Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 941: Drum! In whose hands was it passed?

The Fragrant Hills in the Niangniang Temple are very strong.

Ji Youyou dragged Li Yanbei in and knelt down for a while, sincerely praying to the Bodhisattva to give Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi a baby.

"It's better to be a dragon and a phoenix, so that you can have both children!"

Li Yanbei felt that his daughter-in-law was too cute, so he couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing her head, "It's not as easy as you said. As long as it's a baby, it can be both men and women."

"Of course I hope Xiao Su can be happy!" Ji Youyou kowtowed three times to the Bodhisattva again. "I hope to bless Xiao Su and Bo Shao with happiness and health, and have many children and grandchildren."

After making a wish, Ji Youyou stood up and sealed the gift in the merit box.

When everything was over, the couple was about to go out, when three female monks in cassocks approached, Ji Youyou immediately called politely, "Master!"

"The donor has a relationship with our temple, and it seems that he is helping a friend to ask for a wish." The headed female monk was about forty years old and looked at Ji Youyou kindly, "It's a pity..."

Ji Youyou's heart tightened, "What a pity?"

"It's a pity that although your friend is a phoenix and fire phoenix, he has a rough fate... You can't have both in your life, and it's impossible for everything to go smoothly. If you want to achieve what you want, you must see the rainbow after the storm!"

The female monk sighed, as if she knew Ruan Su's fate.

This made Ji Youyou look at her in shock, "I... I didn't tell any information about my friend... How could Shi Tai know?"

"There is a certain number in the dark. I naturally know it in the dark." After the female monk finished speaking, she gave Ji Youyou a nod, "I also asked the female benefactor to tell my friends that you must be careful and don't take chances. Be sure to travel carefully, and be careful to sail a thousand-year-old ship."

After the female monk finished speaking, she put a peace amulet into Ji Youyou's hand, "This peace amulet is given to the donor's friend, I hope she will not dislike it."

Ji Youyou hurriedly thanked him, keeping the female monk's words firmly in his heart, "No, my friend will definitely like it. Thank you, Shitai."

Looking at the back of the husband and wife leaving, the female monk sighed, "Call my senior brother and tell him that I have done it."

"Yes." The apprentice behind her responded immediately.

Fan Wen was about to retreat when he received the call, "I see. It is a taboo to reveal the secret. Your master helped me this time, and I will definitely come back next time I have a chance."

He is best at measuring, but he can't measure himself, but others can.

He predicted that Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi would experience catastrophe in the near future, but if he leaked this estimate, he would be backlashed.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the reputation of the Niangniang Temple to spread, Ji Youyou, Ruan Su's good best friend, came to the door.

I hope Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi can turn a bad luck into a good one!

It can be regarded as a little repayment from the Fan family to their husband and wife.

Although he calculated that the husband and wife were in danger, but he could not measure what kind of danger.


He was very sad, but there was nothing he could do.

In the evening, the dinner before the opening ceremony of the Fire Jumping Festival will be held at the Presidential Palace.

The old president suffered a stroke some time ago. Although he has recovered, his spirits are not as good as before.

He looked haggard and frail.

He wore a national costume from the Middle East and accepted the blessings of guests from various regions who came to participate in the Fire Jumping Festival.

The current president, Chu Huailang, also wore a national costume. He looked energetic and energetic, forming a sharp contrast with the old president.

The guests from other regions were all wearing bright and beautiful dresses, and for a while, it seemed that the whole dinner party was fragrant and beautiful, and they were staggered.

Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su also came together.

When they saw the two of them, almost all the guests at the scene widened their eyes in shock. The beauty of the handsome men and women was amazing! Especially people in the Middle East have dark skin, and Ruan Su's fair skin does not know how many women present are envious, jealous and hated.

"That's the son of the president of country M? The heir of country M?"

"Is that his wife? So beautiful!"

"What a pair of people! I heard that his father does not recognize the status of this wife..."

"What if you don't admit it, don't you still accompany him to participate in such a major event?"

"No! It seems that his wife and our prime minister are best friends! She was the one who saved the prime minister when he was in distress."

"Really? My mother!"


Chu Huailang and Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su exchanged a few words with emotion on their faces, "I never thought that time flies so fast, I have been president for more than a year."

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi had a great influence on him. He smiled and said, "No matter what, I would like to thank you all."

Li Yanbei and Ji Youyou also came over. Ji Youyou was dressed in traditional clothes and was very dignified. She handed a small lucky bag to Ruan Su, "This is the peace charm I asked for you in the temple today. You must wear it well, you know?"

