"It's just a glass of beer, what is it?" Jing Cancan's voice was light, and he didn't take the brothers' words to heart.

As long as Zhuang Xiaoyue and her eat happily.

The boss made it very fast, and it didn't take long for the seafood they ordered to be brought to the table.

About half an hour later, the four of them stood up from the seafood stall, and Jing Huai settled the bill with great discernment.

Jing Cancan just glanced at him and dragged Zhuang Xiaoyue to the beach to ride the waves.

The shore at night has receded from the hot temperature of the day, and the sea breeze caressed, making people comfortable.

There are many people who come to the beach to play, and the noise is one after another.

Many tourists were playing with water rollers, which attracted Jing Cancan's attention. She pulled Zhuang Xiaoyue's arm, "Xiaoyue, look, that's pretty fun, let's go play."

"I've never played the roller before!" Zhuang Xiaoyue was also full of interest. She stared at the roller with wide eyes. There were basically children in their teens, and some seven or eight-year-old children, but there were also children in their teens. Sweet little couple.

Adults play relatively little.

As soon as the two girls appeared, they attracted the attention of a group of men.

Beautiful face, perfect body, people imagine.

The business of the roller is very good. The two girls found a roller. When they were about to go up, Jing Huai and Jing Ren also wanted to follow.

The boss said quickly, "You are tall and heavy, you can't go in. It's not safe."

The two men had to give up.

But soon new guests came. They were two men in their twenties. The boss pointed to the weight next to him and said, "Weigh yourself, it can't exceed one hundred and thirty pounds. If you are two people together, When riding, it's best not to have too much difference in weight."

"Individual tourists may experience dizziness and headaches after riding. It is recommended that after the sphere stops rolling, passengers should not get out of the sphere immediately, and should stop in the same place and be silent for two minutes."

The boss explained some precautions, and the drum started to move.

Jing Cancan and Zhuang Xiaoyue had a great time, and the clear laughter sounded from time to time.

Jing Ren and Jing Huai picked up their mobile phones and took a lot of photos for the two of them.

The two young men also entered the drum.

I don't know why their rollers are always chasing Zhuang Xiaoyue and Jing Cancan's rollers.

"Beauty, it's so soft in here, I don't know if your waists are soft, or if it's softer in here!" A flowing voice came through the drum.

Jing Cancan turned his head and saw the two young men, wearing disgusting flower shorts, sitting in the drum, smiling disgustingly.

They were deliberately sitting on the rollers, trying to get close to Jing Cancan and Zhuang Xiaoyue.

Jing Cancan glanced at it and looked away, not wanting to pay any attention to them.

Zhuang Xiaoyue also sneered coldly, "Cancan, let's stay away from them."

With that said, the two rolled in the other direction in the drum, quickly avoiding the two men.

"Oh, these two beauties really taste good!"

Another man said, "I like the little pepper type the most."

After he finished speaking, the two of them began to laugh very slyly. Wherever Jing Cancan and her rollers ran, they would immediately follow.

"Haha! Wait for the roller to come out, beautiful girl, can you walk with our brothers?"

"Ouch! Let us take good care of you at night."

There were almost all children in the surrounding drums. They all stopped and looked at the two men in shock.

There were also several couples who were so frightened that they hurried out of the drum, not wanting to cause trouble.

When some parents saw that the two men were not good people, they hurriedly told their children to stop playing.

At this moment, "What are you doing!" A cold shout came suddenly.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound in shock.

I saw that Jing Ren and Jing Huai rented a speedboat and rushed towards the rollers of Jing Cancan and Zhuang Xiaoyue.

The two men rammed into the drum where the two hooligans were without saying a word. The two hooligans were caught off guard and shouted in the drum.

"Ah! I'm so dizzy!"

"Grass! What's the matter with you? Why are you hitting us!"


The two hooligans were knocked into a daze in the drum, dizzy, and kept yelling.

After finally getting out of the drum, the two of them vomited into darkness.

"Hmph! You dare to hit my sister's idea, you are tired of living!" Jing Ren came over and kicked the two hooligans respectively.

Jing Huai stepped forward and grabbed one of them by the collar, bowed left and right, and slapped him twice.

He was hit so hard that gold stars appeared in his eyes, "Don't hit! Don't hit!"

"Don't hurry up!" Jingren kicked him again.

The two stumbled forward, supporting each other.

The two girls also got off the roller. Jing Cancan did not expect that Jing Huai and Jing Ren would come to the rescue. Although they beat the hooligans away, she was not very moved. She didn't know why she felt a little cold-blooded.

