Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 936: just a temporary goodbye

The door of the ICU was slammed open, making it especially harsh in the lonely corridor.

Jian Qiqi looked up and saw the little nurse walking towards her, "Your husband woke up just now, but soon fell asleep again."

"Wake up?" Jian Qiqi looked at her in surprise, "How about him?"

"He will definitely rest for several months, but ha, it's a good thing to wake up, it shows that his willpower is still very strong, you don't have to worry too much." The little nurse went in again.

Jian Qiqi's heart overflowed with a touch of joy, it would be great to be awake.

She secretly prayed in her heart, please get better soon.

God, please, let my husband get better soon.

We haven't had a wedding yet, our kids haven't grown up yet...

Jian Qiqi sat there sadly, and the sky gradually brightened unconsciously.

And she sat there all night.

Early in the morning, Mrs. Song hurriedly brought breakfast and came to deliver the meal. Seeing Jian Qiqi's haggard and pale face, she opened the lunch box distressedly, "Qiqi, I have cooked porridge and some side dishes, you can eat it quickly. Just a little."

"It's freezing cold, it's not easy to stay for such a night." Mrs. Song brought her a bowl of porridge and blew, "Drink it while it's hot to warm up."

"Mom, where's Jingyao?" Jian Qiqi was still worried about her son.

"Your father is guarding at home. The child is young and exhausted yesterday. Although you slept in your arms for a while during the day, you still fell asleep when you got home. Don't come to the hospital today, and your father and I will just stay here. "Mrs. Song helped her to straighten her messy hair in distress.

"I'm fine." Jian Qiqi didn't want to go anywhere, she just wanted to stay by Song Yan's side.

"Silly child, if you collapse, don't you have to go to the hospital?" Mrs. Song said earnestly, "Today we are here with Jingyao, and you can rest at home. We are not too old to move. How far!"

After eating a simple but nutritious breakfast, Mrs. Song urged Jian Qiqi to go back quickly. "Go back quickly. Your dad and Jingyao will be here later. You go back to rest."

Jian Qiqi was indeed very tired, but she had no choice but to leave the hospital.

At this time, in the Ye family, Ruan Su was reading a novel written by Jing Tianzhen. He had just read one and made some detailed notes.

When I was about to open the second book, I received an invitation from Gu Sixue.

On the invitation, there was a wedding photo of her and Dai Mubo.

Because they lived in the H Empire, the wedding was also held in the H Empire. Fortunately, the time of the wedding did not conflict with the Fire Jump Festival, just three days after the Fire Jump Festival.

Completely in time.

Ruan Su let out a breath.

Another pair of cultivation has achieved positive results, and it feels like... time really flies by.

It seems that everyone has married, but she and Bo Xingzhi still can't be together without pressure.

She couldn't help laughing at herself.

It was Xie Jinyan who came with the invitation, and Li Zhuoyan was playing games in the room. Recently, she became obsessed with a popular online game, and it didn't take long for her to hit the top 50 in the national server.

When she heard a knock on the door, she was stunned for a while. The servants in the family usually didn't look for her, and no one looked for her. She usually eats and plays, and sleeps after playing.

Because compared to Ruan Su, who was so busy, she was a happy millet bug in the Ye family. "Please come in."

The door of the room was slowly opened, and a tall figure slowly stepped into the room. When she saw the familiar handsome face, Li Zhuoyan suddenly widened her beautiful eyes in surprise, "Brother Yan? Why are you here?"

She dropped the mouse in her hand and rushed towards the man.

Xie Jinyan stretched out his arms and hugged her, holding her slender body firmly in his arms.

"Did you miss me?"

The man looked at her with a hoarse voice.

Under the light in the room, the contours of her face were extraordinarily soft, like a warm-toned oil painting, which was amazingly beautiful.

During the time she was in the Ye family, she was taken care of very well, so her complexion was also very good, and she seemed to be even more beautiful.

The hair that was cut off because of illness has now grown to the ears, and the cute little mushroom head makes her charming and youthful.

There was a very charming smile in the man's eyes, and his thin lips came close to her ear, "Why don't you speak?"

Intentionally or unintentionally, she bit her snow-white and cute little earlobe.

Li Zhuoyan glanced at him shyly and quickly looked away, "I...I won't tell you."

The two call and send videos almost every day. Although they have been separated for a long time, it seems that they are not separated.

The man's face exuding a strong aggression had a three-pointed smile, and he only felt soft in his heart to her shy reaction.

But he was very dissatisfied with what she said, and reached out to squeeze her sharp chin, "To be honest, tell me, do you really miss me?"

Li Zhuoyan had no choice but to be forced to look at him. After he lightly kissed her on the lips, he bit her ear again, "Honey, I want to hear the truth from you."

Li Zhuoyan was blushed by his intimate actions, so she could only make a small voice shyly, "I want to..."

