Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 946: Bachelor Party Storm!

Just after hanging up, Ruan Su received a video call from Gu Sixue, "Miss Ruan, I called you a few times, why are you busy?"

"I chatted with a friend for a while just now." Ruan Suda measured Gu Sixue on the other end of the video. She was really in a good mood at a happy event. Although she was only wearing home clothes, her face was radiant and she could see that she was in a good mood.

"Miss Ruan, can you accompany me to try on the wedding dress tomorrow? I have chosen several styles, but I can't make up my mind." Gu Sixue sent an invitation with a bit of embarrassment on her face, "I originally wanted to order it, but I... I am pregnant."

If I was pregnant, I was afraid that the wedding dress that I made at that time would not be the right size when the wedding was held, so I never chose to make it.

She just wanted to buy haute couture products. She chose several styles, and always felt that each one looked good, so she couldn't make up her mind.

It's going to be a wedding soon...

Ruan Su did not refuse, but agreed happily, "Yes, see you tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Miss Ruan." Gu Sixue pursed her lips and smiled happily. Ruan Su is a well-known designer and must have a good eye.

She hung up the phone contentedly, and as soon as she turned her head, she saw Dai Mubo standing behind her, with two cups of warm milk in his hands.

"Drink a glass of milk for a good night's sleep." The man handed her a glass.

Gu Sixue took it over with a sweet smile on her face, "I haven't seen Miss Ruan for a long time, I still miss her."

"Don't you invite several best friends for the bachelorette party tomorrow night? Did you invite Miss Ruan?" Dai Mubo remembered Ruan Su, a very beautiful and capable woman.

"Well, I saw her tomorrow morning and invited her alone." Gu Sixue took a sip of milk and was still in a good mood, "I didn't expect that we could go to the end."

Dai Mubo looked at her flat belly, and gently covered it with his big palm, "There are already babies, how can there be so many unexpected?"

He lowered his head and kissed the woman's forehead, "Okay, rest early, I have to go back."

"Okay..." Gu Sixue looked at him reluctantly, "It's really annoying not to be able to live together before marriage. If you want to leave, leave quickly."

Dai Mubo smiled and left Gu's house.


Bo Xingzhi was in a villa in the capital.

After Ruan Su took a bath, she sat on the sofa and wiped her hair while watching TV. She hadn't come back for a long time, so she raised her head and said to Bo Xingzhi, who was just about to take a bath, "Why don't you make an appointment with the Xie family for dinner tomorrow? It's hard to come back."

Bo Xingzhi just took his pajamas from the hanger and looked back at her, "Okay, Auntie and Jin Yan should be happy."

When he came out of the bath, he saw that Ruan Su had prepared a late night snack. On the table were two plates of duck wings and duck necks with sauce, as well as a small plate of pickles and preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

She set the chopsticks and smiled at him, "I've been running around for the past few days, but I haven't eaten well. I cooked a little porridge and came over to eat."

Bo Xingzhi dried his hair before walking to the dining table to take a mouthful of porridge.

"Sure enough, the food at home is still delicious. It's much better than the one in the Middle East."

After so many years, any meal Ruan Su made, even a plate of pickles, he found delicious.

Although no one lives in this villa, it is regularly cleaned by part-time workers, so when they were in the Middle East, they had already asked the part-time workers to come and clean the house in advance. When the couple came back, the place was clean and spotless.

After eating the midnight snack, Bo Xingzhi took the initiative to wash the dishes. After he washed the dishes and went back to the bedroom, he didn't expect to see an explosive scene.

When he entered the door, he saw Ruan Su enchantingly leaning on the head of the bed, with a touch of charm between his brows and eyes.

Looking at him with a charming smile, Bo Xingzhi didn't expect that she would bring the very **** pajamas he bought before...

However, he didn't have the patience to appreciate her deliberate dress at this moment, he just wanted to kiss Fang Ze.

When it was finally over, the man hugged her in his arms, and kissed the corner of her lips, both distressed and uncomfortable, "Since we know that the silkworm affects your body, we have no contraception..."

"It's better to let things like a baby take its course. If you can get pregnant one day, it will be a miracle. If you don't... Maybe it's fate." Ruan Su yawned delicately, "I'm sleepy, sleep."

Even so, she didn't fall asleep.

Until Bo Xingzhi around her heard even breathing, but she slowly opened her eyes.

She got up quietly, put on her pajamas and came downstairs, sitting on the sofa and looking at the night outside the window.

The willow trees in the villa area have all sprouted young shoots, and the winter is quietly receding, and the spring is gradually sprouting.

Another year has passed...

She couldn't sleep, so she took out her mobile phone and read the novel written by Jing Tianzhen. After reading this book, she suddenly realized that it was past twelve o'clock in the morning.

