Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 943: Jealous of that man!

This... I came to the Middle East and immediately sealed an ambassador, which is a very cost-effective thing to look at.

Especially this kind of existence that is equivalent to the spokesperson of the Fire Jump Festival.

In the history of the Middle East, the Fire Jump Festival has been held for thousands of years, and it is a rule and festival handed down from our ancestors.

In the long history of thousands of years, there are only two ambassadors of the Fire Jumping Festival.

"A thousand years ago, there was a very outstanding princess from the Central Plains in our Middle East. At that time, this princess was called Princess Li. She was very brave and resolute." Chu Huailang began to talk about the history of the Fire Jumping Festival. It is called the Middle East, we are the Yi Si people, and this Princess Li is your princess in the Central Plains. When our director fought against the Central Plains, this Princess Li actually set up camp here after we beat us to the bottom."

"I also studied our local customs and customs. During the half year she stayed here, our ancestors, including our entire nation, have developed rapidly. She built roads, set up post stations, communicated our traffic with the Central Plains, consolidated the The regime within the tribe has promoted our diplomatic relations with the Central Plains.”

"She also taught us to grow crops. She thinks that we are in trouble in the frontier because we are not fed and clothed. When we are fed and clothed, we will surely pursue a peaceful and happy life, and the ideal is for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. life."

"Her efforts have promoted our economic development, and she is also the first promoter of the Fire Jump Festival in our history in the Middle East. The origin of our Fire Jump Festival is to commemorate her great contribution to the development of our Middle East."

"If it wasn't for her, we might have... long ago perished."

Chu Huailang was full of respect and admiration for Princess Li.

"We also have the statue of Princess Li here, just to commemorate her. There is also the ancestral hall of Princess Li. You can go and have a look if you have time."

Ruan Su did not expect that this Fire Jumping Festival was actually to commemorate Princess Li, and she never thought that Princess Li was the first promoter of the Fire Jumping Festival in history, and she was the second...

This fate is a bit too strange.

It seems that she and Princess Li always have trajectories that overlap with each other in different time and space.

"Miss Ruan, I think you are very suitable for the role of Princess Li." Chu Tian came over and looked at Ruan Su intently.

Looking at her from a distance, she is picturesque, and she never wanted to get close. Ruan Su even more dazzling and stunningly beautiful at such a close distance.

Chu Tian was envious and sad. Some people are born to rely on their face to eat, but this person is not, and relies on strength to get out of the circle.

And myself... I have a cousin, the president, who is far inferior to others in terms of strength and appearance.

She was sad and ashamed.

But I also know the voices on the Internet, "Why don't you agree. We are all looking forward to it."

Although Chu Tian felt uncomfortable that she did not become the lucky one, and that she was inferior to Ruan Su everywhere, after seeing Ruan Su's ability, she could only admire and admire.

No other bad thoughts.

Now that Ruan Su has become popular in the Middle East, not only netizens from country M and Empire H are constantly calling for her to play Princess Li, but now netizens in the Middle East have also joined the "Blood Book of Ten Thousand People Begging Ruan Su to play Princess Li" in the activities.

And this topic has long been discussed in hundreds of billions.

There has never been such a huge situation, especially if this object is not a person in the entertainment industry.

It's just...

Shockingly shocking.

Ruan Su really didn't expect that even this Chu Tian would also join the urging army.

This is the same as the fact that relatives in the family keep urging marriage and birth during the festival.

She is now the one being urged.

She really did not expect that one day she would be urged to act by so many people.

If she's a star, it's just an actress.

But she's just an amateur!

Bo Xingzhi looked at her with deep eyes, and held her small hand with his big palm, "How think about it?"

Ruan Su glanced at him, "Don't make trouble. Someone is urging you to play Prince Li!"

Bo Xingzhi laughed softly, "I don't mind playing a couple with you. Wang Li worked hard to manage the dynasty in an orderly manner, and in the end did not take the throne of his little nephew because of his political achievements and achievements. This kind of man deserves my admiration. , is also worthy of my role. It would be my honor to have the opportunity to act."

Dare that this man is quite interested in acting?

Ruan Su Xing's eyes flashed with surprise, "You... you still want to act? Have you ever thought about acting?"

Bo Xingzhi touched his chin, "Well, if there is a chance, I don't mind giving it a try."

Ruan Su: "..."

Ji Youyou held Li Yanbei's hand and wandered around there, "Xiao Su, you are beautiful, and you look like Princess Li. If you can really act with Young Master Bo, whether it's a TV series or a movie, you will definitely It's a hit."

