Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 944: Public opinion guides everything! Uproar!

After leaving the Middle East, the husband and wife did not go back to the M country directly, but went directly to the H empire.

After all, Gu Sixue is getting married. It would be more appropriate to go directly to the H Empire in terms of time.

The couple were sitting on the plane. Unexpectedly, the ticket Cheng Ye booked happened to be a flight from China Southern Airlines. When he saw Ning Jie, Ruan Su couldn't help but smile.

"Chancellor Ning, long time no see."

"Mrs. Bo?" Ning Jie looked at Ruan Su with surprise, "Long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful."

When I looked up, I saw Bo Xingzhi behind Ruan Su. The man was tall and majestic, and his stern face was inexplicably noble.

Thinking of Bo Xingzhi's identity now, Ning Jie couldn't help but feel a little nervous, "Boss Bo."

Whether he is the heir to the president of the M country, the president of South Star Airlines, or the former captain of his own flight... He still seems to be so cold and indifferent.

Bo Xingzhi nodded, a silent response.

Ning Jie personally led them to their seats, and He Qiuqiu saw Ning Jie strangely saying, "Why are you in person..." Before she could finish her words, she saw Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi behind Ning Jie.

He Qiuqiu was stunned for a moment, and swallowed his words.

"Mrs. Bo, Mr. Bo."

She has now given up her mind to talk to Ruan Subi again.

Now that she sees Ruan Su again, she only feels ashamed. The distance between her and Ruan Su was the kind that could not be filled even after crossing the mountains and the sea.

She is the mud on the ground, and Ruan Su is the cloud in the sky.

In the past, she, like those people, thought that Mrs. Bo was just a title, just an inconspicuous existence.

But... Ruan Su has now become a synonym for toughness. She is not only popular in the H Empire, but also in the Middle East of the M country, and her fans are everywhere.

She is worthy of such an excellent man as Bo Xingzhi.

He Qiuqiu felt very sad, sour and astringent.

Not only is I inferior, but I also feel that my former self is really ridiculous.

With such a narrow vision, he even wanted to compare himself with the clouds in the sky.

She was fired by Bo Xingzhi for a while, but then she found a relationship with her family and returned to South Star Airlines.

She didn't know what she was obsessed with, maybe she just wanted to see Ruan Su again with her own eyes!

The plane flew smoothly at an altitude of 30,000 feet, and He Qiuqiu personally brought juice and drinks over.

Ruan Su politely thanked him.

"Mrs. Bo, you're too polite." He Qiuqiu put down the juice, hesitated, and said to Ruan Su, "I have a few words that I want to tell you alone, can I?"

Ruan Su was stunned. She had some impression of this flight attendant, as if the other party had a crush on Bo Xingzhi?

There was a smile on her lips, "Okay!"

He Qiuqiu took her to the bathroom, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Bo. I used to be very naive and short-sighted, which must have caused a lot of trouble for you and Mr. Bo. Now I've thought about it, and... I'm about to get engaged. already."

Ruan Su didn't expect that He Qiuqiu came to tell her these words, her bright eyes flashed slightly, "The past is over, I have never done anything to you, I just think that life adds some interest."

Although He Qiuqiu was always jealous, it didn't cause much interference between her and Bo Xingzhi.


Ruan Su didn't care about her either.

"Happy engagement! I wish you happiness." Ruan Su said and walked out.

He Qiuqiu let out a long breath, washed his hands and patted his face before walking out.

When she walked to the door, she saw Ning Jie, who was looking at her with a smile, "Relaxed?"

He Qiuqiu blushed and nodded, "En."

When we arrived at the H Empire, it was already dark.

The capital city, where night fell, did not stop. The streets were full of traffic and people came and went.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows with a familiar breath, "The capital is still so lively."

It was none other than Jiang Xinyu who came to pick him up. He was wearing a gray casual sportswear, and he waved to Ruan Su from afar, "Boss, I'm here!"

After speaking, he rushed over to Ruan Su, the man's sunny and handsome face was full of bright smiles, "You are willing to come back, you want to kill me!"

He opened his arms and saw that he was about to hug Ruan Su. An iron arm crossed in front of him, directly pressing his chest and pushing him away.

"You can talk and talk, but you don't have to do anything."

A magnetic but dissatisfied voice sounded, Jiang Xinyu looked up and saw Bo Xingzhi staring at him with jealousy.


Jiang Xinyu cursed inwardly.

But he didn't plan to bother with the cheapskate Bo Xingzhi.

He licked his face and approached Ruan Su, "Boss, have you missed me recently?"

Ruan Su couldn't help hooking his lips when he looked at him, "Jiang Xinyu, how is Yang Tiantian with you now?"

It really is a pot that cannot be opened without mentioning.

