Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 939: The world of two is not too cool

"Trash! Go check it out!" Di Tian glanced coldly at his subordinates, "What's the use of you? I can't even find out where people go, and I can't get air ticket information, rice bucket!"

"Sir... Mainly..." The subordinates murmured to explain, but were grabbed by Di Tian and smashed the losing bottle in his hand!

With a bang, it hit his subordinate's head, and blood immediately flowed from his forehead.

The other subordinates rushed over excitedly and held down the needle brought out of Di Tian's hand, "Call the nurse, call the nurse!"

The needle was forcibly pulled out of the blood vessel in his big palm because of his extreme actions, and blood spilled out along the needle hole, which looked shocking.

No one cared about the subordinate who was smashed to the ground. The nurse rushed over and held down the excited Di Tian, ​​"What's going on? Why did the needle come out so well?"

She was stunned when she saw the glass hanging bottle that shattered into pieces on the ground.

But the wise man didn't ask anything.

He took the hanging bottle from the bottle and hung it up, and gave him a new needle.

After doing all this, the nurse hurried out.


The atmosphere in the room was terrifying.

If she stayed any longer, her life would be gone.

The subordinates were silent, and no one dared to speak.

Di Tian roared, "Get out!"

At this moment, a man hurried in and reported to Di Tian out of breath, "First... sir! I found it, I found it! Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su's destination is the Middle East. They seem to want to Go to the Fire Jump Festival."

Di Tian glanced at him with condensed eyes, "Follow them for me, when necessary—"

His eyes were sullen and his expression gloomy.

The subordinate immediately understood and made a gesture of wiping his neck, "Yes, sir."


The Presidential Palace of the Middle East.

meeting room.

This time, Ji Youyou presided over the discussion herself. She wore a professional suit, wrapped her exquisite body, and her long hair was pulled up high, which made her look capable and serious.

It is easy to overlook that she is a young woman who is not yet thirty years old.

She deliberately dresses herself up in a serious, conservative and old-fashioned way, so that she doesn't want others to see her age.

"Every year at the Fire Jump Festival, many people ignore the measures to restrict gatherings, and they also set off those very unsafe home-made firecrackers made by themselves during the Fire Jump Festival, causing casualties from time to time. This is the most important thing to guard against. of."

"Also, this year, we have invited outstanding figures from all over the Middle East to participate in the Fire Jump Festival. We must strengthen our security at that time and must not make any mistakes. In particular, we must protect these outstanding figures, otherwise, it will cause tension in diplomatic relations. relation."

"Our economy has developed rapidly in the past two years, and many other surrounding areas have already wanted to make friends with us. This year, several other areas have taken the initiative to participate in the Fire Jump Festival. Now Secretary Li, please announce these areas. "

Ji Youyou handed over the meeting to his secretary after speaking some important points.

Secretary Li is a woman in her 40s who has worked as a secretary for many years and has long been comfortable with her work.

The meeting ended after about half an hour.

Ji Youyou walked out of the conference room tiredly, explaining some precautions to Secretary Li beside him while walking.

After she was done, she tore off her hair, and her long hair was scattered on her back, looking youthful and beautiful.

She quickly took out a set of casual clothes from the wardrobe in the lounge and put it on, "Secretary Li, my friend Ruan Su is about to get off the plane. I have to pick her up. The rest will be left to you."

After changing her clothes, she found a rubber band to tie her long hair into a ponytail, and hurriedly stepped on a pair of small white shoes.

It looks like a girl in her twenties, grabbing her bag in a hurry and going to run out.

Secretary Li reluctantly held her back, "Mr. Prime Minister, you don't have to be so anxious and panic when Miss Ruan is here, right? I haven't seen you so excited when other big figures come."

"Oh, I haven't seen her for a long time. I miss her!" Ji Youyou smiled, showing her white teeth, looking extremely happy. Can anyone else compete with Ruan Subi? Ruan Su was the savior of her and her daughter Li Ranran.

"Sign it here first." Secretary Li opened two documents and put them in front of her. "After you sign it, I will go to the president to sign it!"

"Okay, okay." Ji Youyou looked at the document and found that she should have signed it yesterday, but she forgot.

After signing, she ran out of the office and hurried out.

When I ran to the underground garage, I saw a black car parked in the parking space in the distance. A tall man leaned against the door and lowered his head to smoke.

The smoke curled around his handsome face, making it unreal.

But Ji Youyou recognized at a glance that it was her husband Li Yanbei.

Hearing her footsteps, the man raised his eyes and saw her, he snuffed out the cigarette **** and threw it into the trash can not far away, and when he looked up again, a bright smile formed on the corners of his lips, and he opened the car door, " Get in the car."

