Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 934: If it is really disabled!

He didn't even dare to ask, but he wanted to know. I am afraid that my son will be disabled...

Ruan Su shook his head, "The operation I performed, you can rest assured that he won't be disabled, and he won't be lame. As long as I have the operation, I won't let him have any mistakes."

"It's's great...thank you, thank you." Song Yichang, a middle-aged man, suddenly reddened his eyes again, and couldn't help wiping the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

Knowing that he didn't cry when his son was in the car accident, nor did he cry during the long wait for the surgery.

However, at the moment when he knew that his son was safe and sound, he finally could no longer control his emotions, and the corners of his eyes were wet.

Maybe... this is true fatherly love.

Forbearance, greatness...

After resting for a while, Ruan Su felt more comfortable, and struggled to get down from Bo Xingzhi's arms.

Several doctors in the emergency room came over after Song Yan was sent to the ICU, looking a little excited, "The patient's knees are all broken, and under normal circumstances they are broken into three pieces, or two pieces, this situation is relatively easy. Some. But the patient's knees were broken into too many pieces. In this case, Dr. Nguyen put all the broken bones together."

"It cannot be displaced in any way, otherwise it will be detrimental to later recovery."

"It's not easy! We wanted to give up the pieces twice, but Ruan Su insisted on putting them all together."

"Doctor Ruan, you are really a role model for us to learn from."

"Everyone has worked hard, hurry up and rest." Ruan Su smiled lightly, "I haven't eaten lunch, I'm a little hungry now."

"Let's go to dinner now. Since Song Yan is in the ICU, let's all go out to eat." Bo Xingzhi glanced at Song Yichang and Mrs. Song, "Uncle, aunt. There are nurses here, you don't have to worry."

After hearing what the doctors said, the couple felt a little more comfortable. No matter what, the child could still be saved. You just need to rest your body in the next few months, and the rest of the brain and the internal organs of the body will be fine.

This is stronger than anything.

After the couple was in a better mood, they felt hungry.

"If Xiao Su doesn't tell me, I don't know. I think I'm hungry too." Mrs. Song wiped the tears from her face, "Husband, Qiqi, let's go eat."

Jian Qiqi's heart that had been hanging all the time also fell to the ground. She looked at Ruan Su with grateful eyes, and couldn't help holding her hand, "Boss, thank you. Fortunately, I have you."

"We are all a family. You were only a teenager when I met you. How could I let your husband have something to do?" Ruan Su held her hand.

"Besides, Song Yan and Bo Xingzhi are also good brothers. No matter what, I will not let him have any trouble. In the future, as long as he rests and waits for the injured area to recover."

"Rehabilitation is needed when the bones are almost there. It's the little things."

"No matter what, I have to thank you." Song Yichang finally showed a smile on his face, "Let's go, let's go to Yunshang Restaurant, I will invite you to this meal."

So Jian Qiqi explained to the nurse again and the family went out of the emergency department.

Just in case, they hired three nurses to stand at the door of the ICU.

After eating at Yunshang Restaurant, the old couple really felt bad that their grandson stayed in the hospital all day at such a young age, so they asked Jian Qiqi to take Song Jingyao home to rest.

The old couple stayed in the hospital, and in the end Jian Qiqi thought that he was physically strong and young.

The couple could not stand the toss when they were too old, so they let the old couple take the child back to rest, and she stayed in the hospital.

There were also three nurses here, so in the end the old couple obeyed her arrangement.

Bo Xingzhi sent Ruan Su directly back to the Ye family, and the Ye family waited anxiously.

Seeing the two of them come back, they all rushed over.

"How is Song Tesuke?"

"Are you okay? Is it life-threatening?"

Bo Xingzhi watched the Ye family's gossip and asked, and couldn't help interrupting them, "Xiao Su is very tired and needs to rest."

"Okay, Xiao Su, take a rest first." Mrs. Ye quickly looked at Ruan Su's face worriedly, "Oh, why is her face so pale? Are you tired?"

Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su upstairs, tucked the quilt for her, lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips, "Have a good rest, I'll go downstairs first."

Ruan Su replied softly and closed his eyes.

When Bo Xingzhi went downstairs again, the Ye family was already preparing dinner.

Mrs. Ye is instructing the kitchen to make some nutritious and brain-boosting meals.

"Xiao Su, this is not only physical labor, but also mental labor. So... what kind of walnut shrimp, almond tea are all arranged for me..."

"Okay, old lady."

Mrs. Ye was still worried, and asked Mr. Ye to search a lot of brain-boosting recipes on the Internet and hand them over to the kitchen, and then she was relieved.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Bo Xingzhi coming downstairs. She quickly said, "Azhi, what do you want to eat? I'll let the kitchen prepare it."

