Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 949: Wedding dog blood scandal!

the next day.

The sun is shining and the weather is fine.

It was a good day in early spring, and it was also the day when Gu Sixue and Dai Mubo got married.

Because it is early spring, it is warm and cold.

Ruan Su wore a thin coat with an evening dress inside.

Bo Xingzhi wore a silver-gray suit, because it was a wedding event, so he didn't wear a heavy color to show respect.

After getting out of the car, Ruan Su closed his coat, feeling the coolness still blowing towards his face.

She then put her arm around the arm of the man beside her, who was warm like a stove.

"I should have known that I should put on a down jacket outside." Bo Xingzhi looked down at her with a hint of worry in his eyes, "Be careful not to catch a cold."

"Probably not, my physique is good." Ruan Su smiled and frowned, "Hurry in."

Because the weather was still cold, the wedding venue was chosen in a hotel instead of an outdoor wedding.

After all, the guests who come to the wedding will basically choose to wear formal dresses, and the dresses are all thin summer styles. If men and women are outdoors, they will catch cold and freeze.

Taking into account the weather in this regard, the wedding was set in the hotel.

As soon as you step into the lobby on the first floor, you are greeted with warmth.

The central air conditioner is turned on in the hall, and the warm wind caresses the body and feels good.

The Gu family and the Dai family are also wealthy families. They are not considered top families in the capital, but they are still ranked.

Therefore, the guests who came were almost all the big bosses and nobles in the capital.

When Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi stepped in, they found many familiar faces, including some former partners of China Southern Airlines and Bo Group.

When these bosses saw the husband and wife, their eyes lit up. Bo Xingzhi used to be known to everyone in the H Empire. Never thought that he was the son of the president of the M country. That's incredible!

A higher level of identity than when he was in the H Empire.

It's just that after he went to the M country, he rarely returned to the H empire.

So it's rare to see him. I didn't expect him to come to attend Dai Mubo and Gu Sixue's wedding, which really saved Dai and Gu's parents.

These bosses were also very excited and immediately gathered around to say hello to Bo Xingzhi.

"Che, it's not the president's son, what's so amazing." Dai Muya sat in the corner wearing a delicate and enchanting bright red dress, holding a glass of champagne in her hand.

It is obvious that today's bride is Gu Sixue, but her sister-in-law is dressed in fancy dress, especially this bright red dress is particularly eye-catching and attracts a lot of attention.

This... It's not like a little sister-in-law, but it seems to be a mess.

"Mr. Dai, the president's son must be very powerful, right? Why did he come to attend Dai Shao's wedding?" A girl named Zhang Ziya, a student in Dai Muya's ancient style and female morality training class, asked her in a low voice.

"What's so powerful? He's not the president. I don't know if he is the heir!" Dai Muya pouted, her eyes full of disdain. "Gu Sixue is his subordinate, and my brother is his good brother. No matter which one gets married, he will come to participate."

Last time, she took a group of students from the celebrity training class to take pictures in the hotel, but she was disturbed by Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi.

At that time, she was furious, and she was slapped in the face, and the group of students also asked for refunds and did not follow her to learn the way of being a socialite.

As a result, she could only get an ancient women's virtue training class, to train some tea ceremony, ancient etiquette, or to spread some women's ring, three obedience and four virtues and other niche training classes, which simply didn't make any money.

However, there are also some women with brain disabilities who will come over to learn these things, thinking that they want to return to the ancient ladies.

In her heart, she felt that there was something wrong with these women, but she still collected money faster than the money counter.

After more than half a year of hard work, this ancient style female morality training class has been very effective, and she is quite proud.

She felt that she was no worse than Gu Sixue. Isn't Gu Sixue just good at playing computer games?

Brother is really blind, look at her.

She felt that Gu Sixue was not worthy of her perfect brother at all.

A wicked smile flashed in Dai Muya's eyes, and she was waiting to watch the show.

When I saw how that **** Gu Sixue ended.

There are so many guests at the wedding scene, when the time comes... whether this marriage will be successful, I still don't know!

The Xie family also came to attend the wedding, Li Yanbei came by himself, Ji Youyou is now the leader of the Middle East, and she is really busy.

The people from the Cheng family also came. Mr. Cheng and his three sons, Cheng Ziyin and his mother did not come.

Rather than embarrassing.

When Mr. Cheng saw Ruan Su, he was very excited, "Ruan...ah, are you doing? Our family's business..."

Ruan Su interrupted him, "Cheng...Grandpa." Anyway, when his mother was living abroad, it was Mr. Cheng who picked her up and raised her as an adult.

