Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 945: People don't talk much! ~

Su Xing's heart was dull and mixed, "You don't understand..."

She didn't know how to face the benefactors Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi.

This happened because she and the child implicated them...

The more Su Xing thought about it, the more uncomfortable it became.

She is not the kind of ungrateful person. If it wasn't for Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su, she would not have lived a peaceful life for the past two years, and she would not have allowed her son to grow up smoothly and healthily for the past two years.

She made a decision. She registered an account on a social platform and was preparing to be certified as a member of the Maternal and Child Protection Association that she now owns when new news broke out on the Internet.

No one will pay attention to her news as an amateur, so she just wants to authenticate and clarify her and her son's identities.

She did not expect that Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi would have made a powerful counterattack earlier. The news was released directly on the certified Weibo of H Empire.

"I am Mrs. Bo" Huang V certified: "This is indeed my son, my godson. Let me introduce to you, the little guy is called Su Jinghuai. I am ashamed of the bad media's behavior of publishing photos of my godson, and I will These media will be held legally accountable."

"Bo Xingzhi" Huang V, president of South Star Airlines, certified: "I'm my son, the biological son of the director of the Middle East Maternal and Child Protection Association. you have anything else to say?"

It also attached the birth certificate of the hospital in the Middle East two years ago. The information on the birth certificate was all mosaicked, and only the name of Su Jinghuai and the name of her mother Su Xing were displayed.

A lawyer's letter is also attached.


Just too powerful.

No photos of Su Xing and Su Jinghuai have been exposed.

He also greatly condemned those unscrupulous media.

Su Xing stared at her mobile phone in shock. She has always downloaded Weibo. Although she lives in the Middle East now, the H Empire is where she grew up.

She has deep feelings for H Empire.

It's okay to always look at what new movies and TV shows have been released in Empire H, or what gossips have been made by those star idols.

She never thought that Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi directly clarified the matter, and they clarified so neatly without saying anything, and even... recognized their son as a son.

Myself and my son... He De He Neng?

Su Jinghuai's background...their husband and wife didn't dislike it...

Touched and sad tears fell down Su Xing's cheeks, and she was crying while holding the phone.

For half her life before, she thought she was unlucky and miserable.

Either she was sent to the Huo family by her patriarchal parents, or she was bullied by Huo Jiliang... But now, she feels that she is lucky, and God has the eyes to let her meet Ruan Su.

She gave herself a new life, a new identity, a new life!

Several sisters in the association did not expect their president to be so fierce, and directly recognized a godson.

"Miss Ruan... really always does such touching things," a sister whispered.

"It's also that our Jinghuai is too cute and pitiful."

"Anyway, our president, Miss Ruan, is too mighty!"

"Bo Shao is also very good. Their husband and wife are good people."

Several sisters talked in low voices, obviously, they didn't expect Ruan Su to come directly to the bottom of the pot, which shocked the unscrupulous media.

Now those media who exposed Su Jinghuai's photos are trembling.

"Crap! Which ** issued a press release like this that affected our website?"

The person in charge of a certain entertainment website was so angry that he threw the table, "Send this kind of news out, and intentionally let us go bankrupt!"

"Chief... Editor-in-chief, it seems to be sent by Apple." A man pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "This Apple must have received money from others..."

"Call me the apple!" The person in charge roared in anger, and made up his mind to push the apple out to punish him.

Are you kidding me, are Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi easy to mess with?

Accidentally their website is gone!

Apple was called in quickly, she was a little girl in her twenties and looked very young.

As soon as he entered the office, he saw the ugly face of the person in charge and the mess all over the place.

As soon as her heart tightened, she knew something was wrong.

But thinking of the extra one million in her account yesterday, she felt that it didn't matter whether she had this job or not, the big deal was to change jobs.

So she asked calmly, "Editor-in-chief, look for me."

"I order you to immediately post an apology to Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi, as well as their godson. Otherwise, you will bear all legal responsibilities, and the trouble will be ugly. If you want to go to jail, don't blame me for being the leader. I didn't remind you." The person in charge gave her a cold look.

Apple was shocked, "What did you say? Go to jail? I just posted a message and sent a gossip, how could I go to jail?"

