Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 937: Does this face hurt?

Song Jingyao's round eyes blinked, "Dad hasn't left the ICU yet, I'm a little sad."

Although he was young, he also knew that the doctor and aunt in front of him saved his father, and the operation was very powerful.

"Don't be sad, he can come out of the ICU tonight, and you can chat with Dad after he is transferred to the general ward." Ruan Su smiled, "I'll take a look first."

As she said that, she went directly to her office in the Department of Hematology, and just after changing into a white coat, she met Jing Baizhi who walked in.

When Jing Baizhi saw her, she was stunned for a moment, "Yo, who am I supposed to be? It turns out to be Dr. Ruan. You are really rare. It's the first time I've seen a doctor who never has to work."

When she saw Ruan Su, she stabbed him a few words before she felt comfortable.

Ruan Su ignored her and turned to leave.

Jing Baizhi's yin and yang strange voice came again, "Oh, it really is a famous doctor who doesn't care about anyone."

"Yes, she doesn't even bother to talk to her, who made us not famous without her." Another female doctor also answered.

Ruan Su still ignored them until a male doctor came to stop her.

"Doctor Ruan, do you want to explain to us all that you don't come to work but still get paid? You are paying for the airspace. We are just thinking about your colleague and didn't go to report it. You'd better It's better to take out your salary and invite everyone to go to Yunshang Restaurant for a meal."

"What did you say?" Ruan Su gave him a lazy look, "Me? Please go to Yunshang Restaurant?"

"That's right! You've been on empty pay for so long, and no one has reported you. Shouldn't you be a treat?"

Ruan Su was so amused by his strange three views that he didn't know whether to laugh or what expression to face him.

She looked at him with a half-smiling smile, "First of all, I don't have free wages. I do one surgery and the hospital pays me for one surgery. This is a contract signed, and I don't charge the fixed salary of 30,000 to 20,000 yuan. I was charged for the surgery."

The male colleague obviously didn't believe her words. "What are you kidding? Everyone is paid. Why are you so different from others?"

Ruan Su opened the mobile phone financial APP page, "I just had an operation the day before yesterday, and it was done in the emergency room. The operating room is 200,000 yuan. Do you want to see my bank card record? The hospital finance gave me money. ."

She said and held the phone in front of the man, "Look at this transfer clearly."

The male colleague's eyes stared like copper bells, full of incredible writing.

I don't know if I was scared or startled, but I couldn't help but take two steps back.

He heard Ruan Su's cold and moon-like voice sounding again, with a faint sarcasm, "So, why am I talking about empty pay? Everyone, I reserve the right to pursue legal investigations, otherwise, I will send you a lawyer's letter earlier. slandered."

She returned to him what the male doctor had said to her before.

The man's face turned red and white for a while, and it was painful.

Damn it!

The hospital even gave her such high treatment, and gave her 200,000 yuan for one operation.

This is simply an expensive operation!

Thinking of this, another strange idea rose in his heart.

There are surveillance cameras in their offices, and he ran to the surveillance room to intercept the photo Ruan Su had just shown him the transfer record.

The part of the phone is intentionally circled.

Then he ran to the Internet and made a post.

"Surprise! Doctor Ruan Su of the General Hospital has an exorbitant price for surgery!"

He counted how difficult it is to be an ordinary doctor to earn money, how long it takes to study, and how much energy it takes. Only then can I become a qualified doctor, and how low is the salary after becoming a doctor, only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month.

And some people can earn 200,000 surgical fees for one operation!

Talked about a lot of dissatisfaction and sadness.

The idea is to highlight that the sky-high surgical fee that Ruan Su is charging is too expensive! Despise the medical circle, despise the patient's family, despise life...

All kinds of big hats were buttoned down, and they were directly buttoned on Ruan Su's head.

When Jing Baizhi saw this post, she glanced at her male colleague approvingly.

"I didn't expect your literary talent to be good."

The male colleague laughed like licking a dog, "Doctor Jing is very praised, what is my ability? As long as she has a bad reputation, I will be happy."

"I think your writing is very good." Jing Baizhi winked and threw it lightly, "I'll give the director a few good words to see if he can talk to the finance department and give you a little more salary."

"Thank you Doctor Jing, thank you Doctor Jing." The male doctor immediately thanked Dade happily.

Ruan Su had no idea that she was being missed again, and even went to a famous medical forum to expose her sky-high surgery fees.

Not only that, but also found the rhythm of the water army below, and it didn't take long for this post to be screenshotted and transferred to the social platform.

It could almost be said that there was an uproar.

The salary of ordinary doctors is considered to be middle-income, and the income of those famous doctors can be regarded as very high.

