Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 951: Chilling! Slap in the face!

"Obviously, this is your computer." Ruan Su then retrieved some historical records of the USB flash drive from her computer, including this peach-colored video.

Dai Mubo stared at Dai Muya with disgust, with hatred in his eyes.

"I treat you well. Although you are not my biological sister, I have never treated you badly. I have never treated you badly. I have always treated you as my relatives. You hurt my wife so much! You are too much! It chills me."

"What do you know?" After Dai Muya felt Dai Mubo's disgust and disgust, her whole body was in a state of collapse.

She widened her eyes sternly, her eyes almost popped out and shouted, "It's not all because of you, I'm all for your own good!"

"For me? You are so ridiculous!" Dai Mubo felt that she was simply unreasonable. "I'm hurting my wife for my own good? I tell you, I will only be well if my wife is well!"

"She's not worthy of you at all! A woman like her grabs a lot of people on the street. Brother, listen to my advice, she really can't." Dai Muya was as stunned as the devil, "There are excellent people in this world. There are too many women! Why do you have to love her?"

"Whoever I love is my freedom." Dai Mubo was so irritated that he didn't want to talk to Dai Muya anymore, he said directly to the police, "Please take her away."

"No, I'm not leaving!" Dai Muya roared frantically.

Gu Sixue stepped forward and walked in front of Dai Muya and looked at her puzzled, "Dai Muya, why are you unbalanced in your heart? Your brother and I are in love with each other, and we both love each other. Our parents didn't stop us, why? Is it your turn to yell at your sister here?"

She really didn't understand why Dai Muya didn't like her sister-in-law.

This is the first time she has seen such a radical sister-in-law.

There are also many people around who are married, and there are sisters and sisters in the husband's family, but... it's rare that Dai Muya is as extreme as this.

"You! Why should I tell you, do I need a reason to hate you?" Dai Muya sternly said, "You are not even worthy of carrying my shoes with me. In my eyes, you are a foot-washing maid!"

"Bah!" As she said that, she spat at Gu Sixue.

"Haha—" Ruan Su sneered, "I'll tell you why. Because...she is a stepsister..." Before she could finish her words, Dai Muya interrupted her loudly, "What are you going to say? You want to be wronged. What am I?"

"Do you still need me to wrong you? You can't see your sleazy thoughts. Do you think I can't see it?" Ruan Su looked at her lightly and directly opened a folder on Dai Muya's computer. , everyone was shocked when they saw that folder!

There are actually all photos of Dai Mubo!

If these photos were just ordinary photos, it would be fine. Many of them were when Dai Mubo was sleeping, wearing pajamas, or some of them were simply wearing their upper body and only wearing shorts. The good figure of the man with eight-pack abs was unobstructed at a glance...or some He just came out of the shower, only wearing a bath towel... All these photos were taken in Dai Mubo's room.


Dai Mubo frowned and looked at these private photos of himself, and suddenly became furious, "You actually took pictures of me secretly!"

"These photos are obviously a surveillance camera installed in your room, and the camera is very secretive and has not been discovered by you." Ruan Su raised her eyebrows and opened another folder, almost all of which were videos.

She opened it at will, and the camera clearly showed that Dai Mubo entered the room, then sat on the bed and played with her mobile phone. After playing for a while, she started to read basketball magazines, and after reading it, she went to take a shower...

Dai Muya stood there as if she had been stripped naked, and the secret deep in her heart was revealed to everyone by Ruan Suchi. She looked at Dai Mubo in panic and fear, "Brother, listen to my explanation, things are not what she said."

"Brother, I didn't, she's the blame! She's the blame! I'm innocent! She's a computer expert, isn't it easy for her to take some pictures of you?"

She screamed loudly, her voice piercing.

"Is there any misunderstanding here? Mu Ya and Mu Bo have always had a good relationship, and Mu Ya will definitely not do such a thing." Dai Muya's mother Liushen Wuzhu opened her mouth, trying to argue for her daughter. What do you do after you go to jail?

Not to mention her bad reputation, who would dare to marry her in the future?

A woman with a criminal record.

"You're right, how could Mu Ya put surveillance cameras in your room? You are her brother." Dai's father also said to Dai Mubo earnestly, "Mubo, you are a big brother, so you should give more to everything. Focus on your sister. I think... Today is the big day for you and Si Xue, so don't be so ugly."

After saying this, he said to the police, "Comrade, look... this is our family matter, so please let my daughter go. She's a girl, what can I do after she goes to jail?"

