Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 942: The heat proves everything!

Ruan Su looked a little inexplicably at the bunch of roses that had been stuffed into his hands.

The flowers are fragrant, and there are still a few drops of water on the blooming petals, which are bright and dripping.

"I didn't expect that the first lucky person to jump over the fire this time was actually Miss Ruan." Chu Huailang looked at Ruan Su with great satisfaction, "Then please invite Miss Ruan."

Ruan Su hesitated and stood up, lifted her skirt and walked towards the fire in the square.

Chu Tian shouted at her back unhappily, "How can you dance in such a troublesome dress and long skirt? Don't light the skirt again, it will be funny."

Generally, when their local women participate in the Fire Jumping Festival, they will change into a neat and crisp clothes to jump over the fire after the dinner.

This Ruan Su obviously didn't know these unspoken rules in their local area.

It's ridiculous to even want to jump over a fire in such a long dress.

Ruan Su Wenyan just glanced at Chu Tian lightly, and her voice was clear and pleasant, "Thank you for the reminder, beautiful lady."


What does she call herself? Chu Tian looked at Ruan Su in shock. She knew that she was only average-looking, not a beauty at all.

This Ruan Su actually called himself a beauty?

But... It feels good to be called a beauty... Netizens often call her ugly, resource coffee, and no one has ever called her a beauty. Although she is not ugly.

She was shocked when she saw Ruan Su actually bent down and squatted down slowly, lifted up her long dress and tied it to her waist, tying a butterfly festival.

The long long dress became a short dress, and her long, slender, straight and fair legs were exposed to everyone's eyes.

Bo Xingzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, this woman... always has the urge to put down her long dress again, and doesn't want anyone to covet her beauty.

The fire in front of him was burning, the dry wood inside was crackling, and the flames sprang up from time to time.

If you have short legs, you may not be able to jump.

The ten fires are big and small, and it looks quite shocking to those who jumped over the fire for the first time.

"Can she do it?"

"What if I can't jump and get burned?"

"It's bad luck if you get burned!"

"That's right, it's better for us to dance more vigorously in our region, and the effect will be better."

"Oh, who made her the lucky one."

Some guests discussed carefully, all kinds of sour jealousy.

Who doesn't want to be lucky?

Everyone wants to.

In the dark night sky, everyone gathered around the square in front of the Presidential Palace, staring intently at the tall and beautiful woman in front of the fire.

She stood there like a fairy in fire.

Not only that, the audience before the live broadcast also watched her quietly.

The barrage on the live broadcast platform is constantly being refreshed and popping up.

"My God! Such a beautiful woman."

"Who is she? Is she from our Middle East?"

"There is no such white girl in our area."

"I found her information, my mother, she is a celebrity in country M!"

"Jump! She jumped!"

Just when the barrage popped up wildly, Ruan Su jumped over the first fire with lightness, she was as light as a swallow, graceful and relaxed.

Everyone was shocked by her graceful swan-like posture!

"Is there a mistake? Is it so easy to dance? This first fire is not small."

"The ones in the back are bigger!"

Not only the barrage is playing frantically, but the guests at the scene are also discussing in a low voice.

"I've never seen anyone dance a fire so gracefully."

"Did she learn to dance?"

Then Ruan Su jumped to the second fire, and she did a backflip!

Four or five backflips in a row, each backflip is a fire.

It has been flipped six times in a row!

The skirt of the white short skirt flew over, and her whole person was like a bird passing over a fire, making her dazzled.

"How can she do a backflip without getting out of the way?"

"She can even control the strength of the skirt?"

"Shocked! Six consecutive flips!"

"This...isn't it possible to have no boy skill?"

Chu Tian also looked at Ruan Su standing in front of the eighth fire in disbelief, only the three largest fires remained.

She believed that she had some skills in dancing, but her skills were not worth mentioning in front of Ruan Su.

She is so great that she backflips three times, and the fourth one can't be flipped by herself...

At this moment, Ruan Su, who was standing in front of the eighth fire, suddenly jumped up and came with a horse in the air.

She is dressed in a white dress, like a fairy who has strayed into the world, jumping over the fire, and jumping directly past.

"Is this too difficult?"


"A one-word horse in mid-air? I've seen one who splits on the ground, one who splits on the bed, one who splits on the sofa... This one-word horse... really needs a lot of flexibility!"

Bo Xingzhi's deep eyes looked at Ruan Su with tenderness in his eyes.

Why is his wife always so bright, why is it always so eye-catching?

His heart thumped several times, and he wanted to rub her into his arms and kiss her fiercely.

