Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 950: I am innocent! Who the **** did it!

Almost everyone's attention was immediately drawn to this voice.

I saw Dai Muya walking towards the center of the stage in a bright red dress.

With delicate makeup on her face, her expression was full of disdain and contempt, "As my brother's fiancée, you don't abide by women's morals, women's rules, women's precepts, three obedience and four virtues, and you ruin women's virtue and reputation. It's a shame for our Dai family."

"I advise you to go to my female Durban and be taught by our teacher for three years before coming out."

Dai Muya glanced at Gu Sixue's white wedding dress with contempt. She had to admit that Gu Sixue was beautiful and elegant, wearing a white wedding dress that was beautiful and elegant.

Even if he could wear the bright red that is only available to the concubine of the palace, it would not be able to compare to Gu Sixue's snow white.

The two were like red roses and white roses, standing beside Dai Mubo.

Gu Sixueqiao's face was full of panic, she looked at Dai Mubo at a loss, "Husband, believe me, I really don't have it, this is not me..."

"Don't argue. How could this not be you? The woman in this video shows her face, isn't this face you?" Dai Muya pointed to the big screen and said, "This video was seen by so many people present. Don't you feel ashamed? I'm all ashamed for the Gu family and the Dai family. We've been in bad luck for eight lifetimes before we met a woman like you."

Gu Sixue's face was so pale that she didn't dare to look at the big screen, and she begged the staff in a broken way, "It's not like this, it's really not like this! Turn it off, please turn it off! Don't let it play again!"

Dai's father also came over in shock and looked at Gu Sixue in disbelief, "Sixue, I always thought you were an innocent and well-bred girl, from the same family as our Dai family. How could you do such a thing? We are disappointed!"

"Dad, listen to my explanation, this is not me at all." Gu Sixue tried to prove her innocence, but she was so powerless.

"Explain? Do you think we are blind? This woman is not who you are? Don't make up for me that the actress who made the small film looks exactly like you, I don't believe it!" Dai's father scolded angrily Dao, the disgrace of their Dai family today is all thanks to this woman.

He was so angry that he wanted to kick Gu Sixue out.

"Crack!" A fierce slap slapped on Gu Sixue's face, and Gu's mother trembled with anger, "You have ruined the reputation of our Gu family. Sixue, why are you so mean?"

"Mom!" Gu Sixue covered her swollen face, tears streaming from her eyes instantly. She never thought that her mother didn't believe her, and the first person who came to beat her and scold her the most was her biological mother.

"I didn't, I really didn't..." Gu Sixue cried and explained, but no one believed her.

She stood there helplessly, feeling as sad as if she had been abandoned by the whole world.

"Sister-in-law, Xue'er is not that kind of person at all. Don't you know what your child is like?" Gu Yan saw that Gu Sixue was beaten, and quickly grabbed the angry mother Gu. She was Gu Sixue's little aunt and Lei Guan. A technology executive, how could she just watch her child get beaten?

Mother Gu raised her hand and wanted to hit Gu Sixue again, "The facts are in front of you, and you said good things to her. Our Gu family's face has been disgraced! How can I still have the face in the capital in the future?"

As she said that, she rushed towards Gu Sixue, "If I don't kill her today, I will treat her as a shameful daughter without her."

When Dai Muya saw this scene, she felt so relieved.

Bitch, if you insist on marrying my brother, this is your end.


"Sister-in-law, Sixue is still pregnant with a child... Don't be impulsive!" Gu Yan shouted at Father Gu while pulling her mother, "Brother, please hold my sister-in-law!"

Father Gu sighed heavily and turned his face away.

Gu Sixue stood there, looking at her parents with tears in her eyes, "You don't even believe me..."

At this moment, a warm big palm suddenly held her hand.

She raised her hazy teary eyes and looked at Dai Mubo for a moment, only to see the man speak with a firm expression, "You are my wife, I believe in you. Since you said that the woman is not you, it must not be you."

When he said this, the crowd suddenly roared.

Dai Muya, who was originally complacent, looked at Dai Mubo in shock and screamed, "Brother! This woman betrayed you, she made such a peach-colored video, you still believe her? What did she feed you? Ecstasy soup? Are you crazy?"

