Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 935: always turbulent

"It's nothing, it's just a tablet from a long time ago, which contains some more important information." Ruan Su didn't tell him that much. After all, it was about Jing Tianzhen's secret, and the more people who knew it, the more dangerous it would be.

It's not that she doesn't trust Mr. Lei, but that she doesn't want too many innocent people involved.

She and Bo Xingzhi always thought that Song Yan's car accident was not that simple.

"I'll send someone to deliver it to you. You don't have to run back and forth." Lao Lao laughed, "By the way, the Gu family is going to marry their daughter recently. Do you and Young Master Bo want to go to the wedding?"

"Gu Sixue?" Ruan Su was taken aback, "I've been busy recently. I haven't received an invitation from the Gu family."

As she spoke, she looked at Bo Xingzhi, "Gu Sixue is getting married? Have you received an invitation?"

Bo Xingzhi shook his head, "I didn't receive it either."

It stands to reason that he should not have not received it. After all, Gu Sixue is his old subordinate, and he and Ruan Su will not be invited to a wedding.

"It is estimated that it will only take these two days." Bo Xingzhi replied again.

Ruan Su nodded, "If we receive the invitation, we can go together at that time, Mr. Lei, it's been a long time and we can get together."

"Okay." Lei Lao laughed heartily again, "Oh, Ouou, our company has encountered a bottleneck recently. When are you free to deal with it? Guidance?"

Ouou is Ruan Su's vest in the electronic technology circle. Who doesn't know that there is a computer technology **** named Ouou?

Ruan Su returned to him while eating, "I've been very busy recently, I'm going to the Middle East, wait for me to come back."

"Okay. I'll wait for you." Mr. Lei hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Ruan Suchong smiled and said, "It seems that I always answer the phone during dinner."

"You're a busy person." Song Jiayan looked at her with a smile, "Hurry up and eat. You can't let your uncle and Bo Shao cook up."

About half an hour later, Ruan Su received the tablet.

To outsiders, this is just an ordinary tablet.

The broken screen has been replaced with a brand new one. She took the tablet and went upstairs directly. Bo Xingzhi was studying the architectural drawing.

The light sprinkled on his shoulders, as if a halo had been cast on him.

His always cold face was also dyed with a soft and soft luster under the light.

There is heating in the room. He only wears a thin wool sweater. He is a natural clothes hanger. He looks like an idol drama male protagonist from a TV drama. It is very eye-catching. .

Hearing her footsteps, the man turned to look at her, his face dazzlingly beautiful.

Ruan Su raised her eyebrows slightly and turned on the tablet while walking.

No matter what the password is, it can't be difficult for her.

She went directly to the page and began to observe what was so special about this tablet.

Neither Song Yan nor Jian Qiqi could find it, and Song Yan almost lost his life.

"What are the drawings?" Ruan Su asked Bo Xingzhi while looking at the tablet.

"It's the architectural drawing of a research institute. I don't know where this research institute is." Bo Xingzhi pointed to the main building of the blueprint, "This is the main building, this is the residence building, and this residence building is planned as if it were a hotel. The design of a small apartment for one person.”

"And here, it's a warehouse."


The man told her the drawings one by one. After he finished speaking, the man frowned slightly, "This is a very perfect research institute, and it covers a large area. I just don't know if anyone has completed it."

If it is actually built, it will be a very shocking existence.

"Someone designed such a research institute, but they just don't know where it is. Does it really exist?" Ruan Su felt that no one was so idle to design without taking action. "I think it must exist somewhere in this world, we just don't know it."

"Well. Where's the tablet? Did you find anything?" Bo Xingzhi took the tablet in her hand and studied it for a while, "I don't think there's anything special about it."

Ruan Su also found it unattractive, "If it's very ordinary, then why does Jingtian really think about it so deadly, why are those killers chasing after them, they must get what's in this suitcase."

"Maybe... the most common place is the most attractive place?" Bo Xingzhi opened the folder, which contained the TXT files of several online novels, "These online novels... Look at them, is there anything special about them? ."

"The bossy president fell in love with me, the girl must marry me, can the girl lose her vest again? What kind of broken title is this..." Ruan Su twitched the corners of his mouth.

She hadn't thought that Jing Tianzhen still had a hobby like reading the total novels of the Internet dog blood tyrant.

She opened a book at random, and the first page was the introduction.

"Her profile is quite interesting. The scientific research leader's vest keeps falling off. What kind of daughter is the scientific research leader?" Ruan Su closed the book and opened another after reading it for a while.