Dai Mubai looked at Dai's father with chills, he was clearly his biological son, but this father was very fond of Dai Muya's stepdaughter, and taught him to take care of his sister since he was a child.

At that time, Dai Muya's mother was Xu Xian, and she gave birth to a daughter with her ex-husband. When she married Dai's father, the daughter also took Dai's surname and was raised as the daughter of the Dai family.

Now even if Dai Muya does such a thing, Dai's father can shamelessly ask himself to tolerate Dai Muya!

It's so ridiculous.

Dai Mubo was already numb, and he thought that he would no longer feel pain or sadness for his father's partiality, but now he only feels irony.

"Such a pervert, a neurotic and paranoid woman, you are holding it like a baby. Would a normal sister do such a perverted and terrible thing? Will she monitor her brother? And then hate her sister-in-law? If so It's not because she has abnormal feelings for me, so what else could it be?"

Dai Mubo could not wait to slap Dai Muya to death, even looking at her would make his eyes dirty.

Gu Sixue swallowed her saliva quietly, agreeing with what Dai Mubo said.

This Dai Muya looks like a dog, but only a pervert can do it.

In particular, she is always full of female virtues and female training, which seems really ironic now.

Dai's father and Dai Muya's mother were speechless by Dai Mubo's words, especially Dai's father's face was as black and red as a pig's liver.

Dai Muya's mother looked even more embarrassed.

It's really a shame that my own daughter does such an ugly thing...

"You are so full of virtues and virtues. I wonder how your students will react when they find out about this?" Gu Sixue looked at Dai Muya mockingly, "Comrade police officer, I suggest banning her daughter. Durban, this cancer left over from feudal society should be banned."

"We are already investigating the matter of the female Durban, and we have received a report that Dai Muya's female Durban is also educating on foot binding, which is not in line with the current social development." The police nodded, "So, Dai Muya, Please come with us."

If the investigation is clear, no matter what happened to Dai Muya, she could end up in prison for several years.

Female Durban - spreading cult ideas.

Installed Surveillance - Invasion of Privacy.

Play Peachy Video - Spread Peachy Sin.

Slandering and framing Gu Sixue - the crime of slander.

Ha ha - Ruan Su sneered inwardly.

It's really ridiculous for Miss Dai's family to be so clueless.

"If I don't go, what evidence do you have to arrest me? Ruan Su hacked my computer? Who knows if she hacked my computer? If you don't investigate, just arrest me. You are going too far!" Dai Mu Yaguan tried to struggle to the death and kept resisting.

But her strength was simply not enough to see in front of the tall police, so she was taken away directly.

The lively wedding banquet was silent, and no one spoke.

This... is more like a farce and a dog-blood drama, which is more brilliant than those dog-blood family ethics dramas filmed in the entertainment industry.

In the end, Ruan Su let out a low laugh, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"The ring exchange hasn't ended yet! I'm a little hungry. After watching your ceremony, I want to have a banquet quickly!"

"Yes, yes, Miss Ruan is right." Mother Gu quickly took over and said to the emcee, "Please continue to officiate the wedding."

The emcee finally woke up and started the next process.

There were still a lot of programs originally planned, but because this happened, I simplified it and finished it quickly.

After the ceremony was finally over, the master of ceremonies stepped aside.

Having hosted so many weddings, this one is the scariest.

The wedding banquet began immediately, and the guests began to sit down and taste the wedding banquet. Because it was a Western-style wedding banquet, the meals were almost always in the form of a buffet.

There are red wine and champagne, as well as a lot of pastries and some western dishes of all kinds.

There are also some Chinese-style meals to satisfy all kinds of tastes.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi sat at a table, and the man brought some Ruan Su's favorite meals, "I have handed over the evidence of the Dai family to the police."

He had already sent his people to get Dai Muya's computer and the surveillance camera in Dai Mubo's room.

"It's hard work." Ruan Su smiled at him, "I didn't expect it to be like this."

The other guests were also quietly discussing the matter while eating.

Because the Gu and Dai families are also considered famous families, there are many reporters and media at the scene.

These reporters and media have never seen such a crazy thing, and they have made the most real and timely reports directly.

Sure enough, this incident set off a storm on the Internet.

Jiang Xinyu yawned and sat beside Ruan Su, "Boss, why are you so mighty!"

Xie Jinyan and Li Zhuoyan also came over, "It's really good! My heart is shaking."

Li Zhuoyan smiled a little shyly, "Sister, how can you be so fierce? Check it out so clearly."

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