Jiang Xinyu's face suddenly stinks, "Boss, can you give me some face?"

Who doesn't know that Yang Tiantian can't wait to stick to him for 24 hours, and Yang Tiantian will chase him wherever he goes.

This woman is like a dog skin plaster that can't be shaken off.


He was just so abusive.

"Young Master Jiang!" Suddenly, a sweet voice sounded not far away.

I saw a mellow girl and trotted towards Jiang Xinyu, "Why are you here? Oh, we are really destined to meet at the airport. I just came back from a design competition abroad, and you are here to pick me up. ?"

Jiang Xinyu's face suddenly turned, "Boss... help..."

"Sweet." Ruan Su greeted the girl.

The girl was stunned when she heard the familiar voice, "My mother! Isn't this my master? Woohoo-master, long time no see. Why did you go to M country? I thought you would never come back. That's it!"

She is able to have a place in the women's clothing design world because of Ruan Su.

She jumped up and hugged Ruan Su's arm, her eyes sparkling, "Let's go eat something delicious and let Jiang Xinyu treat you!"

Jiang Xinyu looked at Yang Tiantian who was in close contact with Ruan Su at close range, and then glanced at Bo Xingzhi who was unresponsive.

Ah! mean!

Isn't Yang Tiantian human? Why not stop Yang Tiantian from approaching the boss?

He was secretly slandering when he heard Yang Tiantian's words.

He snorted, "Jun Yue is gone, where to eat now?"

"Bronze Sparrow Terrace." Bo Xingzhi spat out three words with thin lips.

So a few people got on Jiang Xinyu's big run and went straight to Tongquetai.


In a hospital in the red light district.

Di Tian looked at the candid photos of Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su with their children in the playground and zoo.

He looked irritable, "What's the matter with you? This child is not their husband and wife."

"What's the use of bringing it back to me?"

"Sir...Sir...I think if these photos are handed over to the media..." The subordinate whispered in Ditian's ear for a while, "What do you think of my idea?"

A gloomy smile appeared on the corner of Ditian's lips, "The idea is not bad. Now it will be spread to the media of M country and H empire, including the Middle East. Then I will make up some perfect stories. What to do with Ruan Su!"

"Yes, yes, everything is at the sir's orders. I'll do it right now."

The subordinate secretly breathed a sigh of relief, this time he was not scolded so badly, which was great.

As he walked out, he looked down at the photo in his hand, hehe—Bo Xingzhi, Ruan Su, you are all dead!

About two hours later.

There are several hot search news on the H Empire social platform.

#Bo Shao Ruansu has a son who has not been announced#

#Ruan Su's illegitimate child in his early years#

#Bo Shao raises son for others#

However, it swept the entire network in an instant, and public opinion was directly guided.

The hot search points are filled with photos of Ruan Su and the child, either the child and Bo Xingzhi, or the group photo of the three...

The photo of the child is very shameless and has no mosaics. The little boy has a clear face, and at a glance, he knows that he will be a handsome young man when he grows up.

Some people called the little boy's color, and some people called Ruan Su a slut.

"I don't know what to do. I didn't expect that all the goddess characters were created by marketing. Still want to play Princess Li? You can pull it down."

"This child is her illegitimate child. Young Master Bo loves her so much that he even raises an illegitimate child for her!"

"Ahhh! Maybe it's the crystallization of Young Master Bo and her? I just don't want to announce it."

"A lot of public figures don't like to publish children."

"My mother, no matter what, I think this trending search is very weird."

Not only this news swept the M Empire, but the H Empire was also in full swing.

Everyone is talking crazy.

And the Middle East too.

When Su Xing saw the photos and public opinions on the hot search, her head buzzed.


I implicated Miss Ruan and Young Master Bo.

What can we do now?

She felt distressed and sad when she thought of the Internet violence that her son received all kinds of attention from the public.

She looked at the sleeping child lying on the bed, her face was full of pain.

Many sisters in the Protection Association also knew about this, and they were so angry that they couldn't sleep and came to look for Su Xing.

Su Xing motioned for everyone to go out and said, she carefully closed the door, walked to the living room and sat down.

"If this matter causes damage and trouble to the reputation of Miss Ruan and Young Master Bo, I decided to clarify it myself."

Having said that, she felt very uncomfortable in her heart. She was afraid that Huo Jiliang, who was hiding in the dark, would find her and her son... If the other party came to you at that time.

She couldn't imagine that picture.

In that case, the damage to Su Jinghuai would be too great. She would rather her son never know what his father was all his life.

"Sister Xing, don't worry. Shall we contact Miss Ruan, let's follow her arrangement?" a sister said worriedly.

"Yes, I think Miss Ruan should have a way to deal with it." Another girl stood up and poured a glass of water for Su Xing, "Don't be sad. It will always be resolved."

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