"I've convinced you. Come to a Fire Jumping Festival, and you don't forget to lobby me." Ruan Su shook his head helplessly. "I'm a little tired, I'm going to rest for a while."

Saying that, she walked to a seat not far away, sat there, brought a glass of red wine and took a sip.

She sits there as beautiful as an oil painting, with a sense of atmosphere.

There are firelights all around, and she is the most beautiful existence in the firelight.

The Fire Jumping Festival continued until four or five in the morning, and everyone left one after another because they were too tired or too sleepy.

The people in the Middle East gradually dispersed, and the sound of firecrackers gradually stopped.

The earth returns to silence.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi also returned to the hotel to rest.


In a hospital in the red light district.

Di Tian's subordinates reported to him the news about Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su, including the whereabouts of their husband and wife.

Di Tian gritted his back molars and slapped the slap, "Damn it, am I blind? The Internet is full of news about how that **** gets the limelight in the Middle East, and how **** the news, I need you to tell me. I report? The **** media is much faster than your news!"

"What am I raising you rice buckets for? Wasting food and air?"

Di Tian couldn't wait to slap these men to death.

If it weren't for the fact that his legs were crippled in an accident while skiing, he would be lying here immobile.

He really wanted to jump up and beat these idiots.

How can there be such a stupid thing?

"Sir... Sir... Mainly, mainly..." The men faltered and couldn't say anything.

"Get out! Continue to follow, and report to me immediately if there is any movement!" Di Tian had to grab the tea cup on the table and smashed it, his subordinates fled in fright.

The water glass was smashed directly on the door of the ward, "Damn, you dare to hide! Who told you to hide!"

The nurse heard from a distance that the irritable patients in this ward were getting angry again.

The crackling sound came from her ear, and she twitched the corners of her lips. Anyway, the patient has a lot of money, and the damage is double compensation.

It's a lot of money to be envied...

The men ran out and came back not long after.

"Sir, the couple went to a very well-known local institution early in the morning called the Maternal and Child Protection Association. It seems to be condolences to the children."

"Going to this kind of organization is obviously for the purpose of establishing a character and a caring character! This kind of **** is also worth reporting?" Di Tian stared at him with red bloodshot eyes, "These people I just like to pretend, and I can't stand it without pretending for a day. I know their husband and wife best, hehe-"

Frightened, his subordinates hurriedly ran down again, not daring to say anything.

Obviously he asked for a report, and he scolded himself after reporting it. It's really hard to earn money these days.

At this time, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi had already taken Su Jing out of the Protection Association and went directly to the largest children's playground in the area.

And took him to the zoo.

Cheng Ye took Song Yan's place and followed Bo Xingzhi all the time, and from time to time he would take pictures of the children with a camera.

I took a lot of pictures in one day.

In the evening, Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi had dinner in the association.

Su Xing cooked a large table of dishes, picked up a glass of wine and said to Ruan Su, "Now the sisters in the association are developing very well, and there are many employment opportunities. Although everyone used to be orphans, now the association is their home. ."

"Thank you for all this. You gave us all a home."

Ruan Su touched her wine glass, and she smiled lightly, "It would be too foreign to say these words again."

Su Jinghuai was very happy today and kept choosing photos, "I'm going to hang this one by my bed, Mommy, can you?"

Su Xing glanced at it and found that the photo was of Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su holding him and watching the elephants in the zoo.

The little boy Su Jinghuai smiled very happily in Bo Xingzhi's arms.

With just one glance, she knew that her son... misses his father.

She felt a little sad in her heart, thinking of the news that Huo Jiliang escaped from prison and has not been arrested yet.

I don't know if he is hiding like a mouse crossing the street.

She watched her son look at Bo Xingzhi's adoring eyes. In his heart, her father should also be a very big image, right?

If one day, he knows that his father is actually a criminal...

She couldn't imagine that picture.

After having dinner in the association, Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su were about to leave.

Su Jinghuai held Bo Xingzhi's leg without letting go, raised her little head and looked at the man pitifully, "Uncle, don't leave me."

"Play with me for another day, okay?"

"Jinghuai, let it go. Uncle and aunt have things to do tomorrow, you can't be willful. You know?" Su Xing quickly pulled the child away and whispered to comfort him.

Ruan Su hugged the child and kissed again, comforting a few words.

The two just left.

There was an inexplicable softness in Bo Xingzhi's heart, if the soft and glutinous child in his arms belonged to him and Xiao Su...

How nice.

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

I have to admit that at this moment he was a little jealous of Huo Jiliang, the man.

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