"Hehe - Apple, you are young and you may not understand it." The person in charge finally found an outlet for his anger, "Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi will sue all the reporters who published this fake news, and they will also defend their sons. Reputation and likeness rights. This news is posted by you, the website is not responsible.”

"Editor-in-chief, save me... I don't want to be accused!" Apple pretended to be aggrieved and pitiful.

"Now post an apology on Weibo, and then resign!" After finishing speaking, the person in charge said to her and raised his hand, "Go out!"

Apple pouted, then returned to his desk and posted a Weibo, followed by a resignation statement.

After doing all this, she packed her things into a box and left directly.

It's just that she just got out of the elevator and came to the lobby on the first floor of the office building, when two uniformed staff stopped her, "Is it Huang Xiaoying? The pseudonym Apple?"

Apple froze for a moment, "You are..."

"It's like this. Someone reported that you took one million bribes and spread rumors to slander Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi. This is the extra one million transfer record in your account yesterday. Come with us."

The staff showed the evidence stored in the phone to Apple, and she suddenly widened her eyes in shock, "How can you have a transfer record of my account?"

"Someone reported anonymously, with evidence attached." After speaking, the cold handcuffs were directly tied to Apple's hands.

Her head was dizzy, how could this be...

Her dream of getting rich... all shattered!

The news that Ruan Su had an illegitimate child was quickly clarified by the police as a result of the investigation.

"Huang XX, Yu XX, and Lin XX are reporters from "XX Entertainment", "XX Star News", and "XX Daily" respectively. They received 1 million remittances from overseas banks. This was a premeditated incident. Three The person is likely to be a spy of a foreign force, slandering and damaging the reputation of Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi's husband and wife, and infringing on Su Jinghuai's portrait rights. Now the punishment is as follows: The three are sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for one year."

This is simply heartwarming.

Under the police account, this piece of news was particularly heavily commented.

"Wow! Xiao Su and Bo Shao's godson!"

"Haha, these rubbish, it is rumored that Xiao Su has an illegitimate child. What do you think?"

"Okay now, go to jail!"

Ruan Su looked at these comments, and after reading it for a while, he put down the phone and couldn't help but say, "Since Jinghuai has become our godson, we still have to give this gift to you."

"Give me two houses first, and it's not too late to give me a car when I'm an adult." Bo Xingzhi also read the news on Weibo, and occasionally liked it. "If Jinghuai grows well, it will not be bad in the future."

"It's too tacky to send a house, but it's practical." Ruan Su felt that it was okay to send a house, and after thinking about it, he said, "I have to choose something meaningful. Otherwise, it seems that we are not sincere enough, let's talk about it... let's The unilateral announcement made him her son, and I don't know if Su Xing would like it or not... Don't think we are going to steal her son from her..."

"Su Xing won't be so stingy, and won't be so cautious." Bo Xingzhi laughed, "But we still have to hold a party to recognize our son to be more important. What do you think?"

"The environment in the Middle East is not very good. When the children are older, they can come back to study and receive education like Li Ranran." Ruan Su has already begun to think about Su Jinghuai's future.

"You! Just thinking too much, isn't your brain tired?" Bo Xingzhi fondly touched her head, "Don't think so much, think about the banquet first."

"Okay." Ruan Su nodded, "Actually, whether it's Jingyao or Jinghuai, these two children are the same in my eyes. They are the children of our family. Qiqi and Song Yan are the same. We are also brothers and sisters, and Jinghuai’s life experience is also very pitiful, so it’s better to care a little bit…”

Bo Xingzhi took her hand and kissed it on his lips, "I know, I understand."

Ruan Su smiled and walked aside to call Su Xing to communicate the matter.

"Miss Ruan, everything follows your orders and arrangements. It is his blessing that Jinghuai can be you and Young Master Bo's child..." Su Xing choked up again as she spoke, "I... Huo Jiliang used to be You have done so many things that are sorry for your husband and wife, yet you still..."

"The child is innocent, he doesn't know anything." Ruan Su said lightly, "so don't take it to heart. After we return from the H Empire in a few days, we want to hold a banquet to recognize our son. Introduce Jinghuai to other family members. After all, Weibo has been posted..."

"I understand, I understand...I understand. I am very happy and moved. Thank you." Su Xing couldn't help thanking him.

Ruan Su didn't say any more, "Then we're done, and I'll let you know when the time is set."

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