Dai Mubai held Gu Sixue's hand firmly, each word was sonorous and powerful, "I know in my heart whether I am crazy or not, and I also believe that the person next to me will not deceive me or betray me. My child, what I want to know more is who is so vicious to sabotage my wedding and ruin my wife's reputation. I will definitely investigate to the end."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone, "I have reported this matter to the police on the Internet just now. I believe the police will return my wife's innocence."

Dai Muya never thought that Dai Mubo chose to call the police to investigate who was behind it, and chose to trust Gu Sixue.

She was so angry that her liver hurts and her lungs hurt everywhere.

"I have found the evidence." At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

People automatically parted ways, only to see a woman in a lavender dress walking slowly to the stage holding a tall man, Ruan Su raised the small USB flash drive in her hand, "This is the peach-colored video that was installed just now. , I just went to take it out."

As soon as she raised her hand, Cheng Ye walked to the stage with a laptop.

"What is Ruan Su going to do?"

"What evidence did she find?"

"I don't know! I heard she's a computer expert..."

"I also had a fight with my aunt and nephew Gu Sixue and Gu Yan in the six places."


There was a lot of discussion.

Gu Sixue also stared blankly at Ruan Su, not understanding what she was going to do.

Ruan Su had already turned on the laptop at this time and inserted the USB flash drive into the laptop's USB jack.

Her slender fingers kept tapping on the keyboard. To everyone's shock, the computer was even projected onto the big screen.

You can clearly see what she is doing.

"She seems to be... restoring the video? And also found the source of the video?"

Someone who understands computer is explaining to everyone in a low voice.

Gu Sixue didn't know why, but after seeing Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi come to power, her heart without a master suddenly seemed to have found the backbone, and she slowly calmed down.

Only then did she start to think about how to deal with this matter.

With your own computer level, it is easy to restore a video that has been processed by P.

But just now she was immersed in pain and collapse, and she didn't think of this trick at all.

Ruan Su restored the edited video bit by bit in front of everyone.

As she restored, she said, "This video was worn by others, and the heroine of the original video was not Gu Sixue at all."

After restoring it, everyone found that the original face of the woman in the video was not at all different from Gu Sixue.

"My God!"

"so amazing!"

Before everyone was shocked, they saw that Ruan Su had found a video similar to Gu Sixue's video on a small foreign film website.

"Everyone can see clearly that the source of this original video is on this website, and you can watch it carefully. The movements of the men and women and the sounds made are all exactly the same as this processed video."

Even if the men and women in the video did something shameful, Ruan Su didn't change his face, as calm as he was in biology class.

Her voice was cold, but her words were clear.

The video projected on the big screen is also very clear, everyone is shocked again!

A new wave of discussion broke out in the crowd.

"Miss Gu is really innocent."

"Oh, Ruan Su is really 666."

"It's too violent."

"I admire you."

"It seems that we all misunderstood Gu Sixue."

The faces of the Gu Dais and the two families softened a little at this time. After the matter was clarified, everyone was obviously relieved.

Mother Gu looked at Gu Sixue's swollen half face with embarrassment and sadness, "Sixue... Mom was in a hurry just now, you..."

"Mom, don't talk about the past." Gu Sixue interrupted her, she didn't want to mention it or listen to her mother's explanation.

But her heart froze at that moment.

Her biological mother is not as good as my aunt Gu Yan... She just thought it was too ironic.

Dai Muya watched Ruan Su restore the video and found the source of the video, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth. How could this Ruan Su ruin her good things time and time again!

damn it!

She planned it for so long!

There was a clutter of footsteps, and then several police officers appeared at the wedding banquet. "We received a report that someone deliberately slandered and spread the peach blossom video."

"We also received a call that someone framed Young Master Gu!"

"Who is Dai Muya?"

Dai Muya said inexplicably, "I am, what's wrong?"

"Oh, you are a criminal suspect, go back with us and cooperate with the investigation." A policeman walked over and put handcuffs on her hand.

She cursed angrily, "Are you sick? How could I be a criminal suspect? You caught the wrong one!"

"They didn't catch it wrong." Ruan Su smiled lightly, "I just traced the historical record from this USB flash drive, and this record happens to be on your computer."

Saying that, she tapped on the computer for a while with both hands.

Dai Muya was shocked to find that Ruan Su was actually connected to the computer in her room...

Ruan Su opened a document on Dai Muya's computer desktop, which happened to be some copywriting and other materials of the female morality training class.

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