Because of Xie Jinyan's sudden arrival, the Ye family was extraordinarily lively.

Bo Xingzhi also came over for dinner. They used to be good brothers, but now they are brothers-in-law.

I just feel that the world is too small.

When Xie Jinyan heard that Song Yan had a car accident, he couldn't help but sigh, "It's a natural and man-made disaster. I hope Song Tezhu can recover sooner."

Bo Xingzhi was not used to Song Yan without Song Yan's right-hand man.

Recently, a young man named Cheng Ye followed him. The young man was obedient, but he was still far behind Song Yan.

"Yanyan's health is getting better recently, why don't you come back to the H Empire with me in a few days." Xie Jinyan held Li Zhuoyan's little hand and said to Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye, "Yanyan's stay here is not short. can come back to live after a while."

When she heard that the child was leaving, Mrs. Ye was very reluctant, "Yanyan, do you want to go back?"

Li Zhuoyan pursed her lips and smiled, "The Xie family is also my home, and the Ye family is also my home. It's true that I lived here for a long time, how about I go back for a few days?"

"That's fine. Just go back. We can visit you when we have time. By the way, let's go to the H Empire for a walk. I have been in the M country for too long, and I haven't been out for a long time." Very happy, the children are married, married, and have their own home.

Just like swallows, they will grow up slowly and fly away.

Still a little sad to think about it.

Ruan Su didn't feel too sad, "Grandpa said it well. The transportation is so convenient now, but it's just a few hours of flight time. There's no need to feel sad."

Having said that, the melancholy of parting still hangs over the Ye Family Manor.

Early the next morning, Li Zhuoyan packed her luggage and went downstairs with Xie Jinyan.

The Ye family all got up early and waited downstairs early.

"Take all these with you. This is a specialty of our country M. Yanyan still likes to eat it." As Mrs. Ye said, she handed a small box to Xie Jinyan.

"And these things, all for you." Song Jiayan also prepared some gifts and gave them to Li Zhuoyan.

Not only Song Jiayan, but several other members of the Ye family also prepared gifts, so Li Zhuoyan had to prepare another suitcase.

Xie Jinyan dragged two suitcases forward, while Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su drove an SUV to wait for the two of them.

"Grandma, grandpa, I'll go back first." Li Zhuoyan said and hugged the old lady and the old man respectively. "I will miss you."

"Go back." Old Madam Ye's eyes were red, and the end of her eyes were wet. "You must take good care of yourself."

"Uncle, aunt, goodbye."

"Goodbye, everyone."

After Li Zhuoyan got into the car, she waved to everyone, and the car drove out of the manor.

After seeing Li Zhuoyan away, Mr. Ye sadly supported Mrs. Ye, "Alas!"

"Forget it, don't think about it so much." Mrs. Ye glanced at Song Jiayan beside her, "In three or four months, Jiayan will have her due date."

"That's true." Old man Ye was still feeling uncomfortable, "I have to find those old men to play chess."

Otherwise, my heart is boring.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi sent Xie Jinyan and Li Zhuoyan to the airport.

Ruan Su hugged Li Zhuoyan reluctantly, and said to Xie Jinyan, "Be careful on the road. Take good care of Yanyan."

Xie Jinyan nodded heavily, "Auntie, don't worry."

"Sister, I'll call you when I get home." Li Zhuoyan didn't feel so sad, no matter where she was, it was her home.

Love her no matter where she is.

This kind of family warmth, whether it is the Xie family or the Ye family, has given her deep care.

"Okay, let's go in." Ruan Su nodded.

Bo Xingzhi patted Xie Jinyan on the shoulder, "It's a smooth journey."

Xie Jinyan smiled, pushed two suitcases and walked to the waiting hall.

"Tomorrow, we are going to go to the Fire Jumping Festival." Ruan Su felt gloomy and a little uncomfortable.

"Go to the hospital." Bo Xingzhi took her hand and walked towards the parking lot, "Go and see Song Yan."

Ruan Su nodded, "Let's go, he should be able to leave the ICU tonight."

As long as you get out of the ICU, you can just take good care of your body.

The SUV sped out of the parking lot on the road towards the general hospital.

There are already some small grasses emerging in the roadside flower beds, and spring seems to be coming soon. But it seems so far away.

Ruan Su looked at the desolate scenery by the roadside in winter, and closed his eyes slightly to take a nap.

About half an hour later, the car stopped steadily in the hospital parking lot.

She got out of the car with Bo Xingzhi and went directly to the ICU where Song Yan was.

Jian Qiqi and Song Jingyao were guarding the door of the ICU with Song Jingyao. In just two or three days, Jian Qiqi was quite haggard, and her face was pale.

Song Jingyao seemed to have lost some weight too, Ruan Su squatted down and touched his head, "Have you not eaten well these days?"

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