Xingzhi sneered, and two men in black came out immediately behind him, one of them held a dagger in his hand, "I cut your tongue, I'm afraid you won't have to talk anymore, and no one wants to tell the truth. hear."

Another man held the driver's head and forced him to open his mouth. The driver's eyes widened in horror, "You are breaking the law, I'm really just an ordinary driver! My car's brakes failed, and I'm sleepy again. , how did I know I was going to bump into him!"

The policeman on the side was a little embarrassed, and said to Bo Xingzhi embarrassedly, "Young Master Bo, we will definitely handle this matter well. Don't worry, we will investigate clearly and give Song Te a justice."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at the policeman and said nothing.

The driver's back was drenched in wet sweat, all covered in cold sweat.

At this moment, Bo Xingzhi's cell phone rang, and it was Ruan Su who came over.

"There is a box on the passenger seat of Song Yan's car. The tablet computer and a blueprint are in the box. You take it out."


The scene of the accident was already surrounded by the police, so no one else could pass.

Bo Xingzhi walked to the car where Song Yan was hit beyond recognition.

The blood was dripping wetly on the driver's seat, and the co-pilot's place was even squeezed together after being hit, and the box was so pressed that it couldn't be seen as it was.

Thin Xingzhi lifted the broken window glass that was pressing on it and took it out.

Open it up and see a drawing and a tablet inside.

The tablet's screen had shattered, shattering into pieces like a spider's web.

He closed the box again, and then took someone to the hospital.

He didn't notice the strange look in the driver's eyes after seeing the box. From the very beginning, the driver watched his every move closely.

Inside the emergency room of a general hospital.

Song Yan was pushed directly into the emergency room, and Ruan Su followed directly, "I am Ruan Su from the Department of Hematology, and Song Yan is my friend's husband. I must participate in this rescue."

"Doctor Ruan, I'm sorry, this is the battlefield of our emergency doctors. Please go out. Don't make it difficult for us." A male doctor embarrassedly rejected Ruan Su's request.

She glanced at him and applied for permission from the hospital leader, "The president's phone number."

The male doctor is the director of the emergency department. After receiving the call, he heard the director's arrangement. He returned the phone to Ruan Su, "Since the director agrees with you to come in, then you can come in. But I hope you don't affect our emergency department. Section's rescue."

"The patient's legs are very likely to have permanent disability or high paraplegia. There can be no delay. I have to go in to perform the operation." After Ruan Su finished speaking, she changed into her surgical gown and stepped into the emergency room. .

This is about the second half of Song Yan's life, and it is impossible for her to let Song Yan have any mistakes.

Whether it was for Jian Qiqi, Song Jingyao, or Bo Xingzhi.

Bo Xingzhi treats Song Yan as his own brother...

Ruan Su's eyes were scarlet, and she held the scalpel.

Bo Xingzhi and Song Yichang rushed to the hospital almost in tandem.

Mrs. Song rushed in front of Jian Qiqi and Song Jingyao with tears in her eyes, clutching Jian Qiqi's arm tightly with both hands, causing her to be in pain.

"How could a car accident happen to a good person? What about people? What about Song Yan and others?"

"Mom, my boss is in. Song Yan must be fine, he will go to work after breakfast..."

When Jian Qiqi saw Mrs. Song crying, the tears she had been holding back fell down.

Mrs. Song fell to the ground as soon as her legs were weak, crying bitterly.

Song Jingyao gently wiped Mrs. Song's tears with her little hand, "Grandma, don't cry. Dad must be fine."

Having said that, his tears also fell, Song Yan was very kind to him, and he had long regarded Song Yan as his father.

He was very sad, "Is it because I'm a bad person? So my biological parents were killed by me, and my dad is in a car accident now."

Jian Qiqi hugged him distressedly, "Jing Yao, how is that possible? You are your parents' baby."

Seeing the child so sensible, Mrs. Song felt a pain in her heart, "Jingyao, you are a good boy. Grandma doesn't cry, grandma doesn't cry..."

But even so, her tears kept falling.

Song Yichang sighed irritably, and couldn't help walking to the window to light a cigarette, as if this was the only way to get rid of a trace of manic depression in his heart.

Bo Xingzhi walked up to him, and he handed Bo Xingzhi one, "Come here."

The man took it, lit Song Yichang's cigarette, and took a long breath.

The curling smoke ring exhaled thin lips, and the man looked at the light rain outside the window with his long fingers between the smoke, "The road is slippery, and it's a blind spot for big trucks, and there are no traffic lights at that intersection, so..."

Song Yichang felt a pain in his chest, "I just hope he can be safe. I...As his uncle, I am really worried about him. He has always hated me. He hates me for marrying him after his father died. his mother."

"But... it doesn't matter how much he hates me or hates me. I don't care... as long as he is safe."

"Uncle Song, Song Yan has been relieved over the years." Bo Xingzhi said softly, "Now that he has a child of his own, as a father, he naturally understands your feelings better."

At the end, he said again, "Song Yan will be fine."

Song Yichang nodded heavily. "Mrs. Bo is inside. I believe that Mrs. Bo will pull Song Yan back from the **** of death."

The communication between men is far from the hysteria and crying between women.

They were calm but surging with an undercurrent of pain.

Suddenly, the door of the emergency room was slammed open, and a little nurse hurried out and rushed towards the nurse station.

Happy new year, babies, thank you for your company, love you~~~2022 we will continue~~~

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