For ordinary people with a salary of several thousand yuan and nearly ten thousand yuan, the income of doctors is much higher than them.

And just at this much higher level, some people have an income of 200,000 yuan for one operation, which immediately caused occupational anxiety and national attention.

This is like paying attention to how high the star's salary is.

At this time, Ruan Su had just stepped into the ICU to check on Song Yan's recovery.

Although it was only two days after the operation, it was much better than the day of the car accident.

"Young, recover quickly. Originally, my physical fitness was very good, so I recovered faster than the older ones." Ruan Suchong, who was lying on the hospital bed, smiled and said, "The face is also a little scratched, and the skin is traumatized. It will be fine after few days."

"Thank you, ma'am." Song Yan said sincerely, his voice a little weak.

He really never thought that one day Ruan Su's first-hand medical skills would be used on him.

"Tomorrow I'm going to the Fire Jumping Festival with Bo Xingzhi. There will be a doctor here to take care of your situation. If you have anything, remember to call me." Ruan Su explained a few more words and left the ICU.

Taking off his mask, he said to Jian Qiqi, who looked anxious, "No problem, I'm recovering well."

Only then did Jian Qiqi let out a long sigh of relief. For the past few days, she finally put on a smile on her face, "That's good, that's good."

"He's not life-threatening, what are you worried about?" Ruan Su patted her, "You will infect the child like this. The child will also be uncomfortable. Do you know?"

"It's winter vacation again, and the children can't go to kindergarten, so I'll suffer too." Jian Qiqi said sadly, "The old couple are also exhausted these two days. I asked them to go back to rest."

"Anyhow, there are three nurses here. You don't have to work so hard. He suffered from some recoverable injuries, not internal injuries." Ruan Su also understood Jian Qiqi's mood. If you act, you will definitely not be so calm.

Although Jian Qiqi was still sad, it was much better than a few days ago.

He also gradually accepted the reality of Song Yan's car accident.

"It's a pity that Song Yan can't go to the Fire Jump Festival this time."

"There will be opportunities in the future." Ruan Su smiled, "If it weren't for you having children, I would definitely let you go with us."

She and Bo Xingzhi stayed in the hospital for a while with Jian Qiqi before leaving.

At this moment, there has been a lot of scolding on the Internet.

"Why is her surgery so expensive?"

"I can't make two hundred thousand a year."

"That's just her fee for a few hours."

"My mother, isn't she the internet celebrity who was said to be very similar to Princess Li a few days ago?"

"Is she short of money? People like her shouldn't be short of money, right?"

"Damn it! Now these people are doing everything they can for money."

"And she said that she looks like Princess Li! How can she be like Princess Li with this kind of money-gathering behavior?"

But soon, a wave of bigwigs in the medical field came out to stand up for Ruan Su.

"What do you know? I participated in the operation with her! Ruan Su was the main surgeon, and her two knees that were broken like scum were pieced together by her! Do you understand what this is?"

"Not only 200,000 yuan, but 500,000 yuan for this kind of surgery!"

"Do you know who she rescued? It's her husband's assistant, the young master of the Song family! Does the Song family lack so much for medical expenses? The hospital paid Ruan Su for the 200,000 surgery fee!"

It didn't take long for a few more bigwigs in the medical world to speak up.

"Do you know that very famous forum for sharing medical resources? It has benefited countless medical students. You kids who study medicine must thank Ruan Su. The resources of this forum don't cost a dime, it's a pure sharing forum."

"Because the founder and operator of this forum is Ruan Su! Do you dare to say that you did not refer to the information on this forum when you write a paper?"

"The kids these days are so ungrateful that they are still scolding people here. The person who posted this is obviously malicious. If you have the ability, you pat your chest and say that your graduation thesis did not refer to the resources on this forum."

"The person who posted the post is obviously also a doctor. I suggest a thorough investigation. We must investigate carefully to find out the worms in his industry."

"Ruan Su has stood at the top of medicine and used his influence and ability to benefit the entire medical community. What's wrong with charging 200,000 surgical fees? Can't you?"

The official platform of the general hospital also issued a statement soon.

"For netizens who spread rumors about Dr. Ruan Su in our hospital, we will reserve legal responsibility. Our hospital and Dr. Ruan Su have always maintained good cooperation, and there are traces of every surgical expense. Relevant departments are welcome to come to supervise and investigate."

It also attached the contract for the cost of surgery signed by the hospital and Ruan Su. It was clearly stated in the contract that Ruan Su's operation was based on the extraction of a certain amount of the operation fee from all the medical expenses of the patient.

Moreover, the last one specially emphasized that she does not need to get off work, and clocks in and goes to the hospital every day.

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