Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 938: Someone is following them!

Jing Baizhi was shocked!

The male doctor was shocked!

Almost all of Jing Baizhi's gang licking dogs were shocked!

"That... the founder and operator of a very good medical sharing forum is Ruan Su?"

"I... When I was writing my thesis after graduation, I still went up to find information."

"Our tutor said that if he has any doubts, he may not be able to answer. But you can definitely find the answer by going to that forum!"

Everyone originally wanted to see Ruan Su being fired from the hospital, or being scolded by netizens for Internet violence.

Now the situation has reversed, and the person who made the post... will be held legally responsible...

Many medical students are searching for the poster of human flesh everywhere, and they dare to slander the great **** in their minds.

Medical forums are not something ordinary people can do, nor can they be run by ordinary people with money.

Just those medical materials that do not need money but are out of print, case analysis.

Simply more than anything.

There are some great internet gods among them. These gods play the internet so much that they are called 666, and they directly picked up the male doctor who made the post.

After picking it up, I can't wait to clean up all the eighteen generations of his ancestors.

For a while, almost medical students, and many doctors, frantically humiliated and abused the male doctor on the Internet.

The male doctor was trembling with fear, so he had to turn to Jing Baizhi for help.

"Doctor Jing, please, please help me. I really didn't expect this post to become popular. What should I do now? Will the hospital blame me?"

He turned around in a hurry, knowing that he would not have made that post cheaply.

What's in it for yourself?

There are so many people in the department, why are you so stupid?

Jing Baizhi glanced at him embarrassedly, "I didn't ask you to post this post. No one would have expected such a thing to happen. try to apologize to Ruan Su?"

What a joke, this thing has offended almost everyone in the medical profession now, especially those medical students who are very emotional.

Who dares to care?

She didn't want to cause trouble.

Others in the department usually licked Jing Baizhi, but now that something like this happens, there is a feeling of being cooked by a rabbit.

No one dared to speak out, everyone did their own thing.

"I'll go check the room."

"I have a patient who seems to be discharged today."

"The head nurse has something to do with me."

When everyone was about to go out, the secretary of the dean's office walked in with a document.

As soon as he came in, his face was very ugly and he went straight to the male doctor, "This is your dismissal letter. You have been fired."

"I have a contract and a labor law. If you dismiss me without any reason, I will be compensated! You must give me liquidated damages."

The secretary sneered and looked at him with contempt, "You violated the rules of the hospital, and the hospital fired you without paying any liquidated damages and compensation. So, pack up and leave."

"I'm not leaving! What rules have I violated? How come I don't know?"

"Defame colleagues and spread rumors. Do you want the hospital to sue you? Or do you want to leave? Choose yourself."

These people are just clueless.

He didn't even look at Ruan Su's status in the medical world.


Some time ago, she rescued a mother who was bleeding heavily. She was not an obstetrician at all, but she was able to drag people back from the hand of death.

This event was very sensational, and people from the Women's Association and the medical community were all forwarding it.

Well now, this male doctor has to kill himself.

The hospital's social platform authentication account released the results of the treatment of the male doctor in minutes.

There are only two big words: fired!

This result can be regarded as heartwarming.

When Ruan Su returned to the Ye family, he saw the smiling faces of the Ye family.

"The general hospital is still very good."

"You've done a good job of maintaining Xiao Su."

"That's right!"

"Xiao Su is a bull."

Ruan Su shook her head helplessly, she knew that she had been on the Internet hot search for a whole day again.

It's just that she didn't pay attention to such trivial matters to her.

The Ye family was quite excited.

"This kind of person is simply too much."

Mrs. Ye scolded a few words, "I even went to his account and scolded him!"

"Grandma, why are you running to join in the fun?" Ruan Su took off the scarf around her neck and put on slippers.

"It's not okay to scold our little Su, I have to scold him no matter who it is." Mrs. Ye took off her reading glasses and looked at Ruan Su with a smile, "You really don't want to play Princess Li? I saw it online. , Princess Li's medical skills are very good!"

"Everyone knows today that you are the founder of the medical forum, so...some fans have pointed out that Princess Li has excellent medical skills. You and this Princess Li are so compatible." Ye Yanli also came over and sat down. Beside Ruan Su, "After all, the investors this time are my own, so... do you want to think about it?"

Ruan Su stroked his forehead with a headache, "Uncle and grandmother, why are you two acting as lobbyists?"

Ye Yanli couldn't help laughing at her rare headache, "Xiao Su, mainly because we think this project can be done."