No matter how the Cheng family squeezed and used the mother to bring the Cheng family to a higher level, or drove the mother out of the Cheng family, but... he did nurture the mother.

And now that Ruan Su has returned to the Ye family, it can be regarded as a relief to the Cheng family.

Although she didn't have a good impression of the Cheng family, when she thought that this was an old man who had raised her mother, she always felt an inexplicable sadness in her heart.

"Are you willing to call me grandpa?" Mr. Cheng's eyes suddenly turned red, and he almost burst into tears. But no matter what he said, he was an old man and knew what the occasion was. "Xiao Su, I'm sorry for your mother and you!"

"I don't need to talk about the past." Ruan Su said lightly, "I have something to ask you."

Mr. Cheng immediately followed her to the side, "as long as you ask, as long as you want to know, I will not hide it."

Ruan Su didn't ask much, just asked some mother Cheng Jinfeng's usual life and what she had done.

"She is a genius. She is very easy to do anything and learns very quickly. She has a very high IQ and is also a good businessman." Mr. Cheng said with emotion, "She is proficient in everything, as if There is no one in this world that she can't. Except...she was unmarried and pregnant, I was really angry, and felt that she lived up to my expectations of her. I...angrily kicked her out..."

"Xiao Su, the Cheng family still has some of your mother's relics. I have kept them all these years. I will send someone to fetch them." Mr. Cheng made a phone call at home.

Now, he couldn't trust his sons at all, so he hit the housekeeper directly. The housekeeper has followed him for decades and is the person he trusts the most.

The wedding has not yet started, and the guests are all chatting with each other and chatting with each other.

Bo Xingzhi saw from a distance that Mr. Cheng and Ruan Su didn't know what to say in the corner. He knew that his mother had always been Ruan Su's heart, and it should be related to her mother.

He guessed so secretly in his heart and heard Xie Yuan's voice, "The wedding is about to start."

"It should be." After Bo Xingzhi took a sentence, he glanced at the big screen, and saw that some things like Dai Mubo and Gu Sixue's love journey and love photos were being played on it.

It's no surprise that these are played at almost any wedding.

After playing for a while, the emcee stepped onto the stage and started to say some welcome speeches, and then the wedding started in an orderly manner.

Dai Mubo entered first, holding a bouquet of bright roses in his hands and standing at the end of the red carpet. At this moment, the bride was invited!

The bride, Gu Sixue, was wearing a white wedding dress and stepped onto the red carpet with her father's arm.

"Our beautiful bride is walking towards our groom! Welcome everyone!" The emcee's loud voice sounded.

There was a burst of applause.

Immediately after, Gu Sixue walked to Dai Mubo's side.

The master of ceremonies said some words of life and death, and then asked the bridegroom and bride whether they would like to share weal and woe with each other? This is a ceremonial question that is asked at almost every wedding.

Gu Sixue looked at Dai Mubo with emotion, and Dai Mubo looked at her affectionately.

The wedding dress on her body is beautiful and dazzling. In Dai Mubo's eyes, she is the most beautiful bride in the world. He was wearing a white suit and dress today. He was tall and imposing even more.

When they heard the emcee say "exchange rings", the two of them took out the rings almost at the same time.

But at this moment, the big screen that had been playing their love story came a blushing woman's tender, groaning, "Ah-oh-" constantly echoed throughout the hall.

Almost everyone at the wedding scene stared at the big screen in shock.

Ruan Su blinked, looking at the eighteen bans on the big screen.

The girl seems to be Gu Sixue? That man...isn't Dai Mubo? He seems to be pretty ugly and has a bad figure.

This...isn't possible? Who didn't know that Gu Sixue from the Sixth Division liked his boss Bo Xingzhi?

She later fell in love with Dai Mubo, and after letting go of Bo Xingzhi...

So how can a woman like this fuck? And there's a high probability that Gu Sixue wouldn't like such an ugly man, right?

If you mess around, you have to find a handsome cow, Lang?

There was a lot of discussion in the hall, "What's the situation? The bride is so disrespectful?"

"I'm sloppy? Did I make a mistake? What did I see? The bride's figure... I can see it all at a glance?"

"This naked bride? And this pose is also very cool!"

"Dai Shao, is this a cuckold?"

Gu Sixue stood beside Dai Mubo. When she saw the picture on the big screen, her eyes widened in shock and her face was pale.

The brain went blank for a while.

"This... what's going on?"

She looked at Dai Mubo in a panic. "Husband, you believe me."

"Why do you make my brother believe you? You have done such a scandal, and you still want my brother to marry you?" A sarcastic voice came from the audience.

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