She quickly put down her phone and went back to her room to sleep.

Bo Xingzhi got up early the next morning, ordered a takeaway breakfast and went upstairs to call Ruan Su.

Finding that she was still sound asleep, she called out several times before she slowly opened her eyes and looked at him sullenly, "Morning."

Listening to her hoarse voice and her listless appearance, the man narrowed his eyes slightly, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"I haven't come back here for a long time, I'm not used to it." Ruan Su didn't dare to tell him that she had read the novel in the middle of the night, but fortunately, she was usually the kind of person with good spirits.

After washing, it's not bad, except for a little dark blue under the eyes, the rest is fine.

She splashed a little BB cream on her face, put on a little bit of concealer, covered up the dark circles, and went straight out.

The couple went directly to the largest and most high-end wedding dress haute couture in the capital, where Gu Sixue and Dai Mubo had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing his former good brother, Dai Mubai directly touched Bo Xingzhi's shoulder, "When will you have a wedding?"

Everyone knows that Ruan Su is Mrs. Bo, but this wedding has never been done...

It's a bit of a pity.

"Wait later." A strange light flashed in Bo Xingzhi's eyes. Now he is undecided, and Ruan Su is surrounded by unfinished things.

Wedding... When Li Yanbei and Ji Youyou got married, he was thinking, what should he do with Ruan Su's wedding...

The man's thin lips pursed into a straight line, and his burning eyes stared at Ruan Su not far away.

Ruan Su frowned slightly and turned back to meet his abnormal gaze, what's the twitching?

Staring at her with such wolf-like eyes...

Didn't you just satisfy him last night?

"Miss Ruan, what's wrong? Is this bad?" Gu Sixue found that she had been talking to Ruan Su for a while, but she didn't respond, so she asked again.

Ruan Su smiled awkwardly, and then came back to her senses. "This one is very good, elegant and dignified, and it shows your figure very well. But... I think this one is better, why don't you try both?"

She brought another wedding dress to Gu Sixue.

Gu Sixue blinked, "I haven't included this wedding dress in the selection range before, why do you like this one?"

"You'll know if you try it." Ruan Su smiled without explaining too much.

Gu Sixue tried the one she liked first, and then tried the one Ruan Su chose.

When she stood in front of the mirror, her eyes widened in astonishment.

"Oh my God! Isn't this wedding dress too beautiful?"

The pure white skirt was cut into countless pleated skirts, and a layer of gauze softly cast a mist on the pleated skirt.

The white roses on the vines spiraling down from the shoulders, the well-cut wedding dress, and the fluffy skirt make her like a princess who came out of an oil painting, elegant and gorgeous.

The most important thing is to cover her slightly bulging belly and outline her waist.

It suits her very well, very white and flawless.

"How is it?" Ruan Su asked Gu Sixue with a smile on his lips.

Gu Sixue turned in a circle, still with shock in his eyes, "It doesn't look that noticeable when it hangs there, but it works really well. That's it!"

After choosing the wedding dress, Ruan Su chose a red toasting suit for her.

"It's your vision." Gu Sixue took Ruan Su's hand, "I'm happy to pick a beautiful wedding dress. Let's have dinner together later. What do you want to eat?"

"Maybe there is no way to have dinner with you." Ruan Su then talked about the appointment of Xie's family for lunch.

Gu Sixue frowned with a hint of regret, "That's fine... But you have to come to the bachelorette party tonight."

"Okay." Ruan Su agreed.

At this time, Dai Mubo and Bo Xingzhi also stood up, "What kind of people did you choose? Why don't you let me take a look?"

Dai Mubai walked to Gu Sixue's side and glanced curiously at the clerk who was packing the wedding dress.

"I'll let you watch it until the wedding." Gu Sixue smiled mysteriously.

Dai Mubo fondly patted her head, "It's really naughty."

Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su went directly to the restaurant after leaving the bridal shop.

The four members of the Xie family arrived early and were sitting in the box waiting for the two of them.

Mrs. Xie's eyes were full of smiles, "It's hard for us to get together once, but it's because of the Dai and Gu family's wedding."

"Oh, Xiao Su, why are you so beautiful again? Are your grandma and uncle okay? Is your aunt coming to her due date?"

"Azhi! How are you doing recently?"

She asked a series of questions, Ruan Su smiled and sat on the seat, "Sister, you have asked too many questions. I don't even know which one to answer."

"Answer one by one." Mrs. Xie took her hand and said affectionately, "When your aunt gives birth, we have to go to Country M."

"Okay, wife, let's order and see what A Zhi and Xiao Su want to eat." Xie Yuan interrupted Mrs. Xie and handed the menu to Bo Xingzhi. "Azhi, come take a look."

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