"I can eat anything. I'm not picky eaters." Bo Xingzhi replied gently.

If Song Yan was here, he would definitely stare at him in shock, you? Not picky eaters? How did you say that?

But... Song Yan was still in the hospital at this time.

In the next ten minutes, Bo Xingzhi told the Ye family about Song Yan's situation, and everyone couldn't stop sighing after hearing it.

"Song Special Assistant is really a disaster."

"A person who is usually such a good person, how can God not have such long eyes."

"Fortunately, Ruan Su is amazing. He rescued him."

After everyone discussed a few words, Mr. Ye interrupted them, "After Song Te's help is out of the ICU in a few days, we have to visit. It's impossible not to visit if such a big thing happens."

"Yes." Ye Yanli nodded and looked at Bo Xingzhi, "By the way, Azhi, I heard that the two of you are going to the Fire Jumping Festival in the Middle East, then..."

"Since this matter has been decided, we still have to go. The two of us not only represent ourselves, but also the diplomatic relationship between us. So... we can't shirk." Bo Xingzhi was actually a little worried about Song Yan.

Mrs. Ye looked very open-minded, "If there is anything in the Song family that needs help, can't there be so many people in our Ye family that we can't find two people to help? Even if you and Xiao Su go on a business trip, we will go to the hospital more often. ."

Dinner would not be ready in about an hour, and Bo Xingzhi was not idle either, staying in the kitchen to learn how to cook from the servants.

Mrs. Ye persuaded him to come out, but she heard him say, "I have to cook for Xiao Su in the future, and I can't always let Xiao Su cook for me."

Ye Yanli hurriedly got in after hearing that, "Azhi is right, I have to learn it too."

As a result, the two eldest young masters got into the kitchen and couldn't pull them out.

"Oh, Jiayan and Xiaosu will be lucky in the future." Old Ye Ye smiled, there is nothing better than family harmony.

These servants were very frightened. The two eldest young masters had such strong auras that they could hardly do anything when they stayed in the kitchen.

But fortunately, Ye Yanli was very approachable, "Do whatever you want. Just teach us how to cook simple dishes. For example, fried eggs with tomatoes, or fried steak or something."

"We are preparing Chinese food tonight, so there is no steak." The chef laughed, "Why don't you two wash vegetables and peel a green onion. This apprentice learned from washing and cutting vegetables."

"Alright then." Ye Yanli grabbed a handful of green onions and gave Bo Xingzhi a handful of greens.

When Ruan Su woke up after sleeping for more than an hour, she saw a dazzling array of dinners on the dining table.

There were two dishes that didn't look very good. She looked at them suspiciously. The chefs and servants of the Ye family were usually very particular, and the dishes they made were very good in appearance and taste.

This is the first time I have seen something so ugly...

"Is this... the dish..."

She didn't say it, afraid that the chef would be punished for it. After all, who hasn't missed a beat yet?

As soon as she sat down, she heard Ye Yanli's hearty smile, a trace of excitement on her handsome and gentle face, and introduced her to her like a treasure, "I made this fried egg with tomatoes."

Ruan Suda measured the fried tomato with egg. The tomato was fried to pieces, and the egg... was also broken. The person who made this stir-fry had to stir fry too hard to make the egg so broken...

"Don't tell me this, this is what Bo Xingzhi did."

"Xiao Su, why are you so smart? This is what A Zhi did." Ye Yanli was still very excited, "Scallions and tofu."

Ruan Su didn't know how he accompanied such a simple dish. A plate of tofu was cut into very large pieces, and the chopped green onions were also cut into different lengths, which was very ugly.

Ruan Su couldn't really praise it, and finally said, "It's not bad, after all, it's the first time."

She felt that her guess was good, that the steak on the hot air balloon was 100% made by Bo Xingzhi himself.

"It's worth encouraging." She smiled and bent her eyes at Bo Xingzhi, "There will be room for improvement in the future. Come on."

Bo Xingzhi turned his eyes away rarely, the tips of his ears were glowing with light pink, and when Xiao Su suddenly praised him, he felt that his heartbeat suddenly accelerated and his breathing became rapid.

In the must practice cooking more.

After a good night's sleep, Ruan Su's complexion was much better and she was full of energy.

At first glance, she knew that the dishes on the table were almost all for the brain, and she didn't need to think about it to know that Mrs. Ye had specially explained it.

"Xiao Su, you can't be too tired." Mrs. Ye put a walnut for her. "Fortunately, this time Special Assistant Song only needs to rest. This person is really unpredictable.

Ruan Su thanked him in a low voice and put the walnut into his mouth.

As soon as I ate two mouthfuls my phone rang.

It was Mr. Lei from Leiguan Technology who called, "Xiao Su, the people under my hands have repaired your tablet. What's in this tablet?"

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