Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 932: [New Year's Extra] Another time and space

New Year's Eve, Princess Li.

The 135th year of the Li Dynasty.

In the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, the sky is freezing cold.

On the twenty-eighth day of the new year, the whole city is filled with a smell of welcoming the new year.

At this moment of saying goodbye to the old and ushering in the new, the Nguyen House of Uncle Wen was beaming with gongs and drums.

The second young lady of Wenbo Gong's mansion is proficient in all things piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but the eldest young lady is afflicted with serious illnesses, frail and sickly, and it is even more vulgar to hear.

Of course, the eldest lady who is like this is going to marry into the Prince's Mansion and become a prince concubine in the future.

This made many people in the market feel indignant and scolded for the prince, the most beautiful man in the world.

At this time, Ruan Qiao, the eldest lady of the Ruan family, who was scolded bloody, sat in front of the bronze mirror wearing a phoenix crown, with delicate makeup and a faint joy in her eyes.

Today is the big day when she and Prince Li Tianxing get married.

She has been a childhood sweetheart with Prince Li Tianxing since she traveled to the Li Dynasty ten years ago, and has a deep relationship. Thinking of the prince's elegant and handsome face, she couldn't help but a hint of tenderness overflowed between her brows and eyes.

At this time, in another room, sister Ruan Fangfang was also wearing a red wedding dress.

Mother Ruan came over and whispered to her, "Everything is arranged."

Ruan Fangfang said worriedly, "Mother, is it really okay?"

"You can rest assured." Mother Ruan laughed softly, a hint of yawn flashed in her brows. "The fortune teller said that she has the fate of the mother, but I want to go against the sky. This phoenix can only be my daughter!"

They are also sisters, so why does her daughter only count as a top-notch girl, but Ruan Qiao is as beautiful as a fairy.

They are also sisters, why does she want to be a high-ranking prince concubine, while her daughter wants to marry the murderous Prince Li, I heard that he is not only inhuman, but also has broken legs on the battlefield...

What made Ruan's mother tickled even more was that it was the crown prince who asked the emperor to grant marriage, and the emperor only ordered the marriage for Ruan Fangfang and Prince Li.

There is no shortage of the handwriting of Ruan Qiao, the little cheap hoof.

This little **** wants to ruin his daughter's life? impossible!

Same day, same hour.

The two brides were wearing almost identical wedding dresses, covered with the same bright red hipas.

The two brides hurriedly led the two brides out, and at the same time helped them into the two sedan chairs.

In today's capital of the Li Dynasty, the crown prince and King Li marry at the same time, which is a great event for the dynasty.

One is the prince of the dynasty, and the other is the king of war, the **** of war, King Li.

And they started a new chapter in each other's lives.

After getting on the sedan chair, Ruan Qiao felt dizzy and his vision was blurry. A faint fragrance came from inside the sedan chair, which made her almost spit it out.

She felt that her body became more and more unwell, and she tried to call Xi Niang to come over, but she couldn't speak.

When it got dark, she closed her eyes.

When she woke up again, she found that she was still sitting in the sedan chair, and Xi Niang called her in a low voice, "Miss, Miss, here. Why are you still asleep?"

Ruan Qiao was stunned for a while and was helped by Xi Niang to get off the sedan chair. Without salute, without any ceremony, she was sent directly into the bridal chamber.

Ruan Qiao clenched Xi Niang's arm in shock, "Why didn't you salute?"

"Miss, this Prince Li's character is uncertain. He said that he will send you directly into the bridal chamber without the ceremony. I don't dare to disobey his orders. Lord Li."

"What did you say...what?" Ruan Qiao was in a hurry, and he took off the Xipa on his head regardless, and was shocked to find that he was not sent to the Prince's Mansion, but in an unfamiliar room.

This room was cold and cold, and even the candles were not lit, let alone peanuts and jujubes, all of which were not prepared.

She was a little dizzy, and stared at Xi Niang with scarlet eyes, "The person I want to marry is the prince! Why am I here!"

damn it!

There was really something wrong with that fragrance, which caused her to fall asleep on the road. When she woke up, the raw rice had become cooked rice.

She is going to make a fuss about the Prince's Mansion now, and it's too late to ask for it to be exchanged. In particular, the royal family pays the most attention to face, and it is impossible for the emperor and the crown prince to ask for her, a woman who has already been sent to Prince Li's residence.

Really good calculus.

Xi Niang didn't expect the bride to change, she screamed and ran outside, "I don't know, I don't know anything!"

Ruan Qiao was so angry that she wanted to stop her, but she only felt dizzy, and a heat flow rose from her lower abdomen.

She was so uncomfortable that she stumbled onto the cold bed, **** it... that fragrance was poisonous and spicy, and it was still happening to this day.

This stepmother is really insidious, and she has been careful since she crossed, but she still follows her way.

She took out two silver needles from her medical space to seal the large acupoints all over her body, suspending the efficacy of the medicine in her body.

She was so careless.

At this moment, the sound of a wheelchair came from far and near. Ruan Qiao narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the wide-open door. A handsome face appeared in front of her eyes. The man was sitting in the wheelchair, and the whole body was filled with air. With a strong chilling air.