"If I really screw up at that time, I will lose the 900 million yuan." Ruan Su shook his head, "I have to go upstairs to rest, and I will go to the Middle East tomorrow."

She was afraid she couldn't take it any longer.

"Well, you've been tired all day." Mrs. Ye hurriedly gave her son a wink, and the son was very discerning and didn't say anything, "Xiao Su, good night."

Ruan Su slept a little unsteadily. I wonder if it was because I discussed Princess Li's reasons with the Ye family.

She dreamed that she had traveled to ancient times and married Ruan Fangfang instead. Originally, he and Ruan Fangfang, who were going to marry the prince, got on the wrong sedan chair. And that prince is ridiculous, even Shang Lingxiao.

It's ridiculous too.

Bo Xingzhi has become a **** of war and a disabled prince.

Did something go wrong?

She hadn't thought of Ruan Fangfang for a long time.

When she woke up in the morning with a headache, she stood in the bathroom and brushed her teeth in front of the mirror. Why did she dream of Ruan Fangfang? Still dreaming of Bo Xingzhi becoming a prince?

It seems that not only everyone has been poisoned by Princess Li recently, but I have also been poisoned by Princess Li.

She wore two blue eye circles and slapped a little more BB cream on them.

So uninspired.

Brain is a little dizzy.

Going downstairs for breakfast in a daze, she saw that Bo Xingzhi had already sat by the dining table, she was confused for a moment, "When did you come?"

So early? It was as early as if he was at Ye's house last night.

"Just arrived. I didn't go upstairs to wake you up because I wanted you to sleep a little longer." Bo Xingzhi gently pulled out the chair, "Come over for breakfast."

Ruan Su walked over and sat beside him with no energy.

It felt like he was very familiar with the Ye family, even more so than her.

Ruan Su yawned and went to get the chopsticks. Bo Xingzhi's narrow eyes narrowed a little, looking at her not very energetic, "Did you sleep last night?"

"Don't mention it..." Ruan Su casually told him the dream he had had all night last night. "It's incredible."

After listening to Bo Xingzhi, the corners of his lips raised a slight arc, "Maybe it's our previous life!"

"Nonsense, how is it possible." Ruan Su took a bite of the crispy radish and said lightly, "If only there was a previous life or a next life."

Bo Xingzhi didn't say a word, but began to bow his head to eat breakfast.

The Ye family came to the restaurant one after another, and everyone greeted each other and began to eat breakfast.

"Have you packed your luggage?" Ye Yanli asked Ruan Su, "I'll see you off when we get to the airport."

Bo Xingzhi shook his head, "No. We can drive to the airport."

"That's fine. The Fire Jumping Festival will only last for three days, and you will be back soon." Ye Yanli smiled, "I heard that the Fire Jumping Festival is the biggest festival of the year in the Middle East. "

"They attach great importance to the Fire Jumping Festival, so the invitation this time is meant to be friendly with us." Bo Xingzhi's voice was full of magnetism, "It's been a long time since I went out, so I just need to go out for a walk."

"Why, didn't the two of you go to investigate Princess Li some time ago?" Song Jiayan took over and said, "Hmph, they still sneaked out. It made us worry a lot."

"Okay, alright, wife, don't talk about this." Ye Yanli patted the back of Song Jiayan's hand, accepted the gift that Xiao Su brought back, and complaining again would not be good.

Song Jiayan immediately understood and whispered, "I have no other intentions."

Ye Yanli fondly stroked her hair, "I know."

"Oh, this dog food was spilled. It was spilled wildly early in the morning." Ruan Su put down his chopsticks and looked at the couple teasingly, "I'm full from the spill."

Bo Xingzhi also put down his chopsticks, "I've eaten too. Let's go."

He looked at the time, "It's getting late."

"Well, okay. I'll go upstairs to get my luggage." Ruan Su stood up, and heard Bo Xingzhi say, "The servant has already helped you down just now. We can go directly."

The old lady Ye was a little sad. She gave Li Zhuoyan yesterday and Ruan Su today. Although she only had three or four days, she still didn't want to let her go out.

"Be careful on the road! I heard that the law and order in the Middle East has always been very chaotic."

"Grandma, don't worry, I will definitely protect Xiao Su." Bo Xingzhi held Ruan Su's little hand and said to Mrs. Ye, "Don't worry."

"That's fine."

So the couple said goodbye to the Ye family and got into the car.

The car slowly drove out of Ye Family Manor towards the airport.

At the same time, in a hospital in the red light district, Di Tian was lying on the bed with a cold face, "What did you say? Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi went to the airport?"

"Yes, it looks like they're going out. We don't know where to go."

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