As she said that, she pulled Ruan Su aside again and repeated all the words that the teacher said today to Ruan Su.

Ruan Su frowned after hearing this, "This master... it sounds quite mysterious."

How can you figure it out without seeing her?

It always doesn't feel right.

"It's very smart. I heard that begging is very smart. You must remember what I said. We'd rather believe it than not. After a while, we'll be safe and sound." Ji Youyou and a little magician As if to explain Ruan Su.

Ruan Su smiled, "Thank you."

As she said that, she took the peace talisman out of the small lucky bag and put it on her neck.

The peace talisman seemed to be made of a piece of gold, not like that kind of tattered copper and iron.

Unexpectedly, this teacher is quite generous, and the gift of peace is still gold.

When she walked back to Bo Xingzhi again, the man was sensitive to find that she was wearing a gold peace charm on her neck, which matched with the pure white dress on her body made her neck more slender and jade-like. Outstanding.

"Ji Youyou sent it?"

"Yeah! This girl is worried that I have any accident." Ruan Su smiled and shook her head.

At this time, there are countless small fires on the square in front of the Presidential Palace. When the dinner is over, the Fire Jumping Festival will officially start.

At that time, the first lucky person to jump over the fire will also be generated at the dinner party. After this lucky person jumps, the Fire Jumping Festival officially begins. Then people would jump on the fire, and people all over the region would start jumping on the fire.

Almost every year, this lucky person at the Fire Jumping Festival will be envied by everyone. After all, this is a lucky and honored person.

And in the past few years, this lucky person who jumped over the fire for the first time has almost become an Internet celebrity for a while and ate a wave of bonuses.

Therefore, everyone wants to know who is the first person to jump over the fire this year.

Almost all the special dishes and wines from the Middle East were arranged at the dinner.

During the banquet, everyone laughed and laughed, welcoming the arrival of the Fire Jumping Festival.

The generation of lucky people in the Fire Jumping Festival is very simple, drumming and passing flowers.

Chu Huailang's cousin, Chu Tian, ​​is a three-dimensional star, and is well-known in the local area, but she is only famous.

She is not particularly beautiful, not the kind of beauty that is alluring, and in the entertainment circle where there are clouds of beauties, she is not yet ranked.

I can only rely on my family relationship to be a resource coffee.

She had done it early in the morning, and the lucky one this time must be herself. She could earn a lot of popularity at the right time, and then make a stir on the Internet. By then, her traffic will definitely soar.

When she thinks that she has become a real big star, all kinds of famous directors and all kinds of resources are tilted towards her, all kinds of resources are soaring, and all kinds of awards are soft, her face turns red with excitement.

After all, from the beginning of the dinner, it is the situation of live broadcast.

She also made special arrangements for the staff and media workers who managed the live broadcast and asked them to give herself more shots. In this way, you can refresh yourself a little more, and give some memories to the audience who are looking directly.

Not only that, she has already bought a hot search on the Internet, #chutian smiles really sweet#.

She is not bad for resources, not bad for family, and not bad for contacts.

But it is because the audience is not good, and he is humiliated by netizens in various ways as a resource coffee.

She must seize this opportunity this time and become popular.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look at Drum Chuan Hua.

There, the drummer was ready to take his place, and a red big drum was placed there. The drummer was wearing a red festive drummer's uniform and carrying two drumsticks in his hand.

Chu Huailang stood up from his seat with a wine serving, then said a few words of speech, and thanked all the guests.

After speaking, the time has come to ten o'clock in the evening.

The annual Fire Jump Festival starts at 10:00pm!

The countdown starts soon.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six...three, two, one!"

Chu Huailang gave an order.

The drummer began to beat the drum.

A bunch of gorgeous roses began to be passed down from his hands.

Keep passing it on, passing it on, all the guests will pass it on.

And the drummer's beat is getting faster and faster.

It fell like a rush of rain.

Everyone was very nervous about passing flowers.

Chu Tian sat there, looking forward and nervous, the flowers must be hers, she must get them.

The drummer was also in a hurry, because... that hasn't reached Chu Tian's hands. what's up? Obviously arranged. He stopped immediately when it reached Chu Tian's hands. But...Chu Tian had already passed it on once, and he didn't stop...because the time to beat the drum was not yet.

And now, the time to beat the drums is coming.

If he doesn't stop... I'm afraid he will lose his job.

He is thinking so, one minute is up!

Chu Huailang announced the stop.

And everyone couldn't help but start to see whose hands the bouquet of roses fell.

Chu Tian also stood up from her seat angrily. Damn it, what happened to this drummer? Obviously it's all set!

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