Don't let everyone see her unparalleled beauty.

Then everyone saw that Ruan Su first did a backflip, and then another in the air, directly over the ninth fire.

At the tenth fire, everyone was staring at her closely, not even daring to blink.

Just for fear of missing out on a wonderful picture.

I saw Ruan Su jumped up, and a 360-degree rotation in the air came.

Just like a diver's 360-degree head spin in the air, the diver has a springboard, but she has nothing.

She is completely relying on the flexibility of her body!

Originally thought it was a bronze, but it turned out to be the strongest king.

The moment she landed, there was a burst of warm applause from the scene.

"Fantastic! This is the most lucky one I've seen in so many years."

"It's wonderful! I really want to worship her as my teacher."

"How can there be such an elegant and charming woman?"

Everyone was talking about it, wishing that he would become an excellent woman like Ruan Su for everyone to look up to.

The woman in front of the fire slowly turned around, her face reddened by the fire was extremely delicate, she looked at them lightly, and finally landed on the most handsome man.

Bo Xingzhi's eyes moved slightly, the corners of his lips slightly hooked up, and he slowly extended his big palm towards her.

The woman stepped on light footsteps and came to him, and put her soft little hand in his palm.

At this moment, the music sounded, Bo Xingzhi pulled her into a spin and danced in the fire.

Countless couples of guests also slid into the fire and started dancing.

Celebrate the grand opening of the Fire Jump Festival!

In every corner of the region, almost people are revelling, jumping over fires of various kinds, and setting off fireworks of various kinds.

The sound of crackling was incessant, the sound of firecrackers, and the fire slowly.

When everyone was singing and dancing, the Internet had already exploded.

Social platforms in the Middle East are full of photos or videos of Ruan Su jumping over the fire.

The number of retweets is terrifyingly high, as are the likes and comments.

It is almost impossible to calculate with one hundred thousand or one million.

She has become the top trend in the Middle East, and even several local brands in the Middle East have begun to find ways to contact Ruan Su and want to invite her to be an advertising spokesperson.

These photos and videos soon also flowed into the M country and the H empire, and the Internet in both countries was hotly discussing the Fire Jump Festival.

"This... 666, our little Susu is a cow."

"It's so beautiful, that little white dress is as beautiful as a white butterfly."

"It's really a fairy godmother."

It didn't take long for all the topics on the hot search to be related to the Ruan Su Jumping Over Fire Festival.


The fans of Princess Li couldn't sit still, "Ruan Su plays the role of Princess Li in the blood of ten thousand people! Let Princess Li not play, and go outside to participate in the Fire Jumping Festival?"

"Although it is beautiful in a white dress, I think it is even more beautiful in ancient clothes!"

"That's right! It's so beautiful!"

"Hurry back and act, I want to see you act."

"We're all going to see you play."

The Ye family also saw the video of Ruan Su participating in the Fire Jumping Festival.

Ye Yanli also created some kind of circumvention software, downloaded the live broadcast app in the Middle East, and watched the live broadcast over the wall.

"Ouch! I'm so afraid that Xiao Su will be scalded by the fire." Mrs. Ye was shocked when she saw it.

"Don't worry, Mom, Xiao Su is so powerful, how is that possible?" Song Jiayan stroked her high bulging belly, hey! My big belly wants to be light and can't be light.


"Xiao Su's popularity is really getting higher and higher." Mr. Ye took a sip of tea happily, "I see that she is more popular than those celebrities."

"Xiao Su has been out of the circle again. Look at the topics in the Middle East and the amount of discussion. There have been statistics from local data agencies. It is said that when Xiao Su jumped into the fire, it was the attention and popularity of the Fire Jump Festival over the years. At its peak. It was the peak of traffic.”

Ye Yanli flipped through the information on the software, "The meaning of the Fire Jump Festival has also been spread more and more deeply worldwide. In the past, only the Middle East knew about the Fire Jump Festival, thanks to Xiao Su, now we M country and H The Empire knows about such an interesting festival."

"So... just now, Chu Huailang and Ji Youyou invited Ruan Su to be the promotion ambassador for the Fire Jumping Festival and presented her with a trophy and certificate."

"Hehehe-" Old Madam Ye laughed so hard that she could hardly close her mouth, "Xiao Su is really worth it!"

The joy of the Ye family makes people feel good physically and mentally.

At this time, after accepting the promotion ambassador, Ruan Su was a little bit dumbfounded.

"How can I accept your name as someone from another area? There are so many celebrities and celebrities in your area..."

Chu Huailang said with emotion, "No one is more suitable than you. Today's popularity has already proved everything."

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