If it were another girl, I would be very moved, thank you very much.

But...she didn't.

There was no turbulence in her heart.

She just thanked them lightly, and Zhuang Xiaoyue also came over to thank them both.

Jing Cancan has no mood to play anymore, "Xiaoyue, let's go back."

"Chan Can..."

The Jing family brothers sent the two of them to the front of the villa, Jing Huai couldn't help but shouted to stop Jing Cancan.

Jing Cancan looked at him blankly, "Second brother, I'm sorry, I really can't live in your villa."

Saying that, she pulled Zhuang Xiaoyue directly to open the door of the villa and slammed it shut.

Zhuang Xiaoyue looked at her a little embarrassedly, "Cancan...they are your brothers and treat you very well. Is there any gap between the two of you? You used to be very dependent on them..."

"It used to be before, now it is now." Jing Cancan smiled and stroked his forehead, "Okay, I'm tired, so I'll go back to my room first."

What she didn't know was that after she and Zhuang Xiaoyue returned to the villa.

The Jing brothers lingered at the door for a while and then turned to leave.

After leaving, the two went directly into a remote alley. The two hooligans were waiting there. When they saw them, they nodded and bowed, "You two young masters, are we doing okay?"

"Not bad. This is your reward." Jing Ren threw a red envelope to them, "This matter is rotten to my stomach, and no one is allowed to say it."

"It must be sure." The two hooligans greedily opened the red envelope, and after seeing the thick bills inside, they said with great joy, "Thank you, thank you, remember to come to us if there is such a good thing in the future!"

"Get out!" Jing Huai shouted coldly.

The two quickly ran away with the money in their hands.

Jing Ren glanced at Jing Cancan's villa from a distance, and then entered the building next to them with Jing Huai.

The brothers had already rented this building for a lot of money. The previous guests didn't want to leave. Jingren directly gave the other party three times the remuneration.

In the dead of night, at midnight, the resort is quiet.

Jing Ren quietly walked out of the villa, and then came to the door of the villa where Jing Cancan lived, where he sat and started to form the formation.

After all, if you are at home, it is really bad if you are accidentally swept away by servants or parents. With his ability, it is not enough to hide from the eyes of everyone in the family.

He can only deploy when Jing Cancan is not at home.

Time passed little by little, and soon an hour passed.

Jing Ren's forehead was covered in sweat.

Damn it!

What happened to Jing Cancan? Why doesn't his formation work? And he also found that as time went by, not only did he become more and more tired, but his chest became more and more stuffy, and bursts of dizziness struck.

He could hardly hold on.

He gritted his teeth and finally had to give up.

He propped up his crumbling body and walked towards the villa next door.

As soon as he reached the door, a mouthful of blood gushed out of his throat.

He looked at the blood he spat out in disbelief, how could this happen?


How could he vomit blood after a while?

In the past, he didn't have any reaction when he attacked Jing Cancan, and he finished it easily. Why is it like this this time?

It seems that he needs to ask the master...

He suppressed the fresh blood that came up from his throat, and hurriedly stepped into the villa and rushed back to his room.

After drinking several sips of warm water, he finally felt better.

The chest is not so painful, but the body is still a little weak.

He closed his eyes, it seems that this place will not be long...

At this time, Ruan Su, who was far away in the H Empire, slowly opened his eyes in the dark night.

After attending Gu Sixue's bachelor party, she went straight to bed after returning from a busy day, but she didn't expect to feel a strong formation fluctuation at twelve o'clock.

And it was the fluctuations from the formation she cast, which disturbed her and had no way to rest, so she could only choose to wake up.

The other party tried to break her sealed memory array, and then gave Jing Cancan a new array.

Ruan Su sneered silently. In order to prevent the person hiding in the dark from doing this, she also set up a protective formation and a backlash formation on Jing Cancan.

As long as the other party wants to give Jing Cancan a new battle, he will inevitably suffer heavy losses.

Presumably... that person is now in pain.

After a while, after not feeling the fluctuation of the formation, Ruan Su knew that the man had flinched.

She slowly closed her eyes again and glanced at the sky outside. The moon was bright and the night was dark. She yawned and seemed to be able to sleep well.

Gu Sixue's bachelor party broke up halfway through. It was said that Dai Mubo's sister had an accident. That sister seemed to be called Dai Muya. Ruan Su had a relationship with her once. This sister is not a worry-free master. At that time, she held some celebrity study training classes to deceive some young models and small peripherals.

I don't know what happened, which made my sister-in-law's bachelor party break up unhappily.

Ruan Su thought so wildly, and gradually fell into sleep again.

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