The handsome face is three points more handsome than the modern male stars she has seen, and one can't take their eyes away from it at a glance.

Ancient men... all look so good-looking?

The cheap father from her Ruan mansion was not bad, but compared to the man in front of him, it was still a big deal.

Xi Niang shivered behind the man, and knelt down with a plop, "My lord, I really don't know that I got the wrong bride..."

Ruan Qiao glanced at her and thought to herself, it seems that Xi Niang just went to call someone.

wait, lord?

Is this man the God of War Li Siye?

Li Siye's eyes fell on Ruan Qiao, her red wedding dress made her look extremely bright, and her face was blushing under the candlelight.

She is beautiful, but she is not the second miss of the Ruan family.

It's really funny, the Ruan family sent the eldest lady over temporarily.

Who doesn't know that the eldest Miss Ruan's family is taciturn, dull and frail, and the second lady is proficient in poetry, chess, calligraphy and painting.

He didn't want to go into the details of why he would marry the eldest lady, because he never agreed to this marriage from beginning to end.

Everything was done by the emperor to appease him.

woman, oh!

Only affects how fast he shoots enemies.

The man said sharply, "Drag it."

When the words fell, two tall and mighty guards dragged Xi Niang away, and Xi Niang's mournful voice gradually faded away.

His eyes were fixed on Ruan Qiao, dare to say that this Xi Niang did not know? He doesn't believe it.

"It's late at night, the princess has an early rest."

When Ruan Qiao heard that he was leaving, she stumbled towards him. At this time, she couldn't take care of that much, and the efficacy of the medicine in her body became more and more turbulent. There is no way.

Compared with her life, what is the innocence of that woman?

She didn't want to be burnt to death by this anxious feeling.

The tender body thrown into his arms was hot and attractive, Li Siye frowned, but his eyes were full of surprise.

Can she touch him? For so many years, whenever a woman touched his skin, he would feel itchy and uncomfortable, with large patches of red bumps.

So even though he was twenty-six years old, he didn't have a wife, and he didn't have any maid. In addition, he is not a person who is addicted to sensuality, and over time, he can't be humane and spread it out.

This time, the emperor's life is really hard to violate.

Originally, he had already prepared to leave her in this courtyard to eat and drink, but he just thought it was an extra bowl of rice...

Although he was surprised, he was still indifferent, "Miss Ruan's family can't wait?"

"Save me...I'll save your legs..."

Ruan Qiao exhaled like a blue orchid, lying in his arms with a wink like silk, "I... I will definitely be able to heal your legs."

In just a few minutes, she had already scanned his legs through the scanner in the medical space. It may not be cured for the ancients, but for her, who has the medical space, it is trivial.

It's just... now she needs him more!

"You brought it all on your own!" Li Siye frowned. He was a normal man. Although his legs were crippled, he couldn't stand being teased by such a charming woman.

What's more, he had already seen that she might have been poisoned by some kind of poison.

He is not a man who doesn't understand anything. He has fought on the battlefield for many years. What filthy methods have he not seen before?

Clearly she's been calculated!

Since it was the woman he was marrying, it was his! No one can be bullied! Especially since she is the only woman in her life who has touched her without having a strong allergic reaction.

Thinking of this, he hugged the delicate body in his arms and directly drove the wheelchair towards the bed.

The next morning.

it hurts... it hurts...

Ruan Qiao moved his legs uncomfortable, and a burst of tearing pain suddenly came.

He sucked in a breath of pain.

When she was suffering, a hoarse voice suddenly came from above her head, "Awake?"

Ruan Qiao was stunned for a moment, opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a face that was so beautiful that his heart blushes, Prince Li?

All kinds of things rushed into her mind like a tide last night, and her face suddenly flushed. Although she has traveled through many years and has developed feelings with the prince, but...

But now facing such a man who has only met once, and is the opposite of red fruit, he has done such intimate things.

She was still so embarrassed and shy that she almost wanted to find a hole to crawl in.

The prince is also good-looking, the kind of elegant and good-looking, she has to admit that the so-called first-beautiful man, the prince, is also a bit sad in front of him.

She thought to herself that the reason why this man was not rated as the number one beautiful man was 100% because of the strong chilling spirit in this man. How many of the girls could stand it?

Nine out of ten would probably faint.

"My lord, thank you for your kindness last night." She said blushing, "I was poisoned last night... so..."

"So the princess was satisfied with me last night?" The man's thin lips parted lightly, and his physical and mental pleasure was visible to the naked eye.

Ruan Qiao: "?"

She looked at Li Siye in shock, suspecting that her ears were hallucinating.

what did he say?

he likes it?

How could he say such blatantly frivolous words?

Seeing her shy appearance, she is bright and charming, showing the shyness of a young daughter.

He hooked his lips more and more uncontrollably, raised her lower jaw lightly, and said domineeringly, "Whether you are the eldest miss of the Ruan family or the second miss of the Ruan family, remember, you are my princess, I am the Secretary Li. Woman of the night! Who dares to touch you, court death!"

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