Bo Xingzhi casually flipped through the menu, then chose two dishes that Ruan Su liked, and then handed the menu back to Xie Yuan, "Uncle Xie, it's better for you to order."

"That's fine." Xie Yuan originally wanted to ask Mrs. Xie what she wanted to eat, but she saw Mrs. Xie pulling Ruan Su and talking endlessly there.

He couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

"Yanyan's health is really much better this time." Mrs. Xie happily talked to Ruan Su at home, "The young couple are like glue every day, and I am happy to see that."

"My mother recently signed up for some amateur chef class, and she comes back every day to cook for us in different ways. The craftsmanship has improved a lot." Xie Jinyan interjected.

Ruan Su laughed, the atmosphere of the Xie family has always been good.

It is also her own blessing that Li Zhuoyan can marry into the Xie family.

"I'm learning from Xiao Su. Xiao Su is good at craftsmanship, so I can't be too bad. Otherwise, how can I be Yanyan's mother-in-law?" Mrs. Xie began to talk about her interesting stories in the chef class again.

Li Zhuoyan sat beside Xie Jinyan with a smile, and would pick up a sentence or two from time to time.

Looking at Li Zhuoyan, she wore a pink coat with a white dress under it today.

Very pink princess style.

Ruan Su couldn't help but drift past Jing Cancan's face that was somewhat similar to Bo Xingzhi.

I don't know how she is now.

Whether the memory has been restored, the memory seal formation she set up should be unbreakable, and she should not restore the memory.

Hope she is happy...

Ruan Su thought to himself.

What she didn't know was that at this time Jing Cancan was on a cruise ship, having fun with Zhuang Xiaoyue.

"It's already spring at home, but it's still so cold. Sure enough, it's better here."

Jing Cancan was wearing a one-piece swimsuit and a transparent sunscreen outside, sitting on the deck and squinting at the blue sea and blue sky.

Zhuang Xiaoyue threw the sunglasses to her, "The sun is so big, put them on."

Jing Cancan took it over and put the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, "This sunlight is really dazzling."

The island they came to has beautiful scenery. It is famous for being summer all year round. The surrounding sea area is also very beautiful, and the blue water is unforgettable.

Played on the cruise for a long time before landing.

Zhuang Xiaoyue and Jing Cancan got off the cruise together and walked towards the resort.

It's just that Jing Cancan was stunned when he arrived at the villa where the two of them rented.

In front of the villa were two tall men standing there, each carrying a suitcase.

The familiar faces of these two men made her face sink, "Big brother, second brother, Xiaoyue and I went on vacation, why are you here?"

"Cancan, Miss Zhuang." Jingren took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and said with a gentle smile, "After all, your second brother and I are men. We are not at ease when you two girls go abroad to play."

Jing Huai also laughed, "Especially for such a beautiful girl. After all, the public security abroad is not as good as in China."

Zhuang Xiaoyue also looked at the two of them in surprise. The two of them dressed very casually and looked handsome, which was comparable to the models in the pictorial.

It's just... Cancan has had a very bad attitude towards his two older brothers since he lost his memory.

But the two older brothers were not angry, and still doted on her as always.

Even when she came out to play, she had to follow her for fear that she would not be safe.

"Have you two rented a villa?" Zhuang Xiaoyue looked at the two of them and looked at them curiously, "There have been a lot of villas renting recently, and now is the peak holiday season. After all, it's very cold in China..."

"So the two of us may have to squeeze with you two and live in a villa." Jingren said with a smile, "We are acquaintances after all, not to mention that there are three or four spare rooms in this villa. ."

"However, Xiaoyue and I rented this whole villa. We don't want to live with men, so you should live in other buildings." Jing Cancan glanced at him indifferently, "Big brother, second brother, I finally came out to play, can't you let me have a little fun?"

Don't come here to be a nuisance fly.

"Just to make you have a little more fun, that's why we came to accompany you actively." Jinghuai said and patted the door of the villa, "Hurry up and open the door, we are your brother, what can we do to you? Cancan , can't we still hurt you?"

Jing Cancan looked at them motionlessly.

Jinghuai had no choice but to look at Zhuang Xiaoyue again, "Miss Zhuang, please open the door, we are still quite tired from running all the way, so I brought some gifts for both Cancan and you."

As he said that, he took out two exquisite boxes from his suitcase, and handed one of them to Zhuang Xiaoyue. Zhuang Xiaoyue opened her eyes and widened her eyes in surprise, "This is...X winter limited edition. bracelet?"

"Yeah! Big brother and I grabbed two." Jing Huai said and gave the other one to Jing Cancan, "Cancan, you can't even reach out and hit the smiling man, are you really not letting us in?"