"This book is a real and fake daughter. The real daughter was imprisoned and stayed in a research institute to do scientific research for the black-hearted boss. The miserable life was finally rescued by the boss."

"This genius daughter of a big family has been framed and lost by her opponent since she was a child, and then she has been exiled to a small family in a small country. After being adopted by this small family, various values ​​have been squeezed..."

"I always felt that the books seemed similar, but they were different."

Ruan Su was puzzled, is Sedum really so simple in taste?

Only like this one?

"No, these authors are actually Jing Tianzhen, my mother! She is actually a writer of online novels in her spare time. I will search the website where she publishes these works."

Ruan Su said and opened his laptop.

Typing these titles into the search box quickly found the website where Jing Tianzhen published his work.

"These books are highly clicked and their grades are also very good." Ruan Su observed the data of Jing Tianzhen's online novels, thinking about what she wanted to express.

A strange thought suddenly appeared in Bo Xingzhi's heart.

"Is it possible that Jing Tianzhen, as a Jing family member, knows the secrets of many big families, either from the Jing family, or from other families. For example, the Ling family, or the Zhuang family... Then because she knows too much, she She chose to escape from the Jing family and was hunted down by the Jing family. She was afraid that one day she would die, and no one would know these secrets, so she wrote an online novel? "

"Even so, we don't know which family it belongs to. How can we be seated? And what's the use of knowing the secrets of these families?" Ruan Su still didn't quite understand.

Bo Xingzhi said sharply, "Jing Sa is a very crazy woman. She must have used extraordinary means to be able to achieve a position below one person and above ten thousand people. For example... She may hold the hands of major families. Secrets, and these secrets are likely to directly lead to the destruction of a family. Make these families have to obey her and become her lackeys."

Ruan Su immediately understood what Bo Xingzhi meant, and she continued, "We just need to seriously investigate the families that are better than Jing Sa, and then screen and compare, and finally we can probably understand which family's secrets are written in these novels. "

"Smart." Bo Xingzhi nodded.

Ruan Su immediately made a decision, "Then I will take the time these few days to read all these novels and record these things in detail."

Although she doesn't like these **** online novels very much, since she wants to find secrets, she naturally endures the discomfort and reads them.

Especially...she wanted to find out if there was anything related to her mother. The secrets of so many families have been written, maybe also the Ye family?

With this glimmer of hope, she opened the first book.

Bo Xingzhi began to investigate the research institutes around the world to see if he could find the exact same blueprint as his own.

The night was getting late, and the two of them were still working hard.

Look for clues.


Inside the hospital.

Jian Qiqi has been guarding the door of the ICU. She is sitting on a chair in the corridor, staring blankly at the closed door of CIU.

The nurse next to him had already fallen asleep, and the sound of snoring could be heard incessantly.

She didn't have any trouble.

It seems that since she and Song Yan were together, they have always been in turmoil, and they have never been together happily.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling sad.

It was extremely cold at night. Although there was heating in the hospital, it was still cold.

She was covered with a thin hospital quilt, but she couldn't resist the cold.

At this moment, Song Yan, who was lying on the hospital bed covered with tubes, slowly opened his eyes.

it hurts!

The pain all over his body almost made him unbearable and screamed out, how could it be so painful.

The nurse on duty in the ICU heard the beeping sound of the instrument, and she suddenly opened her troubled eyes to find that the patient was awake.

"Are you awake? You had a car accident, and Dr. Ruan rescued you. You are in the ICU now, and you can't eat for the time being. You can only maintain it with nutrient solution."

"The pain after the operation is certain. Thank goodness that you can save your life. Don't worry, your wife is watching over you outside!"

The little nurse talked a lot in a series, and after finishing speaking, she talked about some precautions in the ICU.

"You'd better keep sleeping, or it will be too painful to wake up."

When Song Yan heard her say that Jian Qiqi was outside, he struggled for a while, but as long as he moved a little, his whole body felt as if it was broken.

He whimpered in pain, a hint of worry overflowing from the corner of his eyes.

The weather is so cold, how cold should Jian Qiqi be when she stays outside? What if her body freezes?

He had already recalled everything about his car accident. He wanted to speak, but his mouth was as dry as a saw, and he couldn't speak at all.

He wanted to tell my wife to go back, but it was too painful. He fainted from the pain and fell into the endless darkness again.

The little nurse shook her head and walked out of the ICU.

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