Ji Youyou walked over and sat in the co-pilot's seat. Just as Li Yanbei was about to speak, she stuffed a macaron cookie into her arms. The cookie was very sweet and cute.

She was surprised when she heard a man's voice, "I passed by the dessert shop just now and inadvertently looked in the window, it felt very cute."

Ji Youyou felt sweet in her heart, she opened the package and ate a piece, "It's delicious. I'll share it with Xiao Su later."

"Miss Ruan's here!" Li Yanbei pouted towards the back seat of the car, and Ji Youyou saw a small biscuit and a tie on the back seat.

Obviously, it was a small gift that Li Yanbei was ready to give to Ruan Su and his wife.

Ji Youyou's heart became more and more sweet, "Husband, you are so kind."

Then won't you reward me? Li Yanbei thought to himself, but didn't say it. He just looked at her with a smile, and lightly stroked his thin lips with his index finger, "I don't know much about these two days. My lips are a little dry. I'm wondering if I should apply something..."

Before his words were finished, Ji Youyou gave him a kiss, "Don't do it now?"

The man put his arms around her waist, pressed her to the seat and deepened this, kissing.

It took him a while to let go of her, "It's not until now."

Ji Youyou blushed, "Oh, hurry up, or you'll be late."

Li Yanbei laughed softly and started the car.


Middle East International Airport.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi got off the plane and walked outside the airport.

This is always the case in the Middle East. No matter what the weather is in other regions, it is always hot and uncomfortable, so people here have dark skin.

The sun is dazzling and hot, which is in stark contrast to the cold winter in country M.

Ruan Su casually put a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of her nose. She was slender and tall, and her aura became more prominent after wearing sunglasses, which made people unable to help but look sideways.

Bo Xingzhi also wore sunglasses, and the two of them stood there casually, as if they were a pair of agents from a Matrix movie, their aura was so strong that they captured the soul.

The man pushed the suitcase and followed the woman, looking at the hot sun through the sunglasses.

"The weather in the Middle East is like this all year round, and it's boring to live for so long."

"No matter how white people come here, they will almost get a layer of tan. In the past, Jing Yao's face was tanned here every day, but now it's better, and it's been raised a lot whiter."

Ruan Su chatted with him casually, and his eyes shuttled over everyone.

At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly sounded, "Xiao Su! Young Master Bo!"

She looked over and saw Ji Youyou jumping in the crowd and waving at her, "I'm here! We're here!"

Ji Youyou is petite and looks so inconspicuous among the people who are picking up the plane, so she can only jump up and down like this to show her presence.

Seeing how hard she was dancing, Li Yanbei immediately picked her up, and in the next second Ji Youyou sat on the tall man's neck with a low voice.

All right……

Not only Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi could see her.

Everyone at the airport could see her.

She looked down at everyone at the airport.

She stood out from the crowd, she sat on her husband's neck... She was so frightened that she hugged the man's head with both hands.

Ruan Su couldn't help being amused by the couple, she smiled and walked towards them.

"What are you doing? Playing acrobatics? Or stacking Arhats?"

Ji Youyou blushed, "Oh, let me down."

She is not a child... I only saw many children in the park sitting on Dad's neck because they were too low to watch performances.

I didn't expect that one day, she would be treated like this.


As soon as Li Yanbei put her down, she rushed towards Ruan Su. "Xiao Su! I miss you so much! I can finally see you."

Ruan Su was much calmer than her excited appearance, and looked at her complexion, "It seems that you are doing well! Your face is a little rounder, and your complexion is also very good. Your temperament is much more lively than before."

Ji Youyou blushed, "I don't think so..."

Ruan Su smiled and said, "No wonder the small videos always say that women raised by pampering are like flowers. What garbage men raise are women who are like withered grass, and those raised by good men are like flowers. ."

Bo Xingzhi approached her ear and asked her in a low voice, "Then what kind of flower are you? Is it a rose?"

Ruan Su glanced at him, "You don't need to interrupt when we women talk."

Bo Xingzhi's eyes were stained with a faint smile and he did not speak any more. Li Yanbei looked at him and then at Ruan Su.

Then he handed him a cigarette, "Long time no see."

Bo Xingzhi took it but did not light it.

He usually only smokes one when he is depressed.

"Have you been living in the Middle East lately?"

Li Yanbei nodded when she heard the words, and her gentle eyes drifted to Ji Youyou, "A good man naturally follows his wife wherever he is."

Bo Xingzhi also laughed, "Where's the child?"

"Studying in the H Empire! The education at home is better than here." Li Yanbei said in a voice that only two people could hear, "The world of two people is not too beautiful."

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