He has always known that Jing Cancan likes designer X's jewelry, so for this winter limited edition, he got two pieces from someone.

The reason is to get closer to Jing Cancan.

Jing Cancan didn't expect that the two of them even prepared gifts that she liked.

This bracelet is very difficult to grab. She has tried several times but failed to grab it, and was ready to give up.

Unexpectedly, this bracelet is placed in front of her eyes now.

Different from Zhuang Xiaoyue's joy and surprise.

It took her a while to withdraw her eyes reluctantly, "Second brother, thank you for your kindness. You should live elsewhere, I don't want to live with you."

Jing Huai and Jing Ren looked at each other disappointedly.

Jing Cancan still rejected them.

"But, I can invite you in for a cup of tea." With that, Jing Cancan opened the door and invited them in.

The originally disappointed two suddenly felt that the willows were dark and bright, and followed into the door of the villa.

The villa is two floors, the first floor is the living room and kitchen, and the second floor is the bedroom.

The decoration is very bohemian, and there is a seaside holiday feeling everywhere.

"The environment here is not bad." Jing Ren looked at the decoration and furniture, and saw Jing Cancan walking upstairs.

She was wearing a wide snow-white bath towel, and she only saw two slender and straight legs while walking, which was extremely attractive.

He couldn't help but darken his eyes.

There was an urge to tear her bath towel in her body.

But he held back.

Now he must find out as soon as possible the reason why he can no longer give her a confinement formation. He had learned a little bit from a master before, and he is best at this confinement formation.

But since she lost her memory, he found out... that his formation technique didn't work.

This time he must succeed, and he must seize this opportunity while his parents are not in front of him.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and started sending WeChat.

After sending it, he put the phone away without a trace.

Jing Cancan changed his clothes and went downstairs, and brought them drinks from the refrigerator, "There's only these here, nothing else."

The meaning is obvious, drink and leave immediately.

"Cancan. Are you hungry? Let's go eat." Zhuang Xiaoyue also changed her clothes and came over. She was wearing a yellow dress with very white skin.

Jing Cancan wore a pair of denim five-point pants and a tight vest, and her exquisite and elegant figure was extremely hot.

The eyes of Jing Huai and Jing Ren fell on her from time to time, and their eyes were on fire.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyue's words, Jingren said with great interest, "Yes, I heard that the local food is also good, why don't we go to the nearby food street?"

"I'll just go with Xiaoyue, you can play by yourself, you don't have to come with us." Jing Cancan said and pulled Zhuang Xiaoyue out.

The two girls walked out talking and laughing, Zhuang Xiaoyue opened the navigation and walked towards the food street.

Jing Ren and Jing Ren quickly followed.

The sun sets in the west, the afterglow sprinkles on the sea, and there are tall coconut trees by the roadside. The scenery is really beautiful and pleasant, making people feel relaxed and happy.

The food street on the island is not very far from the resort they rented, about a kilometer away.

When the four of them came to the food street, they saw the thick smoke of fireworks from a distance.

The sun had fallen below the horizon, darkness had set in, and night had fallen.

There are stalls on both sides of the food street, and many seafood products are made into delicacies in various forms.

As soon as I stepped into the food street, I was greeted with the aroma of food.

"Usually at home, my mother won't let me eat this kind of barbecue stall." Jing Cancan stared at the barbecue stall with excitement, "How about we have some? Two more beers, too down to earth."

"I didn't expect that such a high-looking island would have such a fireworks-filled food street. It's like the night market in our hometown." Zhuang Xiaoyue said and pulled Jing Cancan to sit next to a stall.

"Grilled squid, grilled snails..."

"Two pints of beer..."

"And this, this, and this... we all need it."

Zhuang Xiaoyue and Jing Cancan happily ordered a lot of seafood.

Jing Huai and Jing Ren also sat down at the same table with them.

"How can a girl drink outside?" Jing Ren frowned, looked at Jing Cancan displeased, and said earnestly, "Cancan, you never drink before."

"But now I just want to drink." Jing Cancan raised his eyebrows, a hint of rebelliousness flashed in his phoenix eyes.

It looks a little wild.

She had never been like this before... Jing Ren was stunned, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He found that Jing Cancan like this was **** more attractive!

"Brother, it's okay. Just drink some, it's rare to come out to play. Isn't there two of us? If the two of them drink too much, we'll carry them back." Jing Huai pulled La Jingren the corner of his clothes, signaling him not to stop him.

Jing Ren didn't speak any more, he took a sigh of relief and suppressed his beating heart.

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